Flesherton Advance, 19 Jul 1922, p. 8

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July 19 1922 TEE F-LESHEBTON ADVANCE Feversham's Busy Store We are agent for the Standard Designer Pattern Leave your order and have us send for your patterns MRS. R. H. HENDERSON FEVERSHAM, - ONT. Had Trip To Ireland fctAD OFFICE ' /HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1872 Proton Office open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. HOURS * 12 o'clock noon to 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SLB-BRlNCH PROTON C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES LEGAL LUC AH. .-. bENHY Harriet*, (Solicitor*, to. 1. B. LUCIB, K. C.: W. D. Koury, iuvnfH r.irw-F v .,-. . t>* I'. A. OOcca, Mark-Jala Lucii Rlock. Pboue AliTBlU SD&*, No. JMS.A.r.* 2A nr.ncUcU.ct. t Duudilh lad lJurha v. A U. u:fcetl ID tht M&iODlchAJl. Arm 'rcwfi Hloo Floiherton. evurv Friday OD _____ r t.Jor tr.< (all moor. ' . T. Hclla:ny W. M h. 'I. Holland. - I/ l.li.iir, & TF.LFOBD.r!a.rriiter. HoHei. ' torn, ice. Offices, (ire? liruco Itlock. Owen Boun1. Rtun.lard Tfanfc .'Plur-hor- DENTISTRY ton. (Saturday*). Jr. W.H. \VrigIit. V. K i'olford luit C MURRAY U O. B . -JuUI targeou f bct-oicrailnate ol Toronto L'mvHritty an3 j Hya L'olUKe ol Dental Rurcoona ol Oatarlo, I OM> admUlnTitere.! for teeth eXtraclJon ftce atr?tiUccc. Toronto Htrcet. Heehertor. . l(. A. TURMJCLL. D.A.. M.r. RM'Jrtite Iroiu the Faculty ol Mefllctiio.(Jnlort> ol Toronto. OUe-KJclircljn HI ock, Floh- ertoti. Telephone '.ft. BUSINESS CARDS m-M. KAITTINO. ICCDICI! Aocttcueer fo '* tb c'liiutii-d of tiiej aurt blmeoo- ?rm cj Block tale* * epaeUJtj. Terms BOdi-rte. .at!^f action (maraoU"- 1 '- .lrraofs- L'rr.ri tor <late may bfl niaJBt tl:n \l\suce r byikl'lresini! ID* at FeTr >iam. Ont> The Advance ia indebted to Mr. Kobt jFawcett of Toronto, formerly i.f Kimbur- I ley for the following splendid letter on | his trip to let 1 mil MM! the conditions there us be f<;und them : We sailed from Montreal on 1 1. ( C.P.I: steamship Minnedosa on Friday. Muy 12 aud during the evening of the .vtme day we passed under the Quebec Bridge, some three miles distant Irom the* city of '.M i.. . . This, as your readers already kuuw, i prubably the largest bridge of its kind in the world and certainly re- &ids much credit to its designers and builders, who, by the way, are Canadians. A lew moments later we arrive it Quebec where we remain a short time tu take ou piesengers. This ia our last port of ctll u .til we arrive at Liverpool. There wfcg exceptionally tine weuther during our entire voyage and glad to Hay that Mrs. Fawcett, Master Lloyd Fawcett and the wtiter didn't suias i meal and furthermore enjoyed every moment. We were very fortunate in not encountering any fog, which ia very unusual at this season. We were also free from Issbergs although WP had the pleasure of sighting a 'argo one fir to our starboard. We SAW a whalo. Arriving at Liverpool Saturday a.m. May 20tb, where we did a little stgbtiee- hu, we left Liverpool at 10 p m. on a cross channel beat for lielfast, arriving there Sunday morning at 7.30. Things looked rather warlike, soldiers with ;'!--, bayoneti tixed, were patrolling the streets and in the more settled parts of the city armoured cars were used for patrol work. We were informe.l that the previous tUy was the bloodiest in the city's hittorv, some thirty having been killed and a larger number wjunded. As there were no Sunday tnins out of th ; city w were obliged to remain for the day, 11 ..,-:.. some friends that we were desirous of calling on we were informed that though the dis'rict in which they rexided vs comparatively ijuiet, yet to get there it I would 1 1> necessary to pass through a ' very untettled pirt of the city. While I our informant said- that we could ptss through the district ruferrad tu with little rifk "providing we lay Hit on the floor of the train car (itreet en)" when shooting .!! commence, thcugh utringly d- 1 vised not to toke our lit tit- boy alone, if> ' it would probably IIP injurious ta his nerves Needless to say, we did not venture the trip, but fifen'. the day sight- seeing in a .juiet part of the city. No one WAS a'loired ou the itreeti of Bulfv-t between the hours of 10 p.m. and ! a m. ' As our h >lf I WAH -IM.I'I ! ou one of the Is'r^ets it wi in<loed interesting to look BRUTES For Punishment ! If you are looking for a Tire that will stand up under severe punish- ment, you cannot fail to be interested in jn 8 ply Tire such as Royal Oak. Each ply has a breaking strain of over 400 pounds. We call it the "7 Ton Tire" because there are 7 Tons of Tensile Strength built into every 35 x 5 Royal Oak Tire. Other sizes have strength in proportion. "Tougher Than Oak SOLD IN FLESHERTON BY D. McTAVISH & SON out of the wiudiMn tome niiuu'tm pre- vious to curfew and tee large numbers oi yuopid passing to and fro and a few mo- ments later to sea the streets entire!} deserted. The crowds seemed to dig- appeir aj if by nu^: \Vu left on the 9.40 a ni Great North- eru train fur I: -lc"l,, Co. Fermanagh, some 100 miles distant, changing trains t Clouejs and Bendoran Jcl. Some of your readers will probably, remember that but a few mouth* past some ten or twfnty special Ulster police were niur- dered it Clones*, and as conditions were yet somewhat uoeettled, we quite natur- ally f. 1' uaeasy for & few moments. However, we ncre not molested. While Canada has much to letrn fr <m Ireland in tho prompt aeapatch of rail- w*y trains', we believe our trains, b< th paeHnngir aud freight, are much more up to date. The writer was much impressed with the scenery > we sped along through the country ; the remaikable green of the field* ; all crops, whether hay, oats, barley, pjtatcet, possessing that same rich greenness always present, aod I am iciformed remains go throughout the entire year, unless wbeu the gr*ss crops aie ripening. While Er.glaii d and Scot- lnd are adjacent to 1' eland, yet their crops are never to green as ihose uf Ireland, aud a* for Canada, our crops at their tery beat are but a very poor green compared to Ireland. Generally speak- ing, toe farm* in Ireland are very much smaller tb&u these in Canada, aod it is indeed surf rising to note the quantity of live stock they can raite on those small Previout to the war considerable grain of almost all kinds was grown. Today comparatively little i grown. This on account of tie gre-it demand and high prices paid during the war for Hie ock. While prices for live stock have decline! considerably during the Ust year, yet the Inh farmer finds it more urotuable than the .1 i: , of grain, We discussed with iome <.f th<- farmers their attituJu regarding the British em- birgi on Canadian cattle. They, ,- "I expected, :ire much opposed to the rais- ing of the embargo. This, of course, is juite natural. < >n the whole the writer is of the opinion tint ihe avenge C*nc- dian cattle are better thiu the In-'.. Aud if the embargo were lifted ours would .11,11: u., 1 higher price m the British market. Regarding the selling of live ttick in Irelind, their method is dillre:tt t> th*t of ours in tbut they have wl.at they ci.l fain in the different villages and towns which luu held monthly. The farmer bru:g* In any c it tie, horses, theep or pig which he wUh-s to di-p^se of. Eich f.ir vil'ngn or town has whit is called a Fair Green, which is a lurge field* Here the live stick dealers pither to make their (.urchisei. Ir it surely intereaiiug for a Canadian to watch the tuying and at thi'ie fnirs. R. FAWCETT. CoucludeJ Nvxt Week Fall Fairs Alliston Arthur Ayton Uolton Chatsworth Chesley Claiksbnrg Cullingwood Dundlk Durham Fereus Feveriham Flenherton Onnl Valley Hanover HoVein K'lsyth Kemble Menfnrd Midland Mou:it Forest Of ill;.. Drtisjeville Owen Sound <>IUwa(entral Canada;. . Priceville. Shelburnv . . , Sept. Sept. ..Oct. . Oct .6.. .6 19... 20 U..15 Srpt. .Sept . .Sepr. .Sept. Sept. .Sept. ..Oct. .Sept. .Sept. .Sept. .Sept. ..Oct. .Sept. .S-pt. .Sept. .S^pt. .Sept. .Sopt. .Sept 12.. 13 28.. 1! .20 12.. 13 26.. 27 14.. 15 .21. ..22 ..J. ...4 .28..2! .26.. 27 .21.. 22 .20.. 27 ..5...0 .28.. 21) .-1 '22 .28. .) .20..-J1 .11...13 .14. .15 .12.. 14 ...... 18 Toronto (Can. National) Walters Falls Wiarton ,.S*pt..ll). .20 . . Oc'...:i. ..4 Aug.2li s lM t .'.i .Sept.. 20. .27 Sppt...2C. .27 For Sale or Rent House and lot in Uityloti, ui^ht romued brick residence , KOod stable and driving shed ; ttud and soft wnt?r, one and a quarter acres of land. Apply to JOHN McDONALD, Ceylon, Ont. The Markets Oarefoll; Oorreeted EMb Week Barley 70 to 70 Peas 1 S3 to 1 26 Buckwheat 08Qto080 Bntter .OS5to026 KUBS 94 to 24 Winter Wheat T?^ . 1 03 to 1 06 Spring Wheat .' . . 1 00 lo 1 00 Outs.. .. 45 to 45 Clearing Out Some Lines of Shoes Pump, Oxford and Strap shoes, size 3, 3 1-2, 4. These are good serviceable shoes. Selling at $1.75 per pair. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO **'''**'"'"' **'***** JJi *- ! ***** Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men's and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Cleaning Repairing Pressing All at lowest possible prices H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario FURNACES We are agents Clare Bros. Pipeless Furnaces, which we instal on order. Repairing of all kinds pro- mptly attended to. Pipefitting includ-ing pump work. All kinds of Hardware D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario Transien* 4dvs. For Sale Ten acres timothy h>y uncut R. Char.l, R K 3, Proton. ChoppitiK done ou Saturdas only ilr.h mi Bros. Eu^onU LOCALREPRESENTATIVE wanted to sell for " The Old Reluble Fonthill Nurseries.'' Largest list of fruits urjd ornamentals t<> <-il T, exclusive territory, highest commissions, handsome free equipment. Write for parliculari Stone A: Welling'on, Toronto. For Sale Goid iiou'e refrigerator G. B. VVelton, Flesherton A i)Uintity ! hemlock lumber f r Slo J. K. Janiieeou, Kuitenia. Good binder in t-xchnnee f.ir g>i>d horse. Apply S. Thompson, Flesherton. I i Salt Good 1 U w iii'in guitar cheap, practically new F. J . Thuraton, Flesh- erton . For Sale or Kent The old egg factory j in Flesherton, on easy terms. Apply tn H. J. Sprmil--, Flesherton. Lost ID Flesherton on Sat., July 16, a parcel and bUck doeskin ooat Mra Jas Milne, Singhampton. For Sale One 14 foot power wind- mill, buzz stw, one 14 h.p. portable steam ougine, one 10 inch plate cram grinder, aod ball bearing pneumatic tired buggy, oue ft M U binder, mower, rule 12 disc seed drill Chas Stafford K R 5, Markdale. Hotue and Lot For Sale The prop- erty known as the Ashdown reiulouce at Ceylon, an eight roomed dwelling, good cellar, stable, etc. ; about an acre of land, would make a good home for retired gentleman. For terms and fur- ther particulars apply to W. .). Bellamy, Flesherton. 1 May ft tor Sale Two buildiug lute, ia Flesh- ertoo ner the Methodist church apply to Mrs. M. ThiUthw%ite, Flesherton. If you ar<) thinking ut buying a Cream Separator buy no other but ihe DoLavai, which is the beat and moat telUble sep- arator made. Call, pbltae or write Hugh Km.t ', Markdale, Res.dttOoe Pi* Sole Five roomed frame house, jutt newly reD<>rated, papered and painted. Good garden lot. Immeiiitu poaaeMion. Apply to W. A. Armstrong, Pleiheitnn. Public Notice * The foUowinif stores will clo<>e Mon* d*ve and Wednesdays at 7 u m. during July, August aiul September : Mrs. J. Heudei* >n and Eli Robineou, Fever- sham ; S. Usborne and C. Herou, Max- well ; Frank Curran and A. Sornbert{er, Mclntyre ; Jacob Hamilton, H*Ji;eroi ; U. Heitman. Maple Valley ; J. Hammill and Thoa. Hall, Sicghampton. BOAR for SERVICE Purebred Tamwortb Boar Cor service oo lot 167, S W T and 8 E., Art*msia,. Terms Jl.M). Sows not retorned will be charged anme as thote in pig. Fob 16 -T. J.6TINSON, Prop

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