July It 1922 TBB EL-ESHERIDN ADVANCE K ,. Feversham's Busy Store We are agent for the Standard Designer Pattern Leave your order and have us send 'for your patterns MRS. R. H. HENDERSON FEVERSHAM, - ONT. CENTRE GREY LEAGUE Team I Ceyluu | Duudalk. . . Markdale.. , Vandelour. Flesherton . Won 4 a 2 1 Lott 2 2 o 2 PC .ceo .000 .000 .500 .It./ Dundalk 17, Flesherton 5 Markdale II, Ceylon 6 Vandeleur 15, Ceylon 10 Gomes thi* week Flenhcrton t Vaudeleur Thuisday. ESTABLISHED 1672 ^^^"H*"" 1 """*^" Proton Office open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. HOURS 12 o'clock noon . KtU3i OfolCC HAMILTON to 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SlB-BRiNCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager Flealiertou lott another game in Dun- dalk on Thursday of It-' wetk when they were defeated by the overwhelming scare of 17 5, but tha score doesn't indicate by uuy means the play of the gillie. Dundalk hit bard aud the balls went just where a nitu wasn't allow us to enlarge on the game euttice to say tint it is tin' iii-h defeat ID a row for tile loctl ball tossers with only on i win. Ceylon bowed down to detent (nice last week the first to Markdale, Tburs- day a'ttmuon by the score of 11 C ai.d Markdale was the better team that (lay. The second defeat was to Vandeleui Stturday, the score being 10 11, tut the game was protested ou iha grounds of inefficiency of the umpire, who wi a Mr. GilliUnd of Owen Sound. CeyloD registered a protest OD the umpires decision in the Saturday panic aud won their point at the Executive meeting Monday ni^ht. Tha game is to lie replayed if it is a decesive gme in League standing. Vandckeur protest n Bennett, pitcher at Dund till, out wheu the charges could nut be proved it was dropped. The Dundalk Markdile t>Me ie\ el uled for todty is postponed. A 20 puund pike was rauijht in Stugean near Walkertou. tie I v: * /3 r DON'T te ^ e an y chances with fire in Ontario's forests. DON'T throw away cigarette or cigar butts, pipe heels" or burnt matches until you are dead sure they are out. DON'T neglect to drown out your camp fire thoroughly with lots of water. Stir up the ashes and throw on more water. DON'T build your camp fire against a rotten log or stump nor on high exposed windy points; nor near moss patches; nor at the base of a tree. Build it in a former fire place, if any at hand, or on a flat rock, or on a spot cleared down to the true soil below, preferably by the edge of the water. . DON'T forget that the upper layer of ground in the forest consists of partially rotted wood which holds fire and slowly burns. The only real soil which will not burn is beneath. Ontario Forestry Branch Parliament Buildings, Toronto L^^^H|^^^^H^^^^^H^Hpm^m^|gm^gPBHPiBH^EKl^Kflli^HHBiMHMH^BVMiB^"i 1 (Save Ontario's Forests ^ They're 1 ^ SOLD IN FLESHERTON BY D. McTAVISH & SON Paterson Swift St. Jobn'l Prctby teriu Church. Broad- view Avenue, Toronto, at half-past seven o'clock ou Thursday evening, Ju'y Gib, was a scene uf the marriige if Miss Kuliriue Uertrudo Swifr, -second daugh- ter cf Mr. E J. Swift and MM. Swif-, Tiirunt.', to] Mr. Robert Gi-rdon Pater- son, eldest 9 n of Mr. J;>hu P*terson and | Mis. Fveru'D, f>7ii L 'giu Avenue, ! Toronto. The servico was taken by the] Llev. T. A. Rodger, iu the presence if mediate friends and relatives. The bride, who was given s*y by her tatlur, led charming in t gjwr. of ivnry snio, ' with . - . : [M - uf Oriental hv.id-einbroid- ereJ net, wearing a tilmy veil, caught with orange blusso.vs ltd cairyiug )'er bouquet of Ophelia rotes and uliy breath. The bridt'smtid, Miss Matol Swift, sister of th* brida, wore , a il tiiii y fri en of orchid georgette, with i hattj in ti i'!i ,tnd ctrried a bouquet of Am. 'ii in 1V..UI y roses. Miss Cathleen { Swift aiid Miss Ctlheiine Stewart of I F.eshertun, cousins of tne bride, were ' H iw .! _;u N, carrying batkets f pitik ' roses. The bride^roim was tuppoited | by Mr. \Vill.ner Daniels. "All Mtno ; Alone " WHS sung during the signing of the remitter, by Miss Pcttersou, sister | of the groom. After the ceremony a; reception wits he'd tit the home uf the; bride's parents, 720 L >^an Avenuo, The ' happy couple loft litter on a motor trip, j thfl tilde tr.-ivflliiig in Cnnton ctvpe, | with .. : .|i in I hit tti match, u"l \\ mny a fox -.'ul the gift of the groom. Ou . their retuiu, Mr. und Mrs. P.ttersun will reside at 24 Uelhaven Huad, Toronto. Good Stock Farm For Sale FURNACES We are agents Clare Bros. Pipeless Furnaces, which \ve instal on order. Repairing of all kinds pro- mptly attended to. Pipefitting including pump work. All kindsof Hardware D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario Transien* Advs. For Sale Ten acres timothy hy uncut U. Chatd, R R 8, Proton. Chopping done on Saturday ilr-lrim Bros. Eugeiitl' only hi'i acrea, will ? uuili v for cash or sell cheap uii reasonable terms; with or with* out cri'p. Situiled \\ miles from Proton village and C I'.U. station, near Saugeen Jet. On farm U roughcast house; baru ou cement wall; p'g house; lion house; clrivinx shed; drilled well excellent water with wind-mill; and a nerer failing stream crosses back cud uf f ii-u Excellent soil and in cot>d state or cultivation. It is going to be sold at onoe. F ir particulars ee Win. Back- In a who resides aorosa from tutu, Writu i , phone, or osll on J. 0, Wright, Dundalk, the owner. A quantity cf hemlock lumber for Sile J. K. Jimuson, Eugenia. Fur Sale or Rent The old tea factory in Flesheiton, on esy terms. Apply to H. J. Sproule, Flesherton. for Sale Two building lots, iu Flesh- erton near the Methodist church apply to Mrs. M. Thibtlethwaite, Flesherton. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE wanted I to sell for " The Old Reliable Font hill Nurseries.'' Largest list of fruits and lornameuiaU to offer, txclusive territory, highest commissions, handsome free | equipment. Write for particulars Stone A Welling'on, Toronto. For Sale One 1J foot power wind- mill, buzz saw, one 14 h.p, portable steam engine, one 10 inch plate grain grinder, and ball bearing pneumatic tired I'li.'^y, one 6 ft M II biuder, mower, iid 12 disc seed drill Oha-i Stafford H R 5, Markdale. If you ard thinking ot buyiuj; a Cream Separator buy no other but (he DcLaral, which is the best and tnoat tellable sep- arator made. Call, phone or write Hugh Kuott, Markdale, agent. Boar For Service Pure bled Uegmterea Yorkshire Boar for service Vineyard Kamoua 77B30 on lot 167, .s. VV. T. & S. R., Artemetia. Term* fl.SO. Bows not returned will be charged annn as those In pi. 10,4,8 i T. J. 8TINSON Res dtinoe FIT Sale Five roomed frame bouse, ju<t newly renovated, papered and painted. Good gtrden lot. Immediate posseseiou. Apply to W, A. Arm.trong, Fleaheiton. Honse and Lot For Sale The prop- erty known as the Ashdown residence at Crylon, an eight roomed dwelling, good cellar, stable, eto. ; about an acre of laud, would make a good home for a retired gentleman. For terms and fur- ther particulars apply to W. J. Bella.my, Flexherton. 1 May ft Wanted Girl to do general huaae work iu Toronto home. Must be able to do plain cooking. No laundry. Twenty dollars per month to start with. .Apply at The Advnea otiioe. Public Notice The following stores will close Mou- >1 iyn and Wednesdays at 7 p.m. during July, August and September : Mrs. J. benders-)!) and Eli Robinron, Fever- slmin ; S. Usbixue and C, Heron, Mat- well ; Frank Curran and A, Soru border. Mclntyro ; Jacob Hamilton, BadgerO* ; H. Heittuiui, Maple Valley ; J. Hammill aud Thus. Hall, SiRghamptoo.