Flesherton Advance, 4 Oct 1922, p. 4

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October 4 1922 THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE i * I t Had Lust Chickens Farm For Sale I. ; 1 : . half 7 and 8, COM. 4, Osprev, 160 acre*, 90 :icres tillable ; jood build- ings, good \\.iter. Por furih-r informa- tion apply to -E. HILLOCK, Phone Dund.ilK id.c Maxwell h",7 tmN," looaing" hi6"oiiicl,e,. K<ii - i'>mi weei (list, Mr. .Inhu JUIT- f Uii! iD'li omH'i'Bsioii if C.*rnuk Hiid Dairy Farm to Let |> i;ei us in it 11., . i n .1, ii, .11. 1. 1 i .n-.-l Dairy Farm in the corporation <>f yim) ricshcrton will In- ..Ifcrad by tender by uo to October 12th. 1922. derided U> no: a Ii t|> In ctcl> the Bv Tender HU ^'' r - ***** Mi'dinay Gtzello. S.iiui Jy i-veniiif{, on visiiinu List th he Im-cmered veiy lar owl Finished Season 3-Team Tie The tin 1 1 gtnie ot tlm Centre (irty I'. I'-i-li.i'l Leujjuu WAH plajed in Utndalk <>n Tliur^Uy >'f 1 <t wi-ck wlutn ,Muk- Jle aii.l VKiiJelcnr iiiol on nfu'rnl ground? lor ihu Ust u.uii". Vaudfleur weie tint viutoin liy tho score of lli (i in n inn! ndid K*IIII;. M ; >: sttrtcil out THE I'y ilHclnWH in ihe trap, and after | M (l.e bin fur Markdale but w.is Barn electric lighted and all other con- ulcered.* ii. K .Ui nK it vcntenccs : jnlo j |e l|>o ow| |( , ( , 1M year, milk lUlivi-ry ^ W l Wr a Mildi..-./ TueUy . Ild U.OHO Flcuhcrton. Full possession about the nil MI* tin- i minimus ai/.' uf iho bird by in tht' fouiih by |{-iwli-i, who ii iln-ir i .[. i ii catcher. ainithec l!uck " I'uchuiiHti t.A i>rnt* mid Wiis first of Novemhi r About twenty leads . . eoulii veiy easily uuoe of oat hav and about an acre of man- ' A d how it could which tan be houRht. Address - C:M " "I"" 1 'n.V> l>-uliry. Mr J.*n THISTLKTI1\V.\IT1-:. l-'lcsherton. K' ''*'' '"' l " ' hl "" !8 - 11 "' 1 "' 11 ""' mid the owl j-:ty L-redu f"f lint, ton For Sale By Tender AUCTION SALE -O1 : - Farm Stock of Implements i-iveii fair support in the liela and kept \UikiUlc'* hcoiiny down t<i Two in thu third, three in ilit !i r >h xnd one in the ixth. Dillon and Has. Freeman cadi KOt home rUM by heavy hits Hltliuugh I Dillon uut home l>y oriois on Markdale's 1 btlmlt. Seoro I y inningt . ' ,vtarkda!o-0 2 a U n 1-tt i Vndeleui 1 3 :! 4 3 3 n x Hi It. ha* been H good year f.ir Itiieball jtport, in this diitriet thii year and we i believe that there are junt as xood teams Flesherton Advance Tne f'lllxwiiii; property in the Inwn "f Thornbury, will be < fl'.-red by lender up " September 3n, lUii'J The prop.-rty of llmimn and n-lmlf wares of land, fnut trees, frame limn ()n |. ot _<;!, Con. 14, Artcmesia. nd poultiy buildm-. An ideil -P"t <>" Tuubday, Oct. 17th, Itftt I i,, this Ua^ue ai there are in tho average orohrd,.r apiary. T.-rms: A marked ) ^ STOCK _ M . irc 8 yt . ars Old , W -o*t.i in Ontario. There m no dMJqa* for 10 per OJDt. of purchue prira mare 7 years old, Indian pom. horee I i mp0 rud material in lh* gtttnMM the 1 e axc j. m .,re ;,cd, yearling colt, Hereford | , lesi a eilts of the .l^tric" *nd i!v con aunposc-il to be m calf two-year-old r * heifer, 2 COWS 4 years olJ supposed to be ' til e Mu Imts who aie attending mil <ule 9 in calfi heifei rising 2 supposed to be in lichoolaara nlloired to play with choir calf, l vearlina cattle, 2 calves, 14 | h , uitf ^ unt _ Tho cup, whieh was up - \ouni2cwcs. brood sow, 7 store pifts, hens "turU-vs. gccsc and ducks. I fr coinp.-.itnm ,1ns year will be bh-nvn in IMPLEMENTS-McCormic mower, j^e d,ffent ton. ,,f '''' "' i McCormicK rake, MasscytHarris diic. then srivm to Pmaident Mitchell f.>r .1 time , f s| t -, balance in :) dy.. tor any lend,, ,,,.t nec r.odento L ddreii W. II. Miller, buxSl, Fletherti.ii. -- ^ r- o I barm horSale tity (if hay *r.i! u r; hooK, stDiicboat. S brick veneeied n> u>e and iroodched; 1." fat c*ttle, ,\ eow nud 4 clve, - j'i 4 he*d uf }\nif * Will *t:ll en blue or ep*T'tt *. Mu.>t bt* j*>ld owing to illness. Lo mediate posseuci n. H .1 Guho.Mi IMl.,1, Dun talk - .uld not bu broki-n. H. A. McKEE Chiropractor Specia'i-t At l'*rk II. .!(', Hi'-lmr:. n, tsday and Kriday, 4 to H Fl'RNITUKK-Largc Kitchen cup- b.i:n\l. H'x'd kitchen \\ashstand, cook stc;\t and pipe*, I'X sto\e :ind pipes, sideboard Standard cream separator nearly new. 2 do/, new sap buckets, bookcase, '1 churns, kitchen table and many articles too numerous to mention. Terms 12 months' credit on approved AUCTION SALE Monday, p in. just arrived. All reasonably priced. Prices ranging from $28 up )f Valuable Farm Property In tne Township of Osprey joint notes or 5 per cent, off for cash in lieu of notes. All must be so!d. Ther- will to ..Hered f >r Mile by Public I Auction on \v i- < 'Wednesday, the 25th Feerham 1fcie*diy, Tbunday aud W. Kaitting VV . I- " , noo 'urdaj-H7 !>!) p.m. Conu'itii.u free .Victio.ieer. Proprietor Day of October, 1922, - I At the hour of ona o'clock in the aftt iifion. HI the Muin-hnw lliiutr in the Village of Fleiherton. , Uy xiitue of the powei of sale under certain iiioiti;*^ which will lie produced at ihesale, the followiog propKIJ : Lot Seven in the Thirteenth Cuucos >ion i.f the T.-wnsSip of ().'|wey and thi I went half of Lut Eight in the id Thir ei'iith CuiievsN on of tho said ToWnihi| ofd'prey. -. Tim fnllowinx; :iiipiov,ineii are s^id t' he on the propeity : About "il acre- cleared and under cultivation, about -."> acu'S limbo-red, hidani-' 1 |iisturi' laiul I well fenced. Kond well, sui'll urclinid, litick veiifuit'd dwullinu, i'li uJdilion ; frame l/irns urul lo^ drive home. TKILMS TIMI percn't. <!' 'lio pur- . liaoo iii.niry to lie |nid iluwn tthi' tiun- .' --.If. Kur bilinc,-. lenni* will be made !. 'wn nt Ihu lime of MI In ! or KOI I her puliculars upply to MesHin. Jones A Lenniird, Bolioitors, t'i- i,, IS Toronto Sliver, T.'ion o K .1 Spru!e, Kh^herlnii. Strayed I -'rum Lot I7M, 'Jnd rannc west tif T and S. 1\ , Aitemesia, about Suud.iv, Sept 22, IM22, Oxford Down ram :< yrs. old. one horn. Kinder please fommun- ith 1U-.KT Aj/ent for die Waite Dry Cleaning Co. of Owfii Sfmml. Kvc-rylxxly li;ts a (Jiaiirc t i havi! their suit thoroughly (JtMiit;!!. T* Clothes brought Monday Clothe* brought Thursday delivered Wcdneday delivered Saturday Overcoats turned to look like new Flesherton Tailor Shop T. C. BLAKEl^EY ._, Merchant Jailor 9HE bi Mr. Car Owner i We carry the best Tires, Inner Tubes, Oils and other Automobile equipment. We believe in selling the best merchandise that money can buy. Our customers appreciate ii. make a specialty of battery repairs and guarantee a satisfactory job on any make of battery at a reasonable price, have I be best and most thoroughly experienced mechanics. Bring in your car and let us give it a careful inspection free of charge, correct all defects effectively and inexpensively. The sooner "\ve do it, the less it costs, for a little defect today may mean a bigger one tomorrow. A Paint Shop Has Been Added to our Service We have recently added an up-to-date paint shop to our service and can make your car look like new. Bring your next job to us whether it be for equipment, re- pairing, painting, oil or gas and get the same satisfaction we are giving our steadily growing list of customers. D, McTavish & Son An independent, nt-wap" per um-fi Wednesday at the offl,CoUiogWOod St'iiut, Pli-sherion. Subscription price ?1 -ii per annum whan p-iid in i>l v.mr ; 2 IK) when not -.,. [..M. 92.00 to I'M i led Staffs. Advei tuning rates AH p(jliciitio.i. Ciicii!" 1 over 1100 weekly. W. H. TUUKSTON KDITOR BRITAIN THE POLICEMAN The public':* uervaa have been at high ten.-!* i, during the \ i : v.n k witli tle close approach to war with fnrkoy iu tlit- ncar.East. At time of writing the acute danger appears to have passed, whether temporarily or not remains to be sctn. We feel assurfid of one thing if Kc-ma.1 1'aslia thuuglit lie culd wm through to Constantinople he would not hesitate to try it. And of another thins we leel asbiu- til if Great Lkitaiii Oid not pla) the p*rt of watuli dog, Turkey would have been back iu Europe vie this uud t'liaos would rei-jii once more in the near East. Talk as one likes about politics auil selhsh iulereits of (irt-ai Dntam, the fact rctnaiu? that she practically polices the world today and carries "the white inun's burden" without Ilinching, There is a limit to her powers when tne other Christ inn nations slink their duly, but so far UB her powers extend, their. -In cxens them. FLESHERTON FALL FAIR Flesherton has demonstrated that, yiveu good weatlii , it can provide as od un exhibition as can be lound in the couuty. For many j*4irs this exhibition has been hit hard by cold, dirty weather, with scarcely a break. On Friday lust the general verdict was that the show was up to anything found in the county in point of exhib- its, although .-oiiu of the larger I-JWHS have a bigger attendance. This year the show was LMUt'cially favored with c'orious autumn weather of a July like sample, and as a result everybody went home feeling that tlity hud i;i't their money's worth, while ihe direc tore, who have had their spinl.-. d'juchedo many tiinee, i-xnerit in/id a reaction of H pleasing lutnre and en eoaraged them to remwrd i doits fur a bigger and better fair next \ t .u . ADAM HAS BEEN TOLD The delegation from the Eugenia system, which met the Hjdio-Klcct- ric Coinanssion of ii;i|iiii'y in Toronto last week, gavo Sir Adam Heck Rome disquieting moments and pounded in some wholesome truths that ought to be u Irnit in srmu relief to users of cim ;:t on t! in system. U'. iiuvs till remarked the unanim- ity of i ho cities iu singing I be praises of tl.e Electric l\, ..!,:, \\ iiile small over the whole cjunlry un- just is mi minium in dcujaiMiug him us U--W01I, p>iriialist. \V herein lie? the roaiuiu? It is that h's system i,~- paitiultD the bit? centre.--, while the Finnll town users' rights lire ignored. M 1 latter have now hi* u heard ry Taolm himself aiyl i o doubt his cats are null ringing wi:!i the din. \Ve hope it does not nitikc Urn any inoio deaf than he has been. Tin the The full fnir wet w either insur- ance sccliou of the I>epai tnient ol Agriculture ought to be able to du- peu.-u! with some of their atalV of clerks thit) year. A Shylock Argument to Chevrolet and McLanghlin Motor Cars Tractors - Nejjipombe Pianos Samson White Rose Cias. thu ColliiigWiioJ Dulletin Tho Fle-linton Advancn iichntM the idet thtt a turn uinu -i who caught with an auto load (.f ",. ,-t );oodtl" aud 1'iu-il one thousand cold dollars with "M . and later another lifly for 'urlous n,>'.Mi'i ; wan IMIII^ ^'erst'outed rather than prosecuted. It proocoda to rj{ue >hat suh a tine would tend to drive t4ie )i>utlagi;er to tlvtporatiou lather than cremo any rcfuui. The chanccN ro, r, in fvor <if the tatter. A tin- anci.! touch such ns nraa made in this c I ."e, phis tlie loan of tho ' uozo, is surely iu> n i,< oJ iucordivo to remain io an .1 tiusim <. In any ose thle are py'i | > lidiio rt,,ys for youiirf men ,1:1- 't ,U'i^it im.'p ilit not nrooMaiy :< (In- uVp'li> of s- Minji booae. it; h - eco sympathy fin three iiip'y wasted. ,MEAD OFFICE HAMILTON FABLISHED 1672 ,.i,^- ^ ^^^^^ - ^" "The worst of all fraud. U to cheat onself" B'lUty A MAN likea to keep his promiss to himself. The money you put into the Bank is not likely to be wasted in useless expenditures. Yon put it there to save it, and there it will May if fou can manage it ! Keep putting it there, and leaving it there, and the day will come when you will appreciate your independence. i 11' BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH -A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRANCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager ,, WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. If You Need A New Range TA(.'O ranges are giving >;oo(l 9HtiafaCtioD "Anyone can bake with a Taco" is jil. mil the finest trilmte tliat has ever been gireii to the rooking qualities of any range. Meas have been incorporated into its construction which plate it above other ranges of this type, ami make its operation extremely simple and its efficiency undisputed. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - - 'Phone 24 r 1 J DURANT "Just a Real Good Car" After building more than two million automobiles W. C. DURANT has developed a culminating motor car that bears his name. All that this might leud you to expect, is rtvili/ed in the car itself ; now to be seen in our salesroom. MODEL A- 2. FOUli CYLISDKR TOL'KINU $1395, Delivered (KlltlGHT AND SALKS TAX PAID) Dealer H. Down & Sons Flesherton k it 8 - " A Superior School LLIOTT ! iul Charles Streets, Toronto Is well known l-hmusjhcut Cun- ;d fin ilt liii>h grade work. Iiacoumti ir* ttnsurpMMd , Muter now. (Jttnlgu free. W. J. ELLIOTT. YOU CAN BEGIN ANY DAY our iustcuction U individ- ual. You in- taught as fast aa you can learn at the FARM FOR SALE Lot :i4. Con. II, Artcmcsiu, oontain- ' m 120 acres, half undi-r cultivation, balance pusturc nnd bush. Good barn | and stabling, fratre house, and snm'J orchard. \Vcll watered. Apply to Phone I'.r-KT MAGHK, 1-uKeix::!. Catalogue Free C. A. FLKMIKQ. P.O. A., Prinoip-il Hinco 1881. G. D. FLEMING, Seoretry. f \\ i IMHI (\>1 s i iv i l".i.l, ::'.lu- !*.(,. of Tra ho lo Uio ti'n as a

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