Addr communication* to Agronomist, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto Whew tfi* ww raises only * 4rz! Utter of pigs during the year It Is permbttible nt times to allow her to wean the plfft herself. Ordinarily, however, it is better to see that the are Independent of their mother G-aod Hay at the Loweet Cost j Haymaking: ifl a task that must be Performed whil.- the heat of summer M oppressive. There is also a good deal of anxiety connected with the op- eration, for a good deal of skill and judgment u required to make and se- cura hay in good condition so as to give the best result* as feed. When the; weather conditions may reduce the quality and consequent value of the hay for food at home or commercial purposes, hay may be termed "dried grass," but this docs not convey the meaning of all that we want or all that la desired in hay. Grass may be dried bef r it is cut and yet be un- palatable as food for farm animals yield little nutriment when it is Hielf by throwing out tfcese buds or at from nine to ten weeks of age. Re- new shoots from the root it will not dace the amount of feed allowed the do anything in tho way of growing mother and remove the pigs to other until it has time to start these shoot*. j quarters. If the sow can be kept on That may be a matter of a week or, dry feed in limited supply, en* wiH ton days In the meanwhile weeds soon dry up. The pigs may be fed will fight for the possession of ths on the same ration* aa they had be- land and, therefore, if the alfalfa is fore weaning. The pasture should be cut too early there will inevitably b continued. If possible provide alfalfa a short crop following. If, however, or some other legume crop and give we neglect to cut alfalfa soon after! them all the oato that they will clean it has made the new growth the plants; P ; Corn a*d tankage can be fed at will begin to throw their strength to, this time to advantage, these bud, the main stalk will start to crinkle down, and the hay will grow and produce seed, but the second crop will not be as good for hay as it would have been had the first crop been re- move* for a seed crop detract, a; ^ - good deal from the next cutting. If ] |n ^ ejrtire ^ ountry rf Ae number Cow-Testing Advancement. Under the cow-teating plan conduct- ed by the Dairy Branch of the Do- As fresh crass is in itself th " " ver **< Production both of milk th* loos of the water during the process, is the hay that is not only the most palatable but the most profit- able u feed. The man who operates a large farm and who haa a good deal of hay to care for should have a complete outfit of modern hay-making machinery, be- cause other work on the farm is likely to interfere with the handling of ths hay crop and haying must be done in the short"-,- possible time. The small fanner can get along with more mod- est equipment. All necessary prepara- tions for handling the hay crop should be made a few days in advance of the time the mower is to be put in the field. A machine may need overhaul- ing and repairing, possibly some new machine will need to be purchased, and it is not advisable to wit until it ifl time to begin haying before this is done. h > of the mowing machine rather high gubject when cutting alfalfa as *** for 192l record, an increase in seven there 11 danger of cutting ; off the buds vlnce . ^ ^ared with or shooU that are growing to make the next crap, thus seriously damag- ing the following crop. There are two ways of handling a!- Smoke ~ . fBlf * .1 " Transplanting June Grass. Many times June grass will die out on small portions of a lawn and it is difficult to reeeed theaw poor places. __ Some people have resodded these poor the preceding year. New' Brunswick j "pots, others have attempted t re- feM away a little, and the Saskat- eed Neither way ia very satisfactory, chewan Department of Agriculture The reaoddir* always shows plainly undertook the operation of the entire to ths old lawn, more IHce n patch on * th * Province. In Manitoba. -^ _ > . . . specified above, allow it to wilt, put ^ provlncla i M ry branch take* com- .t in small pile* then cover with cap.' and let it stand for a few days. Then the fleld orglinizing and the test- man's coat. An excellent way to handle these poor place* or any other places where June ffraw ha f"l * catch and do , --- . ----- ____ e ------- , ..... , on a clear day remove the caps, open! ing WBtreS| while the Dominion Dairy \ well ia to take email pieces of June up the piles, air and sun thhay | Branch complies the record* and pay . grass sod, put them down on the ? other province . ! ground where the grass has failed, and the Dominion de- then chop them fine with a eharp What Dusting W01 Do A Summary of Tests in Fruit Pest Control It is generally conceded thst two man and a team can prune, cultivate and fertilize more than twenty-five 6. Leea liability to trouble and breakdowns. A dusting outfit in prac- tice is a reliable machine and is not then put it in the mow. The other \ f OT method is to cut it In the evening or j al , , wtM . wmulHro . v _. .. . . r early in ths morning after the dew partment ^ ^ conduct and direc- ' shovel or spade, strike hard enough so ! ea80n ; and v- ,_,., , ,. , .11 | the sod is thoroughly mixed with >n! >ntro1 has dried away and put it in small windrows. Then when, by taking a wisp of it and twisting it hard, no moisture can be seen on the outside, it is ready to be put in the barn. The first is the aafeet way so far as ths tion of the work. Ths poMcy in force requires the underneath, then pack the ground, farmers to supply the necessary equip- ' either by tramping on it or rolling it. ment to weigh the milk, and to keep The June grass roots have thus been aw es of orchard, but that they c juM j responsible for delays due to leaky not with one liquid spray outfit do! valves, blowouts, etc., which frequent- full justice to more than twenty -five j ly occur with high-pressure sprayers. acres. The limiting factor of an 7. Simplicity and sreed. This makes economical unit is therefore the spray a greater appeal to the grower. More rig. | fruit growers will dost than will spray A dusting outfit can easily take; even if the total ccst is the name, be- care of sixty acres of orchard in one cause it is less trouble. This is highly important, especially in an orcharding , community where it is desirable in the dusting would have the effect of in-j interests cf every individual to im- creasing the economical unit of fruit prove the standard of product in the orchards and maks cultivating the entire community. Of these adran- iiifia wj wtng-n ino mutt, ana to Keep ""* BIO wu mmrm mu i/*^; ., ... - , , . _ _ v. ' , it. samples for three days during each ! transplanted . into the soil and will 1 h nltin f ** r . f de * ennll V" * i 'f? 69 the firet and Iast are P'obably ------ en month, while the Dominion Dairy, usually make a quick growth and be- present crop is concerned, but thr Branch, through the provincial dairy! fore the season ia over one can scarce- _ * 1 J|i II f illlOLl^ll V 1*^ ('*'' I .' I H 1 I II 1 1 f \ ' ' -.*..-<- .-*. . Of course, the time when hay should [objection is that if the piles remain promo ter* t organizes and supervises ' ly distinguish these patches from the| economical unit L t__.. m . . . t . . , +B1A rMWMMtv! ....-,. *.UMH _ .1.... ~m _ I . . .. m ., . Ullf ttlA f I-Q(*frT- t3i testing centres and compile* the better portion of the lawn. be cut is a matter of much importance. on *>> *!?* m ^ V *T * - i- I always begin cutting clover when two underneath will be recor< j 8 received at the Ottawa office, about one-third of the heads have kllled and tbe fic!d wil1 &> badly ( In Ontario last year, due largely to turned brown. At this stage it is about eighty per tent, water and can- , spotted. Alfalfa is no more difficult ( the I)istrict Representatives and the * " cjov r . Provided there is Butchers Can Help. It has been pointed out that but-, Dairy Instructors, the work' chers in small towns have an unuaual more ount of i * t. _i ' - - - ii / * IMMPM "i sx k i i ioj H ui r ictu IAJ r* 110 ii aw svii LI 1 1 , *mjui not be stored safely if it contains over tn * ame amount of heat, wind and; near i y doubled, and in Quebec the pro-i opportunity to influence the improve- sixtean per cent., so the problem of T- I'T'nn!" t. ' ZLfff*? 7 *" ' al Da ' r y Inspectors conducted; ment in live stock grown for meat curing clover hay is simply that of , difficult. Whichever method is adopted campaigns which resulted in a re- ! purposes. One progressive evaporating the difference between I th6 * p * t <*!<* '" "-"- '-' eighty per cent, of water and about * Prerve sixteen per cent, or less. In order to ! not ** allow d <lo this quickly or in from twenty-four lth ^^ h * v f betfun^to fall which they; and cows tested, the numb jr of cen-j which they secure their hjchever method is adopted campaigns which resulted in a re-! purposes. One progressive firm of but-! The reputation o bject in curing alfalfa u markable increase. Tho advatvce made 1 chers has a number cf well-bred young i P" 1 b ' en *S i" the leaves and it should, is ghown in the report by ^tisticaV bulls which thev seek to introduce into duet; '' * ht be wed to stand until after, tables, recording the number of herds! the herds In "the communities from < of K"S betfun to fall which they, , n H <-nw t^i.A , n ,, m . *t J ...ui..u u. ... u-:. __i:~. points and disadv; * - mvaf-mnvmm _ . , *.v*wu, mum nuuiuoi in loifc-i VOMa llley StTl -U n ir.Vir BUVDim* :_. J J * u J f to thirty-six hours, it miwt be done " * shortly after the new shoots tres established, the number of testsj Whenever they buy a sire for s!augh- ! The a dvant **' dusting that are sprayed; worms, four per cent, and through the leaves. As soon as the f ronj u t **J "** " an inch or <> ln and the average total production of I tar they alway. make an effort to re- ^ enerally a PP r ' ted are = -"""^ '~" f w A ~' ~ stem is -,-parated from the stubble len * h '. ^ ! f ^^ P rt of > "-; milk and fat in eac-h of the last three place that sire with something better. | , 1 -. Greate , r , 1 . _ . TriATir In alralrn i i nx%*iM>ul 4l._ flnc-fiF%r < ntf iiie supply of water from below ceases m * nt while the evaporation from the leaf leave ' continues as long as it ha-i life in it. wo _ rth Jnoro tna " 'heir weight in bran.; m . , . .: m**i i me n.,i. mi omuom iimt BU wun someiniuif Dtnter. , _ .. _ _:- C 1 !^_ ? ' >; lt * "< the average pro- This same firm abo takes 'pair, to ^7L < ^*J^rSli53 feodinir values these are duction and increase of seven herds! display in the window* of their shop 1921 compared with 1019, each | the carcasses of well-fed animals, increase; the num- This display is brought to the atten- . , To secure thU quk-k evaporation air' 'always profer to cut timothy when showing a marked - must have fret- nc<-es to the leaves. l4 na * reached the stage of full bloom l, O r of herds, cows and testa by pro- Hence the problem nt curing clover " n< ! th f fil '*. t blos ms have begun to vinces in 1919, 1920 ami 1921, and the thls 8ta| ? e the P |ant n s t- numlier f>f cows tested with the aver- maximum area that one team, two men- the most important, and equipment could care for, or thej It is meet curious to find that on production. [ averaging thirty experiments can- But the tractor, especially the lighter ducted in New York, Michigan, Illinois types, has come to the aid of the and Nova Scotia, that the total aver- fruit grower, by supplying this limit- a ge gives the following: An average cultivation factor, which performs, 1 O f sixteen years of thirty experiment, , an increaeed am- shows percentage of 5C.5 on scab; 'J...4 men and teams can per cent, on worms, and 22.2 per cent. : sound fruit, on unaprayed orchards; reputation of dusting has in the on sprayed fruit. 15.6 per cent. - . . ; past been the reputation of sulphur 5.2 worms, and 71.5 soumi. As against best to enumerate this consider the results ovr ths antagea, questionable same period of years of dustinar, name- points and disadvantages of dusting. l y: Scab, 15.6, or the sama as when 'The advantage* of dusting that are ' sound fruit, 74.4 per cent, or more A than in sprayed. These figures refer tj the 90-10 sul- from five to ten times as much orchard phur dust only. It is cur:;us to find or vineyard aa a spraying outfit in a that the percentage of apple scab in tion of feeders with appropriate cards showing how the animals were fed and the percentage of dresaod meat. given time. the dusted and sprayed plots is exact- 2. More suitable timing of applica- ly the same, while the dust is siigrh'.ly tions. Owing to the rapidity of an- superior in insect control and in totai plication the grower can time his ap- number of sound apples. 1 l4t 1OOH6 lOrm aS - , -. ...-. ~- .w*.o i<iivu nii.ii vuo *-: uini tlio I'n i f i ; i .iwt- vi un?33OU incRL. possible. When the crop is heavy and toto ~ lU '"aximum srrowth and It ago pro-iuction of milk and fat at the! From the figures given tho producer' P lK:atlonJl to * S " U . the w at r , At the Nova Scotia Experiment Sta- the sun hot, the leaf structure of the a 'f "?2 the maximum of digest-, four prir.cipnl o-Ktroa in Ontario. In I is able to understand how it is possible ! and * he 8t ^ of the 1 tion during the past three years, con- upper part of the swath is often kllled, 'We nutriments. 1ho plants have been 1919 there were 2,1 Hi herd and 22 517 ! for the butcher to pay better prices for 3> LcM wast * - Dustlr ^ opera- siderable work has been don \vith a ag is shown by the leaves becoming "*"** and storing up aoluble cows tested in all tho provinces. In properly bre<l and properly fed stock I llonl1 should b d n t , n f ,7 eather " ew , du f l 'olut.on devised by Prof. G. brown or black, while those in the nutrlllon untl1 th point of besoming 1921, there were tested with Sakat- ! Thes l.utohe ^v that thu wr>rV unfit for most agricultural field opera- ( E. Sanders. This is in the proportion , . _. --- ..~.~ .~,^ .^,. ^.^.i^- under part of the awnth are scarcely '* reached a ft er which the seed bofins: ohwan excliideii, 5,194 herds and 47,- say pays them and they feel it has been tk>ns, such as immediately following 1 of four per cent, metallic copper ar.U >' i- v*a aiiu i ,- u*>o i IIT MI nil\l UltTV i ft'l U IIHB IM*('!1 . i ,* <lTawin ? U P" the nu- 89r, cows. In directing attention to instrumental in improving the herds a ram or v?ry Mrly ln the mornm 1 f- one arui 1 uarter P Binll^..! . . ', . I &-n * * rt rr rvrui t*fl T ISAM d t-.i . i i i i ru t rt Jk a w> AH 1.1 ** Vii.tVi K n KA Tobacco dust will (rot rid of red ants changed in coter. Henca the value of d<rvrolo P' n * . ... _ h _... ., ,.,,,. .,...,. . the tedder In liftinR the swath and , trllnellt " the stalk which becomes, the necessity of the proper feeding of in their section. allowing free a<-<-pss of the air. Unkss conrentrat " '" the seed, l-'rom the milch cows, the Domir..ion Dairy this is done trm clover ia sunburned, H th * (>lufble nutrition in the stalk' Branch urjres farmers to kep a rV- and if the leaf structure U killed be- Jfradually diminishes and the woody cord of the feed cf each cow, and sup- 1 tnat are 8O troublesome in orchards initial cost of dusting outfit 13 two- This dust is equal to liquid spray. fore the sap is out of the stalk it is "' xre ' which is insoluble in water, he- plies forms frea of charge' fur that nll<1 l-' nr '! ells - Hoe the dirt awny from thirda that of a sprayer, the cost of both in the control of fungous diseases iii]|> to make s good quality of *'"' to mcreaiie rtd continues until purpose. i the roots of the trees, svrinkl'* a few' upkeep is less, the gasoline ustd is and biting insects. Which demon- while spraying operations require the arsenic which has l-cen demcnftratel best of weather. j as effective as the 90-10 sulphur lead 4. Lower cost of machinery. The arsenate compound. hay, nor can the curing be done in tho 8eed li mBtur<) - Hence the proper any reasonable time. It is Impossibln BtaK * growth at which to cut ; Low-analysis fertilizers ara to cure clover hay properly during timothy for hay is immediately after shoddy of soil improvement. damp muggy weather. It ia, however, fu !!,, bl<><> . m ' an oa*y matter to cure it in clear' Hmothy hay does not require as sunahiny weather with a fresh north much * unshin for curing as clover or north went wind. In fact, It Is easy an<1 alfa!fa - If the <Iay is bright and to cure clover hay as It should be cured hre< ' zv ' nif)CPC '' a follows: I start tf the atmosphere is very dry wrbh! 1 * 1 * mowln ff machine in the morning sunshine and any kind of a breeze. I "* 9oon M thp <Jpw has tlrie<l ttwav and The problom, therefore, in to ko*p the! * torp thfl samc ns 5(>on as * tflink there dovcr BO loose during the curing pro- ' U * ufl ' Hellt U^kj cut to handle cess that it is quickly converted into durrn8 ; tho <lav ' lf> hoW(>v r, I Imve hay l>y tho evaporation of tho moist- : su *P 1(-lcn of f(>ul 'eathpr I stop tho ure through the leaf and before the machln(> bcfore r lhil1 ^ tl'^o is half ; spoonfuls of dust around on the (op 'less and the duster is a lonjrer-livetl . stratea dusting is at least equal to tho' of the soil, cover with a thin layer of machine. j spraying in all controls, save those i part'a. Sprinkle tho water, or let the, 6- Lighter weight of dusting appar- of sucking insects, especially the rain carry the dose home. This alsojntus. A dusting outfit with dust and Psylla and frrein apple bujr. but the The alfalfa enthusiast should keep controls the red ants which bother! operators on '' ( ' oea not weigh more i difference is so sliffht even in this, as his plow-points sharp. | roots of astora In the flower garden.' than one-third the weight of a sprayer,* to be more than offset by the differ- ready for operation, so it can be taken j ence in cost of application and amount over hills and over wet ground where of acreage that one outfit can handle a sprayer would mire. ' economically. Rules for Feeding Dairy Cattle. The Dominion Animal Husbandman It is surprising how many children would "obey," rot seeming to csrsicer sets down in No. 63 of the Experi- Parents as Educators Fear a Menace to Children By Bertha Mason i,. avp their homes to enter into a *-viw 1410 , , It*HY<* nit ' ciuiriii litH ujwavs ulSlin- I' rumi 101 11 i.ii^ut.119 11 leaf structure , destroyed by the hot, *' nm " ch ? own ; as . !t '? J***".* S(>l '" ro i lar B ev social s[.her. with fear instilled line. To the teacher it wns pitiful i-ise and explicit rules il ... i >iia iwi> rutf\ I : a i\r tin ! * 1, ,. l.l. _ '" ' n* >!/. t w i. sun. With favorable weather clover!"" 8 ** two '" a<ls of n(l - v "'"roughly tn the condition above described can ' W8 " nlm)e Ula " ^ havc txvil ' c tlle be cut one evening, tadded or put j n <l uantlt y partly spoiled with a rain small windrowa before dinner tho fot- ' how(M '- ! storl the tedder about one that nteliaMion is not always discip- mental Farm circulars three very con- THE CHILDREN'S HOUR ..iitv vnu iji~ . i ... , . , , (inn wvMiu* * " lowing day, and hauled during the I ^" 6 ^T T"^ r '.. If Um 'with trembling. into, their thoughts. If all mothers] The child's effort to sec resulted in an dairy cattle. The first is: could realize that fnar is a most! inevitable ne-rvou* strain. Throuffh feed; the second: Feed _ . t .. _,. r surely fewer e-hil-] fear of t-oiifequenccs if he answered the individual needs and desires of; thought that keeping chickens would r the kindergarten question* im-orrecllj he was no doubt each animal: and the third: Feed re-- be an easy way. I decided to have disease would enter for feeding, A Money-Making Stunt. Never over- i One spring a few years ago I re- aecording to solved to make wnie money. I afternoon. "j timothy is very heavy it is given Where one lius only a few acres of' dj.^*/ **' ' 'in K "' han^tt'U^t'S alw?t gk"?- ^ '"* wilt, put it In small piles, then cover! M()st , silent at time* wh?n he could have gularly both as to the huurs of feed- 1 Plymouth Rooks as they are quite kindergarten or primary | responded. And he probably made ir.R and the character of the feed*. Marge and would sell for mor? than a have at some time felt the| other mistakes through nervousness. Relative to the last, the Animal Hus-' smaller chii-ken in the fall. After I pani? of seeing n child show fear. Fre-| It. is nnt only teachers who must b-amiman points out that sudden , had thirty egg which I had bought it witfc hay ,-aps nnd let It go through process In the I begin rutting my first crop of alfalfa when it is alx>ut one-fourth in bloom. When the time for harvesting alfalfa approaches It begin* to propare hauling nnd before night. lean u After m " (uien'tly ti-achcr wonders why she the lust (lcf8 nlrt w j n the whole hearted, loving which most children so read- ympa- hi.s In at lhe. mow if the* the bloom is on d , of w i, a , lh. ; hea.l aiul mw M aw.y -,tJioi,t any n)ukes a nlistB ke. ram or dew i u it. The liny will come contend with consequences of such a cJianges in feeds are liable to cause 'of my mother, I could hardly wait un- course. A fe-w days upo I saw a child not only a loss in gains or production,' til they were batched. As I was so who was ill wre:im and pull the covers but will often induce ailments suvh honest about promising to pay for my for It as though it were a foroseen j out in the winter bright green in color event bjr throwing out buds near the nnd it. will be worth as nuk-h to feed over her head ns soon as the phyti- ns diarrhoea, bloat, milk fever, etc., fgrgrs my brother suggested th.-.t I clan neared the bed. "If you don't nil of which are described in the i-ir- pay for the rent of the incubator, hush the <l>*-tor will grab your cular wirh sugdMted treatment and which I did. Bight happen If lie tongue," sniil the mother. Of course remedies. tho child's fear was only ircreased. . _ , , *ti^ Naturnily it was impo&aiblr to ac-- A Durable Whitewash. Be that aenfiation of fear ever s<> vague it will che-ek root, l hun forming a crown. If theiHinI thn ii.,-k will relish it ulmost us rcmly exprr.-sicni of though Is and re- tard natural, normal mental develop When they hat.-hed the ohickeni were healthy and so very hungry that 1 fed them too much and they all - __ - WjfH' ' IlllUIIllV^t aKiaflfa is cot before it has prepared woll ns llv t;rass it is made from. nicnt. All publio welfare , ., workers will testify that many parents Of the call * life determine-. :n A Urge nm , ,. e i nl ives threaten children with meamire its valuo t rmilurity, the vu ,. iolul Jiieful punishments to be ad- ciiratelv diagnose he,- case as she had! Mske thin paste of fifty poind of' died but two. I was now in" debt two wurkwl herself into a Nrmn nervou? hydrate^ Kme in Soilinj,' water, or one- . dollsrs and fifty cents and nothing to stat<1 - . I half bu-hnl of quirkMnie may be slack- 1 show for it but two chickens and lhe I.uter tho llro physician rfia:irked | e<! In seven r.nd one-half galbns cf expencnce. lo me. "Why don't people teach rhil-' water, keopiivg the vessel weH covered 1 As long as I wms thb much in dfbt ilren tht we want to holp, not bart;ad stirriivg cx\-asioi>alr}-. To this is 1 decided that I might as well buy them?" He then cited many instances' added one neck of comnw-n aa>t, which Wliers calvos re turned In paeturs eomo urranigermti be provided no that nt ton oalf will ro.-e.ivo its ... ount of feed. I fiiil it a good plan to l ' rKl tnat n ration compounded coiwtouet a row of stanchion* with ! K 1 ua ' parts of grmiinl ont, conuneal shallow trough in front for grain' to bokl t*ie oalves while thoy are' wttnf. The stanchion should be pr- l;'ion*d off in such a ininner so tihat tho calves cannot Uck or suck nno atv- otlier whrle the taste of tholr dinner I . .'till in fcheir mouths. With -i.-h an arrangwnent a num bar of calves can fee pastured together without their ooatractilng tad liabke. Keeptog tn nund that the first br *" ! with a sma11 allowance of old moal, splemlll retilts. I feed this i\a*ion twice dully In amounts that the calves will readily consume. The man who su<H-<>dd in putting "HI" in ferdH/cr was n real bene- factor. Tuition often brings better judg- ment than intuition font botih ar val- Every child should learn that un- wcitk. Thnt, however, did not explain hw evident fear of the teacher. If sho Hi>i>rnauieii to help him he in- variably tnnichod to one uido mul never once repondcil with more than a miMlioning hnlf smile to her etVurts to put him at ensc. Of course, she cnll- cd upon the child'* mother. During the conversution the mothfi- said, 4- Wej member of the society o-f which he wnt him to mind and wo told him you becomes u part. It Is through knowl- would nlmmt beat him to death if he tnlgc nnd not fear that ho learns self- didn't. 1 think ho hollevos us, too." control nnd vespvt for principles of Bhu iin-.i n-.iin proud that her boy i i./.liL and laws of society. This formula is particularly suitable j Sometimes I \rould get very dicour ns 1 tlvoujfht of tho hsavy pleasant consequences inevitably fol- for interior work. Mix well in the ' over my head. Fcr eveo' tiay the debt low certain actions. But to tench n, order mentioned above HIX! aHow the' was growing larger, fer as the enick. child to fear individv.als, real or fun-; mixtui\ to stand several dya before, ens grew they ate more, ciful, ia an injustice to the child, to! it is applied. It should be put on with; About the last cf October I sold those who nro to a'.uiro the responsi-t a brush or f<pray as hot aa it is pos-| of 1 bility of guiding him and to each siblc to honUe the mixture. rros them but three chickens and ter. I had all of my hon0t debt* pnid nnd ten dollars and forty cent*, 'How much more decent were it to '*"'' M * prcflU I intended to nee schoolnouses etrpwed w:h jfreen 'h'ckens the next yenr but bougha nnd bowers tluui with Moodly, birchen twi^re." -Montnigue. tead. i>s prevented I ruined dark* in