Flesherton Advance, 12 Jul 1922, p. 2

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only they ten peopfo one couldn't offer that kind of help to." She paused. Waldron had gone close to her. Hie sleeve brushed her nhoul- der. He watched the slow color tint her cheeks at the contact as he asked : "You mean?" Marcia made a wide gesture. "I mean people like Araby like Mr. Trask and and i Rosslaer!' like Kempton The Gates of Hope BY ANTHONY CARLYLE She bit her lip, then wnt on hur- I ried'Iy. "I've helped Mr. Trask, perhaps, a little. You bought that picture of me, and I commissioned another to give to mother. He he did them well; they are both good people are beginning to say nice things about his work. That very satisfactory. But frowning, then The Beginning of the Story. Mareia HaUtead, secretary to Mrs. Alden, is entrusted with some JeweU while her employer goes out to lun- cheon with Kempton Roaslaer, hi stepmother Lady Roaelaer and her son And always it held that 'baffling qual- ity Of clij.tl-C.HR. Later, 83 they rose, ahe found Wal- dron at her side. is very nice Araby- S'lu- paused, half went on: "I can give her sweets cakes cig- hear goesip. So I'm a tit in the dark. Is Kemp hard up?" "Horribly!" Marcia spoke impul- lively; again she bit her lip. "At least, so I who, woman like do lis- ten to gossip have been led to under- stand. I I've heard Audrey Alden, you know they are great fj-iend*; Audrey's as fond of him as if he were her brother. His father's marriage made a lot of difference to his pros- pects, of course and he's heavily in debt." She stopped. She was remembering Kempton'g face as she had seen it to- night, older, sterner, a little haggard, a little lined 1 as she had seen it pre- sently while he was talking to Araby. And again she was conscious of a quick uprising of sympathy for him of regret- and of a very real desire to make things easier for him. As al- ways, she was nervous ill at ease Had "Your Iron Today? arettes of a finer quality than she has it. when mentioning his name, or hearing ever been able to afford. I can give her pleasure amusement suppers and theatres and lunches! But I can't pay her bills, or give her clothes or , -. " - -* - . ."v . ,-..<.. - - - *fn t *0 IMT .-^ i ipjM-- 1 m^i vi**an. ti/vuc Uordon Ruthven. Marcia puts the her. She looked at him quickly, half E5S.& tL "Si***!"!* . fln ?_^5 hesitated, then turned to Audrey, .mil- She could not shut her mind entire- ly to what had been; that that un- guessed-at bond that was between her- self and Rosslaer; and it agitated her to remember it. She met Waldron'a eyes now with something of an effort. He was frowning, but he smiled a moment later. "I had no idea of this," he told her, and added, quietlA "I'm glad you told me." He was silent a moment, then he turned upon her abruptly. As she looked, half startled, he laid his hands lightly but firmly on her shoulders. kckuiiiiiiit TJT "i""-"-' | no more. But there wag a warm Kttle the truth, you surprise me when you "But," he said quickly, "we were (who i cretTv" marri&dto Araby ! lifcht in her '"J' 68 as she watched the | say that he is among the 'needy* ones! talking of you. Do you know, Marcia, Trask) repUcin/ the eem which his two n T ures moving down the long I thought he was having the usual i you're looking almost like you did that ttep-brother had stolen Believing him - . . aimless but moderately easy time that first night I met you. And I can't j * . . _ . I **^wi L-> vtx*, viitrii i u i i iv M w /i u ' 1 1 \?y , oiuii ^plicate key. She consult* a noted inj? a re f usa ] of that litt]e 1<iay - s de _ pt>>sicin who terls her she cannot mand thut thev s^houW inin Arhv nnH live longer than six months; th.n answers the call of a solicitor to find is heir to a large fortune on that she marries before she "I'm going to see you home," he| or so many other things she lacks said, as he slipped her cloak about because of the lack of money!" Waldron stretched out a big hand and laid it for a moment over hers. "If Trask is getting more notice it will be thanks to you and will mean an easier time for Araby. My dear, I think in a little time you've accom- mand that they should join Araby and her father for a chat at Arliss Man- sions. Ted!" sh'e pleaded,, and at pKshed quite a good deal. Except, of P; " ' M a*tWn in her eyes Mrs. Alden said course, as regards Kemp! To confess Returning tp Mrs. | , V*tl B ! tih> t.nith . vnii irnriiu> mp wlion vnji to b the thief, Marcia promises sil- ence if he will m ,"77 her within two days. To shield hu father's name and in consideration of release within Then she drew a long breath, plant- ed her dimpled elbows on the table and nodded triumphantly. "I suppose," she said, "that I can't ix months, Kempton consent*. At a claim the credit of having brought restaurant Marcia faints and id assist- : that about. But I'm just as pleased as ed by three strangers, Araby Trask,! if I had! I don't think I've ever seen her father, who is an artist, and a two people so absolutely suited to each wealthy young man, Jasper Waldron. i other." After the secret marriage ceremony I Michael Trask looked up quickly Roeslaer and Marcia go their several and blinked. ways; her improved mode of living] "As whom?" he demanded, and benefits Marcia 's health; she r.ttracts | blinked again as she waved airily after the admiration of her new friends and ' Marcia arid her companion. "Miss Hal- the love of Waldron. He pays a large | stead awl Waldron! My dear lady! um for Man-ia's portrait, paintc.l by ' But but aurely - " Lady Rosslaer claims rela- He broke off. There was Rosslaer no . a little tionshi[i with Mrs. Hatetead and in- 1 tinkling sound as Rosslaer's sharply aiata upon a visit from Marcia which ! nervous movement sent a wine glass angers Kempton. The young heiress j to the floor. He was staring at Audrey discovers that she kwes Waklron but blankly, an odd white line about hi* lips. "Good God!" he exclaimed involun- tarily, so harshly that Mr. Alden stared. "It's it's impossible!" keeps him t a distance. longer avoids Marcia. CHAPTER XXXIV. (Cont'd.) Only Rosslaer's visits to the big Che! | a etudio overlooking the old world tangled garden had not been quite so frequent aa in the old days. Still, they were more frequent than a man of his upbringing generally has!" Marcia looked at him quickly. "And I thought," she retorted, "that you told me you were his friend?" "I am! I always have been. I'd do more for Kemp than for any man I've ever met or known than for any- one else in all this work! save you! But it's some years since we were together much, and kately it has seem- ed to me that he has wanted to avoid me. I've seen practically nothing of him ?ince I've been home. And I very have it." There was a sudden warm note of possessive tenderness in his voice. He drew her suddenly closer, bending his face to hers. "You belong to me, now, remem- ber!" he finished, and for an instant the hot passion he had been so care- ful to suppress leaped up anew in his eyes like a flame. "You belong to me!" (To be continued.) . Mlnard'i Llnlme.it for Burn*. et& in the immediate pairt, and some of the CHAPTER XXXV. The short drive to Marcia 's flat was Tn ,, , r - ., rh , cry silent. The girl's vivid gayety uamty uiris inarm List, seemed to have dropped from her like! She is not at all the girl with the omens vSpherc i i OL i j i. i t. * ck . Shcleaned back in her cor- wwtfulness died out of Araby's eyes.l* :. T' l^aSi"!^ A littlp ,rf * in^n^,,nt ,i/,i ,L ner loo kin* tired and a little white. A little of tlie inconsequent glad gaiety returned to her manner. At the same time she continued to notice a certain change in Kempton's attitude toward her. It bewildered her, I TV " U , 1 , while vt sh,- ni,M finH n = ,,, /, ! * WptHM . Jasper Waldron looked at her once or perfect features, dreamy eyes, long glossy lashes, Cupid's bow mouth you know the girl we all like to dream twice with swift searching and vague ' ''""'""'' 1'" we ".""*"" di.M.tisfur.ti,,., about an(1 w* we might be. while yet she cou'd find no name for it. She began to realize, with a faint! aenae of shock, that it was most mark- i ed after any chance encounter with ' Maj-cia Halstead. To-night she had dissatisfaction. But he, too, was disinclined for talk. her, even \ y , ashort " e Yet - She is the envy of all the girls, they upon copy her style ami her mode of hair- until j drees. petals in rose season, carefully dries them and fills attractive bags for her dressing-table drawers and shirt-waist 1 box. Here is her Charm List: Evening beautifierg Brush teeth; brush hair (twenty strokes); Delicious ' Hot-Day Lunch BEST lunch is two packages of Little Sun-Maid Raisins and a glass of milk. Tastes good when you're hungry. ' Nourishes yet keeps you cool. Raisin's 75 per cent fruit sugar is in practically fredigested form, fur- nishing 1560 calories of energizing nutriment per pound. Doesn't tax digestion so doesn't heat the blood, yet energizes almost immediately. Big men eat little lunches to con- serve their thinking power. Don't overeat and lag behind the leaders. Get two packages of Little Sun- Maids now. Little Sun-Maids Between- Meal Raisins 5c Everywhere in Little Red Packages bath; thorough rub down; . '" . story-teliing deep ------- ----- , , -~ -,,,,,, ,. t - to her for ideas andj sprinkle of talcum; a fresh nightie;; O f course, since not a little of the the boy 8 !_weH, they are simply!"PP>y ^d cream when needed ;_ apply . fun bad given Kempton her hand; had een the nervousness in his own greeting and had wondered afregh. A " .i'i v, had falk-n upon her face, but it lifted ;n , after a few moments' kWe chatter with the others, Rosslaer not left telling Marcia of his impend- ing departure until to-night. baffled by her indescribable charm, knows soniKthring of the secret of - > _ . hand lotion, garment, ready for to- the personal daintiness and has attained Morning toilet Exorcise At the door of the flat she he.sitatedi a degree of artistry in and looked up at him. He took heri lovely. e oers, ossaer ,. gave his attention entirely to her. The u ' "V warmth crept back to her ey, the he sald ; __!..___ , .. * ' IO KI1V ti gently by the elibow, smiling down at; Her careful toilet for the day really i begins the evening before. Hanging by in^ust fora moment," | her dressing tabte, in plain sight, ii appearing 1 Jen window; brusih teeth; drink glass | of water; wash hands; press t>ack a "sociable" is in keeping t | cn out of doors sister, a long summer reoen-tly I day, you must postpone the party if *">* the weather is unfavorable. He Probably Got HU Wish. Tommy, though very' young he it onJy four has a precocious apprecia- ! her. , something I want color to her cheeks, the smiles to her I l f ? to ^""r,; 1 won l kt ' 1 ? >' u '. n - lip*. Love irradiated her; it revealed fiSPff y -^ 5?"^ looik " >t**lf quite unconsciously. I ^l? the ""* ""'table place for you!" I a few years older, hus been suffering from one of the common maladies of childSool, and as she became convalescent. Tom- my frequently observed the most A Summer. Dish. j tempting deHcacies being carried Into The most popuJar dish of the sum- ' 'he sick room, from which h was still mer ice cream when flavored with j excluded. He decided to put la a raisins, is not only a cooling confection, j word for hlraeelf. The next time he Once-a-weeV aids to lovelinwR lmt one that h **P" to toke awa y thei 1 ** his mother bearing a tray of es- ""- listlessness caused by warm weather. ' P<iaJly appetizing food to the In- cuticle of nails; splash of cold water | on face; dash of powder on nose to remove shine; brush eyebrows; dress hair becomingly. Kempton saw, and felt the blood ruth to htis head-. ed, his eye.s His pulses quicken- She passed in with a little, her Charm List and what u gy time * l ix^^<^^ half of teeth, ami the prescribed twenty ! cream ; wash-bowl laundry, special iiii : *t t A. i_t brightened under the enchantment, he forgot thaT which had on as he took her cloak from her: nervous laugh. The touch of his hand stroke* in brushing the hair. (Thjy on her arm was like a caress. Her! '*" us that girls in "the tiO's" made it pell of h*r light little luugh half s.hv Wp < l" iv *' rt ' 11 for an instant. He wentj 100 strokes!) Next, a nice warm bath L . t. , .. .L . . . . *. Ion as he took her cloak from her: with a delicately perfumed bath soap You're overdoing it, Maroia one which is refreshing and such a joy! '' *!hil v MI I b y ? " 11 After the >* th - sprinkling of talcum c while ago. You 11 break down if ! .u,, L ^ TH,:. care of feet; weekly Every two weeks Shampoo hair. been; tbat which was. He remember - ad only bhat they loved and the new aterrmess and taciturnity dropped ' from him like a cloak. I J^ 11 *< I things on like this you want to take enjoyment is apt on shoulders, neck and arms, you such a This El waVni, boyh self a,rain in ! thin * 8 < ' a " ier - Kvpn *fNtt* is apt fT" you , 8U ^ v<>lvet y --omfortable eonnenuent recE of all wve' the ' to '* ""uatinif, you know." , f ^'" n B "' then you are all ready for liirht that lav in his Indv's eves^ '!' 8 ! in 8 " lilei1 ' that will( '- "traight,! "^ wt-et nightie and to cuddle light that lay in his lady's eye* the i kxvi- that beat high in his heart. Tr;isk watched and kuxed furtively from the- two to Mnrcia. She was looking at them under lowered lashes, her head f-Hg<ht!y Iwnt. Waldron, not- ing the unusual piercing quality of It. I rather boyish smile of his, but his eyes down (like i contented kittnc by the were grave. She mot them, flushed,! (ire for a refreshing slumber of at ' made a quick little genure of her Iwist. eight hours. Each garment for the morrow is all , , ' Fs """-"*-* V' t 1 1 H l l 11 i I UTV ID "ii ' or "" Pllch , " lo f.. < ? f arranged, buttons, l>ooks arxl eyes on, n.l siu-b a little _. -.' tr' expression that was upon Marcia'n fx>". It was utterly bafflintr; yet each mn was troubled by it. A wistful fiu'cstiioning was there; trouble -sadness, too. As Audrey ftfx.l..- to her she nhook herself to- Reth< i with an effort. Hut more than orvro her (rlance strayed lack to those two HO deeply absorbed in each other. stare,!, i nice and clean. No wander she July ha rub "1 know. Hut (her time to make up- time to do it in She broke off. Waldron av .ni, then laughed outright. i II**Pi "beauty slee^t!" "Vou child! Your life's In-fore youj Our Dainty Girl reveln, once a week, - -you'll get tirwl of pleasure if you in a sudsy ceremony that calls for a go on like tlvis!" Ajjuin sh( tvgitate<l at I A Progressive Party. If you would have a pleasant and economical variation from th usual kind of summer party and would give, a "sociable" that all of your friends the girls who are in business as well as those who are keeping house will enjoy, join with two of your friends and send out an invitation something like this: You are invited to take part in an necessary meiioing done and every-| all-day summer frolic on Saturday, H rw> kfa 8 t at the home but a temporary relief, it is pointed! ""**?." n * id. "may I have tb out; combined with the delicious flavor meesles when Vlol t' 8 finished with of raisins, it is truly a deJightful.i tnem7 " healthful di*h. | i u The sugar in raisins U in praeti- : cally predigested form, and is turned into energy almost immediately. Thii re-vitalizing quality of the raisin makee this fruit-food a boon to warm weather fatigue and listleosnese. Mlnard't Liniment for Dandruff Quite True. The work of a choir director Is hard, but it Is not wholly without humor. Recently a man was telling of hfe at her home at (? p.m. Be prompt. WwUxnri of beautiful frothy suds into Wear tramping clothes, nervoiuly, still which go her frilliest bits of under-! Of course vou will decide with your 11,11 dim h^. __i. .. . . I . . . j-> friends who of vou will entertain at S ' collars and cuffs, sheer 1 L i j\_ " " (lls(lov i' r ed that her Miss at 7 a.m., luncheon at Miss' experiences with the boy choir of an 's home at 12.30, supper with Miss Englsh cathedral. "1 was teaching I II i'in. ' he saW, "to chant the Ut.ui> ' and flattered myself that we were get- ting along unusually well when I no- ticed the words they were chanting for the response. Every Uw< one of breakfast and who at the other two Load RADIO WANTED Agent If we are not r*prnt<.j In locality writ* at once for our propo- sition Mak* com* real proflt on Radio Apiwratui now. We furnlah Complete Concert Radio Receiving Set*. Automatic Telephone* and Time Recordera, Ltd. m.Jlo Dvpt.. 140 TJotorim Bt^ TorMt* the invitation. In planning for the bill is reduced almost in pro- food (to not attempt elaborate menus. life Jte free from pain. ThouH- unds of HuffererH have been relieved of RheumatiHm, Neuralitia, Neuritis Sciatica, LumbitKo and tiout by New Life Remedy. some. vValdron'd Hmile took a quick tender- ness. He wulrhed her wiLn a growing CountU-HH grateful U-nt imoni ( " r ' mlt ala received during liie nast twenty-five years from those benefltted by "New Life." Doe* not contain any hurnifuJ druirfl. I'lfiisaiii to take and does not uptiet the One hotUe for One Dollar; Six bottleo for Five Dollars Mulled direct to Customer*. Nrui Vtfr Krmrby ffiompnuy 73 Weit Adelaide St , Toronto Canada in your heart you think I'm selfish? I wonder if I sem to you to live only! for myself to tke aH the good thing* . of life tht. my wealth can buy? Per- portion to the frequency of the wah-| Have simple, wholesome dishes and haps I am >lnsh, but I don't, mean to. ings, so after ech day's we\r, they see that the three meals are well bal- be; don't mean to b! Ft hurt* me, are treated to a dip in suds or clear! anced that they make up an appetiz- ^""I'^l'h! lu'iitlT '*!'(, i IT"! 11 ' V * warnl waU " r - The voi(l11 of thrift P re- irvK nnd nutritious whole. Use as little got. and how little other folks have- V ail even when they arc- brand new | china as possible. 1'aper cup, and ami it is such a temptation to put dishes, and paper napkins, of course, . th ; ein on in n " thpir freshness from will simplify the cleaning up. warmth in hw eyes as she moved : tn * box for thel . r flrat we * r - Thoy last. The chief charm about breakfast across the room and stood leaning one ' OI W. too, if introduced to the wash will lie in getting abroad in the fresh, long whit* arm the le-nirth of the' bowl before their first wear. i early morning air and in making that mantelpiece. On down the list is the weekly mani-' usually hurried niwil an occasion for M i i nt, the smooth cure when hei- nails_are filed, cubicle social pleasure. Serve the menl In- The best plan is to set on one big table ami let wan mvil by an almost micontroll- '"* ""'" " = i-cnin.-i c.i fveryuno help herself. Afterwards, able impu'W to catch tier close in his r<>mov ' of al1 PtMpWtton odor, which when those who have work to ilo have .sometimes persists in npito of perfect gone to it, round up the others nnd She went on without looking Imck .cleanliness. A speoinl toilet prepara- take them for a tramp in the woods at him. I lion, UMX! about once n week after the und lields to gather flowers grasftes courae. I do what I can, and bath, overcomes this difficulty. | and Miajre until it is time 'to go to .vbyiny; And you should see the Dainty the home of the friend who vviM s*>rve iJl^.'. 1 '...' 111 ';^' 1 ' 1 ' 8 tin >' Iittl(> l>ri1 * 1 ;. niuch smaller luncheon. than a tooth bruwh, which she uses just I'ae some of your (lowers and leaves for her eyebrows, for she knows that to decorate the luncheon tables (sev- her eyebrows must be brushed quite eral small tables wiH make n pleasnt ^ as reliKiously as her hair. , change from a lrge one) and put the to come across any nee ly person who! And the matter of perfumery ? One rest in water until the afternoon will aece.pt money I give it to ht>r it>|of t.he newost ideas is to select one's Then take the company out of doors fragrance according to one's type. 1 and let them work the blnsosm* and Who could think of the quaint girl, the foliage into baskets, tokens and who suggests hoop skirts and bro- .bouquets to he used for dinner favors cades, without thinking of the frag- If powible, servo dinner out of meals, and will write those names in' thorn was saying, Ixwd, have mercy Her nerk WHS Lent, the smooth cure when hei- nailn are filed, cubicle social ' p!ea .hna.dei.s gleam.xl white through the removed and the buffer gives ju*t the formally Ku f ,.r. e s? tt^yiaaa m r -"^r of n ^ ! ^ was mowl 'by an almost uncontroM- ^^ '"'Po'-tant is the matter of everyone Of course, I very often get srolkled severely by my friends in consequence! toys I lip tired waiter* uml waitreaii- e extravagantly I nubm-ribe to vari- MIS rhariiieH, and whenever I I- .ppen always a 'her' vou know"- with a sud- den flash of whimsical humor. "(Jen- rrtilly a very enrneat uivl n|)ii-ing art student, <r a younff and enthusiastic aclre^n stil'l !.ooRiiig for work!" She le<t her niin fall and turned and fared him. "It niiilit-s me happy. But it isn't eiuiuwh. There are other people whose need w roaUy ranre of tavender buds? The retiring, IJOOM. It rhould be n more snbstan- shy girl cb(Ki*es tl.e s.-civt of the "mod- tial nual than thu others, for every- ost" violet. Surel,\ many types of one will have time to enjoy it fully girl* may us<> the fi-ngrance of the and at leisure, row. The Dainty Gill gather* th i Ck> the day with old-fashioned upon us, miserable singers!' Surely It was true enough of must of them.' The earliest records back to ll^'J B.C. of Korea go Supplies Beekeepera will flnu, .. r looking up our catalog, everything need- ed for the production of honey. Ruddy Mfg. Co. Ltd. Brantford, Canada Suoccsiorm to Him Bro. Co. Ltd. Send for copy. OsassaA ONE GOOD MAN la i!filnt In your town to tell our product direct to roniiinpr. Thin wriMn'ii la thii bent \<-< made and tuts Bn ndoraoil l>y KIVHC! in*rhanlrs th world m IT TiiU s a ourci iin- allr, and prnt ur to<tl and fa.ot. Only raaponilblr i>artln cuniildrrixl lui afnl. Ui-iiiir.-i held i-cnndrntlitl. Univertal Wrench Cp. OKTAKIO

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