V.- '-* A t A I 1 V ft? Vol. 43, No. 17 Pheasants Have Broken Bounds Eugenia Correspondence The pheastnts ate becoming so num- erous in aud around Higom i that the keeperi at the Island are unable to caga them all or keep them within bounds. On Suridy last one of the feathered beauties was found perching oo the window till of Mr. Munshaw'i residence and seemed quite at home for awhile. Then it flaw to a nearby maple tr-e and remained for some time, and a number of spectators weie able to see just what kind of birds are beipg raised on the bland. Mrs Tims MuKee aud daughter, Isobel, have been viiitmg Toruiiti fner.ds the pt two weeks. Mrs Parliament accompauied Mr and MIR Garnet Magee and family t j Draytoa over the week end. Mr Ern Morgan took a good load of chool children to the school fair held in Fleaberton the past week and the kiddles certainly enjoyed their outing and are very enthusiastic to go in fur the fair next year. Mrs A Smith and daughter, Georgina. are on a trip to Ottawa and are being outirtaiiie-1 by Sergt. -Major Duncan aud Mrs Duncan. Miseee Muriel and May Carrutberi, Basil Oarruthers and Wes Cooey motorea to Waiaga Beach the pait week. Mis* Elena Large and Miss Harding, accompanied by Mr Miller of Owen Sound, were tie guests of MM Large the past week. A number from here if 'ended the Sundiy School convention .- M- 7.\ -\\ on Thurtuty uf last week. Mr and Mrs E Morgan visited frieuds in Owen Sound OB Wed. of last week. John Wickeos has purchased the farm which belonged to Mr Gee Burritt of Kiniber cy, and expects td mov* bis family about the first uf November. Mr and Mis L R Munihaw of Alliston viM'e.1 the parental home over the week end. Ralph, Jack and Frank Lirge were t.jken to Colllngweod hjipitil on Wed oesday of list week and operated upon lot tousiU and adenoids, returning on Friday. Mrs Large and Mrs Carruthem accompanied the boys down. Drs. Guy and McFaul performed the operations. Mr end Mrs Fred VVickens uf Kiuiber- iey visited the former's brother John, the. past week. We r glad to report Mi-s Millie Campbell on the mend after her illnesi. Gerald Large cpent the week end at his home here returning to Torcuto on Monday . Mr and Mi j Albert Sloan and children of Toronto are viaitiuu (riends here. A bumber of people complaiu about their guevti not being mentioned in the itrms and yet never consider it worth while to hand Mie uem to the c<>rre*- poident, who is anxious to make the items as interacting as possible to all. We are always pleated to mention any items ot interest. Flesherton, Ont., September 26, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. PROTON STATION The anniversary set-vices were hild in KU.JX ctiurch Sept. 17. Kev Mr Oke of FirthiJit-in preached tluee instructive and imprecsive soimons. In the after- noon he spoke to tne boys aud g'rla. Special music waa tendered by the choir, with Miss Lyons at the organ. Jack Wilson visited friends in Duihacn the post week. We are sorry to report that Mr Gco Sherson's barn and contents, including the separator belou jinx ' " S Batcheler's threshing outti', was entirely destroyed by die ou Friday last. Mr Sherscu.s insurance will not cover his luis. Mr and Mia Edward Rutheifurd are v;:-i m.; friends in Krin. Mesdames Wyvilli-, Consley, Cade and Acheson atieuded th* W M S conference in Flesftertun one day list week. Rally Day wai observed in the Pres- bytemn church here by the pastor. A choir uf boys and ijirla rendered music. Don Graham cf Toronto visited at the home of Mr R G Acheson. Mr and Mrs Irish and diu^hter Genie of Wnehiii: vitited *lth Mr and Mrs Johd Rjome Mr aud Mrs R li Acheton and duh. ter, Ada, accompanied by Mr and Mr- George Moore, visited fiigids .' Holland Cecti a. Th-j annual meeting of the V F was held on Monday evening when the fol- lowing ofhcers were elected for (he n- snirgyear : Pres, M as Maty Wyville ; First Vice Jack M Ison, 2nd Yicj Ada Acheson, 3rd v.,>- Mrs Sherson. 4lb Vice Gertie Lyons, Sec, Ernie Lycos, Tr.-asurer Grt.< Wyville, Organiit Mies Gertie Ly jne, Assistant Mis Ada Ache - sou. Victoria Corners Miss Bcatty visited at Mr Laidlow's over the week end . Don't forget Imstioge anniversary on Oct. Ut. Rev. Mr. Eagle preaches at t.M, Mrs. Bigle at In SO and 7.30 p,rn C Mooreand family, accompanied by Vera Moore, motored toSmithvillf. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Little and Mr H . Logan of Owen Sound visited at George Moore'i, Mr. and Mr. Summers and son of Toronto are visiting Karl Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders of Toronto visited at James Locktmrt's. Engine Broke Through Bridge Kimberley Correspondence ~ V In Memoriam In loving memory of my dear mother, ho entered into r*t Spt. 29, 1U15. 1 know the home o'er the river Across on the bright, golden ihorr, 1 will meet my dear mother 1 grier for More loriog thsu before. , For 1 know ihe has mt my dear father ID that beautiful land so fir, And heaven ia nearer and dersr> For mother and father are there. Hort>a tMaa will be Ibe special aUiac- tioii at the ?t1JM-\jn F.iir, SspUmkor M audio. John Oliver's Big Heart The following interesting skit m'ating to Hun. John Oliver, an old Arteroesia boy, nonr Premier of Brlii*b Columbia, appeared in last week s Star Weekly: The drawing attached is B. C. 's trade mark, uiually known as Hon. John O'ier, Premier of British Columbia, sketched wheL he was busy dresslos; the opposition in the provincial legislature. Mr. Oliver has had a ncore of nicknames in his lengthy public car- eer anything from " Honest Johu " to B. C.'s Giand Uld Man ", but the most ap; ^ his i .- --r " B. C.'s Trade Mar^ , That WHS jtticially conferred upon him a short time ago alter he had turned Oitawa into turmoil ovet Western freight rates. Th " Wild Man of the West " some of ihe Ottawa folk c.tlled him when he wadeC into the House o Commons Committee ou freight rites *n J had its nieiuOsrs wouderuig whtt he would dt next. B. C.' Trade M: s'uck m'ii them. Perh|.N a little brusque al times in his business houis. Mi. Oliver haa pretiy ing heart. A c-jupl of winters an' ou a cold drizzling Chtiatmaa eve, a homeless boy lauded m a Victoria j*r1 ou some nnuor '.!), u,v. The Premier heard of it, drove duwu to the police station, bailed the lad oat, ui Jj huusell persoually respoujible for his return aud took him tu his home f Jr Christmas. Afterwauls the boy get out of hi* trouble. A few weeks ago the premiet's por~ souil stenographer decide J to wed. Ih day before the wedding people marvellvc as the prime minister nt bnlieb Coluubia staggered over lu his rttcx in Ihe par liauient buildiogi ou foot under the luac of a huge parcel an enormous cut glast bowl which ho presented to the lady a* a weddicg g ft. They would have marvel- led mare it*they bad heard bis private lecture to the bride ou the rveponsibil' itiel uf married tif. Mr. Oliver ia uot a brilliant tpeakel but what he lacks mtuioclh, well-trainee sentences, he makes up m two*fite< vigor aud an extruartiioarf gift of re pariee, Ho has a 'com back " to ever ibtuit from his honorable friends on ih> other side of the Uouoe. Oue day th< opposition wa dtmandiug a general el*u tion and the premier was telling them what a misi.rabl* fiilure they had mad of government when they were in powe a few year* before. " At least we went to tbo countr sometime* '" one of the CcmaerTatif tpeakers Kap)id. Without a second'* heiitatiro ih prmii retorted, "Quite tror, friend, you did. But you dtdm't corn back!" Whtt might have been a serious acci- dent (iccuricd on the sideroad uoith, when Gordon Ward's threshing engine went through the rirer bridge. Gordon was doubtful of the auundnedti of it and uncoupled the separator before crowing. Thu five strinueis broke andltt the hind wheels down. They succeeded in getting the engiue uut with * broken foot board only damage. wion to the illness of Mrs. Frank ^utchinson the bjdy of her son was r.ot luuttht home f r buiial. Word hai> been received from Mr. aud lenry Hurd ot Vernon, B.C. Both are n good health and wi - :. t > be remem- e;ed to their many friends. Messes. Hutcbmaon arid families uf .'liston visited friends here on Sunday. Apple picking has beijun ._.::. A ood ciop is rc-porttd, b<-th as to .|-nl.ty nd quantity. Mrs. John P'ewes, acc> mpauied by er dautt^ter, Mra. Andrews, visited Mrs 'ox of Colrngwood, who is ill, Alfred Graham of Manchester arrived n Thuisdiy and will nyke his home with his in >thei, Mm. John U t.i . . Mr. George Burritt has begun moving o his new homo in Orange Valley. Mr. Frank Weber has a number uf neu framing a barn which he expects to ane either Thursdy ur Satutd<y. Mr and Mrs. E-t Baker of Vaudeleur ere visitors > Mis. Abercrombie's ecently. FEVERSHAM Ideal wenther f r threshing mid fall work generally. Congratulations tu Mr. <nd V L ,. Ern Hawijn wlusii baby girl took first prize at the Great Northern ExIubitU'D at Cjliiugv/ood this year S-tiu (irumniet and wife s^ ent Sunday with fiieudsnvir Meaford. A ^reat inii.y people are complaining of lieuvy colds. W 11 Tnurston and wife of Fiesherton, frs A S Thurston of Meafor 1 and sister, liss Wright, of Diuphin were callers in ur burg'one day 1-iat week. Born On Wednesday, Sept 20th to Mr aud Mri Harold Osboroe, a sun. iinratuliti. t.a. Tnere wil! be service in the Salvation Army hall, t'eversharu, next Sunday, October 1st, at 10 00 a.m. and 7 p in., :ji dueled by lady urK:eri>, Eusigu Moure tid, Lieut Painting liom Cu Osprey Council Oaprey Council met nt Mn*L-.l on ouday, Sept 11, til numbers present, he lU-e-.o in ihe chair. After reading the niiiiuteo uf laet m i inf; i ha following accounts ! rdeted to be paid : For gravel Kobt Hill $'.. J H Seeley 820.37, J Oltewell S6.87, J* Ihouison 116.87, A E Cam- eron $5 75, T J Brown ?30 73, J Uud- 8oa $7.50, L KerU'n (4 Miicellaneoui Burlingtun Steal Co 8138. !!8, rein oreeuient steel for uce in bridges on Durham Kuad over drain No. 2 : Isulc y, r, freight' on above steel. 822,8 AC McDonnell, cement for the '. L bridges, ?i6M.W ; MunicipU World, plics to Clerk, $i>>7 ,; Eli Robinson, stamps $4 50, . > - . .1 i- 50c : J K Uini; ttiriuu biidge on 4th Cuu road >- t Ou eo Coutti, buildioK bridge on 40ih idri>d $117 ; Hector Gibnon, wive fence bonus, Jl'-'.tW : Wm Norman, win fence bonus, |17.2 ; C M Field, sheep claim, $5: Wnllace Potts, building bridge on "Oih sideroad, opposite cou. 1 D R, 1236 ; W L Taylor *!> for three djs lime inspecting roads, budges ^nd drains Johu Lockbart, $.'5 for oue day lospecting ds aud bridges : H W Kernahan, one diy on drain No 3 and drain for on 40ih <idt.road. L ^ckhart-Edwards-That Mr. Tray 1101, totvii!jlii[) fUitinecr, be instructed to make another survey of the conditions istiDj; in clvain No 3 and to ptepar no* lewis aud bpecitiuatioita that the completion of the ditch rn^y be under talieu forthwith. Bjl* 711 was passid making proui iou for the collection of ISfcW rlei. Bylaw 712 was alw passed authorizini the borrowing of $2<XMJ to uievt curren expenditure. Council adjourntd to meet again a Fuvertham ou Saturday, Oct 14 1 y m Ceylon Big Ben Little Ben (Big Ben's Son) Big Ben Makes a Noise Little Ben Runs Ain*t we got fun? Buy one from ARMSTRONG JEWELER :-: OPTICIAN Flesherton, - Ont. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS U3CAL Funeral Direct* ^ and 1 .;r : ba Inters Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. } MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew; your subscription to The Advance Rock Mills Alex. English's ban;, together with he season's crop, some implements- larncss and nine pigs, was completely destroyed by tire on Sunday afternoon. The sympathy of the" neifihr-orhood is extended to Mr. English iit his sc\erc oss. Nc'son Osbornc visited the past wccl. with his sister, Mrs. Walter Russcil. The Rotk Mills Ladies Aid will hold a box social in the church Oct. 6. Miss Wilkinson of Duncan spent the past week with Mrs. Ern Russell. J. J. Boyce has been busy threshing on this line the past week. Mrs. S. Phillips is visiting with her nephew, DickCUrk. and wife. Tuberculosis In Cattle Herd Twenty head of tine cattle belonging to . U, Carnahtn of Si.VincuDt hsv* -o<.n condemned by the !'; uf Health, ti.vj. owing to the cattle having tu- t>erculusi8, says the Meafi'id corr. of the SuD-Tioies. Mr. Ctrnahan ;u.- a herd of 27 cows and of these JL.V invvn were foutid free from tubercular u uUe. Thu rattle were (hipped Mouday t-i a Toroutu ftbbatoir. where ilr y nill be killed ai.il union into commercial fcrnl.zer. Mr C iruthau loss will be about IWOO 1 ia said that registttod catt'e will lie paid for by (h ? ^'veiT.aitut up to J'J.' 11 each, 41. d i;iade cattle up to $60 earn. Voters' List Amendment Ueceut amendments to the A>-a-Miutul and Voters' Act uf (.lulirio will pla^-e * .:iu'ii on n e^uii i'y willi met', u and afUT Jinuaiy I, iyJ3. That ! s-y when the vottrs' ! -ire priuicd ucxt year the Wouieuii nauie will .. , r.ir as chose of the men *i> that when eltx-'.icii time C"uies aruuad in January, I'.I'.M, the women i!2 b able to vot in ' . var- ious HiunicipaliLea for the ekxuon ' f coutrollvrt, aldevuieo, reeves , cuuu- cnlois with the tetult that the uieoeut uuinber of roters will be doubled. Hie chati^eii will nive the wives of (.ii'per' owners, ur ttUinls their husbands wil li^ve ilia like piivilv^ej. la SIMIIB K'0l- i;ien it has been :liuug!.t the A : w, ulu bticume ed'ecUve ID iV'_. ; . so : u . : wualdhave the rijhc tc rule uei: y> i , but this view is liiiijtulicn W i.n the assciwurs prrpre the h^lfurl'J-4 iiey will insert I lie u^mes ol all 111*11 ami eiililltd to vole tta .1 nu aud tud the names of their hiMliauu "t ivs a? 'in 1 :n-". of u*iiersbii> at-uia: -i. This seems ID be comuiou sense *1 >i sj the hue ri the i"|iiii franchise idea. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jackton of To- ronto spent the week end with the lttr's parent*. Mr. and Mrs. O. Mc- Leovl. Mrs. B'xtcr and son of Coilinwood. Mrs, G. Baxter *n4 daughter of Hamil- ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir the first of the week. Mrs. Anna McMillan ad son, John, and Miss RWe Chislett spent the week end with Grand Valley friends. Mr. and Mrs. Llrich, who have been visiting the tatter's parents, M. and Mrs. J. Melia, left Monday for Detroit, thence to Chicago. Peter Muir and daughter, Ahcc, vis- ited Thornbury friends last week. Mrss Liz/ie Campbtll, who has bn visiting her mother and sisters here for some time, left this week fov her home in Montreal, accompnntcct by her tc'. Mrs. D. Stewart. The Bootlegger in Fiction Althoufih Inspector Pcilow uf Godcr- ich has long since character-zcJ the re- port of the colrins of booze beirij! buried at Dungannon with solemn funeral rites as a piece of absurd fiction, the story still persists. The Listowcl Banner and the Pioneer arc the latest to give it crcucncc. The yarn was too l:igh!y imaginative in the first place to receive ready" acceptance, and it only needed the official denial of Inspector Pellow to put it in its proper classification. Baron Munchausert may be dead, hut he is stiJ survived by many lusty heirs, It is now up to the chap who started the jam on its round* to think of :-.- other cue. WingUain Times Secure your r.erv eoai tickets for fen- concert UM boat of the D. Richardson <hug stoie. People's Grocery Whatever It May Be, always try to keep in stoc'.c what you require Fruits are now in season We always carry a full stock of fresh k'ro'.-erias. and men tind our tobaccos. L-i^rars and pipes to be of the best qualify and at reasonable prices. Get the habit to shop here FEED All kinds of feed. A carload of Five Roses Flour has just arrived. Get your's now. W. J. STEWART Si SONS Flour. Feed, Seed*. Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario MILUNERY Millin.-ry We have a "elec'ftd stock ot the rncut up \o date hais shown, % hat tu tuit every lauy. N\-w hats cou-.ine in every week. Ja-it give us a call. We will ha pleased to jihow them. W. L. Wright '. coiner store, entrance tide door cppite Clayton's shoe store. Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER There is no food equal to Bread in food value A full line of Groceries, also Canned doods PHONE 8 F RED FINDER, Flesherton I Miss McPhail, M.P., and Mr. Geo. Leeson, M.P.P., will open Flesherton Fair this Friday afternoon Sept. 29th.