Flesherton Advance, 1 Jun 1922, p. 4

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V THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE WWtYatWrYk' r rr rrVai.^rlNi^rfiViV.Vf .IKV/ THe Flesherton Tailor Shop The Place where you get Service Just laid, in a new Block of ready-made WORKS DRESS TROUSLRS Heat grade obtainable altei- cd to tit. At lowest piicrs. Come in arvl look them over. Overalls and Work Shirts T, C. Blakely Merchant Tailor Up-to-date Clothing Perfect in workmanship and style. Clotliing m<u'e to onle. Serges, Worsteds and IVesda oti liand also a fiood liiu- of Men's and I5oys' stylish Ready-to-wear Suits & Overcoats All at lowest possible prices. Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario *> ; i .............. *{ > * * t * ^ * Right Now Leave your Repairing in now before the Spring rush THOS. CLAYTON KLKSHKRTON. ONTARIO :> . ****>* t**tj *>* ^*>**f*****t*****t****ttt ......... ..** *. ! ......... . . .. Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But it will not prevent the fire. It takes the DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. In the past thirty years over 300,000 buildings have been roddcd by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate. not that you are proof against it. Ask us today what it will coat you to have DODD protection* S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ontario. i i m m is THE Flesherton Advance An independent newtpip?r published every Thursday at the nftiec, Cullmgwood Stieot, Fltsherton. Sulncripiiuii price 81 til) per annum when pi 1 in H<|VHIIC<) ; 82.00 when not RO p-ud. 82.00 to I'm'.-.! Slates. Advertising ruled on *|i r licatir><i. Circula'iim ov-r 11HO weekly. W. (I. THUKSTON KDITOR PLANT SOME TREES The question of reforestation IB at the present time receiving great attention, owing to the denudation of our forest growth for commercial pur- poses. For some years now the the necesLity cf renewing at least a portion of tbe forests so destroyed IIEB teen set forth in bulletins issued by ttiu Lhpartment of the Interior, and propagating stations have been insti- tuted from which anybody so desiring can get seedlings to plant out en waste ground. For a quarter of a century the farm- ers of the West have been taking ad- vantage of this service and now few farmers in the older West are un- provided with wind breaks or a block of new growth in some form. In Ontario considerable has also bein done along this line, but only recently on anything like an extensive scale. Now, however, some of the counties are going into it as a county under- taking, setting uiu thousands of young trees on acreages that are unsuitable for cultivation. The government sup- plies all liiiiil - of young seedlings at a nominal figure. Mr. John Weber of the Kiinbeiley Valley was one of the very first to see the value of reforestation. Ten years ago Mr. Weber took advantage of service rendered by the govcrnmtnt and secured -1000 young fccotch and other i ;ii'-, and 1000 deciduous trees sin-li as walnut, etc., which he planted on a bush lot that he owned in the valley. For nine years these trees grew I i -i-.uliill v and he did not notic* that a single otic cf them had died. Then last summer a catastrophe occurred. Fire accidentally got in its deadly work, and the whole stand was completely destroyed. All his labor and expense went for naught through somebody's carelessness. But strange to say he is not discouraged, and he proposes to contimiu the work by planting some 800 young tires each year. At Mr. Weber's age li is \a purely a work of love and philan- thropy, as be cannot (.xpect to benefit personally. With his characteristic side jerk of the Lead, ho Bays, "Ob, well, if I don't somebody else will." At.d that ia the spirit in which to enter npou ouch a work. Somebody saiil, "Live not lor self alone." I'rj i moke the world a better and pleas- amor place to live in far those who come aficr us. And this is only one little way in which it can be done. There are few farms that would not be benefited by planting out a few In cs in out of the way corners or on ground thatcanuot be tilled profitably. August and September are good months to pltiut conifers, deciduous trees after the /eaves have dropped or before they open in spring. Plan! .HIM t.tca. THEIR LEGITIMATE PREY The M v,- Fielding tariff hits the automobile industry another chuck in the cur \viili a sales tax of 5 per ccut. on cars selling at $1^00 uud in. .in, and in per ccut. on cars selling over that tigine. On an $800 car thir mvaus $40 extra for the government. Then Ontario dips in and bays the license fee will be materially advanced ucxt year. Everything tlmt goes into running a car is now charged a a -iln tax. Our legislators appear to be bent on ruuning automobiles iff the road, or their useta into bank- ruptcy. Or it may be that they only want to put the uso of auto on a high- er plans, where autocrats and million- aires will have the road to themselves mid CCQHU to bo troubled by tho small breed of curs Tin Lizzies, Clicvro lets and that ilk. Tho extra 6 per out will be their badge of superiority and plutocracy. THIS IS THE LIMIT Alter the lirst of July, if Mr, Field- ing's plun? do not receive a jolt, Tho Advance will issue no more Ivmk cheques f>r $100,000 and over. Such a chorine would be taxed 10, and it is simply pioliibitivt- to 'N. Fifty dollars will be out limit a two cent limit. Transient Advs. For Sale Apply to S. H. Pedlar Try Keversha.!) Pastry Flour, the best orjnui conk. All Ontario wheat Duct Eags fcr 8le 75c per eleven N. Arci.ibald. K K 3. Prr.too. Chopping done r.ti Suturdas only Graham Brog. Eugenta For Sile FU'dtt [>uro wool Mackinaws in 1.1;,; ', browo and trrey, also knit stockings. H Alexander, Fevershacn, Six building lot> in Fieshertun fur sale on Toronto street, finest location in town Apply 10 B. Wr-ltmi, F!t!8herton F..r Sale or Rent The old egg factory iu Klesherton, on e*y teimf. Apply to K J. Sprout, Flesherton. for Sale Two building lots, in Flesh ei ton near the Methodist church--apply to Mrs. M. Thi.titthwsite, Fiesherton. For SVe A quuuity of hay. and also * team of hotsis for $150, or exchange for c't!e Jol.n J. Meads, R R No. 2, I'riceville. For SaV-lJ H. P. lo 2J, H. P. gasoline en^ims in first class repair. To l> snld at a bargain. H. Down and Sons. Flesherton. Fur Sle One 14 foot power wind- mill, l'U/z w, onn 14 h.p. portable steam engine, one 10 ii eh plate grain grinder, and ball bearing pneumatic tired buggy, one ft M LJ Mmier.mower, one 12 disc seed drill -Chan Stafford U U 5, Markdale. Home and Lot For S*le The prop- erty known as the Ashdown residence at Ci-ylon, an eight ronmed dwelling, good i- I! i., (.table, etc. ; about an ac^e of land, would make a good home fur a retired gentleman. For terms and fur- ther oirticuUra apply to W. .1. Bella -ny, FleHherton. IMayft Gunn's Fertilizer For Stle at Flesh, r tun Sta'ion Parties wishing to secure Gunn's Sure Gain Fertilizer can do so by corresponding with \V. J. Met>ds, as he ia ngr-nt for this district and keeps it on hand. Can be secured any week day, lut shipping day preferred. As the price Is >.-'iy reduced it will bu in the in tereat uf ihoss i- ting these goods to g-t my prices \V. J. Alcads, Fleshui ton P. O. Telephone 3 r 4 H. A. McKEE Chirojractor Specialist At P*rk H.itel, Fludiertoo, Mondiy, WednrscUy, 4 tu 8 p in. Fevertham Tue day*, Thur-diys mid Saturdays 7 u <l p n . CunsuUn'ton fete LOTS FOR SALE Park Lots 146, 150, N.E.T. and S.R., containing eight acres and 28 square rods. Apply to Mrs. W. E. Richardson, Flesherton. BOAR for SERVICE Purrliri'i' Trtrawonh Bo'ir for service on lut 167. S \V T <uid S E , Arlemesm.. Term* 81.60. Sows n^t returnoj will bo charged snme ss thote in pig. Foh 15 -T. J.8TINSON. Prop Warm Weather is here at last bringing with it the ice cream season. We sell the famous Neilson's Ice Cream, none better, and our menu has been prepared to satisfy all tastes A visit to our parlour and a dish of ice cream will "hit the spot." Ice Cream, Sundaes, Sodas Fresh Chocolates, Oranges and Bananas always on hand. W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. f Cream Highest price paid for cream. A correct test and cash paid at Ceylon Cream Test- ing Station Come and see it tested. JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER. WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. . Chew . t~ 36 -sSi SOU ^ F.O.B. Oshawn Sales Tax Extra. f"* ARS less complete, less standard, must now submit to direct com- ** Farisor. with the Ch:vrolct and stand or fall on price only. Check these features: Cherroltt UM !.- . ruoilnv titan uny 01 '-.T car in iU c!.ij*. It U*M l*j oil than an, cthrr ru In ii . <! - Chevrolet la isay ajld af*> to -!..-. CSprr!ct Is ru:r rcmfnrlabl^ to r!:lp In than any other low price car. Cherrolrt ban a iiprcdorrcttr conntctcd to th tranamlulun. Chmrrolrt ha* an oil taoct on ths In- atrumcnt board. Chwroltt ha* a ont-man top. Ch>rrlrt haa a atandard tranimlulon. with three apeeili forward and rcvvrsj. CheTrnltt hail a water pump and doca not depend upon Utermo-iyphon rirc-j' la lion. Cherrolet ha* rolltr bearlnc* In front wheel*. CJwvrol.-t ha> a ilanti.ix wlndhl;ld. It hu> motahle Ttindihirld Rlauea for amin.T c":nfjrt. ChiroUt haa the rrtat-O-I.it* !!.it: -ty. rhevrilet ha.< potV.rti in all four doom. inrludinK int. I'.-.J . th driver'a seat. Chevrc'.-t lev-r. haj a tt.-indard (ear ahlft Chrrrol?! has both a hand end a foot accelerator. Chrrrolet ha.i leirnl Headiiht Lensea. It hu a fino aupcarini; boJ). Ch.-rn.lrt ha n trlpl.. baked enamel hotly and fcnderi. Chnro'et ban a modern ralre-ln-head motor, roted for Ita great pulli.ns power. D. McTavish & Son Flesherton

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