Flesherton Advance, 19 Jul 1922, p. 1

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Vol. 43, No. 7 Flesherton, Ont., July 19, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. CEYLON Mr and Mrs Alex Holley, son aud daughter atd little grandson, Mr and Mrs Laurie Whalen and three boys, all of the Sault, motored down the past week and are visiting Roddie Stewart and family and other friends. Messis Tand B Dargavol of Wiartou vi-ited their sister, Mrs G Collinsou, here, and in company with Miss J Col- lineon, motored to Durham and visited friends there. They return this week to their home. Mr Timmins and wife of Glenelg visited at S HemphiH's last week. Myrtle Hemphill of Toronto is spend" ing her vacation under the parental roof. Mrs Reilly and son, Douglas, Toronto, and Mrs Robert G Warling and two daughters of the West, are also visitors at S Hemphill's. Miss Qeorgina Mitchell of Toronto ia holidaying at her uncle's, J McLeod's. Mrs John McMillan has returned from v's'ting friend* at Fort William. Gladys Cushnie of Toronto is visiting her aunt, Millie Cook. Miss Dorothy McLeod of Toronto spent the weekend at the parental home Mrs Strain left this week for her home in the West after an extended visit with friends here. N. Archibald and wife, R Cook and Miss Millie spent the 12th at Hanover Edward Whit'aker. wife and two children, of B C, are visiting the form- er's parents, Mr and Mrs R Whittaker Miss Helen Gibson of Toronto is visiting her pirents. Mrs Kiu.x visited Toronto friei.ds last week and wax accompanied home by her daughter, who has been leaching in the West. Quite a number from here took in the 12th at Markdale. David Hincks had some sheep worried by dogs recently. It appears that two dogs got into his flock. Mr Hinck.s took h's gun and fired two shots which failed to take effect aud the dogs ran awuy. Later one of them returned and was shot-by Mr Hincks. Constable Cook was put OQ the job to locate the owners The tag on the dead dog was missing, so it was not an easy job to locate the owner. Finally both owners wore lo- cated and agreed to pay damages :ind to put the living dog out of existence. Shelburne i . ; John Walters, of Melaoothon, who ap- p.jut'J before Magistrate Falconer in Shelburn:', Tuesday afternoon, for a iteliujiu.iiy hearing on the charga of appropriating the windshield of a car belonging to Frank Taylor, of Corbettou, was committed to stand his trial at the December Sessions at Orangeville. The .-tiMin shovel that was at work on ', the Provincial Highway east of Shel- . burnt.-, for eevenl weeks has been moved northwest of town, and is this week cut- ting down the hill between the Fifth Line f Melaoctbon and Melanctbou Station. The Highway east of Sbtlbuma is being dragged and smoothed out ready for graveling. Economist Opera House H o T o L A y s This THURSDAY Commencing at 8 o'clock Samuel Goldwyn PRESENTS "The Man With Two Mothers" With Mary Alden, the mother of "The Old Nest" Educational Comedy Charlie Chaplin in "Easy Street" Price* 30 and 15c. including Amutement Tax C. E.WALDEN - MANAGER EUGENIA Dedication Day this Friday, July 21. Come everybody and enjoy the big program. Four ball matches iu the afternoon and a first class concert in the pavilion in the evening. The best of talent has been secured, among whom are Mr Taylor of Toronto, entertainer ; Mra Oliver Dynes of Tennesee,contralto; and Miss Badgeroir, tenor, of Toronto ; Hawaaian orchestra and others. Mies Agnes McPhnil, M P, will give an ad dress iu the evening. Don't mias ic. Gleudintiing has teturned to her home iu Toronto accompanied by her friend, Hilda Williams. Miss Hilda will also visit friends at Niagara and St Cath- erines before returning. Mrs Parliament U attendioa the fun- eral of her couain at Bracebridge. Quite a number from here attended the celebration at Maikdale on the glorious 12th. Fred Large, who tifed for the lodge here for the past three years, again acted in the same capacity. Our junior baseball club journe^eJ to Flesherton Saturday and played the juniors there. Score 26 to 6 in favor of Fleiherton. (Intended for last wenk) Many touriats are taking advantage of the conveniences afforded <>t the park. picnics coming from all parts ot the country to enjoy the beautiful Mi ui of the grand oiap'es and the many little walks and places of interest around the park. Bev Jlr Fowler addressed the Orange- men oil Sunday forenoon, when :t large number of members wtro in attendance and lifctened with interest to a f-pleudid Orange sermon, which a of benefit to all present. We were pleueud to see Mr Edwurd Graham of Owen Souud able to visit the old home once more after what might hive been a very bad tccident. Some six weeks ago while repairing his oai the jack, which he had placed nuder the hind wheel, gave way aud Itt the car down ou Mr Graham who was underneath. Al- though no bones were broken, Ed . t;ot pretty bid crushing, an'i it will be eome time before he ia feeling up to the mark. Miss c ' IMI.M Willixms visited with her sis'er, Mrs Ltjheman, Toronto, for a few dbys during the past week, returning ou Saturday accompanied by her little nephew, Master Dudley Lehemau. Fred Graham, wife nd family, motored down f.t 'in Copper Cliff on Saturday last itui will visit friends here for > couple of weaks. Eph. RliobUtom aud wife of Owen Sound spent the week end with the lattei-'s parents, Mr and Mrs John Williams. Another government delegation toured in ou Friday of last week to Ijok into the high cost of production in the electric j'lur here, remaining at best about fifteen minutes end theu away. Theee gentlemen, we believe, draw i salary over treb'e the salary paid to any man at the plant and yet travel so far to inves- tigate the high cost of production here, where every roan earns his money. But no doubt these commisiions ml com- mittees will conclude that the high oust is not so much due from salariea paid to the men at the plant as from other sources. It wig decided at tUo meeting held iu the Ptesbyteriau church on Thursday of last week to held the services for two Sundays in the Methodist church, after which union service will be held each Sunday morning in th; Presbyterian church as usual. The high winds of iho past few weeks have done very little damage, but one peculiar instance of a whirlwind tuuk form one d&y recently iu a hay ~ti*!d owned by Mr Henry WultoD at the top of the mountain. The winds circled around, lifting the hay coils high iu the air and setting them down again without any apparent damage, thin on a day when there seemed to be very little wind stirring elsewhere. W Walker is erecting a line residence jn his picturesque firm south of the village. Mrs J Litimer and daughter, Pearl, are visiting this week with Mrs Frizell of Bognor, und friers at Walters Falls. Married On Wednesday, July 6, at the home of Alexander Hoy, Mra Annie Graham of Manchester, England, to John Haines of Kimberley. llev Mr V.'HiuB of Kimberley performed the cer- emony. We extend our best, wishes to the young couple. PRICEVILLE The electrical storm, accompanied oy a gale of wind, that swept over here on the afternoon of July 12, did consider- able damage. About A mile mirth of the village fences were blown down. The mafons had the brick walls of a dwelling house for D Campbell up about eleven feet. Lightning struck the front wall and threw it into the cellar. The civic holiday committee are ex- erting every effort to put up a great day of games anl sports to interest and amuse the gathering. The Toronto police pipe band is expected to be on the ground and the city is combed to procure the IH--I of entertainers for the concert in the evening, when we expect to have a varied program that will inter- est and amuse all intelligent Canadians, and not merely pamper the clannish taste of a few persons t any patticular nationality. Eirle McLean, while working in a gravel pit heie, was caught I y > cave in of the peipendicular bank and was . <: y seveiely injured. When a body, meets a body, civic day, Priceville, if a body, greets tody, then two hearts -u .y thrill. We have scarcely had any tropical heat yet this season, but we are still blessed with what some persons term "good ag- ricultural " weather. Kdv Mr Bushel) aud family moved into the Methodist ptrsouage on the last day uf June, and the new pastor CJH- ducted service Sunday morning July 2nd. The c >ngret)atioii were much ple&sed with the sermon. Miss Louise WjUou has gone to Tor- onto to take a course in pbysieii 1 culture, and will return to her school in Beutnn, after a vacition with a raise in salary. Miss Margaret Tryon, teacher, Wet Toronto, ii vpendiut; her holidays at the old homo here with her father. Mis W Wilson is fpendiug a week or two. with her Jough'ei Mrs 'jeo Urim- otie, Yeovillo. Mrs J F Rudd, of has beeu visitmg with her father, Wm Tuylor here. Mr and Mrs Chisolm of Lioim Head, accompanied by Mrs P Jluir, Six Corners, called ou a number of old friends iu town one day list week, Mrc C was formerly a Miss Robertson of Priceville. Artemesia Council Council met > the town hall on the 3rd day of July, the members all pres- ent, the Reeve in the chair. Miuutes read and sinned. Communications : J G Whyte, claim for sheep killed, S31, repotted oci by M L Mcln'yre, ordered to be paid ; D W Adama, account haul- ing lumber, S3, aud Durham Furniture Co, lumber for snow fence, 8IW 40, both ordered to be ptid. The Reeve reported having examined the Burnett iim Gillies bridges, the trwn Hue A and >, the Culltm deviation, Melancthon town line and meeting hydfo er.gmeer, ton. 10, time four and i half long duys. He WHS paid 18 for the work. The following accounts were ordered to be piid : C Doupe 34.48 for dynamite used in blasting stone ; .1 A Hogarth two days committee ro Nichols bridge ;>nd CullflO deviation, SH ; S B<Uchelor commission ou expenditure, 89 Vto ; A Curruthers S42, time overseeing work Div 4 ; E Stewart 930, grttvellini; town line A and U, equivalent to Osprey yrant ; J Bur- nett 36, overseeing .work, 'and $1530, commission ou expenditure Div 1 ; -I A Hogarth 58 for overseeing work in Div. 3. Accounts fi-r gruel for oversoeis ordered t-o be pud : J Carson S3, A McCannell 82 40, Beit Taylor $2 80, J Cirsoti 85.50, VV Little 811 lid. M. McLoari 823 30, Mis Hill 811.. 40, Fred Taylor 87,20. Lea Chard 5340, W Mc- Millan 84, VV McCiT.ohe6n 35.12 ; A D McLfod, Blinding ^r.ider blade, $2 25. A spec V. uraut of $100 WRS made to b-3 expended on Campbell's hill, Mr. Carruthers to attend to the same. Carruthers Hogarth That the Reeve O3opurate with the Hydro Commission in regard re repairing the hill on the 3th line completed and is now in bad repair Can led. Card of Thanks The Orangemen of Oeyloo desire to express their public thanks to Rev. Mr. Vose for the very excellent sermon preached to them on Soodny, July ;' h, Signed S. MoLeod, Master. KIMBERLEY The ball gama between Kimberley and L'l'ii U -l.uri: ou Saturday wag won by the Utter, putting Kiinberley out of the running. Clarksburg - now the leading team. The cuttiuiz of fall when* has started here and is good :rop. Timothy cutt- ing has commenced and is silso a f*ood crop. Charley Stuart and family of Parry Sound are visiting wild his parents here. Some of our nitJEeos were doing gratis work on the road between here and Eugenia, trying to make it passible. John tiaines has taken uuto himself a wife in the person of Mrs. Graham. We wiah them happiness anil prosperiiy. S 'ine of the numerous eld bachelore around here ought to follow suit. lie ' Graham, now of Eugenia, was here It week for a short time. We were glad to eee him. He lived in Kim- berley for some years *ntl was t>ood citizen. Albert Ellis hiH made * ^"C J job of the road from here to the town line, considering thj .imount et innney he was .1 iiu for ic. Mr Flood in constructing a water power At his blacksmith shop to --ir t him ID his work. Flood is a worker. Rock iMills W T Pedlur and wiftj visited a few unys with the latter's sister it Barrie. Mr John Tucker, wife ;nJ family, ru- turnud t j their home iu Toronto, after [jleisuiit two weeks' hi'liduy with !. i Bettb ui'-l wife. Kenneth Bet's accui pauicd iht-m back for the 'i !..!.>-. Mr iud Mrs lijb: Phillips and s ,u, t 1'ir nit i, tiiot >;. I up and are visiting with R Hy. Mrs Hoy returned home wi'.h them. Miss Nellie Rjbeilsou is h me fiom Toronto for i few weeka' holidityn. Mis Manders of Torunt" i- visiting friends in this uciui'y. Mrs C Kennedy, and two children o! Toronto, are spending few weeks with the former's l.rother, J.h Kubeitbon and wife. Wui Moore and wife of M- .: i'l ^pent Sunday with W T Pedlar and family. Mrs Julian acd Irene Eil.s returned ho;ne with them (ui i holiday. Mrs Ueitx. ot Cleveland is .u an ox tended visit with her parents, Mr and Mra Tucker Phillips. Everett Bunt of Toronto spent t tew diiys with his cjusin, Lew Pedl.-ir. Mr and Mrs Mclllmurray m.l family motored from Toroutj S it-.i: I :y, and are visitiuv; with John Robertson, vifc and family. Mr Mclllojurray returned Sun- dny anl Mi - Mclllmurray and ^-'uMreu remained for a time Mr and Mrs Fred Field uuJ si n, (i*, are visiting with relatives here. Mrs E P^rtiidga aud children .tie visit- ing with Mrs Gordou Watling. L Newell ^f Durham spent tli- 1 week end with his brother here. A thirteen year old daughter > Ale*. McAusland, Oth line, Sunnidaie. fell "ft ;i hay ruKo and was badlp injured ~!,e WHS taken to Collingwood hospiti', where she is recovering. "A serious accident wa very n irrowly averted on Monday when Cheatf r Morn?, n employee of Leslie Watson s grge, assisted by J. A. Qrammett were re- pairing an auto gasoline tauk. 1'he tank was removed from the auto and the men, nt -i emptying out the ^-iaoiinr. were in the act of uciug * welding torch when an explotion took uluoe. I Appears there was sulticient vapor in the tank thab when the tlamo came in contact something hid to no. The t.mk was blown to pieces aud Morris w&s h t on the loft hand, the cut requiring five stitches. Luckily, the workmen were nor more seriously hurt.- Dund-ilk Herld Pipes 42nd Successful Year Practical courses Expert instruc- tion Individual iostruotion Employment department C, A. FLEMING, F.C.A., Principal ninoe 18KI . O. D. FLEMING, Secretary. Our stock of pipes has been greatly added t o aud we can supply you with a pipe to suit your style. The selection con- tains : The famous "G.B.D." "Peterson'*" "Kola" "Sea Dog" "Old Pal" and the new pipe "Aonian DeLuxe" Armstrong's Flesherton, - Ont. J Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS U 5UAL Funeral Direct* L- and nbalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance If It's Groceries or other lines usually carried in a grocery store, that you are in need of, you will find it to your advantage to buy them from us. Our stock is up-to-date, fresh and the goods are of the best selection. "Shop where you are invited to shop" W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seed*, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario i - Prices to Suit the Purse Prints, all fast colors '20c per yd. Factory Cotton i*2^e per yard Ladies' Vests '25c. Printed Voiles 35c per yard and up Organdy in all shade ?3"> Printed Organdy joe. and up White Canvass shoes $2.90, were $4 7.~> Fleet Foot Shoes from $1.00 up Men's Balbriggan underwear per garment 75e. Peabody make Overalls $'2. 25 Peabody Smocks .$2/2;") Heavy linoleum 1'2t(. $4.00 per yard Highest prices paid for Produce W. L. WRIGHT CORNER STORE, FLESHERTON Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER There is no food equal to Bread in food value. A full line of Groceries, also Canned Goods PHONE 8 F RED FINDER, Flesherton

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