June I J922 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE > i i t . I . Banking by Mail ANY and varied are d are the tapes of with The Standard who conduct through the pott live far away from any bank find that by mail tave* them making special , and U satisfactory in every way and quite e pay interest at current rates on such accounts. Write or call for full particular*. THE STANDARD BANK FLESHERTON BRANCH, - C. T. BATTY, Manager. Branches alio at Willunuiord and Holland Centre. CANADIAN I PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Miss Agnes Uenderson is in Toronto thii week as a delegate to the Branch meeting of the W. M.S. Mrs. R. Down is in Toronto this week attending a Womans' Missionary Society Iralns leave Flesherton Station as Convention. allows : See tig posters fur particulars of June Going Scoth Going North 3rd celebration in Klesherton, also adv. I'on *' m ' i a n *'*' in th ' 9 P e - 4.80 p.m. 9.30p. m. The mails are osea at Flesherton ;e Dnnddk ttimmti Ceylon 4-2 o> the follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and Ceylon diamond Tuesday evening in an <3 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at exhibition game of ball. Mrs. W. J. Ross r-f Toronto visited last week with her sister, here, Mrs. W, J. btewart. Big Oddfellows Sports Day, Owen Sound, Wedaeaday, Jane 14th, 1922. Admission 25c. Be there. Fred and George Stewart shipped a VICINITY CHIPS Celebrate June 3id in Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Henry spe&t Sunday in Dur.dalk. car load of cittle to Toronto on Mi nday, I the latter accompanying them. r. , T Lieut. Cargoe U this week signing up Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferns of Toronto ...-_.,,. j recruits for the Flesherton platoon of the Tinted at W. J. Meads' las: week. Gtey Regiment which goes to cimp Jute Fishing itrictly prohibited on lot 36, gg^ Con 8, Artemesia, Alsx Cameron. Miss D^ra Rich of Dundalk was the Grey Regiment To Camp in Sarawak Word was received Use wae'i by Lt.- Col. G. D Fuming of Owen Sound that the annual ruili-ary camp would be ',> U4 al tftt Sarawak rifle raog, about two miles from the centra af Owen Sound, commencing on June 20 and ending on June 28. ThU announcement will be received with satisfaction by ail the officers and men of the regiment, and J particularly those who attended the camp in 1908, when the 31st held their (annual training on this fine camp ground. The order/3 call for 260 officers and men, bat the number will likely te exceeded. There will be the usual quota frcm Meaford, Owen Soui-d, Dur- ham, Thornbury, Flesherton and Maik- di!e, and with the camp ia Grey county there shou'J be co trouble in securing the full complement of men. The situ chosen is ideal, being located only half a mile from the bay shore, and on a nicely wooded and well drained let of 60 acres. There is excellent sprit g water, a good athletic Geld and a'most every convenience that one would wish "or. The c-i:..p w\ uM be considerably cooler than the Niagara camp grounds and much mure enjoyable. The county council will be in session during the time that the camp ia being leld aad wi,l undoubtedly take an after- noon cff to see the camp. The ccunty council has always been generous to the men who formed the Grey miiitU unit, and the unit will endeavor to show iu appreciation -Sun Times. Dr. Me William of Dundalk will make weekly professional visits to the Munsbaw guest of Mrs. Bert Wya.t over the week j,^ Eagenia OQ Tueg(Jay MJ pricf . en( * . viile on Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. is Mrs. W. A. Armstrong is visiting wi-h herdiughter, Mrs H. M. Hyland, in Weston. Mr. S. Semple has taken over raral route No. 2, which has been carried for some time by U. Carricgton* Mr. and Mra. U. Down visited the Utter' 3 mother, Mrs. John Carter, Mel- ancthon, over Sunday. There are a number of cues of what ia supposed to be flu in town, but the pitienU are d nng nicely now. Get your printing done at The Advance office. We will give n estimate on any job to be done The first game of the Centre Grey Baseball League will take place . Mark* dale Thursday afternoon at.d should be Mr. and Mis Everett Henry snd A social evening waeheld io the Meth- odist church, the U-t mee'iog for this year, as the \. P.5. closes for the sum- mer months. Fcveraham foctoall team has been organized and these officers elected : Pies., A. F-cet ; Capt , H. W. Kern- ihan; Sec-Treas; R Bellamy. Any teams wiihing to make date write the Secretary. Priceville Guild were entertained in the Presbyterian church here by the lo:al Guild on Tuesday evening. A very delightful time was spent in music ard games. Lunch was served at the close There is going to be a big celebration at Kimberley on June 3rd, with the i opening of the Memorial r'trk. Prom. ' inent speakers will be present. Basebal football and basketball in the afternoon, concert at night. See bills- A garden party will be held at the little son motored to i ; r ,: on Sat- ' home of Mr. Dnvid Riog, Lot 5, Con. 22. nrday. Mis. Henry intends visiting Osprey, en \\edoesday. June 7th. Fout- and and Mis. frienJs at there for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mi*. Fted Ma'.hewscn daughter, Fmli, and Mr. Wiley, spent Sunday with Birrie and Newmarket. Meiars S. and A. McMullen and daughters attcnlel the funeral rf an uncle, John McMullen, in Albiin town- ship an Suod.y last. The Advance had pleasant call en Suurday fri.'tu Mr. W.W Williams of the CallingwooJ Bulletin, who was Wiy to visit friends at Stratford. Mr.W. W. Trimble returned last week from a three weeks' visit with his daugh- ter and wife in Detroit and brother at Mount Clemens. His grandson, Freddie Breen, accompanied him h >me. Mr and Mrj Sam Me Mullen, Flesh- erton, announce the nugemeut of their acond eldest dughter, Olive May, to Mr. U >bert Wesley Sharps of Flesherton, mirrixgd to take place early in June. Mr. Dagger, electricil telephone expert of tho Municipal and Riilway Board, met ihe Osprey Telephone Commission in Fleshertou by appointment on Friday Ust, when a aumber if mitters wer c'eared up with regard to the system. The W. I. will hold their monthly meeting at the.home of Mr?. Moote on June 7th. All the ladies who are inter- ested in Memorial Psrk re requested to be present as amngemeuts for opening <f Park June 20. h will be made. Mrs. Mitchell will give a pper, J-ubject Woman workers in our time." Bakery Committee, Mesdames Down. Phillip*, Best, lukiter, Moore, W. I. Henry. ball game between Feversham anc Sicghampton. A good program at night and a ; > be given by Honeywood young people. See large bil!s. Last week we mentioned about baying a witter ttn'i - > sprinkle the stteets and keep down the clouds cf dust slut arise" from etch aq'o that passes. So far we hive no: heard a whis-per whether aoy such thing is to be done or nof, and if any relief is to be given this year now is lh time to get at il. en h s Come rn Councilman and do something An Act of Heroism An act of heroism that ecst him his life was performed Ly John Murchison Arthur when attempting to remove irun gauge from the path of an approaching C. P. R. train. He was hit by the .ocomotive acd hurled down an embankment. When picked up by his fellow workmen life was extiact. Murchisou was one of the section gang working on the lijht of way six miles east of Arthur and was engaged putting in ties. The signal bad teen given the train, freight No. 90, m charge of Con- ductor Conceit, to pro:eed through the part te ; ng worked, and it was fully under way when Murchiaon noticed chat the iron gtuge had n >t been removed f rum the track. He attempted to beat the train to the danger spot but wag unable to dodge the ergine before ^t was up to him. The decked ww f *r many years a prosperuus farmer of Arthur townstrp before he moved to Arthur, and bis tragic diath is deeply deplorad by the enuie community. He U survived ly his widow ud two son?, WItr of Arthur township and Roderick of Arthur, and three daughters, Mrs. Gilder *of Fergus Mis. Cook of Orange villa and Miss Isabel le, a recent gr*duite uf Lord Dutferin h"spirl at Orangevilv. MEN'S SUMMER FURNISHINGS Men's Merino Underwear Men's Balbriggan Underwear Men's Nainsook Underwear Men's Mesh Underwear These come in two-piece garments and combinations short sleaves long sleeves or sleeveless knee length or ankle length styles. Sizes from 34 to 44. Prices from , 95c. to $2.50. MEN' STRAW HATS Sennitt straws in English Boat- er styles ; Toyo panama in Boater Fedora or Outing shapes ; Italian straws in Fedora or Outing shapes Prices from $1.24 to $3.75 Coatless Suspenders Bow ties Slleeve Holders Hose Supporters Leather belts Soft collars Bathing Suits Outing Shirts Men's Spring Suits * ** Better Materials, Low Prices, Smart Styles Fancy tweeds, near worsteds, blue serges, all-wool cloths, carefully tailored, good selection, in popular colors. All sizes 36 10 44. Prices from $20.00 to $30.00. Novelties in early summer millinery now showing in the millinery department F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO about this. Member o f Hon. L' -, i'. Cinnich^el'ij bill to make several minor amendments to lh* Power Commission Act, inc'.uuicg a new ar rangemeut proposed by the Hydro Commis-sioD, to govern the creati> n cf iurl power districts, was given second reading In the Legislature in Thursday last. In this connec'ion Mr. Cirmichael slid, iu replying to a question fn-m Hen. [ Q. H. Ferguton, th*t a far *s he mil .v .iv. the Premier h*i not yer acceptid h 3 resignation is a member of tho Hy dio n. Churches Have United Meetings for the purpose of uniting the Methodist and Preibytemo Chuichee luto cue pastoral charge were held in Eugenia on Saturday, My 27th. Rev. ' F. L. Brown outlined the plan to tre , Me.hod.st people and Rev. J^ D. Byrne. to the Presbyten.ns. At the e^e ot both meetmgs a ote w M takea and the Notice To Creditors In the matter of the estUe c f Henry Alexander Weber, lite of the Towns-hip of Artemesia, in the Ccunty of Grey. Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of tne Trustee Act and a!l sta'utes applicable thereto, that all per- sons and creditors having claims ag*iG:-t the above mentioned es'ate are te^uired on or before the 20tb day of June, A. D. I'.'.''.', to deliver to the undersigned, solicitor for John Weber, the Adminis- trator of the estate of the said deceased, their names, addressee, descriptions and full particular) of their claim', a state- ment of account and the nature of secur- ities, if tny, held by them. And further take notice that on and after the said 29ih day < if June, A D. ll>22. the eaid Administrator will proceed to distiibute the assets uf the said estate among the persons entitled tbt-r.'to, regard only to the claims of which he hs then had notice, an i the siul Adminis- trator will not ho liable t > tny person of whose claim he shsll not then have received nouce. lUteo *t Mark'lale this -.'!th diy of My, A.D, 1922 - P. McCfLLOl'GH, M.trkdale PO, Ont. Solicitor for the said Adm nistrstor. They Oil Their Streets Grand Valley Main Streeis received their aunual oil drtssio,; last week ; and the result is being debated by some. This year's weather conditions were about the same. f->r no sooner bad the oil sprinkling begun, than riin began t > fall, : ,1 continued for a couple cf days. The resulting mess of road dirt, oil and wa'et thoroughly itirred up by traffic mide a gr*at muddle of the reads. However it looks s though this exper- ience i- to wvrk out satisfactorily for a little suQihine and wind left the streets ID tine shape. This year the cojccil hud a 1UO gallon wooden tank made e?pec- itlly for this work, which proved quite sansfactory. To the ordinary ra'.epujer it may be of interest to know th^t approx- imately one h If more v il was vut in than laat year, at A less cost, inc'uling, miteti.tl, labor, -i; I ' n '> In counrction with the roaa >iueetiou, the betutits cf oiling i-t I'n'y eiiuslled by pers-Unt use of the road dr*g. Wherever rhe diag is used you will tini i smooth surface that , makes for c^mfurtable tnivellirg, and on^er life for the road for no wat^-r is held Grind Valley Scar I Opera House re-u'.t w i- a unanimous approval of the The village council his p'aced a silent plan xhere will be a j nnt meeting of policeman ou the main corner.^But it is ( ^ congregations iomecime before the end of Juae to arrange sotv.e tf the minor detai's. There was a splendid spirit manifested at both meeting, tod investment evlientlv it is regarded as a step in the right direction. The fiisi service of the uaion charge will be held oo the But it is too silent and too lenient. We notice uumbers of motorists disregarding his presence altogether- So fa as some motorists are concerned the need not have been made. Perhaps a lesson will hate to bo tuhc them, Village ordinances re not mtde to be flnited. although < me p<- p'e apj-tar to think -> Fall wheat in thi country Rives promise of an tioellcnt crop, but Mr. Geo. Cornfield of Kimberley has a field be classed as something ab- the 23id of My Sunday in July. that my in th s tield *at found it to stand ; BORN WHYTE To Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Whyte, Tcrooto, ou May 28th, a son. BONER At the General hospital, T .ronto, on ThurJy, Way 15, to Mr. and Mrs W. E Honer (ne May JraU on Sunday, DIED Toronto accordinttly Mr. < Jittle gold min in that tiuld. aged 24 years. p H O T O i i P L A Y S TkM THURSDAY Commencing at 8 o'clock Tom Moore IX "Beating The Game" * Christie Comedy "Hey Rube" BIG DAT IN FLESHERTON JUNE 3RD 10 a.m. Big Parade Whien promises to eclipse all previous shows. Clowns Negroes, Decorated Cars. Everything, will parade the principal streets to the fair grounds. Prize* galore, j RACES Alter the Parade races for girls and men will! he held, (rood prize*. See lulls Vandeleur vs Flesherton First League game here this year. Game called ail 3.30 sharp. A good game is assured. Horse Racing at 2 p.m. For local hones only. Don't Miss This. Many good horses are owned in and around Flesherton. so that a very great interest i3 already evinced. A Purse $10, -6 and $4 is given FOOTBALL Feversham vs Flesherton GRAND CONCERT securing the The committee have been fortunate ia Marr tntertainers. Get you tickets early Reserved seat plan at Richardson's Drug store. Good Band in Attendance All Day ADMISSION Morning (ports 10 and 15 Afternoon 15 and 25 Concert 25 & 40 Prices 30 and 15c. including Amusement Tax C. E. WALDEN - MANAGER New Perfection Oil Cook Stove & Oven SPEEDY Touch nnteh lo the burner :iu 1 it is rendy iu- stan'.iy. STEADY -Set ihe tUme where you wvit it. It says 'here. CLEAN Does no: blsckui pots of (>D3. The long blue chimney turns every diop of oil into cooking heat. HOT For eeiy cool.ing ru'pose there U always abunnince of steady clevn intense '.i >' OVENS N P. ovens are tuperior t-> the ordinary oven*, quicker and nio-e uniform results in baking snd roasting re secured with them. Come in and ee them, or better -still, ask a user. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - 'Phone 24 r 11 Why let luxury that you do not need, size that you do not want, speed that you cannot lawfully use lead you into buying a car that you cannot aft'ord to own? Buy a Ford. It is lowest iu price, low- est in maintenance co>t, lowest iu depre- ciation, and provides everything you can ask in a car. Ford Touring Car $535.00 F.O.B. FORD. ONTARIO H. DOWN & SONS Flesherton. - Ontario