Flesherton Advance, 20 Sep 1922, p. 5

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V 4 > t I t 4 * * September 20 1922 THE FLESHEBTON ADVANCE The Exchange of Victory Bonds Those desirous of taking advantage of the privilege of exchanging their maturing Victory Bonds for the new issue are invited to hand them in at any one of our branches. We will gladly see to all necessary details. M THE STANDARD BANK Of CANADA. FLESHERTON BRANCH, - C. T. BATTY, Manager. Gcanchei aba at WiUunufofd and Holland Centra. 'CANADIAN P/VCIFIO C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fleahercon Station a* Butter 25, E^gs 28. Dr and MM Coleridge of Windsor | are visiting with the letter's parents here. A. S. Thuraton uf the Meaford Mirror, spent Sunday with hia family here. {;. and T Befltharn spent the week end at Collingwood. Going South Going North '.._, ~ . _, 1M l m .. ult.^.] Mrs. W. G. Duncan of Toronto i. 4.80p.m. 9.30p. m. j visiting with her sister Mia V. Nich- The mails are osea at Flesherton tl , o\*oa. follows : For the north at 10.40 a..nd U e v James Bagniaco of Urangeville f Mr. and Mrs. J. Run* i.40 o'clock. For morning train south ' mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. , nUdler Local Chaff Flesherton Fair next week. C. K. Jeonett, spent the week eud in Stratford. Reg. Bi.yd left on S*tutdy to work in Mr. R. Rozel and daughter of George- town visited recently at W. Walker's u -.ir Eugenia. Mr<. Long and son, Gordon , of Uon- 1 eywood spent Sunday with the former's Daughter, Mi>. W. Miller. I Mrs. D. McTaviah, Mr-. Geo. Me- Tv/.-h and little son, Mamie and Cecil McTavish visited last naek with Mr. Toronto Harry Stewart at St. Paul's. Wtlfrtd Kawcett, insurance agent, has! MeigrsGeo Brickenbury andD. purchased a house in Meafori. j McKillop took motor trip last week The freabytci ian Guild commenced | to Owen Sound, Menford and Culling- their meetinga on Tuesnay evening. 'wood in the former's "Red Devil " Miss L. Wright of Dauphin, Man., is ; Mrs. Goldsl<orough has returned to visiting her sister, Mrs. A. S. Thurston. J her home at Iro|U.iis Falls after spenaing Mrs E'iner Moore cf Francis, Sask., !' h e Ruumer with her mother, Mrs Geo. Miichell. Mr and Mrs. K Mitchell motorad to Toronto on Saturday on their wny to is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore, in town. Miss A. C. McPhail, M.P., will open EistGivy Fall Fair at Flesherton on j Chicago .and were accompanied by Geo. Friday Sept. *>:h. | MitchellJr. and Miss Aledi Mitchell. Mr Bob Trimble returned to Stratford ; Mr. Batty, manager of the Standard U*t week after spending two weeks at his Bank, and family, hive returned from home here y Oshawa, whefe he had been relievinz for m J E Grave, of the local Standard' lhe P' 8t months ' Dink stuff is on a two weeks' vacation at! Mrs. A. Trowbrulge of Bi S L/ike, his home in Picton. M nltu ">^ 1''1 d Mr. Graham and , i wife of Toronto called on the farmer's UPV. W. A Sinclair, w.fe and on, of , cousins, Messrs J. and W. H. Bunt on Sunaeiland. visiUd the formers parents I Tue( . J|V Mr. and Mrs. I Sinclair of town a couple Art. School Fair Draws Good Crowd ichool fin was held in fie agricultural grounds here on Saturday i ThU ws the first of the kind held ' and may be said to bare been quite sue- ces-ful . Un'y three schools participated in a body, but six school* participated in the ezhibita. The three schools were , Orange Valley, the Spriughill School } and Fleaberton. There wa8>|uite a large list of exhibits in the hall, including shea! grain, roots fruit, flowers, baking, f etc. I Several hundred people came out lei icouraqe the little people, and all weie 4uite enthusiastic over the success o this the first exhibition given in the t'jwnihip. fci order to make things cheerful a large number of fifty yard races were put on for the benefit of everybody, from the smallest tots up, and thee were warmly contested and created considerable amuse- ment. The event* in the afternjon were pre ceedcj by several short speeches by several residents of the towi and Miss McPhail, who, aa a teacher herself, guve teachers and pupils aorbe good sound advice. The school parade, while embracing only three schools wai very nice, the prizes g ili.g in the following order : flesherton, Springhill, and Orange Yal- ; lev. Mr. Cooper of the Department of Agricultural was Grand Master of Cere- u: ir. - and Mr. K-ibiusoo, physicwl instructor in Owen Sound V. M. C. A. might be classed as Miaterof Cert-muuiis for the sportin,; events. The little people who exhibited at the fair enj >ye'\ themselves to the limit and we believe that !)!l per ctnt. of them were so enthused '.hit they have decided lo come back at it agiin n, \r year, when no doubt many > ther schools in the tn- ship will join in and make of it the most successful utf*ir of i's kind in 'he c junty. Such is the ol.ject limed at by those who are prime mivers in the matter. The pri/.i lUt wi 1 Le published next week. Fall Overcoats Our range of Fall Overcoats is especially attractive this season. The styles art from the latest accepted designs. Every garment is made up from dependable wool fabrics, well tailored and finished. Full assortment cf sixes m foil and. winter weights. Soma snappy young men's styles are worthy of special mention PRICES FROM $18.50 to $32.50 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT We are pleased to announce Miss Sandihind has resumed charge of this Department for the season. Advance orders will have her special attention. ,/ MEN'S FALL CAPS s ^ New shapes and striking designs in all-wool tweed*, all good colorings, with or without, intide bands. S*ea f to ~-\. Prices frm $1.25 to $2-50 MEN'S FELT HATS FOR FALL We are tortunace in getting early delivery of our Fall Hats and can give you a good selection of colors iu the latest shapes in soft Felts g/een, browns and greys are all represented in different shades, also blacks. Prices $3 to $4.50 Sianfield's Unshrinkable Underwear. Watson's Ladies Underwear, Penmam's Fall Hosiery, Lang Shirt and Arrow ColIaFs, Storey's Kid Gloves and Mitts King Neckwear and Suspenders, Snag Proof Overall and Smocks. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO H. A. McKEE Chiropractor Specialist At P.rk Hote'. Flesherton. Monday, ! Wednesday and Friday, 4 to (5 p m. Feversham Tue.<<l-y, Thursday and j Saturdays 7 t c >p.m. Confutation free ] (HUwa(Central Canada) Sept. ..S...1S I An auction sale of farm stuck, impU- ments, etc., will be held on lot 9, con. 7, of ^ Fl , (l ^ of day last week. R. W. Thistle and daughter, S.r.h J of Shelburne, visited over the week j. rt f Anjrew p.,,;.,,, with his sister, Mrs J. J. Thompson. j^ ^ ^ ^^ W,lter Bowers of Pe.m vUited over i ^ ^ ^ the week end with h,s aunt, Mrs. J. J ' | ^ at Dundalk plow-d jnto thfl dltch Thompson. i (wo mi , eg north o{ yj es i, ettoa Ji on( jy Mrs. J. M. Duncan and Mra. E. s - afternoon a the reult of a broken axl. Penny and little daughter of Toronto are j,' o bod y W;U injured. yisitin* with th former'* aon here- ( The mwMiaf u( lfae Duf , liVn ^^^ Go and Jai Turng;>t.e, accompanied by | monunjgut w ;u U fc e p | ac a tt Durham on their wives, uiototed from Collingwood Igunday, Sept .24 at 2.30 p m. A num- an J visited at VVm Walker's and other ber o{ prominent government and niilN friends at Eugenia. j tary speakers will be pfatent and 18, con. 4, Sept. 2otli. Monday evening following a cold meat supper will be served in the basement of program, A<lmi)- Mr- Will Turney, wh> has been in the | addresses. A choir of fifty voices will military hospital at Toronto for two ! furnish music. months p;wl, was en a visit over the Anniversary Service in Yundeleur week end with bis family here. church. Sunday, Sept. 24. Service at A credit sale of farm stock, imple- '2 30, Uev. Dr. Cild well, a former pastor, ments and household furniture will be will have charge of both services, held by John Seeley, lot Osprey, ou Monday next. See adverlUement and l.wge bills. |the church. Good Mr. and Mrs. Liebert and daughter. Un 25 and 15 cents Alice, MM. D.vid and Miss Leichberg of! Mr. Dave Adams wiw taktu to Collinjj- Buffnlo, mott>re<1 over and visited with j wood hospital on Thursday last for the Mrs. Liebert's nmher, Mrs. Parliament, p'-irpwe of having mi X Ry e.vuniobti m and her sister, Mrs Garnet Magee. j of hs ankle, which was badly broken Services were taken in the Methodist j while working at tho station last week church OB Sunday by Rev. F.G.Fowl 8 r / > dln S 'g'- As well *s having the pastor of the Fleshertcn Pr.-sbytemn I ue8 ^ "' ankU broken, the ankle church while Rev. Oke was holding jJ " ot w s > crushed, and the puieirt is ann'.voisary sc, vices .t Proton S .vion. j l ** 1 * tn be sffl - eted wilh -tiff joint Mrs Thomas Bow of Muli.iur, ; Mts - Mitchell and her daughter*. Mrs. t, > Mr Hubert ' Guldsbor>uh and Miss AUda Mitchell, Accompanied by her nun , >irs. Kooeri Cw.iH-y, otOrodwiter, Sk.. visited hel f reception in honor of Mrs K.n- i -i. ti, f^rmnr'u i,tcr ' J>4 " W'tchell of ChietgQ Wednesday the nist week with the former s sisier, ; af;ernoon of last week from 4 to 6 Mrs. J. J. Thompson. V loc Ml We hnve'uddtfd a Urge numbei ot new , Many rl iwers decorated the ' rooms. Mrs. Blackburn and Mrs. E.C, subst-ribeas <o our list tW. pa k i Murray poured Ua and cut the ice cream Tvll ami your h v<J tha dining room. The table was 'decorated r:th sweet peas. Mauve and ul.i!^ asters weie also m profusion, were present to greet tha honor, who, by ' h way,, is a of two weeks. A few Markdale ladies also were present. Mr. Duk Lucs rendered piano Felections. Eugenia H ydr. As.OC. Meet. e and more will ue welcome, friend* about The Advance them subscribe for it. Th Fleshertoa Metbedist Sunday school will observe Sipt. 24 *s Rally Sunday and will meet in the basement of l ht church at U) 30 and arrange to lake charge if the wornins? >orviee. Mr. P. Louks and family moved t Markdale on Wedoe*dy of I* 8 ' w*k niter spending nearly forty years as owner of the Hour and choppiaf mlil i here. The people of this district *re ^ meeting of the Eugenia Hydro Bleo- sorry to te them go but wish theni the ^ c ^. Association Executive was held in limit of happiness in their new home : t -h public library, Durham, on Klonday, After a continuous and unbroken sorv* ! Sept. llth, Mr. Weeuast, accrotary of ic* of thirty eight years, Mr. J. J. Black j the Inquiry Commission appointed by the h%8 resigned his 'position as Clerk of the government to investigate ii to lhe ex- Township of Glene'g, *nd his mtntlo falls i-peoditurei of the various Ontario Hydia on Mr. Ht'Mr McDonald, ton of Mr. J. ; ETcc'ric und"rtaking<, was presout and A. McDonald i'f the same township. ave the meetinit soroe valuable informal Mr. Dl.iok was fpjoA and faithful serv- ; tion aad sssistanc -. Tho Association ant of t-hi 'i.wnship *nd ho'd the conli- . appointed dologatioB to go to Toronto d*ice ami tfpt*ct o every Council and appear bu'or* the Inquiry Coin mis* kolduu ornco tluimj th- Ung lervloo. : ?>"" J Ontario EJyiln- Eiectric C-M- His ititinut' ku'^!n!,> f u;uniciHal law mmioH made him : st'- iidvi:;.r, vd lided the <!,'ii n oil <M nm-y Flesherton ^FALL FAIR SEPT. 28-29 $1200 OFFERED IN PRIZES Far Live Stock, Root* & Vegetables Grain & Seeds, Ladies' Work and Fine Arts HORSE 2.20 Class 2.30 Class Classified Race RACES Purse $150 Purse $125 Purse $60 School Children's Parade at 1 p.m. Headed by Flesherton Band Grand Concert FRIDAY, SEPT. 29 Harvey Lloyd Fun Co. OF TORONTO Wilt give one of the best concerts of tho season S'ctire your reserved stat; tickets early and make sure of a seat. On sale at Richardson's drug store. R. SW ANTON, Pres- W.-A. HAWKEN, Sec. Beyond Question The VICTIJOLA Stands Alone Irrespective of price the Victrola is easily first, both in the quality of its music and of the artists who have chosen it as the most perfect medium for the expression of their genius. There is a place for a Victrola in your home. Come in today and let us play your favorite .music for you. v W. A. Armstrong Music Dealer Flesherton, Ont. ! t on September 'Jtt-b, lo disu&> , vnnous problam* of'h-? munioip-tlit es k IMJ :. -.iwcr kom Eugenia. DOMINION OF CANADA VICTORY LOAN BONDS MATURING 1ST DECEMBER. 1922. BANK OF MONTREAL, under authority of the Minister of Finance, is prepared toeffect, without charge, exchange of the above bonds for 5 yar 5M% Bonds Maturing 1st November, 1927* or 10 year 5 ' /,'. Bonds Maturing 1st November, 1932. * **.'. FULL PARTICULARS are obtainable upon appli- cation. to any branch of the Bank of Montreal in Canada. FURNACES We are agents Clare Bros. Pipeless Furnaces, \v*hich we instal on order, Repairing of all kinds pro- mptly attended to. Pipefitting including pump w fork. Ail kinds (if Hardware D. McKlLLOP Flesherton, Ontario \

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