September 6 TH FLESHEfiTON ADVANCE . ' The Exchange of Victory Bonds Those desirous of taking advantage of the privilege of exchanging their maturing Victory Bonds for the new issue are invited to hand them in at ny one of our branches. We will gladly see to all necessary details. THt FLESHERTON BRANCH, ~. STANDARD BANK or CA.NAUA. * C. T. BATTY, Manager. CANADIAN P/\oi no C. P. R. Time Table. Local Chaff Trains leave Flesberton Station ma allows : Going Sooth Going North 7.55 a. m. 11.52 a.m. 4.30 p.m. 9.30p. m. Tha mails are osea at Flesherton st follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. aud Social and Personal Try The Advance for your printing. Look* as if it would be a biuty winter I on tha farm wood luts. Fcvrsham feet ball players played Strathaven at Owen Sound on Monday and wert bjaten 1-0. Get your exhibits ready for Flesher- 6 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at ' ton Fa. I Fair, Sept. 28 and 29. Boost 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south the fajr alon(T mail close at 9 p. m. the previous eg. _^ The reopening ceremony it the BAD- list church was observed, on Sunday last, when the paator, li-v . Voje, gva a special sermon. The choir furnished excellent music. Mr. Rob Moore called on friends b e ' Mr . S . Huff> publlc ^^ i u spec:or this past week. fw E Mt Grey returnad lwt week froal Herb Sulliviu of Toronto U holidayicg 1 a two months' autc trip to Canada's with hia mother here. . West, and was accompanied by hts wife. Frank Bunt returned to Toronto this The trip was m.ui with pnctically no week. tire trouble. Roy Patten and keua Bales speut F. C. Blake'y of Minneapolis, Mrs. R. Labor Day inOen Sound. vv - Biakely and Rubble Blakely of To- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wiley ar visit- j ronto - Mr - aud Mn> - F - vie * <> in* the former's mother in Owen Sound. ' Souad * Mrs - E - Sparling and Miss Marion S;jariici> of K oslyn, visited with f. A. and Mrs lliwkcu A. S. Thumon of Torouto speot thei. Mr H '" y f^jon received a prnfu week end with his family here. ojury theotoer d.jr. * bib dr.* in, a Bob Trimble of Stratford is holidaying at his h me here. Mrs. G. B. McDonald and little SOB [ -of Toronto visited with Mrs. Geo. , Mitche'l la it week. Mr. and Mrs. Prink VanDuieu of Toronto visited last week wi'.h the for- ! Bggs' rjad policy, and look uu.--u it as mer's mother here. highway robbery. Others ad'uire ihe Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Beatty and son, "&rit " hi; It requires t It Preston, of Toronto are renewing old ; Minister ui Highways for the "sand atd acquaintances in this part. [ such commodities tJ make a 60 foot A large Dumber of people from this . Cull st Wgbwuy. district -'pent Labor Day ic O*eu SutiJ, The school teachers from FieoheitHi where * big d*y of sports was held. w kj have returned ta their schools are; The Methodist Y.P.S. is holding ;i re- Mi " La u '" *>unt to Toronto; Ruby ceptiou for the high school student? on /; JsweU to Durhilu ' De!1 Thurston to Monday evening next. Mr. acci Mrs. J. A. Legirde of Tor. onto spent the week end here. w*ater tank for a threshing outfit a wheel came otf and pitched iht unlc forward ou the Lories, knocking one dovu Mr Pattou w* 3 thrown over t ja aaiavti lyh ing ou the ground. His arm wis broken between elbow aud wrist. A great many peop'e Jo not like Mr. Cturle and K'wyn J;kruieson and wive*, also Mrs. Roas of (.wen Sound, spent Sunday with Mrs Jarniesjn here. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilou uiJ three children of Durham spent the week end in town. Misses Shirley Murray arid Rene Cargoe v.>f Toronto spent the week end at their homes here. Cooksfille ud Elsie Cfwwell to Port- law. Two special officers have been euyiijed for the past week m taking a census ot the trithc over the Torouto line in this vic-uity. We do no: understand the object, uu!e^8 it he ti> determine the most imporUiit section to begin the "broadening ou: " contemplated by Mr. Biggs. . M;ss RJSB McGirr of Jfevershaui and Mr. aud Sirs, r red Mathewson and u,. , . ., . . Miss Annie Stephens ..r. NtmlL who dtttvoter, Fmi. visit <i c.'er the week .,...,i > i p. K . i w i i j L attenaod Jicsnerfon b-gh jehto; list end with Mrs. M s sister at Belmout. mj j L. i. year, and who took a spci*l couts* at Mr. L. F. Kipp of Montreal and tfor- Bracabridge, hive both ben successful don Laird c f Grand Valley, ealKd on , iu stcunnx district citificates and both friend* in town one day last week. , have secured schools uear Bracebrid-se. Messrs C. X. Richardson, Bob Trim- ! A VVikerton man threw a lighted We aud Miss ZilU Trimble motored to cigarette stub on the sidewalk. A spar- Islington on Sunday. ^ row swooped down, anoeied it aud dew Mr. Will Thompson of Stoutfvile wa^ to its uest ia a knot hole iu a building. in town last week. Bis li:t'o dauiihter, It d.d not resu'.t in a tire, but that Dorothy, who h-> been holidaying here, returned home with him. During the alterations -tiul the i-.-.U v.- - .;'.:]., of St Mary's Churen, Maxwell, i Divine Service will be held in the Orange Will the parties whom I cuht stal- Hal), for the month of Sep'f mber . iuij pe-irs from nsy orchard on the Carscn Mr. Win. Turney, whoh.ts been in the ^ rl " -' 1 Mond;iy, September 4, please military hospital in Toronto for the past ' >-va>e for their four euipiy bags ud woutb, spent the week end with hia , settle fot the pan tht they carried family here. ! away iu the other two . I was within Mr. John Carumunt, of the 10th of Proton, while driving a young cvlt, had a rib brokeu and was severely bruised. The colt kicked aud the driver fell out wasu'c the fault of the uiau who threw down the lighted stub PrOtably more tires than ate dreamed of start in this way. lix feet of them and neither one wore a false face, ud as ihe moon'igh; was both are knowu John Klyuu. At time* you get just what you want, and at other. tio>? a gtx>d salesman waits OD you. o* the rig, breaking the rib iu <fc fiUl. Flecherton Schools Re-open i r>. f* Tho FlvshertiMi high school opened on Tuesday for the fall erm with Mis* Oam to the premises of the uadw- Jeoniu McDowell as principal, and Mm? ied, lot 5 Con 9, t)aprr. bMM <" King and Ml** Holmes *s assistant^ : Wdl of August, two pigs. Owowr At pxwent there sire siity ono tudent j P' propeity, pay sjpsoses ud take in attendance, 24 in 1st rvnu, IS iu ?nd ' u w y- fou, 32 in 3rd fonu aud xuoie .we ex [ Z^ ~^ ~ pected in wek oif so. The pant year ' enO*M W anted ha* be0u a very stKOtsaful one for the Tenders will f> rteird by tho under- the Ftvshovtou school, s under the new *iu*l up ttll Sept. ISJb^ 1922, for tho rgnlatiin tt> pra <.vnc. |<ae.l w: up ptiuitroii and decortiui{ of the interior of the schools aroiuid MDowU te a tftlvntod tachejrand , Sigotd, Mrs ha, in the past, been a sue-ct^s * priu^ Secretaiy. ctyvU. t-' tbiag<i ato i-xpectt-d of riu- Hi$h $ohovt this yeax. In the public school Mr. R. U IK l!i;d , it (Kinaipal and Mftn Nvlsoa U i;.i;;i his assistant. o( Iha Prwbylwian obuttrb, Frank Oemvj, ,8ui<D<a A Superior School Tin- Wiushaw TBSay - " JtccorU ki{ U> Sic A.I i\; Bock, tb* miin<tip*iMMS alt teeoj|ii!z live f th prM&t sytcai of w*s. Thaw* >ututfe : <-" . . ; powr , auj Cbar!?s Stroeis, ToronU? I* waii kii-' :Is (OC its higk Iu csoun> ara bu-.ter cow. v.'v<*lv ; ;u ir. W. J. ELLIOTT, Killed In Runaway I Son of George White Sue- cumbs to Injuries A atd fatahty occurred about 2 p.m. J two milu aoutu of b'iceherton on the' Toronto Line Thursday afternoon of lat week, when Freddie, the eleven year old' oo of Mr. George Whica, wag faully injured in a runaway. The l*d witb a younger brother was drawing stone with team of horaea and stoneboat. Both lads were riding on the toaebot when the team for a irue reason ran aw^y nd the boyg were thrown off. Evidently the stoneboac struck the elder boy m aome wty. The younger boy ran to '.he house and said Freddie ww all blood. James Harrison, neigbb:r, eaw the ira run and went over to give asais- tince. At drat he thought the boy * ,> ^d and p.cked him up and carried him to the houie. Dis. Turnbull and Guy were called but could d> nothing and tha little fellow passed away about 7 o'clock iu the evening without baring gained consciousness. The injury WM to the head, although there was littla outward evidence of injury. Flesherton Schools Have Poor Water Dr. Jfeelands, lady representative of the Public Health Department at Toronto, WMS in town the middle of Use mouth and examined the high ni poblL- schools ani secured simples of the water suppiied t these Instituting. Dr. Bibby, M. O. H., h*) now received tke DepirtJieut report which rtads js follows: " These suuipies show the preeence cf atena of intstinal origin. The num- ber of baoeili present iu No. -457 reaches tiit ordiiiitrily cuosidered dangerous to letlth. The res-alt of course should be auajiilered it connection with the sun- tiry survey of ihi surruunaings. The aboe means thc something have to be done tn eliminate the , SCHOOL AGAIN Only a few days now, and the boys and girls will be getting ready for ?cfcool again. In all probability they will need something to replace what they have worn out daring the strenuous holiday time, or some extra clothing for the cooler days that are sore to come. Perhaps you can spare time to come in and see what we have to otter in juvensles. On/ prices have all been revised and are based on today's market values. BOYS' SUITS With bloomers or trousers, good dur- able tweeds, neat patterns, newest styles. Sizes 26 to 35. Prices from $7.50 tO $18. CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Brown or Black, heavy, medium and fine rib in cotton, cashmere or worsted. Special Prices. CHILDREN'S JERSEYS Cotton cr worsted, high neck or buttoned on shoulder, plain colors or in pleasing color combinations. All Prices.. ...40c. tO $2.75. BOYS' CAPS Xew styles, well made, good range of patterns. Prices from 75c. to $2 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT We are pleased to announce Miss Sand ihimi has resumed charge ofthU Department for the season. Advance orders will have her special attention. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO Echoes Of The Fire Th'.se wlu have re-iuested us to ex-j press their gratitude t-j the people who worked so heroically a: r he tire are A wi'l iGtlchrist, \V. H Buut. W. A. Arrastrvug. . danger jjis. Jmie*oii. Sir-. A S. Vjndusen from water supplied to both school*. _\ K Bellamy andJ. Rumud'er Ibis The drainage problem ia at the base .-f thn , ncte ot - thinks !SL. ro the Mrk- tn-uble and is -ix beyond rumedy. j^,, fritndi , , r _, The tire bell wa runi ly Mts LUlun UnVeiJingOI a 1 ablet Bunt, while b^r * Flcwnce rD clear to the Carg'j residen-:* across tin scantily clad iu rn^Lt robes, shoul Iu memory ,.-f Matthew K i prumtnect member and o rhcijl of the the citusus. Bo;h iwr, . v : M Fleaherton lljithodist church fcr m;i':y [consijcred heroines of tha niht. yeirs, a t b!et has bteu prtseuted by j his family to rhe Methodist church. The ! presentation and ur.veiiin^ took place at ' the uiurciug service ou Sundiy i-- ind was made ly his sou. Dr. E. K.. Rich i udsou of Turrnto in the presence of j meoibers of the family and cLse re : .i- i lives. Rev. J. H. Oke acct[>ttd tlu Lillet aa j a sacied trust in memory of the ruvered \ member, and Mr. Ciao. Mitchell itu- preesivelr unveiled thj beautiful wh.te i marb'e tat let which bcre the follawtou i inscription : " Ia loving memory of Mattl'ew Rich- ardsoo, bora ia Cumberland, t'-i'i'and, ; August 14, IsvX) : jiid Nov. o. i'.UT.ind ; ife, McF^rlaad, born in MOD*- t lihan, Ireland. Jiuutry -0. l^oii, dud August 31. 1916. They rust fiora their . Mis.* Ethel Guchrist wss th-> n'rst i<i see the tire acd i've alarm. The c*i.aix-ai engine was chir^'d an-1 diicharged three tiuics buz it c ci ulvl do very liUle against such a tire. Thi roofs of all DOUSJS in th^ vic'iiity preseuted an animated scene with these who were left bu*y e^:iu^u shi ^ m- eipient fins. We were misled Use week iu statiri W. Cirgo h*d n j msurv \ - matter of fict he h-ia ?AVO iasuranc* ou stock ;kud $oOO on fixtures. Ml Gilchiist bad J^'CO on hi* residence and $4i.H) on the jjr>cery rore. Mr. KJ-> stuJier htii S-OOC ou his rjsideuce ,nd shop. The Strain block, a* wi said last week, wis insured fjr the amount of three niortiries wh:ca covered if. ill. Gikhris": and faiiiily have inkeu l up their residence m the Bspttt par labors and their works do follow them.' After the unveiling Rev. Mr. Oke paid ^Vn^" n"d MrT'RuMtwIar *ud a tnbu'e to the memory of the Ute ilr. ; JM ^^^ . u;o Mr j^. Richardson. suiuaier home, in f:e southern Members of the fimi'.y pJeseot were r Dr. aud Mrs. O. Webster, Miss Maud and Dr. E. K U'chatdsou of Toronto, aud "I - . 1. B. Lucas and two sons. family suburbs' Fifteen Teeswter Chaataiju* guaran- tors bi i to contribute ?lt>.51 each to cover the dt-dcieucy. Farm For Sale Lt io, half 24. C n 15. Protoo. 150 acres -" aero* of crop, bay iu barn, 7 acres svreec clover, farm implements, ktrve Laru. up to date: never failing sprioa crek thrcuxh centre of farm. oer i icrd tillable laud, small orchard, ; britk vweered house au wc-odhe<J; 15 i head fat cattle. 3 c-ow-s and 4 onlv*i _ yerling itud 4 bead --t\ horses Witt sell en bloc or separate. Must tv sold owioi; to ilinee. 1 uc: :cu: > potemeion. H.J Gvheeu R.R. 1, Dundalk ' Torouto GloBe tell* of a man w himself by thrcwiuic a bott'o of ink it a highwayman. "Which proves -DC* more," says The Globe, "that the t<en is mightier tlua the awjrd. Oh! Honey! ! apples with bouej- Aud a litrle Kocd crearu. Is much belter, you know, Thau a fairy tale dream. Iu l>u':k it twenty cents \**t p^und AC the apiary of. A. E. Buchanan FLESHERTON. - ONT. Kodak Time No. 2A Brownie $3.50 Takes wondertul pictures A good allround Camera Our stock of Film is complete Ask for the little yellow box Kodaks - Films - Supplies W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler and Optician FLESHERTON, - ONT. m. Small Accounts - 1 Exe ft Q MALL ACCOUNTS are l~* corned at every Branch of this Bank Every class in the com- munity is served with equal atten- tion and courtesy. Saving* tfepuoaeoO aii Bwnch Bank of Montreal FURNACES We are agents Clare Bros. Pipeless Furnaces, which we instal on order. Repairing of all kinds pro- mptly attended to. Pipefitting including pump work. AH kinds of Hardware >. McKILLOP Resfcerfon, - Ch>tv>n*