July 19 1922 THE JfI.UfiRXON ADVANCE TENDERS In the Estate of Henry Alex- For Flat Arch Bridge' ander Weber Township Tanderi >v!<!r. -nl Io the Clerk i:l b- i . .--i.- 1 I y the Township uj ArivMMit u:- n- p.m tf Mir.dty, July 10 h. . !-'... n f a H*t nrch reiof"rcr<l !." f. < t spun at lot 27, Durham lioid ( \lnrtn V A marked chn|iie frr *. per cent, pay* abl* to tht- Treasu er Twni>hip of Arte- shall tec* mf<wiy each tender. The lowest or i y ipnder not neces- arily accepted. Plant and *peciti.>ti >ns miy be keen Tenders will be received by the under- signed Adininistmtor of the E-itste <>( the above named Henry Alexander Weter op to the 30<h day of Augutt, 1022, the purchase ot ihe following lands, viz: Lot No. 24 in ihe 10th Cn.-of the Town- THE Flesherton Advance An independent newtpiper published eacb Wednesday nt the office, Colliogwood Street, Fk-sherton. SuJbcription price SI. 50 per annum when p<iiii in advance t the h -. CVtk'n and Engineer's oflOM. T. R. McKen/. * C E . Townhir. W .1 ll.iu'my. C'erk ship of ArtexesU, 100 acres. There is sail to bo about 30 acred of good fire wood timber on same, 7 seres i-f cedtr, a young orchard of apple?, pears and plums, a jond frame barn 40x60. a fairly 82.00 when not so p-id. 82.00 to ft I United Slates. Advertising rates on application. Circulation over HOC weekly. W. H. THURSTON EDITOR HYDRO PAYS SOMETIMES The Toronto dailies gleefully au nounre the fact thatfive towns outside of Toronto make money out of Hydro power. These are all 011 one line goixi house, a!so a hen house and pig pf n, R -ve ; R McDuwei:. we u wster ed and fenced It is a good K icneer. Oen Sound; . , . , ' i Urm for pasturing cattle. As three jtownLtson Eugenia Town Plot, as running west from Guelph. Now Ifct i follows: Lot 19 on North Street and them look up the towns that are IOB- 1 1H and 16 on Zuuare Street, said lots are j ing money by the concentration of Good Stock Farm For Sale j "id to contain three acres etch more ' cheap power in the cities. Tbe places I ot le( ' s - I mentioned- Waterloo, New Hamburg, ItfSacres *i:i uvrifke f. r cash .r Hell, JOHN WKBER, AdmtnUtrator, ! Jjlmira, Baden and Milton-all get cheap on reasoni'.le erm; with or ith* ' (i;J .R R No . 4j Markdale, Out ' their power around 818 or 820 per horsepower. It cannot bt much ol a money maker to towns that are out crop. Sitiuvd U Proton vilUge nd C P R. n Jet. On firm miles f't in -Utirn, near ' r<>unh-caat The grasshopper pelt on Manitoulin charged 8'JO cr 8100 per horsepower Cas Turned Turtle house; bare on :oment wM; p-g hi owe; Island, which assumed serious pmpir- hen house; drivint! shed; driiled well 'tiono in the ptst two summers and excellent WH'IT oith wind mill; and a utterly mined iru lust hay cr< p HO that never fnilioc si renm C-(K"- l>aok end of farmers on the U'and sustn'ted carious frtr. Exci'ihi.t -< il and in Kuod state lossi*, bids fair t.n become a thinu of the of cultivatifii It i* k.','ii L' t. be cold at past. The hoppers are btii.p killed at While driving to a picnic at Eugenia once. Fjr p.irticulrtec Wrn. 1! ack- th.> rate <f six nvl'ian to the acre by a on Saturday m ,,rning last car o*red burn whu reiiden cro8 from f^rrp, p ason compounded by an untomulogilt an( j ar i vun |,y Mr. H. \V. Norton of Write t-., phone, r-r call on .1 . C. [ sen to the island by the Department cf ChatBworth turned turtle while tiavell- Wright. Dund'ill, the owner. A.T-culturc 5* YWf YYt THe Flesherton Tailor Shop The Place where you get Service , IIIK at a f*ir rate of -speed around Hoy's 'corner, three miles east of Flesherton, It is supposed that the cir struck a rut in thi- rond while making the turn. The live (ccup*ols not ott' lightly with only a ^e* bruises ami scratches. The other twocarH of picnickers helped extricate the viciims from the wreck and then went itmly <>n with only the top of the car ilamagtcl *nd wina&hield smashed. laid in a new stock of ready-made WORK& DRESS TROUSERS Beet grade obtainable altei- ed to 6t. At lowest priot-3. Coine ip and look them over. Overalls and Work Shirts T. C. Blakely Merchant Tailor Duncan Honkom At tit. Frful, Minnesota, on Friday, June 23rd, 1922, at the home of tl:i bride a mother. Mr. Oeo. Wesley Duncan, formerly of Fleshertua, to Miss Louisa Henrietta Bonkcm. At home if:er July 13'.h, KelUr, Washington. Bjth Ihe bride and room served overseas for two years, the former as nurse. CENTRE GREY LEAGUE Te?m Ceylon Doud ilk Markdale Vandeleur Flesherton Won Lost 4 2 2 2 2 6 PC .666 .600 .600 .800 .143 Vandeleur 9, Flesherton I Garnet thi week Thurs-Markdale it Fletberton 2 p.m Thiri- Dundalk at Vandeleur 6 p.m. There was just hard luck at the (une t VandeUur on Thursday lust thai Flesherton didn't make a better showing than wi given in the 9--1 score. The h -Iding was good on both sides hut if V tndeleur hopes to be able to coutinue n ,-ar the top of the League they will h .ve to play better than they did that day. Vacdelear got one run in each of the ihree innings, three io the fifth and three in the eighth. In the last stanza Roy Freeman not to first on a single and Dillon let him home on a three bagger over the leit ti.-IJ fence, Dillon who alto got in on H. Graham's hit. Rnssel ''i.ii": hit anothei three bagger to centre lield scoring Howard Graham. The only run for Fleahertcn was put across in the 8th when Graves -'. K borne on a muttldd ca'eh ly Ihe third baseman. Score by innings. Fleshortou- U 1 01 Vandeleur 1 1 103003x-9 Flesherton Graves, McTavish, How- ard, Parks, DJW, Canto-, F Belts H Belts, A 'cox. \ Hi.lei.-ur Dillui), llu--.. !l Freeman, U Grahtm, Warling, B Gtaharo, S Buchanan, D Graham, A Buchanan, Roy Kreenmi. Buteriss Car^oe, Alcox and A Buchanan and R. Giaham. Dow Markdale play at Flesnerton this Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. It is the last League _ m. Fleihertou will play this ytar. cotne on out and help the U>am along. Warm Weather s here at last bringing with it the ice cream season. We sell the famous Neilson's Ice Cream, none better, and our menu has been prepared to satisfy all tastes A visit to our parlour and a dish of ice cream will "hit the spot." Ice Cream, Sundaes, Sodas Fresh Chocolate*, Oranges and Bananas always on hand. W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery | FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. t * Boar For Service Pure bied Ueglsterea Vnrkhire Boar for service Vineyard famous 77.">3U on lot 167, S. W. T. & 8. R., Artemwia. Terms 81.50. Sows not returned will be charged sarrw *s thoco in pig. 10,4,22 T. J. STIXSON The Special 22-35 McLaughlin A beautiful motor car with every appointm3nt found in the finest automobile -and, with all this the certainty of McLanghlin per- formance, McLaughlin snmliness and McLaughlin power. The Special 2i!-35 Touring is I milt iu response to the demand of the motorist who seeks McLanghHo'a kind cf motoring with the intimate c >mfori and rehnement of the touring design. No detail of convenience has been omitted. No effort has been -spar <>d to include every comfort and every rtppi intment tnat could be sought iii any motor c;ir. The D. McTavish & Son rugged, powerful McLaughlin driven chassis gives it the speed, endurance, and smoothness that make touring a pleasure and not an uncertain adventure. The Special '2'2 35 Touring body tiinishcd in light green with black fenders and wheels to match which with the beautiful trimming, binding and finish give this special model its tailored appearance. The demand for this handsome model at the remarkably low price has taxed factory production to the limit. Consult us for detail specifications and delivery rates. Flesherton Cheque For County Road Mr. John Parker, county treasurer, received H *ut>8Untial cheque from the Provincial Government on Saturday. The cheque was for 8204.85J4 40. and is in payment of the Government road: ubsidy for 1921, less s>me deduction!. Mr. Parker immediately deposited ibia cheque in the county'n I ink account, Needlecs to gay the chjue w i u very welcome addition to the counly'sfinancei. Standard Equipment Nickel bumper, now design electric headlight*, non-gtare lenses, lectr!c tail Umpj, combination electric instrument board and trouble lump, transmission lever lock, speedometer, electric motor horn, tire carrier, extra demountable rim, combination gacolirv gauge, oil prcisure gauge and ammeter, jack, pump, tire repair kit, nrt of tools. Poole Fen wick A very pretty wedding took place at the h .in.- nf Mr. tnd Mn. Hugh Fen- wick Wednesday, July 5th, hi^h noon, when their only daughter Charlotte Erily and lierbeit Uoottie Poole, young- est son of Mr. stnd Mrs. John Poole were united in ho'y matrimony by the ttev. Mr. Mills, Kfveiiham. Only near- est rela'ivv> of the bride and groom were present. Mr. and Mrs Walter Puole p!*yd the <veddin march and <* tl;e tirst strain p led forth the hride entered the pirlur on the arm of hei father n: d took her pUcu under an arch of evt-rgreen- She won. the conventional dresa <.( white satin, with over drexa of pale pink >rgettf veil e.nbrcidered in pink and carried . bi uquet of -u e, t peas and car- natiims. Ruliy Kerton, niece of (he bride, in white organdie canying basket LI pink roses, made- a pretty little rluwer JJTI. 5lrs. Harold Fenwic'<, sister of the groom, sang during the signing of of the rfgijtdr'. The guests then repair- ed to the dining room where a bountiful dinner was served. The table and dining rojm were decorated in pink nd white, the pirlor in red, whito and blue, with ti'iwers everywhere. Liter in the nfter-i noon they left for a motor trip to Hamilton and Nhgara. The bride's going away suit was navy blue. Ou t hi ir return they will be at home to the'r friei.da at their home, ttnth line, O'piey. MAXWELL Pt.'BLIC SCHOOL Jr 4Ui to Sr 4th Annin Bemroso, S Buckingham, J Parker, V Wright, E Rjbertson, Parker, E Boyce. vSr3rd to Jr 4th- A Priestly 273, F R )ss B75, C Chard 271, V Palister 257, P Palister 250, D Bemroae 2CO. Jr 3rd to Sr 3rd V Long H03, B Young 280, E Liugheed 274, A Robeit. sou 208, A Young 255, W Moore 250. Sr 2nd to Jr .Srd L Chard 303, H Long 25!t, R J Udell, W Morrison 257, J LiugUesd 200, M Boyce 256, V Paiker 255, M lioyco 250, J Bumrose and Beat- r.ce Boyce failed, M Ross 250, First t. 2od-H Moore, Q Uuell. Pr to 1st K Moore, R Fenwiefc, M B.'rorre, M Long, M Boyce' J Young V. Seilley, ieachor. - Cream - Highest price paid for cream. A correct test and cash paid at Ceylon Cream Test- ing Station Come and see it tested. JAMES Me LEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. ' Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But if will not prevent the fire. It takes thlDODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. ' In the past thirty years over 300.000 buildings have been redded by the DODD System and in PfArV 1 ^ 16 instance " the a record of the UODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not that you are proof against it. Ask u* today what it will cost you to have DODD protection! S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, . Ontario. M.i M:.-'.\ li'.i n cyclou* last week which trxcksd :t hr^e numbt-r of buili' i!i;,'i rrd did 'i im,na'i>)" anciunt n dsciage. Many b-irnR were unroofed in (he vicinity. Srmehody out in Oitei'oftk township a-esaelnp; >na'u's, i-tRaidless of piohib- ition conditions and Mr. Kaney's army. 'lh s pmticulsr sn^ktf maatured JCJ feet n length, weighed 18 pounds and tras cf iinknowa H. A. McKEE Clurnpractor Specialist At P,k Hotel, Flfshertoo, Mondav, Wednesday and Friday, 4 to 8 p m. Fetershain Tuenl.y, Thursday and .-> i< urdays / t . f> p ,. Consultotion