Flesherton Advance, 26 Jul 1922, p. 8

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July 2i 1922 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE CAD OFFICE HAMILTON STABLISHED 1672 Proton Office i>;)<NI lues., Thurs. and Sat. HOURS 12 o'clock noon to 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SIB-BH4NCH PROTON C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager T ENDERS I For Flat Arch Bridge T.-i..l,-r addressed to ihe Township Clerk will be received by th Township I Arti i:ii--i i up toil p.m. of M..n<liy. | July 10th, for ths construction of a ilu , arch reinforced 1 ' for.t span at lot 27, Durham lloid (Morton'H. A marked cheque for 5 per cent, pay- i able to the Treasurer Township of Aita- mesia shall accompany nnoh teuder. The lowest or any tender uot ueoes- ; narily accepted. I '. in- and specification** may be f-een at the Heave's-, Clerk's and Engineer's others. ;T. II McKenz : e, Raeve ; R. McDowell, | C. K . Township Kngineer, Owen Sound; W. J. Bellamy, Clerk. I Hanover wilt unveil its soldiers' mem- orial mi Sunday, Sept'Urd A BANK FOR THE FARMERS OF CANADA s *ftrM^ J -*T^i-i: 7 "'sW^KLl---J?;?-isi. ^r^mm JL ViWTjiC IT^ARMERS can consult with this Bank * with the knowledge that their problems will be understood and their banking require- ments efficiently handled. We hive made a special study of the financial needs of farmers, the difficulties they encounter, and their ways of doing business. JH. P. FERRIER, Manager FLESHERTON SOOOlbs ZOO 300 4JO 4IO 4IO 410 410 410 410 410 '3tf*n Tons Ttiutl* Strength built into iS5K..yl Oak Tir s>nd nri hvn ttmgtb to proportion "TOUGHER THAN OAK" This "Breaking Strain" Test is our strongest Argument for the wear- ing qualities of TIRES FOR SALE IN FLESHERTON BY D. McTAVISH & SON Walked Derry Walls (Continued from Page 4) different poi-.ts of interest. We had the privilege of walking around Ihe walls o' Derry. The city at the time of the iege in 1088-U was entirely ithin these walls though today the Urgei p<trt of the city is outside the walls. Ihe city was reached through fcur gateways. King .J I'm- and his army endeavored to enter the city but the gates were shut against him. In consequence he beseig^d the city some eight or nine monthx, and the people were well nigh reduced to itarva- tioii, when at kst the good ship Mount Joy, loaded with provisions, broke the booai stretched across the river and thus relieved the city. King James bad re- peatedly asked the city to surrender and was each time informed that they would die rather than surrender their religious liberty. This aaine determination has continued throughout the centuries and today the Lish Loyalist will surrender no rights or liberties as long as breath of life remiius in his body. The writer was privileged to visit St. Columbus cathedral, situated icaide the walled ci'y. It was erected in Itioo ud contains many of the old relics connected with the siege of Deiry. Due to the unsettled condition of the country there were some points cf inter- est that we were unable to visit. It was rather interesting to be qutbtiooed and searched for arms during our travels.also interesting iu fact too much so at times to hear the thundering* of artillery, the barking of machine guns, and the sharp crack of rifles, and also the rather nerve-racking experience of fleeing from a house iu which >-e were vUitiug. At 11 30 p.m. one of our friends rushed into the house, advising that we the at once as the enemy were but a short distance away and were coming our way. We surely lost no time in getting out, and, rushiug across the ti rids, tuck refuge in a certnin placa and an ailed events. Fur- tun.te'y it turned out lo be a false ilarm aod after spending a sleepless night we returned to our head()Urter in the runrning. This w.s the only real scare we received during our stay in Ireland. As tg the Irish people in general, they are the most kindly hearted people I have ever met. They certainly will spare no puns to entertain one anl make him feel at home. IrelinJ.in proportion to her pipulatioii, has probably contrib- uted lo the world a larger peiceutigo of great meu than tht of any o her ooun> try. The awful crimes tkat have and are being committed in Ireland at the present time are not wi'h the approval of -At least !)j per ceut. uf the Irish people, ' HI least this is the writer's conclusion after a careful survey of the situation. NJW that the elec ions are ovV in the Irih Free Sute and the people have overwhelmingly approved of the Treaty with (ii-eat Bri'ain, it is now up to -Messrs. Griffith and Collins to clenri up And this they *re endeatoriu? to do f.i : r!y. Thus they will surely welcome bick the British -o restore order. Thete are other phasi* of (be Irish situation that I would like to discu-c, but for various reasons will not do so at the prjaent time IndnsTUIIy spiking, Iteltnd is not as givat a manufacturing nation as her neighbors, Kngland and Scotland, al- though the city of Belfast, alone, hag the | proud diuinction of being th home of the world'i largest industrial shipbui ding J y*rds, also the largest linen mills, (he i greatest rope mnufa:turin^ industry, and last, but not least, the greatest tobiccu work?. It is seldom, indeed, that one city has j ininy industries that are the. greatest in the world. Dublin, the capital of the Free State, hs tlio some manufacturing institutions, though not nearly so ureat HS her sister city of tho north. Tim writer^ WHS much impressed with the twilight iu Irolnnl During the monih of June in the north nf Ireland theie is but some 2j huurs of real night. For hours after sunset one could read >iuite ruiiily the smallest print ol an ordinary book. livland, in common with her neigh- bors, England ar.d Scotland, is surely ciused with the li.juoi traftio Kren the smallest villages have ii Imst two or three lii|uor thopH. Tho people, generally art! agreed that it there *o e prohibition iu Ireland it would go a long way toward thi< solution of mny of the vexed problems that are yet to be solved. While there are timry phases of Irish life that I have not detailed in this rather rambling epistl-', yet, Mr. Editor, I feel that I have taken more opace than yea may luve at your disposal. 1 trust, however, that your readers may find in it Kumething of interest. I am your* very truly, nil old Kmiberley boy, R. R. FAWCETT. Fall Term Opens Aug. 28th LLIOTT Yonge and Charles Btreets. Toronto STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Graduates readily obtain employment. It ptyt to attend the best. Catalogue free W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL n":* ? liiiHiii'iiif iiiiiiii uiiiiiiii iHiHiiiti iiiHiiit-iiiiiiiii i&tftf '** t?Mff? ** * **** **** Clearing Out Some Lines of Shoes Pump, Oxford and Strap shoes, size 3, 3 1-2, 4. These are good serviceable shoes. Selling at 1.75 per pair. 9 THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO - : - - :::t Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men's and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Cleaning - Repairing Pressing All at lowest possible prices H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario FURNACES We are agents Clare Bros. " Pipeless Furnaces, which we instal on order. Repairing of all kinds pro- mptly attended to. Pipefitting including pump work. All kindsof Hardware D. McKILLOP Flesherton, Ontario LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE wanted to sell (or " The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries. ' Largest lilt of fruits and For Sale- Ten acres timothy h*y "'rnaroemaU to offer, exclusive territory, highest commissions, haodsome free equipment. Write for particulars Stoue TransienMdvs. uncul H. Chard, K H 3, Proton. Ruouig wanted close to high school * Wellington, Toronto. MI.M. Fred Plewis. __ , for Sale Oue 14 foot power wind- Deering binder for Hle, cheap, m go .d jjjjj^ buzz g|>w . ( onfl 14 h p port%b | a running order Wm. S. Inkstvr, Flesh ,; gteam Bn gi nei one 10 inch plate grairt- ertou. grinder, and ball bearing pneumatic Masey Harris Binder, 7 ft. cut, second I tired buggy, one t> ft M U blnder.mower, baud, for sale cheap, wi.rking order, one 12 disc seed drill Chas Stafford John Wright, Fles-horton. Chopping done on SaturUas only Gr<tham Broa. Eu^euta K R ., Markdale. Home and Lot For Sale The prop- erty known an the Ashdown residence at Ceylon, ati eight roomed dwelling, good celhr, stable, etc. ; about an acre of land, would make good home for a Good binder HI txchanuo fuv good retired gentleman. For terms nd fur- horse. Apply S. Thompson, Klasherton. t her particulars apply to W. ,J. Bellamy, FleRherton. For Sale Ooi.d IIOUMJ refrigerator O. B. Weltou, FloshtTton. 1' .T Sln Good Hitwaiiau guitar cheap, practically new F. J. Thurston, Flesh- erton. 1 May ft Public Notice For Sale or Rent The old egg factory < ID Flesherton, on e*sy terms. Apply to Th* foUowJiitf stores will close Mon U. J. Sproul?, Fleaherton. days and Wednesdays at 7 pro. during July, August and September : Mrs. J. HeiuiaiH MI and Eli Robineon, Fever" sham ; S. Osboroe and C, Heron, Max- For Sale Two building lots, iu Flesh- erton near the Methodist church apply to Mrs. M. Thit!thwaite, Flesherton. we i| . Outran and A. Sornberger, ""iMcIntyre ; Joob Hamilton, Badgero* ; LUST-Sui-posedly between *"> . Beitman, Maple V alley ; J. Hammill ham and Flesherton. Marker No.C 4 d Th R 8ir ham ton . . 684. Kiud'y notify J. Runstadler, ___ * P _ Flf8herton - _ BOAR for SERVICE PurebfAd Tamworth Bo r for service on lot 1CT , S W T and S E., Artemesi*,. Terms 11.50. Sows not returned will be chrgd earn* M thote In pig. If you are thinking ot buying a Cream Separator buy no other but the DeLival, which is the best and moat leliable sep- arator made. Call, phone or write Hugh i'ot*, Markdale, agn'. Feblo -T. J.8TINSON, Prop

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