Flesherton Advance, 26 Sep 1922, p. 4

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.. A Septembs27 102*J THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE DOMINION OF CANADA VICTORY LOAN BONDS MATURING IST DECEMBER, 1922. 'T'HE BANK OF MONTREAL, under authority A of the Minister of Finance, is prepared to effect, without charge, exchange of the above bonds for 5 year 5 1 A% Bonds Maturing 1st November, 1927, or 10 year i ' / ,' Bonds Maturing 1st November, 1932. FULL PARTICULARS are obtainable upon appli- cation to any branch of the Bank of Montreal in Canada. Far Sale By Tender Farm For Sale Tlie f,i)|..wiin( property in the town Til iinlwy, will l> ' tT-n-l l.y ter.dt r up The prop.-rly of thuu-.u nJ a-half of land, f.uit iree". fruit> liain Lot F. half 7 and 8, Con. 4, Osprer, O f ISO acres, so acres tillable ; good build- I)D ings, good water, l-or further informa- tion apply to -fi. HILLOCK, ' Phone Dundnlk IJic .Maxwell 'I Dairy Farm to et By Tender Htid poult i y lniildiii(.'. An ideil K|i-ir fie irchird or 8|)iry. T. rut : A marked oh(|ue for H I>T c -ul. of purcht,e piice .\i v i) airy i-'arm in the corporation <>f ^t tu. i . f sale, balance in :'0 <Uy. T 1 e |:; th | lcrtO ii will he offered by tender by !ii^h>"-t or .ti.y inndrr nut iioces-aiily t h c , nont |, u p to Octohcr 12th, 1922. <*cc<>|>tvd Ti-ndt-rn lo li ddrt-Hsid lo IVarn c-k-ctric lighted and all other con- W. H Miller, In. x Kl, Klesh^rton. viiiaiKts: 7 years milk delivery in -"" Fleshcrton. l-ull possession about the Farm For Sale nrst of Novornl " r Ahout twenty leads of out hav aiul about an acre of man- \\hich ^:i'i bo boujjlit. Address TH ISTl.KTl I \V.\ITH. l-'leshcrton. l'i >">, 150 in b.un, 7 FARM FOR SALE * L.t L'i!, hiilf 24, <'"ii I"'. ojrt', -H HCX s of crop, hy ncrec nwett c!ov,-r, uuui iuiji' I.irnc linn, uji 'o ditt; iii-vr [irnc.; ctfck 'tif' uuh i-"iitic ( f farm, over tji) Huiei tillable and, "mall orchard,! Lut Ml, Con. 11. Artcmeuia. contain- Mek veneered nouM Md w-od-hnl; 15 . r , . tits h , f UI . J ,. 1 . cu |,j v;lt i on) (,,,,| fi ,,outl, llc.w, ,,,! 4 C4lv r -2 c pasturc !llld hush. y.Milimi" uii'l I bead of hoii-ci win ,|l, M ,.|... . s,.|.,rilc. Must I,,. R ,.ld and stablmK, frame t,, iiin,.-s. l.iiine'lU'f |i c-^-v-i .n, orchard. II . I i;.i, nliK 1, U.m.in'k Phone Mark dale Won 14-13 I Muikd.'ile put .a crimp in Duudalk i-l-n-iii-.in for the silver cup when the dff, ;ii . il thn Shamrocks in Vandi't^ur c ' Thuisday I ust dy th" 1 c'om score of 14 i 115 in .1 ^o(. ml slmtly ymio, before fairly urge crowd, (tat themfteUi af) favorite* for the championship of league. Thu " UBI'K " played n t-teadip gnnu ill ii 1 1. mil ill mil di'MTvcd to wi on their j.! ,y n ;. although Duudalk ba tw i ; ,, 1 innings whin they hit Moid h-ird for liijj scores. Mnrkda'o ctrt( j off whit two runs, wlii e the Shamrocl , sfcuied on.*, itnd ...I ! I nno'livr one i ' the second. Dnndalk loo'c the lead her i with six rut. s and two p'ayers were o 'times wii.'ii tho inning t-ndtd, tint the ' ili.-y Hlumped badly and no runs wer | to .red iin'il ihe eighth, when thi-y add* | one. M n Uii.ilf in the meantnne xv^r uiawl:n< up by uddin^ two in the thin ! one in thd .".tii and took the lead in tl ' tith with to runs cmninK over. In ll. K h iMarkda!.- lieitan in eaiiit-at lo sew II; Bailie up for themselves l>y adding si inons which end^d thuir NC ninv, four o t.heir wins coming in liefnr* ther w:i man out. Several ini-judnienti in | l.y Dund.ilk play.-is in this inning wa their undoing. Not to b k. p- dwii I he Dundnlk Kings' uf Swat took a chorte hold i.n the bat and the fireworks com nienced in the last iiiniiii; when li- run came in, Mel. ThoinpHon hittint; a hum run over the lift ticid fi'tine and set two men ahed uf him. Dundalk's lat tun reiultid from J. ll'ackwtll cumin home on II. Uluck well's hit. UcAlistc w.n an easy out at ti s' and tin' -.nine wa won mid lid. Mark'lale- -UunJ.s, Ba;-.r''. Itowlui II M.'ic.'i, Miirln-k, Huatoii, Siuu. Mercer, Tuck. Uundnlk -M TliompHon, J Biackwel (/'luridyc, II Uluckwi'll, McAlititer, Aim htroiii!, C Thomf-oi., llusiell, Ki'lli') G,,oJ burn .. house, and small \Vell\vatcrcd. Apply to - BBRT MAOBB, Bugenifc , r i\- t rV r rr r -,*>: V MM PRICES TALK in THESE DAYS of CAREFUL BUYING For cveiyone who works and wears trousers 1 imve a hue of coorlH fully equipped with price tags that, will toll you a talo of inonpy saved ai,d left in your pocket- if you an interested. Khaki Duck Trousers Striped Overalls . . Plain Black Duclci ' $2 Shirttfrom - $1.25lol.75 Trouer work And then, there i a line of > iiiiuc - on the helve from which YOU can secure a low- cot, high-quality hand-made suit. Theie >uitt come at about the cost of a ready-made -mi. from $23.00 to $40 CO Score l.y IMI.I _ MarkJ.il. -> 1 -' ') 1 -' " " I' ' DuuddlK 1 C ll 3 1 o i:t lUtleries- Mercei hnd Boiler ; Am: strong, H Itluckwcll and Kumcll. I'm pire Wilsi.n. OAiiitf In univnidl>le c iitse." the La name which was to luvu lnvn pUyi'd i Dumlalk on Mundiy hut ween Markdi and Vandolour was postponed until ihi Thurtdity. If Markdtle win* this 'im they will ha*e won ihe cSitnipi'iiishiii fo 1!L"J, l)iif o' herwi.se there will l/c rinotht- lie, with OJich team hvine uno and lout gume. Fall Fairs Allislon Utft " " '' lUton Oct.U^. 1 ; CUatswollh Oct. 12.. I.' rh(l8 l t .y Sept. .28.. 2! lumlilk Sept.. '.'.. 27 Flesherton Tailor Shop T. C. BLAKELEY Merchant T Sept..!i. H.lst.in Sept.. 20.. 27 K.Nj-lh Oct...a...r, K..nolo Sept..2..l! Midund Sept.. 28. .;m I'rici'ville Oct. >.. Tar. Oc t ..:..4 Walter* F.ll. Sept. .'-'u. .27 Mr. Car Owner We carry the best Tires, Inner Tubes, Oils and other Automobile equipment. We believe in selling the best merchandise that money can buy. Our customers appreciate ii. We make a specialty of battery repairs and guarantee a satisfactory job on any make of battery at a reasonable price. We have' the best and most thoroughly experienced mechanics. Bring in your car and let us give it a careful inspection free of charge. We correct all defects effectively and inexpensively. The sooner we do it, the less it costs, for a little defect today may mean a bigger one tomorrow. A Paint Shop Has Been Added to our Service We have recently added an up-to-date paint shop to our service and can make your car look like new. Bring your next job to uswhether it be for equipment, re- pairing, painting, oil or gas and get the same satisfaction we are giving our steadily growing list of customers. THE Plesherton Advance An independent newupvper published iMch Woduesdny t the oUiBe.Uollingwood Struct, Floshertou. Subscripiion price . V /> per annum when put in ndvance ; k2 00 when not go paid. $2.00 to I idle, I Slates. Advertising rates on application. Circulatiun over II 11 *' weekly. W. H. THUK8TON KDITOR THE LIGHTING QUESTION? When the Ontario Governmuit passed the anti-glure law it made no [>ruvbiou for its cnforceraeut, ant] the result is that it in more honored in the breach than in the observation. I'Jut: is tire case in thia di.^ttict at all events, and what is true here is doubt- less true all over the province. Any evening an observer who will aUud on our streets will hod cats passing that are not complying with the law tail lights out, only one light in front, and lights that ure not Ret to eliminate the glare at all. The other night we saw a car leaving town that had no light, front or rear. How the driver exacted to get home without mishap on a dark night was a conundrum we could not solve. The elimination of the glare light appears to have been left to indiv- idual motorists, and few, very feWj understand how to pitch their lamps at the proper angle to comply with regulations, and night driver!) are stiil continually met with lights thut blind them in passing. Somebody in every town should be empowered to see that cars are cur- rectl) equipped, with a small fee fo* ibsuiug a certificate . There should be a penalty lor changing of hghu after such certilicate was issued. Again, all vehicles should bet-quip- ped with lights, otherwise they should be iiiiulc vespotu-ible for %ny damage that might result from fiou-compli- ance. ll jftCAD OFFICE ' HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1873 "The wont of all frauds is to chat onself" Baily A VI AN likes to keep his promises to himself. The money you put into tbe Bunk is nut likely to be wasted in useless expenditures. You put it there to save it, and there it will May if you can manage it ! Keep putting it there, and leaving it there, and the day will come when you : will appreciate your independence. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRANCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. WHY? Why all the unvciliug of momt meiitb on tile Sabbath day'.' is the public of our sitter towns IOT bu?y to attend to thin labor of love ou an ordiuury work da)'.' The old fu?h- loned Sabbalb observer looks oti it with disfavor. Hut then fashions in Sabbath observance appear to Imvc changed mightily since tlie advent of the automobile. New Perfection Oil Cook Stove & Oven SPEEDY Touch n match to the burner ami it i ready iu- stantiy. STEADY Set the Dime where you wunt it. It s'&ys there. CLEAN -Does not blacktu pots or pans. The lon^ blue . v turns every drop of nil into cunkini; heat. HOT -- For every cnoLing purpose there is always ahunnauce of steady cle^n intHtiso lieit. OVENS N. P. (jvens me mperior to the ordinry ovens, i|uicker and mor>' uniform rixiiilts in 1'ikiu^ mid romtinn re secured with them. Come in und ce idem, or better stftl, ask a user. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - . 'Phone 24 r 11 NOTES Uow ubout Botni- more street ou tho iu.uk. -t si|iiun ' s inadequately lighttn now aud if a ow doll&re arc si.eiit.oti a cuu(vlc more i, a hi;; itnprovoaii'iit an the o'.i ( < at nigLt will 1 1 Milt. i . a.v in- come back t ; L..IU i ., ut is not ^t ". lict.i! on tho Artemesia Sunday School Convention Tho iinnu'tl SutiUiy Sch'inl Ctiiivrn:ion <>l AiUnieMii Twp. wns ho'd m Ml /lull RI -ilwitlisl church un Th'iis'Uy, Sept. 21. Mr. \V. Uuiit cniduclcJ il. duvoliuual vi.-i.-i-, unl Hpnke ''Hi. >y upon the n:. -ii I met- uf the Sunday Scliu.il work. II Mi 'ii introduced the icprrsviitalivv ii, in 1,1111 i 'MI, Hi., Uuliiiious Kducation Council, Hev. W. I'. Fleichir. In the course of hia addresd he coiitrasttil the wys mid iiir'ui- of the development cf the -|,nin.l life. He rm[ !. is-/. .1 tie necoHsitv of trained It-achciK in ev3ty Sund-iy School, Hiitl to provide for this lr*il- i ,-ln|i he advucuted a Toucher's 'l'i:. Kini^ t'liis-< in every xvhool in tl.e DURANT "Jusfa Real Good Car" - After building more than two million automobiles W. C. DURANT has developed a culminating motor car that bears his name. All that this might lend you to expect, is realized in the car itself; now to be seen in our salesroom. MODKL A-i!J. KOI H CYLINDEKTOUIUNU ' $1395, Delivered (KRKIWHT AND SALES TAX PAID) Dealer H. Down & Sons Flesherton f a ; r ^ ^ * V f * v ' * '", *' '"' - . i. - ' t . -v*.^ A Superior School D. McTavish & Son J I Chevrolet and McLaughlin Motor Cars Tractors - Newcombe Pianos Samson White Rose Gas. All IT his adirees ininy ini ijuestioiis were asked by the regard nx some of lht> difficult problems they were budiui< in the'r reipeotive aohouU. Tlie lUv. Dr E. H. Gray and F. N, Bowes were expected to be prevent and ddresti the Convention. In their ab seucc Mr. Fletcher spok again i n the Vonge and Clurles Btreets, Toronto evening upon the C.G'I.T. and the 0,8. K.T. programs for the teen a^o huys HI J ij'iii. It is universally admitted Unit uo country in the world has such a go< d p;ngram fo> boys and girls iu Canada, hat. '1'he fullowluK is tbo Hat of officers . f th Township Association for the c >mii g year :-Pres., W. U. Bunt ; YIQ Jos V'cKie ; .Sao.-Tres l.am ; Snpt. Children's Dept., Ming C. Hi; uler;on ; B .j* Diiji',, Marry L.-lie Uirl's O.pl , Mis >V. A, AJ'ill.'t t)ej.i , Mri. T U. ii II r I 1 i i,. Ah . \\ ,'!!int:t, n lx well known thioughout CIMI- ndit for its high grade work, Itu courses are unsurpHased Knt IT now. Cttalogue tree. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL YOU CAN BEGIN ANY DAY hacause our instruction is Individ- uI. You are taught as fast as you can learu at the N t '*. - . / j > v n v0* | Ho^rdOf^' Tenders For Wood D.'pt- , Mrs. l>t'j ( f. , Misi I A. (.'amoron 'Die Hiulwisiyiml will receive tender* U(> to. Satiud iy, Supteinbur li'ith, f, r ft/iy card <.f hnrtiwf>oil, three feet long, tn l> il-ll'. i : . Ht till) high -.-', 1, Klcahcrtun, p:r Hri. -\ntmwcni n:th tlio Hoard. -W J. Jielliitoy, Sec. Catalogue Free C. A. FLEMING, F.O.A., Prinuip^l xiaee 1881. (i. D. FLKUING, SeerUry. .- OotU puraea are boiag ottered fur horse races t KieehBrtoa Kaw Sept 28 Mid 'J'.

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