Flesherton Advance, 6 Sep 1922, p. 4

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Septembos 6 1922 THE FI ESHERTON ADVANCE Transien* 4dvs. i The Markets Hunt* Hinder, 1 It. cut, second baud, fof -.i!r cheap, wi rkinu older. John Wright. Chopping done on Saturday < Gr*ham Hi us. Ku^ent* only Wanted, with or without feotrd Mr*. TVis. Lewie, Klfherton. c'arefully Corrected Eaob Week B.rlcy 70 to 70 Peas 1 20 to 1 2"> Buckwheat 80 to 80 Bnttor 25 to 25 KKH* 25 -o 25 Winter Wheat 1 Oo to 1 05 Spring Wheat I 00 to 1 00 Kur S>le V iikstuo" sow for Bile, y*r o'd Arelux (' mk.y. Oyl'i. 'Giod work horte, M year* old, kr ' tale right- Martin I'lullipn, K. -li-i:<n. 1 | Outs 45 to 45 For Sale or. in Kleshertnn. K. .1. Sproul", The old on ,-.-> leans. Flrvhvitun. w factory Apply to Wanted I?) c.ir.ls noud fur S 8 N .'I. l.i Oao White, K It . 18 in. dry haid- Aiteiiiosia Apply 1-V'iioii Station Sow Strayed to the premises of the under- .i, ime ROW, Owner is je^iiested to *<ir Sile Two building IM.H. in Flesh- < erton naiir the Me'hodist church apply i t./ Mm. M. ThUt'tthwaitf, F.'i-shnton. ' |"\ tJEpnn>8 and take sanmawity. ALX. CAMKKON, Eugenia. For Sale For Sile U H. P. (inline Ku^ *nd 500 gallon pump, cluip Apply O B. Welton. to For Sale -A Com binder, in Rood] condition, only ust-d onu seiHon -Mr*. W. B. yd, Fleslieiton. LUST Tire ort wajun en Tlmnday ltt eas'. of ill; village Leave * this .ofh.-e or w.th Alex. Knulinh. . I Want to borrow $ti.X) on mortgtge, roisonable interest, 1 to S years security over IUOOO. Apply to Fleshfron Ad~ advaooe. If you are thiiikini; ut buying it Cream Separator buy DO 01 tm but ihe DelAval, which is the best and mail rel-able sep- arator made, r ,i!. phone or wnte Hugh Knott, Markdale. ajjin'. Howe nud Lit Fur Sle The prop- erty known HS the Ahd'>wn residence at Ceylon, an eih mooted dwelling, tjood celUr, htahli', etc. ; about an acre of Und, would make a eod home for a retired gentleman. Fm- terms and fur- ther particulars apply to W. .1. BHany, Flesherton. 1 Mnyft Came Astray A Vote of Sympathy Artemesia Council Hoi Js Its Monthly Meeting Aii ui-mia Council in. -i on Saturday last, St-p' ember 2nd, ill* members all being present, the Ktove iu the chair. The minutes[vrore i ad and endorsed. UcpurU of work done by Uoinmisa- inners Can ut hern and llurn-t; were presented ; it claim of $22 for sheep killed, from Thomai 1 1 win, which wis ordered to be paid ; accounts for gravel from overseers ordered tn In paid C We ore $D 20. A Jordan otic, Thos Mill* 4 H Pattewon 87, V Kai4e 81 40, D Lines $1, F PedUr&ll, Mis Hill $5.10, H Walker (1.80, U Finnic $4, A Cameron igti.UO, H <Jirns 912, ,] MeLeod gri 40, iTPhilli|K $4. J Wa'ton 8540; the I Reeve, account of commisaioij, $10 ; A lOarruther*, commission, |24 15 ; J A Hog.-irth, commission, $11.25, and t 1 I'ned McLaughliit "Light Sir" two days overseeing ; J Burnett $8, two new, :days overseeing aod $4 u-*ils for bridge : I Ingot Iron C'u S75 for four road dmita. Trc* I Burnett Batcheler That the Ueeva me. iind Mr Currntheri be - nni>ittee to i correspond with the Hydiu C'lnmiifsinn Stem Tree' or, in good running con d it- i them with H view "' having tho road t,u ion. Price $400. jtheSiliHne put in proper form and ! final settlement the aame, and report t'j this Council Carried . Cjrrwhers Hogarth That this Council hereby conveys Lo the citizens of Flesherion who were So unfortunate as to lose their houses and p'acet of busi- ness through tire, cur sincere sympathy in their misfortune, und our Jeep h|ie is^ttmt Ihe bui'dings destroyed may so< n lie replaced by utheis that w.li combine usefulness and beauty and be_u credit to THE Flesherton Advance An independent newspaper published o it U Wednesday at the oftiee.Collingwood Sfeet, Fleaherlou. Subscription price $1 M per annum when p^id in advance ; 82 UO when not so pud. 92.00 tu United States. Advertising rateo n pl Mention. Circulation over HOC weekly. W. H. THUKSTON Ei>mm tUSHKD 1872 Special, finish practically good Price $1000. 1- IVd White 20 H. P. Steam tor. steam* good and h is powmful ei Price f 1200. 1- Ued 1 :tH. 1 1- L'cd H Iti A very Tractor, u poster- fu! On lo'h ('raw bar *nd belt. Price SMITH BROTHERS F.ird Siles and Survice Durliam and Mount Forest (ff\ yj Parlors We Aim to Ulvo Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY- lUsket closes Monday night, delivery Ft may ev (JfjK.VNIN'j v.tl DVK ING- Wo ;ir Shorh.in bull came astray abi-nt agents for Parser's Dy Works- Clothes I feathers rejuvenated Monday, August :iUt, to lot '_', con. 'J, . Owmr pi-uve propetty, py , K and take s:nne iway. KOi; A II HKTl'S, Ivi^'ini PO cleaned and dyod. T FISHEK- PROl'RIETOB The Itenve and Council of the Town. ship of Aitemesia : Gentlemen, On behalf of tha people ot the vi!'ii!>f <if Flu.heit' n the Council I of this village detire through you In thank tli"e rt.sioYtilH of the township t who so nobly roppindcd to the cll HIK! in thu diiinl rolls tire, the rendered v. is (.f nn.V i the vill.ive. Wo wish tu thunk D. UcTavish, Reeve. - Thi Council Adjourned PRICES TALK I in THESE DAYS of CAREFUL BUYING For rvciyoiic wlio works 'unl wiiiia trousers 1 iiavc a line of goodfl Inlly equipped with prict; tile's tbat will tell you a tale uf lutmi y saved and If ft in your pockr-t-'if you me interested. w!rch br'ikiiou' Thundkj [lait ill 111.; linn of (1, !.;. Fi >nci<<, H h:lf- ; uiil' f linn Mt. Furs' \\lnle thresliinii h wcie 'n PIOUUHI, il-stroyid the oiitiii' M"i>cn'< cr"p, huildint; anil niichinery. Th s is i- >r sider ! one of the best equ'ppod harns in the pri vinco. The lss - . s 1,11 i - i(l ,i .seven tlioiis:uid over inturanoe cirri !<!. Khaki Duck Trousers Striped Overalls . . Plain Black Ducks $2 Shirts from - $1.25 to 1.75 Trousers work and dress And then, there is a line of suiting* on the uhelvcs from which YOU can secure a low- cost, high-quality hand-made suit. These suits come at about the cost of a ready-made suit, from $23.00 to $40.00 Fall Term Opens Septembers, 1922 Fiesherton Tailor Shop T. C. BLAKELEY Merchant Tailor Individual instruction. 42 yours NUCftt'H'fiil wurk. Practical <U piriiui'iit Catalr^'iir free. C. A. KLEMINt!. F.O A. I 'in'. |'.'. aiiicti (1. O. KLK.X11NO, Secretary. We have a few reliable used cars for sale. They are in good mechanical condition and are ready for the road. Chevrolet 490 Roadster Chevrolet 490 Touring Ford Touring Chev. Baby Grand Touring These are offered at low pricea for the balance of this month. Priceville Garden Party A very successful f; ar ^ en parly wai he'd under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Priceville Methodist church en Friday evening, Aug. SI. The weather in in fu ..iril the pro.notera nith the most lieautlful evening th*t could ba desired the air 'was balmy and the moou was triijlit. It coaxed (he frmer a ,bufy with Ihe harvest, lo put away Dubbin and "rt out L'zzie and lake their wives or sisters for a pleasure trip. They all agree that it u n well worth while fro.n every standpoint. Supper vrassetved im tha [ui-"ii:n.e l.ivvu ftoni ti to 8 (.'clock and then it vii dark einu^h to go into the cliuich lor ihe ;,IIM. M : i.i listening to tho numerous ente-iUiaera present. Rev. J. U. OU of Flesherioii made a most amiable aid efficient chairman, intei.stiersing his wuty remiks through the program iimteml of makii ;.; a lengthy adJresa. ^It would take tco long to give an account of the various nurnbeis on the prrgram L,-t it suffice lo say tint there WHS not one selection that dii not hold a liiyli .-l indird of excellence. The male quar- tet of the KU!. -mi Me hddist church consisting nl A! : M .-Crae, Smitli, Stins' i und i i. i- -. accompanied liy Mis. MicdoiK.ld. organist of the Durham uburili, rendered four selectioni besides encores and a special number by rtijue Miss Smith, ii da'iity little iiuid of 12, also of I '! ',.!!. is H child tvondor in voc^l music. She was heartily citCJied. Mrs Herman McLean of Priceville ren- dered tM-o selections in the way tint always delight* her numerous friends. M -s Snail Tucker ot \-.'>f. : chuich ^ ivr two reiding 1 ! thit were Iviudly p- pUuded, espociul'y the one that, dcclaiel the ladies Aid to be an indispensable diinirtine.it of itny church. Koberl Dingxall t Sak'in app'iiBtmen*, a t.iuld- i.u MuthoiliK'. iiiinistfr, recited turn -ruriiij; liUuibers tint showed up h s ,'ltUi.nii ubiluy. Hev. C. Sinclair Joiie> i : ' -I . r |'i , >.i .. I're.sbyteriim church, lived late fioui holding preparatory service ttt Swiuton I' -ik and g ive a shoit iW greeting fioiii hit* congro'^a- tion. Rev. Alti rt llushdl, pastor of the Mi i h. i, I. si church, ipoke a few woni^ "f grtt'ting to the atowdtu audience and inidullie r - .I. i '-. \Ve have left to the lad t!. Flesherton rl'iwjiiimi coiisi.stini; of Messrs. limit, anil two Liirgi 1 brothers. This iiicliei.tr.1 is iu a cltus liy itulf, becuise wo do ii"t I, n i of i siiuiUr tji'oup in this put ,if the country. Consittini; of vii I'll, guit*r, iii-kiido'.in and ukulele, the ni -: weird and wild immc was rendered, cillr ' up to one s mind the li;iU-cl id tin* tiv, s und m.'diciiio men in thu far aw Pacili" i.--l.iii' i -. Kvcry number 9 encoud and l>y >peci^tl uM^uest the or- clientu led the aclmiiiiij; huriionce buck t ) fie mtionlit lnwn an.1 plaj >*d for half an hour u i tbu pini;raiii WHS over. Kvi'i-ylioly pu'-tnt concodnl the pio- ^iiu to bo one of '.ho Ust they Imvc heard, 11.. I the ladies of the Methodist chti ch are congratulating t icmaelvts on thb MKcit sful evening brought ab(.>ut ihtir ill lit . Fall Fairs Al iKtun Oct.. Arthur Sept. A>ton Sept.. B i hm Oct., ChatMrorth Oct. Chosley S(pt.. ,, Sept.. Sept . . Durham S-pl. . Kurutis Sept . . K<>* i' ,; I', . lu , ,.,... Oct . KleshoitiUt Sepl . . (Jritul V alloy Sept. . Hsnovrr : Sept. . Ho'siciu Sept.. Kilsyll, Oct.. ,5. lit.. 14. 12. 2S. l!i 151. 26. 14. 'Jl. .t. . _\s . 5J1. .t M .16 .13 .S .SO .13 .27 .16 ..4 .89 .87 .S7 ..8 ,MEAD OFFICE ' HAMILTON Proton Office open Tues., Thurs. and Sat. HOURS 12 o'clock noon to 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRANCH PROTON-C. J. Fonter, Sob-Manager cream *; as ft *: sa * - * - i Highest price paid for cream. A correct test and cash paid at Ceylon Cream Testing Station. COME and SEE it TESTED VJ-.VA James McLean Pattison's old Stand. Ceylon WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AQENT. FLESHERTON. New Perfection Oil Cook Stove & Oven SPEEDY -Touch a match to the burner and it in ready in- stantly. STEADY Set the rtme where you want it. It s?ys there. CLEAN Dees not blacken pots or pans. The long blue chimney turns every drop of oil into cooking heat. HOT - For eveiy col.ing purpose there is always abunnince of steady cliinn intense he*t. OVENS N. P ovens are supwior t-> thu ordinary ovens, i|uicfcer and nmrifcuniform result* lit baking Hiid ir istin-^ are secured with (hetu. T^ome in and see them, or better atill, ask a user. FRANK W. DUNCAN Fleaherton - - 'Phone 24 r 11 . . > Mcafurd Sept.. 31. Mi. llinul Sept.. _'**., Mount Kowat Sept.. 20.. Orrtlia Sept. .11... 8pt..U.. Owen Si.niud Sept. .1:1. . (Jtlaw(OntrlCnU) Sept... 8... Out. .5.. 8dpt.,li).. Sbelburno.. Ti ...................... Oct. ..3. . t...20..27 D. McTavish & Son Chevrolet and McLaughHn Motor Cars Samson Tractors Newcombe Pianos . White Rose Gae. Tenders For Wood , v<rud will ivo^vo tctulvn up to %tlriUy, SpUmbor ir.fh, <r iu i ni ' i>f hurdirnwl, tlireo fwt loi sj, ' t - bo 4,'livi'ii'il t the high *lu I, pr wrraitKaient n Hi tiv* W DURANT "Just a Real Good Car" After building more than two million automobilts W. C. DURANT has developed a culminating motor car that bears his name. All that this might lead you to expect, is realized in tho ear itself; now to be setm in our salesroom. MUDKL A-92, FOl'K UYUNDKIl TOURIKO $1395, Delivered (KttEIOHT AJ*1> ?AUIS TAX PAID) Dealer H. Dowfl & Sons Fleaherton

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