The Gates of Hope BY ANTHONY CARLYLE her good. But her father's the same thing hi the work) to me-^the whoie as ever end Audrey's blooming. | joy of life. I tove you. I always "Do you know, Manila," he added ' B>hali love youl" with a little laugh, "if it wasn't quite: She dragged her hands away quick - so utterly absurd I'd think Trask;ly, shrinking- back in her chatir. Her cared for Audrey Akten. I never i face was very pale, her lipa trembling noticed it before, hut he's got a way ! now. of looking at her and* letting himself be bu'Wied by her " Man (a inteTTupted with a laugh. "I suspected that long ago. What's more" with a wis little nod "if i "I have remembered everything," o-nily he'd have his hair cut and shave I Waldron interrupted. He winced as his beard' he' be a'ble to make Audrey he spoke and hdg face grew whate. rw.tiii/.. tko, .)<.>. j n ] ove w ;th him!" A siKlden fierce resentment agafinst "But" She stammered, hesitated, struggling desperately for worda. "Oh, ywoi can't mean what you ay! You have not thought, re.-nemberedi " realize thai CHAPTER XLVIII. (Cont'd.) .don't want you to make thing's harder It so happened that, a niriit before '< that upon which Waldron ha/1 found Marcia. Kemp ran up the steps of his now "Good Lord!" Waldron stared at her for a moment in silence. Then sud- denly he leaned forward quickly and took her hands, "Maroia," he said, "how soon are you going to marry me?" CHAPTER L. For a moment Marcia sat very still, her eyes dilated, her lips grown dry. WaWron's voice had been low, but his words seemed to fill the room. Her heart seemed to miss a beat, then to quicken in new panic. She was utterly dismayed. She had not expected this. It had never W Wouldn't it be better for us to It had Waldron j knowing her to be a dying 1 woman, 'expect marriage. There was almost pension whistling like a schoolboy. In' "Part!" The man's voice had been ' horror in the gaze she fastened on hia room he found die day's letters fierce, rough with pain. He had caught' hm. He saw it andi tightened Ms awaiting him, and one cablw^ram. He: her hands for a moment In a grip g^p upon her hands, His fine mouth read it swiftly and the i'ight died out that made her wince. "Don't talk of | twitching suddenly. f hug face. "Your father dying. Come at once. RUTH ROSSLAER." For one instant he stood stunned. Then lie cast a glance at the clock and began frenzitvay to pack. He was never afterward quite clear how he managed the journey. He parting, Marcia! It breaks my heart!" And BO she had accepted his pres- ence and the joy that it brought her; perhaps because s-he knew that no- thing she could say could shake him from his resolve. There was only one little shadow across her new serenity. The knowl- "I want you, Marcia," he aaid, very low. "You have come to mean evcry- the cruelty, the injustice of her sen- tence seethed within him. He steadied his voice with a great effort. "It makes no difference. Save, per- haps, that it makes me chafe at even tin- smallest delay in calHing you mine." Marcia lifted her handkerchief for a m/ominet against her 'lips. "But it is impossible!" he cried a trifle 'huskily. "Jasper, Jasper ! Can't you see for yourself that it is im- possible?" Waldron swung suddenly to his feet and stood above her. His face was set, quiet. Only has eyes were shin- ing very brightly. "No!" he retorted steadily. "I do not see that it is impossible, nor is it I love you. I want you. I want to call 'you my wife." " (To be continued.) Mfnard'i Liniment for Burns, eta. went through every phase of it as- one edge that she still held a secret f rom j in a dieam. And then, at last, he him, was still continuing to deceive found himrelf in the big, quiet house him, rankled. To speak of Kempton the KosvslacTs were still in London ! Ross-laer and' the part he had played passing the wooden-faced servant who was impossible. opened tone door and meeting Ladyj Once, at the beginning of that Rotwlaer at the foot of the stairs. i golden fortnight Waldron spoke of She gave him her hand mutely She him looked stunned ami a Idttle frightened, | ,,j hwm , from Remp ^^j^,, ^ ing she sin -k her "I don't know. question- The doctors Woman's Sphere Care of Your Complexion. The little pimples which look like boils and which sometimes fester are caused by practically the same con- are return with him. It was wry sudden and Vy * id. "He was sent for suddenly to'ditions which cause blackheads. Mild En * land - His father was cases are sometimes relieved by bath- H * wa9 d&ad when ing the face with a sample lotion con- fifteen, so I managed to run down for juist a word." "It eeema to have beeft a word of accusation to judge by your tone," responded Charlotte dryly. "What dtt M ARGON I Concert RADIO Sets Marconi Model "C" Regenerative Receiving Sets, furnished by us, guaranteed to receive concerts ai far down south as Memphis, Tenn., Atlanta, Qa., and west as far as Kansas City, Mo., Denver, Col. and Omaha, Nebraska, In addition to all the other Canadian and United States broadcasting stations. Amateurs, radio fans and dealers, note our prices on radio parts: Radiotron Valves U.V. 200 ... $6.7S Radlotron Valveo U.V. 201 ... 7.75 Radiotron Valves U.V. 202 ... 10.60 3" Bakeftte Dials 90 1 ' 2" Rheostat Dials -85 8.C. 2-A 'Phones, super sensi- tive 10.25 Connecticut 3000 Ohm Phones 10.50 Audio Transformers 5.95 Coll Mounts with handles 3.75 All Vernier Rheostats 2.95 8.C. Filament Jacks 1.36 Variable Condensers, 48 plate 4.95 Variable Condensers, 23 plats 3.95 Variable Condensers, 11. plate 3.25 Magnavov R3's 60.00 Ampliphone Horns, double re- ceiver type 12-00 Prest-O-Llte 80 Amp. Hr. "A" Batteries 18.00 Man; other parts of Quality equipment also at moot reasonable prices. Mall orders shipped same day as received. A RADIO EXPERT IN ATTENDANCE TO HELP SOLVE YOUR DIFFICULTIES. DO NOT HESITATE TO WRITE US. When In Toronto LOOK for the RED radio sign at 140 Victoria St., just North of Queen Automatic Telephones & Time Recorders Ltd. Main 3014. RAFFLES AT BAZAARS "For Religious and Charitable Objects." By General Williams, Commissioner of Police for Ontario. General Victor Williams, Commis- sioner, Ontario Police, has Issued the following Interpretation of the law of Canada regarding raffles at bazaars, for religious or charitable objects, and Instructions to the police authorities. As there Is widespread misunder- standing regarding these matters It is well to note carefully what the law Is. General Williams says: t"In view of requests that come from time to time to this department from charitable organizations for permis- sion to hold raffloe, it seems necessary he has been iH for a long time. \V'e " "'nlad^'^Marcift whnl the word i sistin * two or **** dr I>s each ent for you as > soon as we knew it fain ^" a Mttle not* of terror in her tincture of benzoin and carbolic acid anything dreadful" was perious " I voice ' "Ltrrd Rosslaer dead!" She!'" half a pint of water. At the same "On the whole!" exclaimed Betty, mkeoff ami couched Kern p-ton ^^ed quick i y at Waklron. ' "That! time, it would be advisable to take j "Then there was something queer!" -rv'tirwl H 1 i ^^ I meanfl '" ^h* s& ^< still very low, "that; the yeast treatment, which is so high- Charlotte shook her head regret- the stairs. A tali man with a '"Sin 1 ' 1 * Kemp Rosslaer ^is Lord RosslaerJ ]y recommended by physicians. Yeast j fully. ^"Too bad little Charlie had a facerod kindly tired eyes was coming "^j" _.._,._, _ .,.-,_ .___,_ . ,,^, J is a corrective, not a laxative, but it , toothache, and I couldn't leave to see quickly down. "Dr. Irwin," Lady Rosslaer mur- mured, and Kempton asked in a husky whisper: "Can I go up? How ia he?" He pawed. The other looked keenly at him, then at Lady Rosslaer. The (fiance was comprehensive. He slid a steadying hand unobtrusively be- neath Ruth's oltbow. "Lord Rosslaer ia dead," he said. she say I'd been doing to her 7 I to again call the attention of police of- thougiht she'd had a pretty nice visit' fleers and of the mundipal authorities on the whole, and' I'm sure I didn't do been offered for sale at the bazaar, and also until it becomes reasonably clear that the articles will not be sold In the ordinary course Ubat ia to say, the raffle should come at or toward the end of. the event. To begin selling tickets for the raffle ae soon aa, 01 shortly after, the bazaar opens, wauld, In the opinion of the law officers, be contrary to U,.e spirit, if not to the let- ter of the law. "It is to be presumed that persons who conduct bazaars fox charitable or religious purposes will want to obey both the spirit and letter of the law, and if their attention Is called to the matter they will no doubt conform to visions of the law. | the suggestion of an officer that no Section 236 of the Criminal Code rattlln should take place, even where and the public generally, to the pro- prohibits lotteries, with an exception in favor of raffles (which are a form of lottery) for religious or charitable She pushed her chair back a little : &sslzis the normal functions of th Janice off myself. Evidently it wasn't I lowing terms: into the shadows. Waldron nodded., ^y and furnishes besi(tes a certain ! discreet to leave her at the mercy of! **! quantity of the vitamines which are! the first inquisitive friend who came 1 *** bazaar hold for any charitable or "Raffles for prizes of small ^alue at rw P onres Like a LT of Tihtntiw Arabv essential to health. One yeast-cake ! along. I can see some harmJew Htttej "" W* 1 ' Pelslon to hold ! ' the cit 8ame has been obtalned from the city CHAPTER XLIX. A fortnight, later Marcia Hal.sitead Trask's face crossed her vision. She 1 * day is the regular dose. The yeast ! molehill of a remark of hers erupting remembered all ahe had heard con-; can be made into pellet* and taken the ' into a perfect volcano it I'm not! . r * er ?** BI cerning the girl and Kempton Rosa- same as pills, spreai on bread, or 'careful." laer; Audrey Alden's information that dissolved in water, in grape-juice or] "Don't be a tease," protested" Botty-' it was his father's disapproval which other fruit juices. "and I wasn't inquisitive- readbr I ; wakc4 !p ir,g them apart. And now Whon t . he piln p, es form yellow . wasn't. ' to . i *.! ink i^mi^fii. - i ''i 'ii j- ,.-,-, , ...i. i: 1^ uut TrVtion i observed in & ! fr,,v P ! "^i nea<la - stoam the face, then puncture [ perfectly casual conversational Jaspcr Waldron accompanied them. During that fortnight he had stayed at the little French fishing J*n And I Kemp was no longer the head * wi ' h a sterilized needle and r*r that I supped you and she had dependent upon him. P resa out the Contents. Press gently, had a lovely time together, and she Thera was no longer any reason keeping a bit of soft, clean, old linen; said, 'Oh, yes, lovely after she had the Mayor. Reeve or other chief offi- cer of the city, town or other munici- pality wherein such bazaar Is held, and the articles raffled for thereat have first been offered for sale and none of tbem are of a value exceeding fifty dollars." that they he and the girl he lovc-d in the hands and avoid having any me trained' well, anybody would s'hwuld remain .apart. No reason! ! of the pus touch the skin lest other have wondered. slon referred to in the sub-section is Cleanse the| Charlotte chuckled. She covered her eycg for a moment parts become infected. tings with poignantly painful as it was' poignant-' be^rTu^^H veT^HonTv t * en massa * e ^ th cream ' After care - \ wasn't certain. It was this way. Bet- 1 Ty wTf" ^ ,, hu^ It ^deTrTot/moTe than ff^^*9 "'A t ^. cr ""' bathe ( ty: Of course Janice is a darting and Whatever of bitter grief he knew ewr afrai( , mt! erably guilty. th he locked it up dose in his own heart. It WM with Hn efff / rt thnt^ ahook w Marcia had Rilenoe-d him (vwiftly when, at to h-im. first with hot water, then 8 he dM me the honor to think Charlie 1 cold water. Do this several .and Kit were darlings too. Also she want to be sod any more; I dion't want to think of dreadful thd-nrgs! Now that you know, I want too forget again if I can! I want to snatch all of joy that is possible while I can! l>oir't talk tt'bout it, Jasper don't even re- menrlxr! At iat, not for a I'ittte white!" easy '- it Once more during that fortnight Wa!';lpol upoke of his frieml again. them? He looks like a little Van! pimples diagnosed as D yck prince!' Or, 'O Charbtte whore - acne is thought by some skin spe;-- fa V om ^-u,-,, fho^ii "IU wants to keep to the bargain ; ii f< , ... ,, T ^ r^- y s.uppose Charlie got those made with he," he told hor. "Ho lal '* te to be " f P raslt i c r PH. For teautiful great Wue eyes of hew?, already grown to like the work, f? ch cas ^' a8 wel1 as for blackfcciwb, , i sn - t sho tlve ^e^t thing ever in' it is not a if he is wealthy now. th . e u c , P rws " P ls recommend- that blue linen f fc fch . matchca Lord Rosier died a comparatively * > *^? *bo"t u thick as the rok>r ;, l ^^ J ~ a little of nodded quietly. reach aid giaiety. There was a sweetness about her that caufrht Mm by the throat and made hia heart acj;e unbearably. Shp seemed like chiLd--flus.ri>a'rl, vivid, all wi'h the |*.y of li/e. Watch- rcturnlrar jrartinit'S he cried to himself | <<j' m T fhe hart told him could not declared be trut'. poor man ami there are the estates custard, contains sodium hydrate and m j|,n v nril .), and his widow. I think Kemp's wise, potassium hydrate, and is used by n ' ^' iZ Aml il 8hows te ' s * ot Wl. It's in surgeons for washing the hands be- SSS. fcS M" to make ood." ' * but it made no And it show* he's got grit/ It's in surgeons for washing the hands be- ' Z'-T- "^iTT ^ ***** n * to make good." | f ore performing operations. Green fJL the T X ' tlme she general P rohlbltlon W(>ul d apply. Marcia was looking at the sea. Shte soap can be purchased at any drug I '5L2 rstesy &nd the chiMren store. Before applying the soar L^'^ 1 '^resteMy expecting more. permission has been given by the municipal authorities, until it is rea- sonably clear that the articles will not be sold at the bazaar in the ordinary course. "I am informed that it Is not an un- usual practice to sell tickets for ar- ticles to be raffled at bazaars days or evei weeks in advance ot tine event. This is obviously entirely improper, and where anything of that kind la at- tempted the parties ought to be warn- ed, and if they per&ist prosecutions should follow. 'The second condition la that no articles must be of a value greater than $50.00. "In view of the want of understand- ing of the law on the subject, and the not that of the Attorney-General or obvious need of keeping the exception the police authorities. It is the per- ' to the wholesome provision of the law mission of the municipal author. ties, against lotteries within proper limits, the theory apparently being that if It Is desired that police officers will thcro Is a strong local sentiment take especial precautions to see Ghat against that sort of thing the permls- ; the law as above denned la observed. sion will not be granted. At all j "Upon learning of an intended events, the responsibility is on the bazaar, with the accompanying raffle, Mayor or Reeve or Municipal Council. ' the officer's duty will be to ascertain*' These authorities hove an absolute \ whether permission has been granted discretion. They can grant porraU- : by the local authorities. If so, he will slon or they can refuse It. tben inquire whether the object is "It will be further observed that th j charitable or religious. If In doubt on permission is connned to bazaars, and j either of these points, he will confer to bazaars that are being held for a j with the County Crown Attorney. If "charitable or religious object." If ; satisfied on both these points, the offl- permission should be granted by a ' cer ought tben to see the managers of municipality or municipal authority ; the affair and explain the law to them. for an object that Is not within the It is unseemly that persons desiring to description of these words the per- \ raise money for religious or charit- mlsslon would be ineffective, and the ' able- purposes should be hailed to court for breaches of the law, :-nd the p i A n' u -j L i store. Before app y ng the soap, Vn, r -"^f *^ K '"'.' 'In, glad," was all she sarf, Imt bftth<> ^ f&ce wi th hot water then - Chflrhe lovei1 * " too well, and. ,ere was a rmg of smeenty in her % Z h ^ut of hot waTer am. la? ^ -"^-ith .hy mhery^-i bur.t It was & he who .uggested, later,' " over the face, removing them ' ~ rwT^SSv 'JlS^S^'a burning to Ensrlarad. i frequently. Continue this operation , . , ,. , mu . . ^ u '"'- '"ing homesick again," si* &* nfte * n or twenty minutes, then ! '';'' ' at ^ rown ^ dress brings Ami I feel as though I anoint the face with the green soap '? chestnut shades in your hair' It Is not rubbing it wel! into the pores for five ??* twtlt . nnd I de:>! *re your linger any, or six minutes. Rinse the soap from cl * w ' k8 UTO as DInk rose leaves. You the face with hot. water and rub with aTC , an f.^ 1113 " 6 creature really. I, l* i^JffiS^J-te ^A'^V^^Sl^^^ff^^ irS t aT P in k asro S e, < .ave,Vou torney.Gene,, Dep.tment the ,, "Then if permission has been pro- officer will probably find In almost perly obtained, pursuant to the pro- 1 every case a desire to comply with visions of the statute, It will be ob- i the law. In. the event, however, of the served that there are two other con- 1 law being disregarded, the officer's dltlons: I duty will be to watch the proceedings "The first condition Is that the artl- ' at t'u.e bazaar carefully, take note of cles before being raffled must flrst ! the facts, and then confer with the have been offered for sale. In the County Crown Attorney as to what tendon of Purl lament, whatever the technical Interpretation may be, was that the raffling should not take place until the articles to be raffled have proceedings ought to be takcu. "While this letter is an Instruction to the officers of the Ontario Provin- cial Police, it will be sent as informa- tion to the Chiefs of Police ajid High Constables throughout the. Province." mm! to return she had looked at him with a half-6tartled protest. "Wouldn't it be better not?" she had asked. And then: "Oh, Jasper! I niaKC arrangement.'! to-nigm A KOMI *"" LU " ', ny i-ne lace ana j . , 7 ------ - r^ 1 '" many fol'ks will be glad to see you anoint with a skin food or face cream. \ ,,J?* "" P m ' t " She must have!" back again, Marcia." i Continue this treatment every night 1 Not that tame. Sho pot pinker and Neui life Por RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS Testimonial: Deur Hlr*,- Aftw suffering from . ght As he had promised he mad* all until the blackheads have disappeared. K as P ecl . <wh y. Charlotte!' I think she arrangements. Marcia found it more' If the green soap imitates thc skin, rather llk e<i it. M'm'm! Flattery isn't than a 1/ittle sweet to be cared for; a s it sometimes will, use it every the harttest thi "8T to swallow at leasit ** that 4t ' other ni * ht In ^""^ion with this ' f ^ e flr t * But the next time known as " acne " 1*1 1 ? ked < ? Ue r ' aml th t ahe^ tak n four mes <tail >'- Acn ^ ^^ * n <*-< the last after them. ' tablets are mad* by various manu-j~> '" to tn . e conversation was com- '. She deeply appreciated Waldron'a ; facturing chemists and can be pur- ">rtaMy plain and sugarless. But' presence ami the way he took the; chased at most drug stores. I Charlies hxd learned to love the look-! | burden of all responsibility. If there! Ir > addition to these precautions InfT-g'lass, ajid Kit has grown so eon-' was any wonder in her heart as to her , and remedies, care must, be taken that ai{>U3 of his curls, poor boy, I'm eoinu- 1 daughter sudden change of mind, if tfoe face cloths are absolutely clean. ' t cut them. So it's a good' thin? I'VB ' Previ ?^? di8 - Powder-puffs should not be used as really p* Janice trained befo^ j,! Use instead visits J eS ie McQuarne and ht a blt f ab ^ rbent cotton *<*t can youngsters; only-I hope *he wasn't Willing to Oblige. An Englishman on a walking tour In a remote part of the Scottish High- lands came to a lonely inn. Beting ravenously hungry, he entered and askral the landlady to.- some poached eggs. The landlady shook hr head. "We haven't any eggs, lr," she said. "But," she added, lowering her voice to a whteper, "1 dinna doot that 1 could get you a fine dish of poached sal mon." Business is like a wheelbarrow it stands still unless it is pushed. it, and waa perfectly thing's would run rnnootohlv forth. hence- That h* cared for her daughter wa Sciattaa tor otor 16 ys and, absolutely obvious, and sh smiled , nvony on n8ttciiJ, wisely even while she sighed, con- batlie, ec*rlc b*lu*. etc.. whlctoi ocious of a deepening aense of satis- did me no good, I w onrsd h/ faction. ons botMe of TOUT NEW i At the end of the week they were Installed In their London flat again. BKMBDT Yours- truly, Win. OIMy, Gerard St . Mra. Hatetoad openly enchanted at I being home again, Marcia ! * a ^w* <rf warmth and real One bottle for One Dollar; Six bottles for Five DoBari Mailed direct to Customers. &rui ifr Bentrby Company 73 Wo.t Adelaide St., Toront. Canada "I'm g<^ng to Invite myself to dlin- ner with you to-night!" he announced. "I'M be early." He came before Mr*. Halstead had more than begun to .Ire vs. and drew a dwep riiigh of satisfai-tion at flmling Marcia already waiting for him. "I iruiess," he said eat he threw him- self into n chair, "that I've seen pretty nearly everybody already. Kmp loojoj pretty cut up; I only sw him for a minute. Arvl Araby ems as if a month by the ea would do L be thrown away. If powder is ap-^ea-Hy vexcA I'm fond of Janice. plied by means of a bit of chamoi* "She wasn't," Betty assured her. skin, or the chamois is used to remove "She was just th* "shine" from the skin, see that the crinkled up when Her eye* al she remembered ' chamois Ls kept perfectly clean by and her mouth twitche<l at the' frequent washings. | corneira." It ia well not to expect results too ( soon, for skin troubles arc slow in yielding to treatment. Later on in' life, there will be compensation in the! realization that an oily skin is slow to wrinkle. Praise to the Face. "Charlotte, what in th* world have Let Others Try. Editor "I can't see manuscript of yours." In that Author "I am sorry for tbat. But, you know, some of your readers may be quite Intelligent." The Ma'achiawan Power Co. is die- you been doing to Janice EveraH?", voloping 13,000 horse-power at Indian demaiKteili Betty, reaching for a fan chutes, on the Montreal river. The and moppiing her hot forehead. "I've power will be supplied to the Northern juat Been her off at the station; I Ontario mining camips, didn't get home from Cousin Lucy's tttl this morning, and I couldn't get] A man will remain a rag-picker ns roural in time fcr a call; but mMher long ns he has only a. rag-picktr's aid the w*s lavir,i' by ths eleven- vision. Most middle-aged Londoners are slightly deaf, due, it is said, to the continuous roar of traffic. Mlnard'a Liniment for Dandruff. Shoe Polishes Freshly mixed KEEN'S MUS'TCVRD mokes dinner tasty cwd diqestible OOUftU VJMRflW | 1 UNWNt NUiiM I I <