: Vol. 43, No. 6 Flesherton, Ont., July 12, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. CEYLON Mrs. Iithma, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs Arrowsmith, returned U-t week to ber home in Norval. Mr Youngs and little sou, and Master Dounie 1UJ1. y, of Toronto, visited Mrs Bolton here last week. Mrs G Coliinaon and V.isj Cnlliuson, who have been visiting friends at Pert Dalhoutie, have returned bcme. Mrs Munro of Owen Sound vi.sited Millie Cook U=t week. X. Archibald and wife, Miss Edna Stew ait, Archie Stewart aod wife and Miss Katie, motored to Toronto last week and attended tbe Swift-Patterson wedding. Mrs (Dr) Patterson and son, George, who have been vUiting here, returned to Toronto. Elmei Bryant and sister, Mrs Noble, of Toronto, are spending a fortnight at N Archibald's. Mi*s Campbell of Montreal U visiting hr (later, Mrs D Stewart. Mary McLauchlan, Toronto, U holi- daying under the pareutal roof. MrSbiera and daughter, Doris, W Griffith, wife and family, of Toronto, spent the week end at '-Vin White's Ben Smith and Ed Jtmieson spent tbe week end at D McLschlan =. EUGENIA Held Over Laat Week School has closed for another term acd the pupils are all rejoiuiu. Five cundi- datas for the Entrance tried their exams in Flesherton. Miss Eilio, our teacher, lenvea this week fnr bit home at Or- a'jgeville. Her sister visited her here o?er the week end. Service iu the Presbyterian church WHS well attended. The congregation was pleased to hear Rev. Thoruley of Shel- burne once more. Miss Dell Wilson and Wee are home itoin ibeicscbuoU. La'imer A i 1 ..-. i: 1 hid a luccessful barn on Friday afternoon. J. McDonald the frame voik. U-irdiug and Mr Miller, accom- panied by Mrs J W Large, r Owen Sound, visited with Mrs Large during the past week, the latter remaining for a few days. . Gerald and Kenneth Ljirge have re- urned from the camp in Owen Sound. Jacob Williams and daughters, Ctrt.ea and Hilda, assisted in the Presbyterian choir at Fleftherton on Sunday and aam; a trio at the morning service. Masteri Cecil and Eirl Tuohy of Mea- ord are visiting their i>r;iuJiuothor, Mrs Parliament, for the holidays. The Sunday school picnic wh.ch was held in the Park on Moodiy of this week 'was well attended. The races were enjoyed by both young ttnd old. did The W. I. meeting which was post- Picnics here Monday from luistioge and Mt Ziou had a j illy time In the evening tbe Eugenia boys played >'. , witb the Inistioge by.*, resulting to a poned last Thursday on account of tbe , ,. .. _. Iscote iu favor of the home teui. picnic, will be held this Thursday after- noon at the b^me of Mis E Whittaker. Mr Voce addressed the Orangemen on Sabbath afternoon, bis text being, ' 1'y y. ur fruits ye are known." Maov help- ful thoughts were K' ven l ' :< -' brethren. \\'e s ley Co^ey speu 1 . the week end with ; friends here. Special music was rendered by the choir 1 Mrs M Ferguson motored last week to Caledon with other friends. Mr and Mrs Curruthera have g->ue to the c.ty to spend a few days with friends. M.-> Muriel C*nuthers U vi&itiui! nitb fnenus at Port law. !!..: y Foestor >i: : wife and Mrs Parliament visi:rd Muafcrd frisnds the Miss J C"llin*on motored fcr the week end. Wiartcu Georize Damur of Wilkeit u ran a n.nl through Lis f.ot. He stid D . Bnt no, these puns will hive > cease. Opera House H o T o This THURSDAY Commencing at 8 o'clock Samuel Goldwyn PRESENTS "Be My Wife" A REAL COMEDY) Educational Comedy Man vs Women" Fred Graham and wife of Copper Ciitf are visiting with fiiends here fora couple of weeks. Millie McMulIeu uf Toronto visited witb her mother here over the holiday. Mr and Mrs P Muushaw aud Mr< Large attended the IJ.i^ee-UitcliiJe uuptMid a: Vaudtfleur ou Tuesday of last week. E wood Purvis visited with his wife aud family here over the holiday. El i ' wood has secured a >jood position as guard at Dutwish tnd expects to move , h s family there very shortly. We wish them much succeis aud enj <yuieut io their ne home. and wife of Meaford former's parents here (t Ada'ii Genoe visited wit!i the the pist week Mrs Watt (nee Ruth Paul) and chil- dren of Saskatchewan are yisitiug her parental home at present. Maud Duckett of Toronto is i u an 'extended visit with friends here. A'e are pleased 1 1 hetr that Mr Fred i DuikeU.s litt'e daughter w recovering ' from a severe attack if pneumonia. Prices 30 and 15c. including Amusement Tax C. E. WALDEN - MANAGER H. A. McKEE Chiropractor Specialist At Pitk Hotel, Fl.sherton. Monday, Wednesday Mid Friday, 4 to 3 p.m. Fever^ham TtietMjty, Thursdtiy and Saturdays 7 to ',> p.m. Consultation free Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men'* and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Cleaning Repairing Pressing All at lowest possible prices H, ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, Ontario FEVERSHAM Hr and Mr.-. A Hanley and linle sou, Bi'Jie, of Aubuia, Onf, are visiting with the former's uncle, J A Kei-uahan, ;iud t iiuily. .Mr 11 11,1,-y ii manager of ihe Bii'k uf Commerce in that town. Master Gordon Wadsworth of T.nonto is holidaying at J A Keruahin'i. Mr and Mis N BdK>rsby und t<ro children, ind Miss Liliio Brown, of S c Marys. Ont, mo >red up here on Friday last and tire visitiug with Mrs Batters'oy's parent.-, Mr inJ Mrs John I'. 1 .. M: -- Brown is visiting with her uucie, Aitz Mullen, at Rub Roy, and other fiieuds iu this locality. The Methodist ijirden party held at Kob Roy on Tuesday evening was a success. With idel weather they had a larre crowd. The football game be- tween Fevershain and Stayuer teaulted in 2 in favor of Feversham. The Ladies of the Presbyterian church at Maxwell are to be congratuUted u the eucress uf ttuir garden ptity u Wednesday evening of last week. We understand that the proceeds weie around $250. After the supper wis partly over the crowd journeyed back '.he laue to see the much talked of gin:e of football between Markdale and Fe- vefshaui teams, and here we must . softly, for tbe Feversham Uam was defeated, the :cjre beiog '2-0 in favor of Mdikdale. Of cuu.-se out b..ys had pUyed * hard game the night before, and a a.un t iliH gtuie w.is callrd a battle r'<ya. be^in. Tbe guiie w.is fast l:< m the -tut >ud thi'iiwh Fevenhaui hud seven! shots on the M.rkai.e goal, their j.i li keeper was a .i:i. >.. >n. uut one i them passed between the poles or got pusc him. Tbe lest of feeling existed throughout ind the. lookers on raw the best girne of foot bn.l ever een iu ttia neighbuibood. Tnai's r;;ht, ..nl-, ill be good p >rs BORN Oo Fr.auy, June ^:)id, to Mr and M: Earn UUwtou, . d.iujbter. Miss tjueenie Ktitt.ug is bolid.iyinit t^ her | aren'al home here. Miss rU>Me M.-G.rr .;] ber frieuJ, Miss Stevens, uf Maxwell, .ie attei.ding tbe summer schojl *t L'>rueur:ii^c. Tnese young ladies have iv. u attending high school at Fleshei-tuu. BOKK-Oa UouJay, J.ue 2ii.h, to Mr and Mrt UjWiM Sh> i', - ... East Mountain Heib t. School closed ou Thursday w.th the intentions of having a picnic ou July Is*. Owing tj rain tha pic:;u which is always a success, was not helJ, nod proved * great deil of dtelpp jiokmtDt , Teacher Mis* Arastr'iug is h .id lyum at her bunie in Huutavnie. The b..ys .ire back fn m Sarawak camp and we otf-.-r ci>iijrttulati3* ti> Mr C .it- roll Hunibcrstunu uu being succe^fal iu the tin tl boxing uintch with n Meaf.ird b >xer, Prontez. He received a tii.e i^rge box of cigacettes as a prize. Stanley Smith slid wife. Miss Irnu visited a'. C Martiu's, Eugenia. Mr Creasor of Owen Souud w*s iu uur burg try.og to detect who Ind teen hou-e-breiiking at J Simons tut was un-ucces.-fut in his expedition. Miss Jean Lewis iud Thelrua Wilson viMtej .1 few days ith Miss Inn t Smith. Strawbeiries have teeu a : :,::tul crop this year iu this part. Divui Geuoe made i busiue->s trip to Meafurd recently. Kate Orr of Flosbertou High Sclii.nl is holidaying at hoin->, Kite ti ed her ent- rance to uo-inal this year. Hupe he is successful. John Orr is recovering alur his il!m>s.>. Osprey Council Ou Thursday, Jane 30 l>, the Osprey Council :u -< in a regular ..i > ug in ihe Gran^i! Hail, Keversiiam. The m-iubeis ware fill present and ilia iee\c> preaidnd. The minu s <>t the last mettu % s^.e retd iu'i adopted i.i i : the i ,.<*:!..; general busittss was proceeded i b. r'ayiuei.-a .,i > iic fMi:uwiiij5 accounts Wjs iut:..>r zid. C. Henry, stamps $2. 00: E C. Ped.ar, rep-linns* jr Jt i r 7")0 : Hiivey Pedlar, sluep claim S3 30; bUny Jackaou, wire teuce Loiius $24 <J4r Jehu Suiurt repiiriut; t>rua<r 5 DO: F >' Weldrick, repairing grader 58 CO; Chua. Pye, ireaa Col!iui<w.jud T*p. g7 00, O-iprey -u n- of cuivert en tovnl'ne, 'J aud U; E.I Robinson, atiuipsSl 00; Wiu. L T>1 >r and John Luckhart, >''.' OU each for 3 Jij.s time ius|.ecuug the roads and bruiges , i this u,iimciplity . Kobe.t Grunimett, J4 00 foi pl.iu^h bioken wh le ploughing t.,iwuh:p roads. Tn follow- ing (jdiel rtc.ouuts were ell pai.l. Archie Mcluiiis, i(i s~ ; \Vui JlcCu'cli- eou, 11073: John Kubriu. n,i4(i 37 . L W Kerton, 8-'J.l- : .M>.i L .tklurt. 35 37 ; Jubu Seeie), 82U 24 : John C. Mi ue, $3.00 ; Mel Dou^Us, 54 7''- : J.unea Or.ew.l', $18.00] G;O CiU':}, $5.02 : Geo WhiteoaK 4 75. EivuriU McKcoz u -.hut Ei See ty be lumiucred 'u stud ID to ihe c.e:k i teiament tf ti*a delivered ty hm* ..,> year, i'sj a st ite'.iuuJ. t h> \v many tile he baa on h.ui.i, i: : thr tlie 'l':ej.-'iiei ttiereupon p:iy him icconiiu^ :o iKree- menc re sunie. Mw-Ko! .::^ LUiideiaOL 'ht ti.e neve ud Dc|; j;y Uerve be the euj;iiieei' > n ':i 'sc the south side of th- towDsh;;., w:.ich ne now under consideration. Mi Ivcuzic HenJi r:-un- tti*t this c uu oil i{tve .1 -.p.c.al itrant ..i 9100 t . Jobu Lockhirt, -o t> <pf>u; on that i"ad wtht of B djeros wh:ch Wi> fuimer'y i c uiity road. LookllKt 'hit e*ch .".II- r le'.'vive i suFpUmtniaty p- prc'piitt'oa . f $200. McK- uzie Lickhar: tli j'l msuuc: the pithin^s:er in whicii ! tf 2b md ill C -it'i .-I'd th.it Mr. I'd C p iiiutti.a iu peifoiiu in* M uu ihe j-.>::o.'3ioi) iilowian- the .ioi've n/eiitii i:eu ! t<. i, okhart McK nsia th*l lha ,\C;-K be lusriuo'.Oii ' m.ie m a; p iu Uleut iritb the township eo}{hieer to m.<-'. this C"ULeii i:ia i.i ; n:i<.> ci iiocnud *' the .i:Lc ', uiai.tuiued in the putit on j reseuteil by, Gnurg*Coutt, kod ilut :h? iieces- s.iiy uo:ice : su.ii i; pi lulmeut Ue nt to nil i'in:e.- c'.'i.cerneJ. Council tt,c.l idj.iunicd i i n..e: at Siuiih-impt.m \-u S>iiuiday AJ^ ."> U at 10 i in U. \V. rieruahiiu. t'ink- * his c.uu- h bc - i. 1'2. are iii^ii-n lie 'u'.e I.i! ,'Ur ;i :. >nt < t IN MEMORIAM Iu l.iviui; memory f O ner Ciev, si-u of Isabella and the late Isiac Ci>-.v, who was acci.K ntaily killed n W.^idbine Ave. in his I'.'th yea-. Ju'y -*tb, lur.l. I bow uiy head, O L'ird, to thy <i eerie. For f.hou hst t*ken that thou^ives: me If one loved V..ICH is hu-tiei). i ne true hfirt stil'rd, lii.- soul was tbiue to take it as thou willed ; And all eu-lh 3 sulferiuj/, all dejih'slues auJ pain Will be fiirnotteu wiien we mce' ;mi!i. Toronto FRIEND. A Ford car belonging to' W. J. Atkin- son, mail carrier. Durham, went ov.-r !."> r 'i't embankment, turned ove:- thiec or four times and landed in a field feel up. Thren wheels and the windahield siuhey, auu the oicapant badly bruisfd and shaken up form the sum total of i T END ERS For Flat Arch Bridge Tenders adoresied to the Towuship Clerk will be received by the Township ' oj Anemesia up toti p. in of Monday, ; July 10'h, for ths construction of a tUt ' arch reinforced 15 fix tspnn it lot 27, | Durham Ho id (.Morton's. A marked chf<|ue for 5 per cent, pay- ! able to the Treasurer Township of Atte- mesia shall accompany each teuder. The lowest or any tender not neces- larily acoepted. Plans >iul speoi Notions may ba seen at the KiM've'H, Clerk's aui Ens>toeer'i orKcaa. T. R. McKeozie, U>eve : R. McDoweP, C. E . Township Eugmeer, Owen Sound; W. J. Bellamy, Clerk. 42nd Successful Year Practical courses Expert instruc- tion Individual instruction Employment department C. A. FLEMING. F.C.A . Principal since . D. FLEMING. Secretary Pipes Our stock of pipes has been greatly added t o and we can supply you with a pipe to suit your style. The selection con- tains : The fame-US "G.B.D." "Peterson's" "Kola" "Sea Dog" "Old Pal" and the new pipe "Aonian DeLuxe" Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Direct* ." and Smbalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Flesherton, Now is the time to renew your subscription to Ont. J The Advance If It's Groceries or other lines usually carried in a grocery store, that you are in need of, you will nd ^v it to your advantage to buy them from u.?. Our stock is up-to-date, fresh and the goods are of the best selection. Shop where you are invited to shop' W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed. Seed*. Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Prices to Suit the Purse Prints, all last culors :>Uc per yil. Factoi-y Cotton 1'Jic per van 1 Ladies' Vests 25c. Trinted Voiles :].")c- per yard aud up Orirandy in all shade ?o."j Printed Organdy oic. and up White Canvass shoes #:2.90, weie *4 7o Fleet Foot Shoes from $1.00 up Men's Balbriggan underwear per garment Toe. Peabody make Overalls !?>.2.") Peabody Smocks >*-.-."> rteavy linoleum 1'Jtt. $4.<IO per yaid t prices puid for Ir<lucc W. L. WRIGHT CORNER STORE. FLESHERTON Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER There is no food equal to Bread in food value. A full line of Groceries!, also Canned Goods PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Flesherton