Flesherton Advance, 18 May 1922, p. 8

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May 18 1922 THE FLESHEETON ADVANCE Feversham's Busy Store We offer the best value for your money in Dry Goods, Wall Papers Groceries, Boots & Shoes We carry a full line of MURESCO, ALABESTINE, COROLITE Have your cream tested here while you wait. We pay cash or trade Highest prices paid for eggs and cream MRS. R. H. HENDERSON FERERSHAM, - ONT. Our Ottawa Letter Dear E'iitor:- Ottawa May 12tb 1922 LOTS FOR SALE Park Lots 146, 150, N.E.T. and S.R., containing eight acres and 28 square rods. Apply to Mrs. W. E. Richardson, Flesherton. We have beeu having a most iutereet- inn UmeaiDce I last wfute you. On May 4th H cleverly worded resolution brought in by the Government MM- dlecusaed. A casual reading of it would lead one to baliere that it was asking for a Par- liamentary committee to diecuss freight rates in general, and not a parliamentary committee tu discusa whether the Crows Nest Puss Agreement was to cjme into effect again or be subject to a further suspension. The Crows Nest Pass Agree- ment was an agreement entered into by he C. P. R. and Western Canada regard- ne; the scale of rates for freight, certain particular articles being named. Uu aacount of the unfoerseen conditions cf ,Ue war, this agreement was snspanded hree years ago, and if nothing la done, t will automatically come into force again ou the sixth day of July. I was from the first suspicious of referring this subject tu a committee where experts lor nil way* can coma with a multiplicity of evidence, but the country people and the village and ton people who have suffered long, would uot come before this com- nut:. , , my uf them not being In a financial condition lo do so. I wa For Sale Good reliable secjnd hand delighted with the position taken by the engines, all horsepowers up to 7. ?Hu| Proijressives in the il.'ii-v. Mr. Creiari and up. Sec these Defore you buy T. nude a very splendid speech on this! E.Thornbury&Son, Feversham. subject and pointed out that the Can- GENUINE BARGAINS In Men's Navy Blue Suits We've been particularly fortunate in being able to get an 18 oz. Navy Blue Serge Suit, well tailored and trimmed in guaranteed fast dyes to sell at $32.00. These suits sold as high as $75. We have your size and guarantee a fit. MEN'S ODD TROUSERS In striped Worsted, good quality, 34 to 42, worth $4, selling fo 2.50. Waterproof Coats Wo have in stock a full range of Men's Tweed Waterproof Coats in varied patterns and colors. Specially priced at $14.00. Special in Woven and Black Wire Black Wire No. 12 for Repair Work perlb~5c. And a special Discount of 7 per cent, on all Genuine Frost Woven fences, if cash accompanies the order. This discount will bring the price of a First class Fence in competition with mail order prices. KARSTEDT BROS. PRICEVILLE, :-: :-: :-: ONTARIO M^ Ask your Grocer to sign the coupon and get the Purity Flour Cook Book and Home Account Book FREE With the purchase of a bag (24 Ibs. or more) of More Bread Use this pumry FLOUR coupon. Have your grocer sign it. Mail to us forward books to your home prepaid. I Better Bread - and 1 * *ii WC'WlIl . ' ' Coupon No. 1 THIS 13 TO CERTIFY THAT has Purchased from and is entitled to Free Copies of the PURITY FLOUR Cook Book and Purity Home Account Book. These dealers will be glad to sign your Purity Flour Coupon. % F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON X Mail coupons to Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Limited Toronto i adiaij people had spent sums of money ( to build railroads in order to have cheap! transportation faci'ilies, not to make a ten per cent, dividend for a company ihit has a reserve fnud of three hundred million dollars. The Conservatives brought in an amendment saying that all the information that cuu'.d be given was t-ibukted by the Hallway Commisiion aud thit the evidence needed should be g )t from tht source. Our group took j their stand that an agreement was an] agreement, a sacred thw, not a mere scrap of piper. We occupied a DC(qM| position, and in half an li in we voted, twice, once against the Opposition aid , with the Government unce against the i ; '\i-in.n. in with the Opposition, thts establishing our perft-ct independence. Mr. Kennedy, llio Minister of Railway?, in (peaking to this resolution, adui.tted that this parliamentary commit' ee wuuld not have auy power to atato gen-- f rally freight rates, because that cou.d oii'y il'-c.'l whether or not the Crnws Nest Pats Agreement should be set aside fur further period uf time. Guv- 1 1 linn iii measure won by 15 votes. We spent a whole day ou Oriental uiimigra'tou. The BritishColumbid uuu, no matter of what party, are iu perfect agreement ou the tjues'.iou of kt oping out the OrionUto. The word "uxclut- iou " in their reso.utii'U was objected 1 1 anil finally an amendment substituting " restricted immigration " inatetd of " exclusion " cirried. About two weeks ago the Militia eat" iiivnes came down. Our group complain- I eil lli.it they weie tju In. li and that we wanted peace, in t war. After "a wranle j of Unit a d*y tlio (-climates were with- j drawn, and werebuauht d"wn on Fridy, ' May 5th, with a redu:tiou of 8700,000. [ I would like lo have sven it hrgcr, but j it is at least foino hing, and would imver ! have c in in had it not been for our j group in the House. Major Power, a Liberal, stood out for a reduction of 1,300,000. I think the most pleasing sign is the apirit of independence in all paities. Tjici. aru Liberals who Uke a stand re girdles* (if the stand taken by the Government. There are also Conservat- ives who will uot jump into line at the crack of the party whip, though not many of tuna yt t Never before, at least uot for many.yeais, hits parliament had BO uiuch power, and the Government, Hi a r the Cabinet, so little. We are more nearly approaching the ideal of Government by t&e representatives of the people. A^mat many reiolutions by private aitfuftjp are un the Order paper and will not be dealt with this session because Private Members' Day is ovur until next session. We who were n-v. on the job did not know thai if our resolutions were not in early we had no hope of having them discussed this session . Sincerely, Agnes C. McPhail. A Remarkable Hen Sam Jenkins of Mary strver, Orange- ville, is the owner of a ban that) has already turned 28 and is still doing a cackling business at the old stand. Mr. Jenkins secured the hen, which i of no particular breed, and cannot boast of purple blood, 29 years tgo, and her former owners had her for six years, so there ia no doubt whatever about the age of this elderly hen. Mrs. tUn is not much the worse for wear and pro duoes her regular quota of eggs juit like her greatgreatgreat grandchildren. When she 1-iy.i an egg she is so proud of her work that she cackles more than nil the other hens put together. Sam prizej his ancient cackler very highly and has refused many offers for hue- Sun. FURNACES We are agents Clare Bros. Pipeless Furnaces, which we instal on order. Repairing of all kinds pro- mptly attended to. Pipefitting including pump work. All kindsof Hardware D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario ! Why let luxury that you do not need ) size that you do not want, speed that you cannot lawfully use lead yon into buying a car that you cannot afford to own ( Buy a Ford. It is lowest in price, low- est in maintenance cost, lowest in depre- ciation, and provides everything you can ask in a car. Ford Touring Car $535.00 F.O.B. PORD, ONTARIO H. DOWN & SONS Flesherton, . Ontario cna, i ' r, ESTABLISHED 1673 Proton Office open Tues., Thurs. and Sat HOURS 12 o'clock noon to 4 o'clock p.m. BAN OF DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRxNCH PROTON-C. J. Forater, Sab-Manager .>

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