Flesherton Advance, 13 Sep 1922, p. 8

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411 r * k September 13 1022 THE PLESHERTON ADVANCE Feversham's Busy Store CLEARING SALE OF All CANVASS SHOES ON SALE THIS WEEK BELOW COST ALSO BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER MRS. R. H. HENDERSON FEVERSHAM, ' - ONT CENTRE GREY LEAGUE Tea* - Markdale Dundalk Vandeleur Ceylon Kit short i m Vandeleur 7, Ceylon 1 Gm*t thil week Thurs Vsudeleui vi MarkdaU To be playvd in Dundalk MOD Dundalk va Vaudekur To be played In Markdale . Vandeleur 7, Ceylon 1 All umme ttie people in this district have enjoyed some tiret dais games of j baseball and the game on Thursday Ust The game wa an hour late In commenc- iyg as " Lefty " Buchanan had to come from Owen Sound. It is likely a tioe will e Imposed on i he Vaodeleur club for being late in getting there. One of the final games which was to have been played on Monday at Van- dtfleur between Markdale and Dundalk wus postponed on account of wet grounds. This Thursday Vandeleur and Dundalli play at ftlnrkdalb and the next Monday, Sept. 18, Vatideleur vs Duo- dalk at Markdale. These till be two good games and should draw big crowds. Voters^List, 1922 Municipality of the Town.hip Otprey in the County of Grey of NOTICE IS HEREBY Given that I havo IIMIIMIIIII -J or delivered to the at Ceylon between Vandeleur *nd Ceylon P" 80 "" mentioned in Section* 8 and 9 WH the beat this year. Van- deleur came out ou top as was expected bat up until the Hth inniuK it was no victory by any means, as Ceylon were light on their toei all the lime and made some good plays. Every time in of the Onliiiio Votera' List Aot, 1887, and the Amendments therein, the copies required to be transmitted or delivered of the said List nude pursuant to the (aid Act of all persons appearing by the Ust Revised Assessment Hull of the said The Drudgery of Wash Day is a thing of the past when you put in a 1900 Electric or Gasoline Power Washer, or Hand Power Gravity and Wringer, all kept for sale by S. HEMPHILL CEYLON Agent for Beatty Hay Carrier goodf, Steel Stalls and Stan- chions and Stable Fittings, Pumps, Churns, Brantford Wind Mills and Gasoline En- gines. Pump repairing is promptly attended to. A call is solicited^ the pinches some week Ceylon Utters ' >ouicipality to U entitled to vote in (be would fall down, but it was no /ault nt j 8aid municipality at elections for mem- theifs a two .,f them hadn't ben in . I hers of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections: and that said List was tirst pnsted up in my office on the 5'h ,U\ of Septeinner, I'.i-.'-j, and remaina game this year. Vnndeluur starte-d off in the 2nd inning when ^wo men were hit, by balls and Dave Oraham, hit a tvro- ' lia^'jci aud S Buchanan a .single, and two runs were scored. Their next i- HUH there for inspection. Klet-'ors are called upon to eniuine in Hi.' (ith inning wliea Warling was hili'aid List and, it any uiimiii.na or other by a ball the second tim and Wave j errors are perceived theieiu, to take Graham made a single which looked like immediate proceedings to have said error* an .- ny out, bin the btll was mottled by the in- 1 baseman and in attempting to g ! Warlmx at 3rd b-tte thrfw wild aud the runner tumped home- The only bad inning that Git>.son had was in thu 9th : when Vandeleui hammered in four run>> and making the Carrie sure fur then'. Ceyiou secured their only run in the 7th, with two men down Sam I Y iUr nude a I Mil.- Y, followed by Don M. I ...-,. U, Harry I'l-ill 11 hit and sent Sam home with Ceylon * only run. With two men on In-. - Ilex. Hutton failed to hit. l'n> pires were Colgin of Markdale and Utnbury i Dundalk. corrected according to law. H. W. Kernahan. Clark cf O'prcy Township, Maxwell, Svpt. Oth, 1022 Leonard Kirvan a 17 year old young man of Elora is dead Iron) injuries sus- tained in a motor accident Sunday nigbt, and Harry Webster about 37 yean, lies in an hospital, with a broken arm, severe internal injuries and his body badly bruised, Webster had been driving rather recklessly around Kloia during the Lineup : Vandeleur Dillon It liruhum. Freeman, WaiiiUK. U Urabaiu, D ' na linn. S Uuchxnnn, A Ituchunan, Kuy Fieeiiun I day and quite evidently In. I been drink- ing. Towards evening ho picked up y >ui).' Kirvan and took him for a spin dowil thu Ouelph road aud according to a statement of Kirvan touched up about I 60 miles an hour when the machine took | the ditch near Metca'f.s hill. Kirvaa I Ceylon- J McMullen.J McLeod E Muir 1 lived pome'lme afterwards and at last Gihson, 8 1'edlnr. D McLe.>d, H 1'odlar, ' reports Wobate'r his hard fiuht ahead U Huiton, H Hutton: ; lo recorer from injuries. Vandelt-ur- 020001004-7 Ceyiou -o o o u o i u o- i pig Came Astray Ctnc to thn premieex of the under- i Uiil m of \\tidbleur hit a home run i signed, lot 5 Con. !>, Osprsy, about the , nvei the hit', in left tielJ, the l.muust on ' middle of August, two pig*. Owner Ceylim's giounds, and 'e( in a run .:.. , i prove property, pty oxponnoH \u<\ take of hin. This .IN his secon I this yi-.ir. .same away. 8. To Holders of Five Year 51 per cent Canada's | Victory Bonds Issued in 1917 and Maturing 1st December, 1922. CONVERSION PROPOSALS TH MINISTER OF FINANCE offcrB to holders of these bonds who desire to continue their investment in Dominion of Canada securities the privilege of exchanging the maturing bonds for new bwidl bearing 5j per cent interest, payable half yearly, Of either of the following classes . () Five year bpnds, dated 1st November, 1922, to mature 1st November, 1927. (b) Ten year bonds, dated 1st November, 1922, to mature 1st Novtmber, 1932. While- the maturing bonds will carry interest to 1st Dewrtber. 1922, the new bonds will commence to earn inure* from lit November, 1928, GIVING A BONUS OP" A FULL MONTH'S INTEREST TO THOSE AVAILING TitmMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION Tteii tr ii madt to holders of the maturing bonds Mt open to other invocton. The bonds to be uMUr thic proposal will be substantially of the MM* sfcutt>r as thotv which are maturing, except that MM MM*t >*M from tMtir, doe* sot apply to the A .*M Holders of the maturing bonds who wish to avail themselves of this conversion privilege should take their bonds AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE BUT NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 30th, to a Branch of any Chartered Bank in Canada and receive in exchange an official receipt for the bonds surrendered, containing an undertaking to deliver the corresponding bonds of the-u$w issue. Holders of maturing fully registered bonds, interest payable by cheque from Ottawa, will receive their December 1 interest cheque as usual. Holders of coupon bonds will detach and retain the last unmatured coupon before surrendering the bond itself for conversion purposes. The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa, where they will be exchanged for bonds of the new issue, in fully registered, or coupon registered or coupon bearer form cairying interest payable lit May and 1st November of each year of the duration of the loan, the first interest payment accruing and payable 1st May, 1923. Bonds of the new issue will be sent to the banks for delivery immediately after the reeipt of the surrendered bonds. , The bonds of the maturmg issue which are not converted uad tfus nra*o1 win to paid off hi cash oh the M Decemswr, nJt. W. S. FHTiDHtQ, Minister of Finance. \ Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship / Men'* and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smock*, etc. v Cleaning Repairing Pressing All at lowest possible prices H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario 8 I 4- :*- :*: :*: *; iili iii Jii* '' Rubber <* Bottoms - HH ::: at Those who require new Rubber Bottoms on their old tops should leave them NOW and Be ready for a wet day M :::: ;::: * :::: *t ? THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, \ ONTARIO . Jtf*S"SI"rSttf!tf fM8!8J!lS!!lltnm IfTf lifff iff if IfflINf IffM* Incendiary Fire A lire supposed to be the work of an Incend'ary destroyed (be large bam of Mr. Roy \\ ln.-rMi.il. about two miles from Chattiivorih on the Toronto Road about 8.15 Sunday night. The barn contained thu season's cmp including about 1,500 bushels. o f grain, implement!, to. The Ics.-s will lv heavy, ,.s ouly about $,:,()00 in- ;ir :UHV v .s carried. A short tin.e previous to the tire an un- known :n .H wns sei-u entering the barn, mid Mi.^fi L-:< .it is that he started the tiro. An rrcit was umde of a fctrange u: in, but -h !.- was 11 eridcuce to cjunect him wi'h tin- fire ituU the mystery remains. Transien* Mauey Harrii Binder, 7 ft. cut, second hand, for pale cheap, working order. John Wright, Kleshcrton. Choppmi; done on Saturday only Gmham Bros. Eugenta Honey For Sale 15c per Ib., 10 poand cans. Jos Buchanan, Flrsherton. Kor Sale Yorkshire sow for s*le, year oM. Archio Conkty. Ceylon. Good work horse, six year* old, for sale right Martin Phillips, Flesherton. For Sale Cheap oie unod pring wagon, capaci f y 8500. J. Runstadl.eY, Flechertnn. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisf action LAUNDRY Basket cloaei Monday night, delivory Fucmy ev *ul DYK ING- Wear agents for P.irker's Dy Works C'lothei cleaned and dyed, fetitherg rejuvenated T FISHER- -PROPRIETOR Boar For Service Pure bied Itegintorea Yorkshire Itoar for service Vineyard Famous 77MO on lot 167, S. W. T. & 8. R. , Armenia. Terms 91.50. Sows not returned will be charged same as those in pig. 10,4,22 'T. J. STIN80N For Sale Thoroughbred Uulstein bull calf, about weeks old. Alf Thistle- thwaite, Fleshorton Ram For Sale 2 year okl pure bred Oiford Down r.ira for le, has papers. George Johnson. Flesherton. LUMBER A small amount of floor- ing, sidin? and v joint still on hand. Phone IS \V. A. Armstrong for prices. For Sale or.Rent The old gg factory in Flesherton, on easy terms. Apply to H. J. Sproule, Flesherton. 18 in. dry hard-* Artemesia. Apply Protou Station BOAR for SERVICE Purebred Tarn worth Boir for service on lot 167, S W T and S E., Artemesia.. Terms fl.50. Wanted 20 cords wood for S S No 3. to Oeo White, B R , For Sale Two building lots, in Flesh- erton near the Methodist churchapply to Mrs. M. Thirtlethwaite, Flesherton. For Sale U H. P. Caroline Engina and 500 gallon pump, cheap. Apply to G. B. Welton. For Salo A Corn hinder in good condition, only used one neasin Mrs. W. Boyd, Flesherton. be charged same as thoie In pig. For S^le Matched team, 5 and t SOOTS not returned will, years old, brother <tnd sitter, also .') year eb 16 -T. J.STINSON, Prop BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES PRINCR AHTRUH LODGE, No. ira.A.K.A A M, tnwtl in the MaioDloh&ll, Arm 'ronq'K HlotK Fl*eberton, evorv Prldtjr or or before the foil moon. <'. J. llolltmy W. 11.: H. O. Holland, Secretary. old good strong driver. Will sell very cheap. U. Down, Flesherton. 3 ins. Want to l>orrovf (650 on mortgage, reasonable iotereit, 1 to S ytiars security over $KOOO. Apply to Flesherton Ad~ advaaoe. DENTISTRY nE C MURRAY U O. 8, denUl sargeou XIJQI yadunto ot Toronto L'oiveraltr and Soya Oollem of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. I 3a> admttlnlitired for teth exit-notion Dee atildne. Toronto Street. Flufaettou, i If yon are thinking ot buying a Cream Separator buy no other hut the DeLavai, which is the best and rnoit reliable sep- arator made. Call, phone or write Hugh Knot', Markdale, agent. LEGAL I HAH. I' MC * HHNBT Ban-liter*. , .t, li. IttOM, K. O. ; W. I). H eor y, r. A. Offleec. Uarkdale LOCM Block. Pbon* i. Branch dUett at Oaodalk and Durb,i>. WBIOHT, A TELFORD, Ban-liter, Rolioi. torn, tt. OJBoe*. Urey * Htne Block, ' viv (.* yj**4<J. BiftD iHrCl DtLDK vr. ricioiiorf ton, (Sainrdayp). W.H. VTrigbt W. P. Telford Jr. BUSINESS OARDS IV K. XAITTINQ, tcef ;icJ AaeUcieer fo> ;lio c.iunti ol f: <-.j and HiTnooe. aa.1 Kl.oc.1 salei a ernx>lalt,y, Termi >mt for <latei rjay be made at tbe . or Central ttlerbotiu oflo* Fere (jL * at Fer %aaa, Oi*. mR A. TUUNmJLIs B.A.. M.l>., graduate *-* *. iin tha raculty of Medicine, University ni Toronto. OfTtcu lUcbard ion IM ook, Flceb- Home and Lot For Sale The prop- erty known as the Aahdown residence at Ceylon, an eight roomed dwelling, good collar, liable, etc. ; about an acre of land, would make a good home for a retired gentleman. For terms and fur- ther particulars apply to W. J. Bellamy, Flenherton. 1 May ft Came Astray 4 head of year old cattle, 9 stMrs atiA 2 hei for*, came to my pniniMts about AUK. 9th, proie property, pay expenses and take same away, C. Hindie, Proton- R.R, 3. H. A. McKEE Chtropraxitor Specialist At Prk Hotel, Flettbartoa, Muby. Wednesday and Friday, 4 to ^ p.wj. Fevertham l'usia.v, Thursday and Sainrdaya 7 t'> '"> p,m. OeMttUatioB fro*

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