July 12 1922 THE FLESHEBTON ADVAKCE To Everyman yHE first and most important aim of Everyman * who desires to succeed should be the same as that ol successful business and financial houses the formation of a Reserve Fund. A reserve Is not only invaluable when reverses or emergencies arise, but it is a guarantee of strength and promotes self-confidence. STANDARD BANK or CANADA *n FLESHERTON BRANCH, - C T. BATTY, Manager. Branches tbo at WiUUnuford aod Holland Centre. CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as . ollows : Going South Going North 7.55 a. m. 11.52 a.m. 4.30 p.m. 9-30p. m. The mails are osea at Flesherton c follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and '6 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train soul mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg VICINITY CHIPS Priceville is planning for a big celebrn.- tion on Civic Holiday, August 7th. Mr. Percy LeOard if Toronto i* holi- daying here. Ye euitor and family spent the week end up on the Biuce peniniula. Misa Wimiifrad Gould of Toronto is holidaying with friends here. The Advance is agent for all Toronto dailies. Let us renew your subscription. Mr. Everelte Bunt of Toronto ia visit- ing friends In town. Kenneth Kellar of Toronto is visiting his cousin, Harold Beit. The Misses Porteous of Peterborough are visiting with their friend, Mrs. (Dr) Turnboll. Miss Hazel Snunk of Toronto ia spend* ing a couple of weeks with her friend, Mias Mildred Wright. Mrs. Jack Stone (nee Hazel Thompson) -jjand babe, of Tcronto, are visiting th I , . . , relatives here. Be sure and hear Ellwood Genoa in the high school this Thursday evening, July 13th. After the church parade Sunday after- i noon the band gave a concert in Memor- '< i ' Park. Oiring to rain the catfaterta tea given : by the ladies of the Presbyterian church I Friday evening Uat was rather a failure. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilchrist, M'. - Ethel Gilcbrist and Mr. Jack Nichol FT jtored to Collirgwood and Stayner over the week end. The High S:hool Board have secured thejir.-icts.fMt.il. W McKillop of Successful Garden Party One of the most successful garden arties ever neld at Maxwell was that Iven at the home of Mr. Angu* Morri- 01 under the auspices uf the Presbyter- Hi Ladies Aid on Wednesday evening of at>t week. The program was a good one nd Mi acted i very large crowd. A ootball game between Markdale and 'V versham clubs created a great deal of xcitement, the score cuing 2 to in iv. r . f Markd'tle. Among the several peakers was Rev. Mr. DuiiiMj, the newly arrived Methodist minister on that ircuit, and other numbers were the arge Bros, and Wes. Armstrong, Ha- waiian music ; violin music by Freddie .large, Maypole dance by the girls, an xcellent solo by Mra. George Lawler nd a reading by Miss Seeley. The supper was all that could be. deslr~ J, the evening was ideal and the big rowd thoroughly enjoyed themselves. rianover Stores Destroyed Hanover, Ju'y 5 Hanover yesterday was rigited by the most dmaetrous tire or some time, when the shoe strre owned and occupied by .1. Koenig, the Jlympii cindy works and pool room were destroyed, the estimated Hsg runn- D._' from 89000 to $10,000. The cause of the fiie ia uuknown, hut it started in he huement of the establishment. Mr voenig had :i pariicu'arly heavy b.ock of >oots and shoes, which was completely lestroyed. Tha less to uie Olympia andy works in set at 31500, including took and machinery, and the b'lli.ird ind pool room tixtuies and turnishious, with sttck of c gsrs, etc , were valued at *1:JOO. Beloiont Out. M principal. The start will Mr. and Mrs. Djwn, Mrs. Cargoe and De Q w. McKillop, rrincipal, and daughter, Jeanette, and Lillian McMullen visited friends at Thornbury last week. Dr. McWilliam of Dundalk will make weekly professional visits to Priceville on Missis Holmes aod King assistants You wil I come to the concert in the :r,h school Thursday evening expecting something first class and you will depart perfectly satisfied, so come along and speud an enjoyable evening. A delightful evening was spent on Friday of last week when a number of women of the town " showered" Mr and Moore ' -^' x '' 1S Wilson in their home. An array of kitchen utensils, etc., was given to the recently married couple. Rev. Mr. Fowler, past ir of the Pres i MM church, left Monday to spend a Tuesday and Friday, from 2 to 4 p.m Mr. W. Williams of the Collingwcod Bulletin called on friends in town en Saturday. Mr. am' Mrs. John Brown and chil dren and Mr. snd Mrs. Will spent the week end in Stayner. Good binder in exchange for horse- Apply to S. Thompson. Flesher- , I month with hU family at South Bend Miss Mabel Swift of Toronto is spend- ,. , .(Indiana. Service next Sunday will re ing a coup'e of m .nths witn friends and reb'ives here. Kuy McAulay snd wife of Toronto re of weeks with his spendi: a a couple mother l:ere. taken by Messrs. Joe McKej and Chas. Stewart. Sunday, July 3, will be taken by Mr. R. J. Woods of Corbetton July 30, no service, and tb.e lait Sunday of Mr. Fowler's absence the service will Mr. and Mrs. Everett Henry, accom- be ttken by Mr. Thornley of Shelburne. panied by Mr. and Mrs. U. V. Uicketts j Thg ,, ranRe c hurch parade on Suudiy, of Markdale. spent the week end ln j when Rev . M r . Fowler preached to the Toronto. fraternity, was largely attended, there Miss Loieeo Cargoe is home from being some 75 members in the proces- Toronto for a couple of weeks. She is 8 j cn _ There were representatives pres- acc.iropmiad by Miss Edna \\hite, who t ont f rom moat of the surrounding lodges is visitmc her unc'e on the west back f ne ^mou, though based mainly on Orut ge principles and what they stood for, was minus teit. Th subject was ably handled. Reeve McKenzie went over the town- ship roads last week ia company with a representative of the Department of High- ways to note necessary work, nf which th? province pays 20 per cent. file Methodist Sunday school picnic was held on Tuesday of lt week at L'. vet's gtove and --n Thursday tbo Bsptist Sunday school held their picnic at T. Atk- iscu's. Rock Mills, wheu a jelly time was spent. Bv. Mr. McOarU:i, Mt'hoilist pastor at Prioeville, lefi Ust week for hia new charge nt Muiin Koad. A* the Kbeneztr j guests, the immediate plioiotment gmdeu party previous to i bride mid groom. iMvln:; ha was the recipitnt of a purse and appreciative address. Mr. and Mrs Fuink VanDmen of Toronto arcl two daughters visited lie former's mother here Kst week. The Pedlar McDowell Au interesting event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Phillips, Wed., July 5th at 4 o'clock, wheu their gitiiiddaugtuer, Alice Gertrude McDow- ell *!!! uuited in marriage to Simuel Iv-iy PedUr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samue Pedltr of fortlaw. The ceremony wns conducted by Rev Mr Duttield, of MHX- woll, in the presence of about fur> relatives of the two young ladies will temiin for an ex- tended visit with their grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. V.iuDusm attended tl e The pallor W!W fragriut with of summer tloweis. The bride and grov u >-..>! under an arch of ferns and orang blossoms. The bride, who was s{iveu in rmniage by her uncle. Mr. Sainue Phillips, was attired in a navy blue dies Summer Specials White Canvass Footwear, Silk and Lisle Hosiery, New Pumps and Oxfords, Negligee Shirts, Soft Collars, Straw Hats, Bathing Suits Light Weight Underwear, Coatless Suspenders, Wash^Dresses and Skirts, Whitewear, Muslin and Wash Goods, Dress Ginghams, Rain Coats. Every Requisite for Preserving Granulated Sugar in 10, 20 and 100 pound bags. ]ew Jars half gallons, quarts and pints. Perfect Seal Jars quarts and pints Jar Rubbers, Metal Jar Rings, Parowax, Preserving Kettles big range of sizes, Jar Fillers, Jelly Strainers, Cullen- ders, Long Spoons, Fruit Presses, Measures. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO Victoria Corners \ to Mr Tbos Bannon re'urned today (Mon) rom n old Boys' Reunion at his birth- jlace, Norwood, where he has been spending th week. U-.'V Mr Eile av the Orangemen sermon on Sunday at Ini^tioge. His theme was better Orangemen and why all should be Orangemen. BORN On Wedoe t dy, Julyuth, Mr aod Mrs Milton Bannon. a son. Mi-a Otttllie L fkh ,rt tried her music on b'rulay at Dundulk. League wag I. .'la on Thursday instead of Wednesday on accouit of the girden party at Maple Grove. i Mrs Ed Stinson returned to Toronto with Mr Leslie Brooks and wife, Bul.y Beth vitited her strtcil purents, Mr and Mrs Win Ludlow. Mrs Stevens .-r.d D 't motored called on old friend* on Saturday. On Friday afternoon the Proton Ang- lican ladies had a very enjoyable ( icmc on Mr A Stmson's Uwn, f Mr. and Mrs. John Cairns and two children of McTier are visitors in towu. Besides E.hvood Genoe at tl 1 conceit this Thursday evening there will be Miss Pearl Badge-ow, snprano, Toronto, and Miss Marguerite Runstadler. Fleeherton. The Markets Carefully Corrected Each Week Barley 70 to 70 Peas 1 25 to 1 25 Buckwheat 80 to 80 w ' th IBntter . 22 to 24 Mr rVd Browser, wife and family, to j E g g S 23 :o 23 visit a lur^e nuniiier uf friends around Winter Wheat 1 05 to 1 05 Spring Wheat 1 00 to 1 00 and Miss Si. me Oat*....- 45 to 4J visit a lur^e number London. Mrs Richird b:min Clearing Out Some Lines of Shoes Pump, Oxford and Strap shoes, size 3, 3 1-2, 4. These are good serviceable shoes. Selling at SI. 7 5 per pair. EMBLEMS All members who take a pride in wearing one of their numerous emblems. Our selection is complete and you are cordially in- vited to come in and look them over. W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler and Optician FLESHERTON, - ONT. . of Canton crepe and carried American Beauty roses and fe-rns. Her gift Ptfdlar-McDowall nuptials on Wednesday j t j, ? sro<> n) ws hsndsotne cut gl*ss fruit of last week. set. Mis? JMla Pedlar, aic.tcr of tie The Pricevil'e Presbyterian church I groom, played the wedding march.JAfter will hold a garden party on Friday of this week, when Msrkdale and Ceylon will play a game of baseball. The usual refrasbments and concert in the evening, when Owen Sound and Durham talent will supply the program. A good lime is assured. See bills. While working on the railroad laying tails north of Mirkdtle oo Friday la.t Frank Bunt of town was injured by the tailing of a rail which crushed his foot. No banes were broken, but the injured member is pretty tore and the accident will necessitate a removal for a time from the occupation that is fotcd upon us a<l buc that i* not liked, thu Is work. The ladies are putting on what is ex- pected to be one of the beat concerts ever given here on Thursday evening of th's week, July 13th. Mr. Ellwood Genoa, teacher of the Elocution in the Hsm- bourg conservatory, will give readings. He U wonderfully improved of late years nd it is a rare treat to hear him. In addition the will be violiq^iolcs, read ings, quartets, solos, and the Hawtiisn trio. SM bill*. congratulations ati.i signing of the regis- ter a dainty repast was served at a table arranged with the wedding cake in the centre, surrounded by orange blossoms. The young couple left on a motor trip to Toronto, Hamilton and Creemore, the bride travelling in a tailored mit of navy whip cord with hvt to match. On their return they will reside on the groom's firm, 4-h line, Otprey. Among the guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vaoduieo and dauxhtcts of Toronto, Mrs. H. C. Die-s, Cleveland, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred^Ped'ar of Creemore. LeGard-Hunter A quiet wedding was solemnized it St. Andrews Presbyterian church, Toront-- o i Monday, July 3rd, when Miss Eliz< b>th Hunter of PenatanguUhsoe, Ont., wis united in marriage to Joseph A, LoGard of ToMOto. foruierly i Fleshet- ton, by the Rev. W. AN^Uhoo. The coegratulations and beet wtihes of a host of erionds go with the young couple. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO THe Flesherton Tailor Shop The Place where you get Service Just laid in a new stock of ready-made WORK 4 DRESS TROUSERS Beet grade obtainable altet- cd U) lit. At lowest ptioes. Dome in and look them over. Overalls and Work Slurts T. C. Blakely Merchant Tailor MMU r^^TMVi New Perfection Oil Cook Stove & Oven SPEEDY Touch a match to the burner :tnd it is ready in- stantly. STEADY Set the rl.iine where you win! it. It ^'ays there. CLEAN Does not blacken pots or puns. The long blue chimney turns every drop of oil into cooking heat. -- For eveiy cooking purpose there is always abunoance of steady clea tense heat. OVENS N. P. ovens are superior to the ordinary ovens, quicker and more uniform results in baking and roasting are secured with them. Come in and see them, or better still, ask a u*r. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - - 'Phone 24 r II Tonsorial Parlors | Fall Term Opens Aug. 28th We Aim to Give Entire S itisfactlon LAUNDRY B.wket closes Monday night, delivery Fuany ev CLEVXIX3 :il DYE ING- *'e ar agents for Parker's Dy Works Clothea leened and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER - -PROPRIETOR Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Graduates readily obtain employment. It piys to attend the best. Catalogos) frte. W. J. ELLIOTT,