Flesherton Advance, 20 Sep 1922, p. 1

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. Vol. 43, No. 16 Flesherton, Ont/ September 20,. 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. Hetd Miller At King j Marking Old Forts Milling Co. of Sarnia of Huron Indians Correspoodetice Mr J C Little of Sarnia is visiting at H Alezinder't. J C leiidid hers in the Tillage for acme time, while his father was miller in the Farmer* Mill here, and his many friends are ld to renew old acquaintances. He is no* head miller for th King Milling'Co., of Sarnia. Mia J A Kernahan has rammed home after two weeks with friends in the Queen city. Miss Ella Alister visited with friends in Toronto for a couple of weeks and attended the Exhibition. Wm Kney, wife and twu children of Port McNieol spent Sunday at H Alex ander's. Will Colquette and wife and bby, Betty, of the above town came over wiih them in a ear on Saturday evening abd spent Sunday at their par- ent homes, leturning to the Port on banday evening. Mr Dawe, wife and little daughter of Collingwood are with Mrs D's. parents, Mr and Mrs Geo Deadman ou the 8ih. Clarence Sempla has lult the garage work here and U worjfing for bis brother- in law at Providence. Miss Eliln- of Chatsworth is visiting her sister, Mrs Hugh McLean. Mrs J:f Legate of Uibralter spent Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs J Kernahau. East Mountain Wedding be'ls have been ringing in oar vicinity. Miss Auoie Allen and Mr Clarke Ttud were married on Wednesday lift. VVe offer our congratulations. Miss Mae Carruthers spent the past week with Markdale friends. Mrs T Allen and daughter, Evv, vi<'led friends at Vndeleur recently. R W McWu'leu and wife spent !und;y with Mr aud Mrs Leg Chard. Victor Fjrd baa returued to the Kast Mountain. Mies Susie Westiake, who has been visiting R McMullen's family for ihe past two weeks, has gene tu visit, friends ni Feversham. P Somers and wife gpeut Sunday at VY Humberstuue s. A Oarrutbers and wife vibiu>d friends at Saugeen Junction. A number of peop'e from here attend- ed the Collingwood fair la*t week and repst a good time. H Thompson and wife and C Thomp- son and fe motored to Erin on Sat. and to visit friends and relative*. Install A Radio ' A Radio Score stocked with ill standard Radio parts tnd supplies is openini? September 10th iu Owen Sound. This store will be in a position to supply you with any style uf set, complete, or aoy parts, for you to construct your own set, and will also t>e iu a position to instruct jiMi in different method 1 ) of wiring these parts, so as to achieve the br*t resultsor will do the wirint; for y.'u. It is a mistake to think that Radio it .n extravagant idea just the reverse - ,if you are properly instructed as to what to buy. ' Any information regarding Radio--* cost of sls or partscan be obtained by Addressing Frank Slatv-Coulsou House, ' (opposite the City Hall). Owen Sound who is opening this up-to-ihe-uiinote ''Radio Shop." * i r -.-_,-_.-.- -. --_!-_ Nine Cows Killed , . During a thunder storm which paaed over Singhampton recently Ale2. Sheard> whose farm is oo the Townlina three * miles south of Singhampton, lost nine - head of cattle, ihe animals being struck . by lightning. AH were miloh cows and . were standing near the barn, which wai undamaged. Active steps are being Uken by the Canadian National Park Branch of the Department of the Interior to put in a state of preservation the ruins of the old Jesuit fort or/Cnns'ian Island, at the southeast corner of Georgian Bay. These ruins represent the second foi titled Jesn.it Mission of St Marie < HiW-1'i..n;, and, besides being a relic of one of the two oldest atone fortiticitions in North America, are silent" witnesses to one of the most traeic episodes in early Cana- dian histoiy. In 1869 the Jesuit missionaries to the Huron* built their ti rat atone fort on the mainland, two miles eait of the present town of Midland on the river Wye, as a protection from the Iroquoia . This fort served as headquarters for tne score of missions which they had founded in that district for the benefit of the Huron*, Owing to the persecution of the Iroquois the Jesuit* themselves burned this fort in 1649, and migrated with tbo Huron community to Christian [aland, where, with the assistance of the Indian*, they built another stone fort which was known as Fort Ste. Marie II. The Union village win :h grew up around the mili- tary fort was protected with redoubts that aeived to C3ver and bhield it from attack. In tne au'umn of 164'J aome V OU Hun. us and about 50 pr.tsis und assist- ants faced tbe winter with such scant provisions that before spring airived niosc of the Huron people hid perished from starvation and disease. They had torcd quantities f Indian coin and Mii'.ked fish for winter use but the hupply was pitifully insufficient. With the air.va! of spring only 300 r the Hurons weie able to join the Jesuits in their journey to Quebec. It is the intention of Ihe Canadian Natroual Parks Branch to clear, drain and fence the ruins, and to pUse a suit- able memorial ou the site recording the fact that here the Uuron nation made its last futile stand against the Iroquuis. ' William Reed, ovr tix fee', neighing 306 Ibs , has been made an* inmate of Waikerton House of Refuge. His avoir- dupois will now probably dfcrews. Reed . -WIN the fatbr of nineteen children and ' t (ma time was wealthy. Whilo in the Hoie industry be lost his sight, lie is 80 yecus of age a>ad hi* second wife left him a few w*fc *fO The cage is pulheti: on*. CEYLON Frank Stewart left on Saturday for Nottb Buy to alteud_.>orml. N Archibald, and family spent the first of tbe week in Owen Sound. Fred McMullen of Toronto spent the week end with his parents. Mrs Charlron of Toronto visited with Mrs A Kutledge. Mrs D Muir and Mrs Uuddie Stewart, who have been in C'hicaito for several weeks, returned home Saturday. Mrs Anna McMillen gpent the drat of the week with IKT sig'er iu Owen Sound. Emertou Adorns returned to Durham Monday aftar spend ing the vrevk with bis parents here. Mrs r'atterson and daughter, UUdyg, who spent sever *l wieks here, have have.returned to Toronto. Miss Elsie Wright, B A, of Toronto, visitd Mr fred Wright aud wife over the week end befo.-e leaving tu visit her parents in the West. Mrs'Alfred Bryant and tvro childian, who ipent a fortnight, at S Ai clniml l', returned Monday to her homo in To- ronto. J Dr West of AlhM >ii ipenl the jreek end at R Whittaker's. Mrs W K. Buckley of Toronto visited her parents here last week. Mis I inch, Mrs Levin.; and two daughters, of Detroit, aru Tisitois at J Malta,'*. W Hill, wife and children, of Maik- daie, and Mrs James McLean of Osprey were visitors -it H. Piper's last week. W J ok and srandson of Ebcrdale visited at R Cook's Ust week. Roy Piper sold his tiue team of horse* to Mr Mercet of MarkdaU and delivered them on Saturday. Melville Campbell of Owen Sound who made the lenntiooal auto drive through Mount Forectand up the Qarafraxa four wuolts ago, after paying his 91UOO hoe tor breach of the Ontario Temperance Act, was liberated from jail and disappeared from Owt'D Sound. Road Cnmttble Balaaei followed him to Kitchener, the* to Toronto, (hen back to Otretl Sound, whet* be Wan again arrested and brought ij Uuut Fortat where he was triad before Magistrato Hellycr. A line of $60 and $84.80 costs was imposed for reck lew driving. --Durham Review. Dies In the West After Operation Kimberley Correspondence We ara sorry to report the death of Albert, <-nly eon of Mr and Mrs Frank Hutchnuon of S<rift Current, Sank. Death followed an operation for acute appendicitis. The body will be brought east to be interred in Thornbury ceme- tery. We have a large school attendance this term and would like to see some good results next June. Mr Allinuham is a fair disciplinarian and In.- worth as a teacher has to be proved. Mies Hutch- ineon, junior teacher and a locai girl, has a good record in this line. Corn roasts ai usual are very popular in thii neighborhood. Messrs Frank Weber and Albert Myles have both anteri aiued the community in !n- respect J H Fawcett spent a few days recently with Mrs Corbett of Dundalk. Mr and Mrs Geo Proctor, Harold Proctor and Mi^s Marjorie uibtored to (l*i n Suund one day lait week. Mr and Mrs B Timmons (nee Susie r-'awcett) are spending a few holidays with their aunt, Mrs Oliver Irwin. Mr Alex Fawcett celebrated Irs *<> h biithday un September 18 Mr Fawcett is the oldest resident here, having resid- ed for sevunty years or more. fie. r- halt; and hearty yet mid we hope to have him many more Years. Geo Pructor has returued home after working tbe pant few months in Toronto Mrs Alltn, Mite N> -- and Miis M Cunkt-y are (he jjuestn of Mrs D Weber. Toronto Line North Vera Lever returned home Saturday after spending two weeks with Toronto friends. E Wickens and K Richardson motored to Toronlo and spent a few days at the exhibition, and also visited at Cainsvilie with Wei Kit, -11 and wii'e. J A Lever and wife spent a day with Berkeley friends. Mis Win Burnett visited for a few days with Mi - McKechnie, Markdalt*. "Home Brew" In A Newspaper Office Someone bad sent the editor of a Western weekly paper a few bottles of ii'i.ne brew. While ho w.ia showing his appreciation by tuiubly celebrating, he received for public titn a weddini; an- nouncement aud a notice of mi auction said. The printed result is as f jllows : "Win. .Smith ami Miss Lucy Audmson were diepnsed uf at public auction at my farm one mile east of a beautiful bouquet of roses un her breast and two white calves, before i background of farm imp^ lements too numerous to mention in the presence of ab.mt seventy gut.Hts includ- ing two milch coirs, six mules aud one bobsled. Rev. Jackson tied tl\ : nuptial knot with about 200 feet of hay rope and the bridal party left on one good John Deere ganx plow for an rxtended trip with (mm to suit iiiiirhas, is. They will be it home to their friends with miu good baby VIMKI^- and few a kitchen utensils after ten months from date of sale to respectable portion and euir.e chickens." A Family Necessity No other journal caieis su intimately and minutely to the needs of the ayii- cultunst as does the Family Herald and Weekly Star t>f Moutieal. From his uioiiicil t.< his religious need-, from th'e health of bis stock to the ctpabiliucs of his machinery, from his ladies' umbrt.id- ery to their pickles, from the minerals on the land to the rjsh iu hii bruoks, from the books of bis leisure hours to the amuseinenti of his childrt-n, from hi* Individual c*r?H of his public dutien, he finds companionship, help and guid.iooe in the same old journal, which delighud his fathers and is the j >y of his children to- day. He could not ati'ord to be with- out the Family Horald and Weekly Star of Montreal. The subscription price is S3.00 pr year. Come to the races in F)oshrtou Vri., Spu 20.li. Some rel fist horses are coning, besides those of local entry. Mrs TCAtwood of Walkertou was seriously bitten by at dog nd oeafined to I her ber) < Car Struck Buggy Injuries the Result Portlaw Correspondence An unfortunate accident recurred one night UM week by which Mrs J Hupps was severely injured. She, with her hu.-l.,.n.l anil liitle boy, were returning home fn ni their brother-in-law's thresh- ing ou tin- third line, aud while they were halted uu account of it threshing tank being on the road, Mr Nelson Tempest approached them from the rear with his automobile, striking the bu^ijy in wh ch the Hnpps family weie riding. Mrs Uopps was pitched violently a cun- pjdera'jle distance. She is suffering from badly torn ligaments of a fout and other injuries which will lay her up for inf time, but she is thankful tht the result i- ii >l moro serious. The cheering news oomus fri.m Fergus hospital that Mr J J Little, whose life was despaimj of, from bio jd poisoning, is now couiidered to bu our ut dauber and making SHtisiaci'.ry piusfftss towards recovery . Congratulations to Mr Kinnk Shiers, who brought home his Inidu lust ^Veil^ nesday in the pereju of Miss Gruniiuolt of Osprey. A heaity welcome - ex- ;. >i i.-u to Mrs Shiers. \ Preparationa ;ire being made l>r the Sunday tchool convention to be held on Tlmisdiy.il Mount Xiou church. A successful uieeiiui; H anticipated. Anniversary services will he cor.<luc> ted at Mt '/. on on Sunday, Uut'-8lb, and HrrangemeniB are beic^ made for the Dundalk Champions? The drat of the final Dailies for ihe play oil in ihe Centre tjiey baseball 'fuue was played in Markdale on Mon. af(uiuon between tha Vandeleur and Duadalk clubs, and resulle-J in Dundalk g-)iiii{ home as winners wiih a score of 14-!) to their credit, after on'y six and a bail innings of play. V^daleur begin sulil off in a whirlwind and ran over eiyht runs in the liist foui inning two in ihe 1st, one in the 2nd, three in tha 3rd and two in the 4th whilo Duudalk upened up- with two, oue ruu there-suit f Armstrong Dotting hit by a ball aud stealing each bag to third Use, tiually coming h .me on a hit. It WHS in this inning, thofonith, that the Vans made a double play that retired the side before Duuualk could xet any moie runs. Here is where the sad part cjmes m f.-r v jndeleur when the whole team praciically handed the i?ni B to Uuudalk on a slver platter when they blew up aud allowed Duudalk to slain an uud un,e runs, the record for runs so.ned in one minus? in a game this year. Alar having two men down aud two lUiii vcmtd, the Vans simply coulrfu't hold tU- ball or else Houlu thiow wild and the u.uo runs was the consequence. D Giahu n re lev- ed ' Buck ' when things got HID ho 1 , but cou.'du'i atop tha runaway ho "Buck' went back intu the bo*. Vacd>.leur get an extta lun in ihe 7th when Date (jrahaiu got around to third base on a steal and a wild thiuw aud tluu walked burnt: uu AiiUHtruDg's balk. Tim <jame wita nearly t*o hours late in s.aitiu^ acd \rat< ca'li ii iu the 7 h uu account of durk- ne-.-. Wilson of Own Sound uiiipned. ijoore by innings V-Midcleur-L' 1 ^ -J 1 '.I Dundalk 019193 x-14 _ itguiw - RUles - Pistols Game! You cnn fret it just cs wt '.1 with the Stevens No. 181 Hanmicrlcss as with t.ht most expensive gun on the i... :!;;. It's a finely bu:It gun with barrel and lug forged in one piece, and fore-end Ulat will always keep tbe barrel tight, made in 12, 16, 20 or .410 gauge. .^,^ Ask torec the No. 181, er for free cutaJog. J. STEVENS ARMS COMPANY ChieopM F u n*, M.t... I). S. A. "B EN" We are pleased to announce a further reduction OD tbe two well known alarm clocks Big Ben, Little Ben Reduced from $6 to $4.50 The price is low, but the serv- ice still the highest. Buy YOURS now W. A. Armstrong JEWELER :-: OPTICIAN Flesherton, - Ont. Bates Burial Co* BUSINESS AS USITAL Funeral Direct* 3 and Embalraen Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road I Toronto, Ont. } MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager, Now is the time to renevy your subscription to The Advance * : People's Grocery Whatever It May Be, always try to keep in stoclv what you require. Fruits are now in season We always carry a full stock of fresh gro'jerias, and men find our tobaccos, cigars and pipes to be of the best quality and at reasonable prices. Get the habit to shop here FEED All kinds of feed. A carload of Five Roses Flour has just arrived. Get your's now. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seed*, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario MILLINERY Millinery We have a selected stock of the mcst up 10 date hals shown, a hut to nuit every lady. New huts coiuinp in every week. Just give UB a call. We will lie pleased tj show them. W. L. Wright's corner store, entrance tide door opposite Clayton's shoe stole. 4 4 4 Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER There is no food equal to Bread in food value. * A full line of Groceries, also Canned Goods PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Flesherton

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