May 18 1922 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE ' How to Invest. I you have saved enough money with which to buy a Canadian Government or Municipal Bond consult this bank and obtain free information as to the particular offering best suited to your needs. Standard Service gives impartial investment intelli- gence gladly on request. THE *** FLESHERTON BRANCH, . C T. BATTY, Manager. Blanches also at and Holland Centre. CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station aa Hows : Going Snath Going North 7.55 a. m. 11.52 a.m. 4.80 p.m. 9.30p. m. The mails are osen at Flesherton as follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 6 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. Fcr morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. ; VICINITY CHIPS Come to Flesherton June 3rd. Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling returned from Toronto on Friday . For Sale A quantity of seed buck- wheat J. F. Collinson, Ceylon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mciulay of Walk- erton and two children spent the week end with his mother here. NOTICE No fishing or trespassing on lot 25, 26, 27, Con. 6, Artemesia Lev Beits, Flesherton. MM. Thurston left on Wednesday of this week to visit her sister, Mrs. Howe, at Yonkers, N.Y. The regular meeting of L.O.L. 2855 Come to Flesherton June 3rd. Dr. Murray is Installing a radiophone. Mr. George Richardson of Toronto is visiting friends here. Masters Ernest and Jack Armstrong of Toronto are visiting relatives here. Flushed. on ball team goes to Dundalk for the 24th of May. Bert Fawcett and Mrs. McNally took a trip to Collingwood and Clarksburg over the week end. For Sale Five tons of timothy hay, also 75 bushels fall wheat C. C. Akina, >RR3 Proton. Phone 41 -1.2 ! Mr. James Lane of Lucknow bu been i the <, of his brother in-law, Mr, Win. , Caswell, Messrs. Wm. Bentham and Fred Sheppard of Toronio are on a fishing jaunt in this vicinity. A cake sale will be held by the Presby- terian Ladies' Aid on Saturday sftsrnoon nex' at 2 o'clock at Wm. Moore's. Notice No fishing or trespassing on lots 24 and 25, Con. 8. Artemesia Wm. Walker, Eugenia. Mr. D. McTavish received word on elder sister, Mrs. of cancer at her Friday last that his Kate Harr, had died home In Buffalo. Flesherton and Ceylon played an exhi- bition game on the grounds here on M. mil iy evening and tho former won by will be held in Clayton's hall evening, May IS, at 8 p.m. Mt. R. N. Cornfield and his orchestra of Toronto gave music at a dance held in the high school on Friday night last. We have not heard of any new speci~ i Thursday 9 to 7. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson of Feversham visited over the week end with J. J. Thompson and other friends in town. Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Adams and tnens beins added to the sideahow at wife of Woodstock visited with the for- Pheasant Island during the past week. mer's parents here over the week end. Found On Glenelg Fishing Club The latter Blends to stay for a couple of grounds pair of spectacles in cose. Apply roonths. to Dan McPhee U R , Markdale. O. W. Phillips. B. Welton and Clerk W. J. Bellamy attended th Hydro meting in Durham on Monday. Dr. McWilliam of Dundalk will make weekly p "fessional visits to the Munsbaw House, Eugenia, on Tuesdays and Fri- days from 2 to 4 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Inglis. si-., Mr. and Mrs. Inglls jr., and Mr. Vic Inglis, of Owen Sound, spjut Sunday at Mr. George Mitchell's. When in Owen Sound haveT your meals at the Y.M.C.A. cafateria, 940 Isl; avenue West. Open to jien aa well as women. 3inmo Mothers' Day was observed on Sunday when sermons appropriate to the occasion were given in each of the churches, Floral decorations added to the attrac- tiveness of the day. The party who was fined |200 and here last week, and whose truck wag put In cold storage until the emetic worked, redeemed his property on Friday last and gassed off south again . Mr. and Mrs. Will Savage f th 8 Queen's Hotel, Orangeville, and Mr. anson and Miss Moore, also of Orange- ville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrr O. W. Phillips. The party praised the road making in this district. Mrs. James Kester and daughter, Mrs. Willard (nee Flo Powell), of Boston, are visiting with Mrs. B. Welton and other old time friends here. It is 30 years sine* Mrs. Kester removed with her family from here. Many acquaintances of past yeara were pleased to meet them. Mr. W. C. Haoley of the 8th line received the sad news last week of tbe death of an old friend, Mr. Hamilton Heiron of Owen Sound. Mr. Herron, with tbe rest of the family, lived on the A meeting of the Kimberley Poultry Association will be held in the reading room of the Community Ball,Kimberley, Friday, May 19, at 8 p m K. W. Law- rence, Sec. Tbe Eugenia Methodist church is holding a garden party on May 24th in the park, ball game and other sports, supper served from 5.30 to 8 o.clock. Admission 40 and 20c. Commencing Monday May 15th, all live stock must be delivered to the ship- ping point on Monday instead of Tuesday owing to a change In the C. P. R. freight erv ice schedule. H. SporTord. Eugenia. Kimberley intends to celebrate the 3d A program of sports, of sports, etc., for which further an- il I be mada later. Con- of June. will be given, nouncements i -rt i the evening. Celebration in aid of the Memorial Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fawcett of To- ronto, formerly of Kimberley, are on an extended trip to Mrs. Fawcett'i old home in Ireland. Rob has been in the employ of the Steel Co. of Canada for some years and has been given leave of absence with pay. Tbe cattle belonging to G. Uarbottle that were lost two weeks ago while driv- ing them to the station, were recaptured on Monday in the swamp between J, Adams' and H. Carrington's, west of tno village. Each animal had lost nearly 200 pounds in weight and were in a bad condition. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church held their annual election of officers, when the following were appoint* ed : Pres, Mrs Moore ; 1st Vice Pres, MM Armstrong ; 2nd Vice Pres, Mrs Wilcock ; Sec, Mrs Hickling ; Treasurer, Mrs Heard ; Parsonage Com, Mesdames Mitchell and Miller; Auditors.Mesdaraes Thurston and Hawken. On Thursday afternoon May 4th, the farm now owned by Garnle Magee, 8th Ceylon Branch of the Woman's Institute, line Artemeei*. afterwards moving t j heM fcoeir anmw i mee ,i n)< t the home Owen Sound where he joined the police force, where ha remained until a few years before his death. He leaves a widow, three daughters and ooe son. of Mrs Arruwsuiith. When the officers for this year were elected: R K Gibson; 1st Vice-Pros, Pres, Mrs Mrs Geo. Rev. William F. Nelson, who supplied the pulpit of tbe Flesherton Baptist church last summer, has attended for the past year the Theological Semtnaiy of Rochester, N.Y. During the year to tias supplied churches in Buffalo, Uooh- ester and New York olty. For the com- ing summer he will be the acting pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian church, Rochester. This is one of the larger churches of the city, having a member- ship of over seven hundred, and raising a budget of over $95,000. For the last two years the church has been without a pastor, and during that time has been supplied by Prof. Brown, M.A., B D., Ph. D.,aud Prof. E. W. Parsons, M. Snell; 2ud Vice, Mrs StelU Wright; Sec-Treas, Ella Whittaker; D strict dir- ector, Mrs Geo. Snell; Directors, Mrs Geo. Arrowsmith, Mrs T.T. Lyooss, Mis Purdy; Auditor*, Mrs) White, Ai*na M.ioMUliu. Total Receipts for year ei.ilinx May 31st, $204.25. Total ex p nditures, $186.70; balance on hand, I18&5. T. J. Jackson of tho Jaokson Mfg. Co, was tried here Monday afternoon on a charge of misrepresentation of the amount of his liabilities/says the Durham Chronicle. Evidenee was heard before Magistrate Creasor and County Attorney C. J. Dyer, and Jaakson was committed for trial at the Assiie Court in Owen A., B.D , Ph.D., both of the Seminary. ' Sound next month. More Fish At Eugenia Reserve 150,000 Young Fish Dumped in the Waters of the Eugenia Reserve Saturday Afternoon In the presence of several visitors S. Mills, Minister of Mines and Forests ; D. McDonald, Deputy Minister of Game and B isheries ; Geo. M. Leeson, mem- ber for South Grey in the Legisla- ture, and A. W. McLeod, supervisor of hatcheries, on Saturday afternoon last poured the first cans of the second ship- ment of fish to be put into the waters of the Eugenia reserve. The shipment, consisting of 150,000 fish, was dumped into the waters and are only part of a government program to plant 300,000,000 fish into the waters of Ontario this year. Altogether 50 cans containing the young '.trout were brought to Flesnerton station on Satuiday morning from the government hatcheries at Sault Ste. Marie and are of the Nipigon variety. Tlie C.P.R. donated a special car for the ; transportation of the fish from the Soo to Flesherton station nnd then taken the eight miles to the Eugenia reserve by inutor truck. Some cans were dumped at Cameron's sideroad, some more in the Black Creek at Thus. Howard's and tbe remainder at the dam in Eugenia. A large shipment of the same variety of trout were put in a year ago. It takes one year for these fish to grow to be three to five inches in length and in three yeara seven inches long when they begin to spawn. Moving pictures were taken by the Pathe Mewa Service of the operations and these will be shown in the big centres soon. House Furnishings Now is the time for house cleaning, and after that is done your attention will naturally turn to your house furnishing needs. We can help you both in house cleaning and house furnishing as our stock is more complete than ever. Brandram-Henderson Paints in 36 shades ; China Lac, a varnish stain for wood ; Fresconette, a flat finish for all surfaces ; Frescotta an improved wall finish ; Floor and Linoleum Varnishes ; . Floor Paints ; Porch Floor Paints : Crack and Seam Filler ; Stove Pipe Enamel ; Raw and Boiled Oil ; Turpentine ; Paint, Varnish and Kalsomine Brushes. Linoleum, 4 yasds wide, block or floral patterns ; Linoleum and Congoleum Art Squares ; Floor Oilcloth in one and two yard widths Stair Oilcloth in different widths ; Grass Verandah Mats, 3 sizes ; Seamless Tapestry Carpet Squares, 3x4, 3x3 1-2, 3x3, 2 1-2x3, Scrim Curtains, reaby to hang, new designs ; Bungalow nets, white, cream and ecru ; Cretonnes ; Chiutzes ; Art Sateens ; Tapestry Coverings ; Couch Cpvers; Curtain Poles; Curtain Rods; Window Shades, plain and combination colors ; New Wall Papers with ready cut Borders. Novelties in early summer millinery now showing in the millinery department F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON -- ONTARIO Hydro Meeting The Hydro meeting held in Durham ou M.iiicUy was well attended. Three representatives from the Hydro Com- mission, also Solicitor Lucas, were pres* eat. After hearing the engineers a resolution was pissed thanking them for the information given and another reso- lution asking that tha law be amended so as to allow of n member of the Commisa- sion to represent the municipalities. An ogranization was formed to be known as the Eugenia Hydro Electiic Association with the following officers : President, John Legate, 1st Vice D. Sewell, Owen Sound ; 2nd Vice, Dr. Hacking, Tara ; Sec Treas, C C Elvidge, Durham ; t.v.c- utive, Messrs Filuhie of Mt Forest, Taylor of Hanover, Heldun of Kincardine, Dr Campbell of Orangeville and Dr M .-Ar- thur of Markdale. Opera House p H o This THURSDAY Commencing at 8 o'clock BORN WILEI At Wodehouse on Sunday, May the 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wiley, a daughter Helen MagJeline. WRIGHT In Dundalk on Wedues- day, May 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Wright, a son. MARRIED WILEY MATHEWSON At Mrk> ( dale on Thursday, May llth, by Rev. J. ' Conn, Norman Carroll Wiley of Owen Sound, to Olive Gertrude, elder daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Matbewson, Flesherton. DIED BAIN At Chicago, III., Mrs. Cecilia J. Bain, beloved wife of the late Dr. W. L. Bain, in her 57th year. Deceased was a sister of Mr. John Boland of Markdale. Out. J "Hold Your Horses" FHATURING Tom Moore P Charlie Chaplin IN L "One A.M." A Prices 30 and 15c. including Amusement Tax C. E. WALDEN - MANAGER SPECIAL B. P. Rock, W. Wyandotte (Limited) S. C. Ancona, and S. C. Leghorns. Eggs for Hatching For two weeks will sell from all 0.7 pens hatching eggs at 31.50 per setting of 13 eggs. Cash with order and all 6lled jp rotation. Now is the time to get laying and eihibition stock. H. E. Karstedt, Priceville. Teeswater received quite a shock when the town received a bill for $1817.13 fur extra cost of service for the preceding ten months. Hydro rates are pretty high in that village. Pasture to Let 300 aores of pasture to let or cattle taken in after May 15:h, also a man wanted for the season. -HERB CORBETT, "Cloverbrae Farm" Proton Carefully Corrected Barley p eft8 Buckwheat Potatoes Apples Bntter Winter Wheat Spring Wheat Cats.. Eaob 70 1 35 080 1 30 400 28 . 27 1 05 1 00 Week to 79 tol 25 to080 tol 30 to400 to 30 -j0 27 to I 06 to 1 00 to 45 Seeds e e Seeds I RED CLOVER NO. 1 MAMMOTH CLOVER NO. I ALSIKE CLOVER NO. I ALFALFA CLOVER NO. 1 TIMOTHY SEED NO. 1 Sugar Mangel, Sugar Beet, Turnip Seed Everything in Vegetable and Flour Seeds CHAS. RICHARDSON FLESHERTON, :: ONT. Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But if will not prevent the fire. It takes the DOOD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. " In the past thirty years over 300.000 buildings have been rodded by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not that you are proof against it. Atk us today what it Witt coit you to have DODD protection!' S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ontario. i Two of Loader's Best Only Sir Harry Lauder himself could hava composed "The Wagglo o' the Kilt? and "Bella McCraw." This record is the very essence of Lauderian humor and that's enough to chaae the glooms, even before you hear it. ' 'His Master's Voice". Victor Record S5153 Tito Schipa one of the great I talian tenors of this generation! make* for hia first Victor appearance a record in Spanish popular style. "Crndina" (Far** well. My Granada) well displays the marvelous) beauty of hi* voice. "His Master's Voice" -Victor Record 6*039 *- T I*** w .-WV We have all the New "His Master's Voice" -Victor Record* W. A. Armstrong Dealer Flesherton, Ont.