Flesherton Advance, 4 Oct 1922, p. 3

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TURKISH FORCES OVERRUN NEUTRAL ZONE SURROUNDING CHANAX Angora Assembly Declines Truce Till Turkish Territory is Restored British Reinforcements Still Arriving Conn- dent of Holding Lines Against All Odds, With Flanks Well Protected by the Fleet A -respatch from London says: An Exchange Telegraph desipatch from; Paris gives the report that the An,-' gora Assembly, in secret session, de-j ciiled to notify Kemal Pasha that it was unable to agree to any cessation of hostilities or participation in the Peace Conference until the restoration to Turkey cf a'.l its territcries, in ac-j cordance with the naticnol pact. A despatch from Constantinople' says: Events are surely approaching ' a climax. The Turks have occupied the entire neutral zone on the Astat'c side of the DardaneMes, with the ex- ception of the Chanak, area, around wt.lch they have established infantry units in a remicirole, virtually invest-! ing tile British Lines. The Turkish cavalry ;q'v3ri*cns are retiring, and the British trc-;?s, who are in strong force at Chanak, are ready for what may happen, In these eircu-metances General Harrington, the British Commander- ! in-Chief, he? sent a wireless message to Konial Pas'ha at Smyrna asking f >:T an ;m:?'e.'0ate Fc-rsra! meeting. He leaves the choive cf place to Kemal, ; -..- reply is expected mcmer.tarfly. ' Yussuf Kemal Pa 'ha. the N'ati:n-olist' Foreign Minister, is understood to! have gone to Artrora to submit the' joint note to tbe NationaMst 7, but in th? meantime Turk- ish concentrators are being pushed with the greatest speed. British r^infcrcemer.ts are rsachinu: here and the threatened 1 area. The super-drearfnci:jrhts Revenge an: Re- solution, the most powerful fighting' machines afloat, have arrived in the Dardanelles, while a battalion of North Staffer-shires and 1.000 men of the British air forces landed on Thursday and marched through Con-: stantinople with bar. '.3 7 - iyine. Thiir presence has helped hrir-g abcut a re- assuring effect. The Turkish ir.*:ructi:r.3 to the men in the Charsak sector ara to advance the farthtiC possible without meeting resistance; they are now practically against the gritish entrenchments, and obviously the situation cannot be indefinitely prolonged. Notwithstanding th* Kemallst con- centraticni around Chanak, however, the British are confident of holding th^ir lines against all cdds; they de- c'.trc that their ftaoks zis we*! pro- tected by tbe fleet. Tlie battleships with their 16-inch guns car. sweep the whole area around Chanck fcr a dis- tance cf 20 miles. ani it is possible for the British to I'ism^uf.: same of their giant navel guns and use thL-.n fcr ^hore batteries. The Turks at present have only machine guns in the Char^k area If they brc'.ght up heavy artiHery the security cf Chanak might be serious'./ chal'.erg^:. the Brl- -h I h .::, but the entrenchments in thv? secKar are said to be more efficient than any ased in tbe world war. Since September 11 TWO thousand men from the labcr sqt-ad. cne thousand from the fleet tad several thousand from the army l*ve been steadily buil<*ing fen;hes ;:- '. ft-crir.flr up gun emplacements. The British forces defending the As-.atio sMe cf the Straits have prac- 'y all been withdrawn to th<? Chi- r.:-.k art?., with the Turkish cu-a'ry .:?: achmtr.ts surrounding their. Ai-<>ut 2.000 Turks, equipped with machine p^r.s, are =c-iii!y established at Freti Keui. Threj squadron > i f Turk licht cavalry are adv-.T.ciiv- along the coost. Another -ieta -h-aeac is established at Lampsaki. cf Turkey Offers to Abdicate Throne vicce, and the C in the cars from fihow :s devoted QUEBEC BOOSTS FARMING of the 'Better Farming Special Train." organized by the D5art.-aeL.t of Agriculture of Queh-. .P.R.. with the co-operation cf the Dominion Department cf A^r.ouiture Denio^-jtra::!.-:. - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and from 1 to 9 there are iectare* . . . mc-Ting pict - - 71.-? car to displays of Jarm engineering, driiiiage aad neld crops. A despatch from Paris says: Mohammed VI., Sultan of Turkey, haw abdicated in favor ' of the heir-apparent. Prince .Abdul Medjid EfTendi, accord- ing to a report sent by the Havas correspondent at Con- stantinople. The news, he adds, has not yet been ofF.t.al- ly announced. ^ " It is reported th>%'^ : hen the 'Snltari cflereafo abdicate the . Grand Vizier communicated the fact to Hamid Bey. who telegraphed to Kemal. He received a reply to in- \ struct the Cabinet to accept ' the resignation, but to guard the situation closely. Prince Abdul Medjid. who . , -, , IS a cousin OI tne Oultan. in 1868 Canada from Coast to Coast of Success. Foster Homes for -y Dependent QiilJren Glace Bay, N.S. With, u bi heries working, die c-tfwt of thi Dc- minion Cca.1 Company':- mines is rap- idly approaching normal. T.v- average outpu; of the mines is 14.000 t^rs a ^iv, ard i '.i = : the ccTvpary ex- pect to reach this figure in a short : -. i:. J< hr. N'.B- Fi-'h.trr.icr. of :' south ihcre of New Pr .ins-wick are in a hat-?>- frsir.-e of r : ;vi. as the -. of conditions in the ;arair* rackir.sr industry. They have p . -- .ugh three ier n years, bu; the turn '- - come and aga ; r. r hey are making A ' .vy run cf the '.:.:!* ~,-. struck the coast and th Motorist Ber.ts World's Record for Driving A despatch from London says: The world's record for driving for twenty-four hours was broken Tuesday and Wed- nesday by a driver named Duff in a four-seater body, at Brooklands. He covered 2,085 miles in twenty-four hours, breaking the previous record by eight miles. His average speed was 87 miles an hour. Duff did the driving in two periods of twelve hours each, with a night's interval. _ 70.000 Greek Prisoners Forced to Work by Turks $13 a hothead r. '... ' c " -. hk-'n has been the maximum price for a long tin-.e. Quebec. Que. Thv ha^ fcten con- siierrV .ic: .;, r :; a:- i paper industry in Canada iattly Michigan interests an? Rtijoti.-. with Kinestor. Ont.. with t'r.e view of infr then? a pulp and paper mil. le Premier Paper arxi Power C^., of HartvL'le. N'.S . is abc'Jt to instai a starxiarj ne^vsprint machine, with a capacity of lo.tXH) ten? a year. The averatf 1 .' . ; . ly pi-c<juctk>n of the Abttibi Power arxi Paper Co.'* plant during August ^vn.- 4r 2 -.c r_s, an^i oa the 29oh of the mor.rh i: rwioheO a* high as 494 tc>ns. Th grcundwood pulp nuii of the Back-U' Brooks Company, near Kenora. Or.t . is al< > well under way. Work has started on the new $13.- 000.000 plane of the Wigwam P- :'.- and Paper Co.. at Elko. British CoJ- umbia. Toronto. One. A ...::. lane* re- ; were brukj- at the 4* Ejcbtbit.v."- In the' : .. - of tiie fi> :r. ; 5 year 1,372. .'i.. paid acmrsaicns. aca-rw: 1.- Mr, a". ir.~-a^ ef 130,- ' 5<)0. Plans under considcru' cli.re. -- l cf 1 : .- \va:-, rt'r^r.: or. the - Winnipeir. Man. 1 ' ffa f I ' '.' aoc tr.at :here are n re " : >!.- '.-' .'.. pKop r . - :!-.'.- ir. ?:; 'thtr prov or a-r.y ?rai:? in -.ht- ' - j. - es. Sa^ka:ct>r.. Sask. Seventy -rive to ninety p-er cent, of the crop in Saska- _--L - one. Thresh- ing retur- ( .-risers re getting - oer acre more' thar .. ar.-i the averapw will rur. a' rt '.-> (to the acre. Vv"hi-a- :hre*he-.. - about '25 per cert. Some of the La -enwur. to le cut. Edn-.cntcr.. Al'.a. Th* lonjfest tonce that Alberta :en ship- p^i was reccrled here when a l<.x-al ry ccn-.pai:v f.nvar.ieo a carload' of <?. - Qub*c. N'eljon, B.C Acc-crdir^r to :hr e?t report cf :he Osar.agan dwrr:o* t, th up-ie crop w:14 am- ount to 2,^15.000 br-xcs. As rhe situa- ; txn now itai te, .. Okur.agan Vi.l-.-/ >i:ip r ughiy 3.S95 caxloa.is of 1 . of which ^ u: 3.175 will b-e - - XN> car? of crab apples. 96 of. pears. 27o piunw and prur.r?s. 1^'J peaches, and 65 apricots. Of. thes* totals :i h- avy percentage cf peaches, apricots, and other soft fmit. will be ; shipped in \V-rk - ; : . man :o wori more :ntf.Li^en' sffecttrcOy. HiVe L - ' . Thus i and OT^r- * H-:!p and jl:o.r>? w.-l: n Th r^al r es: rf bo - - ' lies in - pportu^. '.y *o otiiers. L""'.^so you (eel right r owardi your 'ir.l-. w-r.-?;. you can aevsr be a suc^ -it-er of men. .hings do your best. The can wao ha^ done his best has done every- thing. Tha man. who lia? .ioce l*s than h - - as doae E erf the Chiirerj's Aidt .^st about ccrr ) vwr-i|w An r: f ' r ron:tfi K>- e pro's been subaMT The Earl of Cavan From a new portrait of the Chief of the British General Staff, who Is super- the concentration of British My Home. Thi Tu:Sh h Govern^enV "intends to I? 8 ' th<? neutral zou ' > S ua ^ us* the Greek prisoners, who exceed l l!e>s a * alast tn * Turks - 70.000 in number, in the work of re- * coivstructicn in the devastate. 1 , region?. Serbs Oppose Giving Thrace Back to Turkey A furtlver decrease in th<- ne~ d0(t| of Canada amounting to alv.j.-. i-vej \ despatch from Belgrade says: million dc'.lars, is shewn in .'r.^ state- Serbian public opin-on agair.<: stiv- Kent for August issued by the Fin- Jng Thrace back to Turkey, and is in ance Department. The net debt Aug- f a \vr of fighting rather than have this urt 3! was $2,387.676^65, as compartd talcj place. AK newspapers express with IMMUMMK, at the end of the same sentiment, and point out Jv&y- 'that a* Turkey and Bulgaria have a > I common frontier, it would mean the Canada exported gcods valued at defeat of Serbia before Icng. $S4.000.iX)0 to the United S*ate dur-, The Serbs wish to act first, and Ing the nwnth of July, an increase cf want mobilization if Kemal persists $10,000,000 in value over export* in m demanding Constantinople and the same month fast year. Imports East Thrace. The Military party, from the United States during the which is the strongest, is eager for sanx> period were valued at $50 .000,- 1 a chance to interfere, as they believe 000. a itecreas* cf $2.000,000 over July, 1 war would weld Jugo-Slavia into a 1921. ; solid nation, like Germany a'Jer 1870. CONSTANTS ABDICATES; GREECE REE OF A TRIUMVIRATE ** * A priceless jcw-t of nature's - : M A fragment of God's beautv tri - ed into a spct. A breath of the Divine in its cre.it. cr:. Oh. those whose eyes are surfeited with artificial lures. Whose souls are stifled with al! earth IT drts. Should come apart and oo these moun- tains gaze Is brushed And souls stripped of a'.l that is un- real To pierce the clouds that hide nity. Mrs. J. H C Cir-lti pr - Ontario t'or th* first half cf ItfiJ shows a rr.arked :n- '-'. 'ver a <.rt'.;lar period l.ts: year. a'- i irivts pri-rv .-, ' an output ex-' - .- -' -' i as ccniparei with $l4,fJ4.0S."> :n l. ; "-l. eive-i l-y :he 1 '.-. ,< IVpsr.n-.jrr cf Mines. S ivi r J H - Grisda - n a - shows a corrtfsr.'- - ,Vpar'. !::-,. : Agri- -rcrtase cvtr :hv c.^rr.'spcrjiu? ^'u^ure. w'ao :s ::: Urita.n >n Barters - i in li^l. , wr. netted with :- r-:m- i al :! the *m- P- - ' J J. EC, St'lUM - i ex iMd - not one per , mt -<?n TTOKT - ;rr.ent. r- .xer.. A ::--. 'e'-vorthy fact. ilso. is tdl" - . . :"'>r rhese dren sum* ra: _ _ " loilars to Sve hniK*-*- gate am<jUT<t:r sand ?.v> !ar. ThJB money enter a tbe rariocs bank.-' of the ch -1 - : ~ ' -jscal rwte of ' ' * ; aiEoant has b-n?n -or :ne l:vr r : 'ar. Vx-cc- I atr- cb&sed w-1-'- reasei int'sK--': 5 ~i per cer.t. This mt-tey over to th* .h ; lvirn a^ i " years <~4 nxir An<?ther fact wor - diffi-.-_-y -s erper-.'n-v-i m ;t; i^<i hTT.ea lor 2 cfcnpes C, .dependent cncl.irer. an-* th- e al- ways appiicatii.:-.--! ah*ad for a : type of cr 1 The sentinMBft"!^ favor of home- ~ trvatirert of '. ' - . ^ - "_,'- ndied in Ortari .-. a-d -he eralry ! .9erve r\- co-operaric r. -.1 - *r>n f.-.-tn. bargo on A few no:'. As ago I left Cana.ia :cr MXVJ beca-cse Gover--. er" rf ".--' .'..a irwtsted traat "" _- ~--: '.;" -:.* ! tUg -. -o - Kf.i^.e-. M :h*>m, - v' - "'-. : Men- rT- hav- ..< . '{..---. . t take tl-.^m back. The E::^- . ag. a real goverr..T.er.- . ; so lad alter ail. cf The preliminary esfm.r- Bureau cf Statistics cf the t ^ral '.V'-.M'. yield of Canada for 1^'J - .. vi.OOO bushels, inclu-i . .. : . spring Weekly Market Report About thirty-four per cent, of :h_- automobiles now -ised T. Iniiia are rrKicJe in Canada, according to a report from H. A. Cbvholm. Owing to the British preferential tariff Cana { a >s rapidly becoming the centre for the export of motor vehicles, and each year sees new companies from the United States establishing plants it Oiradia to take care of their expert u.-.ines. t. from 22,630,900 acre^. .>r 17 .J^ bushel's per acre, as against the 1S'21 estin-wte cf 300 >">?. 100 cu<i?o;s :' 23,^L.l'-4 acres. . r 13.00 bushels per acre. Other gram yields for the wh ' .- cf Canada, with las-t year's risrur?* ir. brackets, aiv us follows: l>ats ":> . 358.000 i4^.l'32,i00i; barley 7n.:Vj->.. ; 500 (59.709.100 1 ; rye 4i>AU.SOO I'.'U- ( 455.260 1 ; rtaxseed 5.2S6.000 ( 4.11 1 .- , 800 >. The figures fox 1*L''J represent the tVllowlrg forecast of total ywkis in busheis or tons : peas J.945.0V> ; bean* y7t>.000; bi>.-kwi-eat 7.S^'5,000 mixe} grain 30.25S.<KVi; corn f . r husk- ing 14.909.000; potatoes U'_'.ii<W.OOO : turnips, etc.. $0.79*5.000: '.tiie r com o.O:'."-, 000 twn-s: suci- -cts 240.000 Revolution Accomplished by Army and Navy Without Bloodshed Crown Prince Succeeds to Throne. A despatch from Athens says: King Constantino, bowing to the will of the army aixi navy. ha> abdicate-.), and Crown Prince George, who mar-; rie<ii Princess Elizabeth of Re-urn ;ui>a. becomes King of Greece. | A dptch from Paris says: \ The Greek rvwKition, which was a; QiiHtary and naval coup, s*ens to hav been carried out with surprising; wiftnes9 and completeness. The, Crown Prmc succeed to the throne.' while the victopfc^w troops, with their' leaders at their hvnd. march triumph-! untly into Athens, wh'ch. pending the iornuithon of a iww Go\-*rnment, isj the hftrurs of a military dictatorship j the shape of a trixjnivirate council | of genentbt. On* of tho ^nerals W to be tbe famous General N\ter, who #oor kmjt tim was chief of staff | and wiar minister wmk-r th* Veniietas: Khninitnxtk>n. timl conatn*ncte<i the! Gov*k expe*tJoiry corps operatin^i In South Rusaia in UM3. [ Apparentliy tho ;v\t>Jutk>n waj hloodless, aft'h ". -A an unconfirmed report n^nttcns the killing of one! ntnktor. It a^umcil here that omt! of the main c-bjevts of the revolution is to maintain the Greek rute in Eat- em Thracv. A Provisional Government, coosist- ing of twelve officers, will rul-e Greece until a civil government is estabMsh- ed, accordirg to a tetegram from Athens, received by the Greek Lega- tion here. Th* tefegram recites e>v*nts already known and sdd: "The spirit ami aims of the iwc>'.':- tfonary movement being ppeciaHy Nationalist, it was, from th first n>ovem*nr. warmly welcome.! by all. and the entire pepuVUion, as weSl a the army at Athens, received the re- . volutionary forces which entetvi.1 the capital yewtvrxtey afternoon with en- thus-iasm. "Th* evolutionary mowment sttc- ceeded in uniting a!l Athens foe the safety of the country. AH, without exception, fv-rtrettinc thoir hatrt\!< xnd poHtica! pas^i^ns, ami meM'-inr, the royalists and reavtK>n.irf>. iftvup- ixt themselvets in the Natalia! unio! mowmrot. represented 1 by tr* tioruirtsU." ,. Toronto. Ma:- -., i --..u N.v I N'-rthern. - 8*4. Mar-.tc^a a: - N -irrsai. y- Ncur.- * ' -rack. S^iy ports. American c-cr: 1 -No 'J jellow. > No 3 yelii-.v. 7i'c. lH -a:' Sarlty- No. '" ex:-a. -e*c 47 ibs. or better. 55 to 5^:. acccni ;-,(? t^ -'r^ights >-ursice. Buc lew- hea t X cir i Rye No. 2. p2 to >57c. M "fet-d IV M e..al frvicr.:. hags iweiueed: Bran, per ton, $21: shvrcs. per tor.. $23; go.-- :'e<>i -!o'.ir. Jt.70 to il.SiV Ontario wheat N-\ _' wh.-.e. J . ^oc. ace - : .;-j: : - tn ic'.'- o No. .' u i - - \ Ontario t-orr. Nom 0:-. a: o flour 1st pats., in jute; sacks. 9o'. $6.80 to $7.10 pe- . . X -cry per cent. pat., in jute ; MV-. v ;;!'.. prompt (MfaMBt, $4.50 ro $4.0: Toronto basis. S4.35 r-^ 4.45: bulk, seaboard-. $4.^0 to ?4 :' - Mar.Uobva flour 1st pats., in ju:e sacks. $7.20 p<?r bbl.; 2-mi pats.. $6.50. Hay -Extra No. 1. per ton, track. Torcntu. $16; mixed. $13.50 to $14; clever. $13.50 to $14: straw, $9, ear- . 'arge. 19S to 20c;, twin*. 'JOS to 21c: triplets. 21 to 2mc: Strlton*. 2K-. Old. : arge. 23 to -'4c; twins. 24 to -'4 l c; Stiltons. 2oc. Butter Finest cr^imerj- prints. 39 to 40o: ordinary ctvsniery prints 3-"> :v> STc; Dairy. 20 {-. 31c. C<x-< ;. -^- Orvsaed poutHry S-r r.g chicken-. 30 to 35c; roosters. 23c: few!. 24 to 27c; liuvktines. 22 to 26*.-: turkeys, 30 to 35c. Live poultry ---Spring chi.-ken*. 2:x-: : rosters. 17 r 2<V; fowl. 20 to 2.V; .iucklings. 22 bo 2>V; turkey?, 30 to; Ut. i Margurhc - 20 t. 22. j Kgrgs No. I candteds 34 to 3oc; s-] !--ts. 38 w 39c; curt.---s. 45 Co 48c. BeajM CaiMhtian. hanJ-ptcked, bus., $4.2.-': rfinvs, $,'!.7.^ to $3.90. Map>!v prxvhicts--Syru>p, per imp. 1 IM!.. $2.2D; ; ,-r 5 inp, gate., $2.1C;| , Ib., 20c. ' Honey 50-!b. t::. 13c per >.; Ib, ;-j.. 14 :c toe per ft.; Or.- com'o honey. c?r - 75 : ; $ t.50. T- '.itcv* N\-\ I N - 86 '_. Sm^k.-i r>jea:.#- -Har-- ^L. . .ocktvJhani. 42 ivol J'' :o "?*c; cottage ro^s. :io to r?kfast ba\-<-r-.. 32 to 3V; spe- cial l-.ra.-Ki brea!rfaj.t oacon, CS v> 40c . - .s.-. 39 to 4'c. Cured tr-?c*< Lore cfe*r *I7; l-.srh: weight rolls, in bbJs. reeav>-.veyrh: rolls. $^" lard Pure, tiroes. 15 '^c: -. 16Hc; prints. ISe. Si-- -.wag, ::e-r-.-cs. 13 to 13 4c; rub*. IS 1 ^ tc 4 :o 14 W; rr ats. t.c- 17c. < MM) butchr ste- r< do. CiNxi. <? to S : v " ; > ; IN -Vrs. chvJce. $( ! to bB *'-.-.'o: do, c< butcher cows, choice. ued.. ^ t.> $4: -ar.r.ers ^H $1 to $2: butcher bul'te $4.30; do. cvm., $2.50 Co gv.\x-l. J^ to f:-"- .:o $! .1 S4.73; s rockers, gvxxi. $4 .'" -^5 fair. J3 to S4.50; milfctri. $6> - - -ATS. S~ n to $90f cTlve-j.Mj S10.1'? to $12: do. mi.. $>i to con;.. $3 to $7: suring Ian- VII to S'1.75; shieep, dbc-ice. S5 to sft do, good. S3.W to J4.50: ,!,,. ,-om.. M $3: ye.".ri : .ng, chv^iv.e. J7 to JS; * coni., S4 to $5; hogs, fed m wi $12; .Jo. f.o.K. $11.25; *>. < $11. Montreal Oats. Can. western. No. 2 39c: do. Xo. 3. 51 t.> 52c; V--.:-. Man.' spring wheat pts.. firsts. StJjjiO. tv>;'- s. bag 90 !>b*.. $'2.90 to 3. F an. S20. Shorrs. $22. Hay. No 2. per tx>n. car H'ts. $17 ti> SI? 5 . Chees* ^^est ^asterv; . lit- ter, choicest cvearrtery- ''"'' ^'-SS', se- lc.-:ed. Good fa" sucker caives, *10; cjuaiity. $'. fair .i'-i>ity s nHk ca'vt^. $," to $^'; erswe;-s>. $3 tc $3.75: lambs, bes-:. $11: d.>. Hed., $9.54 t'< $10.50; sheep, $2.50 to 14; hogs, gw& qiMtlity butchers, $12; scWt

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