Flesherton Advance, 4 Oct 1922, p. 5

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October 4 THE FLESHEHTON ADVANCE ;i Bonds THIS bank provides special facilities for the sale and purchase of Government and other bonds. Investors are invited to consult our local manager, who will be pleased to arrange any such transactions. THE LR1 or CANADA. STANDARD BANK 43 FLESHERTON BRANCH, C. T. BATTY, Manager. Branches also at Williamtford and .Holland Centre. CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleshercon Station Mrs. L. \V. Thorn of B irrie apent In' week as the e'lest of Mis. Blackburn. Miss Viola Lewis ami little brother, Ivan, spen the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown and Mr. as i and Mrs Krnie Brown t Stayner visited i at J. J . Brown'n over the week end. A " ew barn " nd Rara * e is beiog ereeted Big Exhibit In All Classes Fiesaerton Fair Had Good Weather - Big Crowd In Attendance 16 Horses In Races 1 rains jllowa : Going South 7.66 a. m. 11.52 a. in. 4.30 p.m. 9.30p. m. The nwil3 are oaea .t Fleshertou ie Ule members of the ongr. s ation. follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and | Mrs. Albert Gilleipie of Toronto vis *' l ' le Manse this week by 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. thls with re|a - Local Chaff left fjr Toronto ou ited a couple t ves here. Miss Fred* Mnthewson suffered a painful accident last week Khan she fell aud strained the] tendons in her right hind. Wm. Orr of Kimberiey has the garage business owned by Crowe of Orangeville and Mr. WiUter Cargo Friday last. G. M. I.aevr, M.P.P., waa the guest ; possession, of \V. Moore on fair day. Mi3 w< j Henderson Mr. Wm. Orr of Toronto was the nue.-t slight stroke last week and is purchased Holme* A has taken For at least once in its history Fleah- erton really enjoyed the smiles cf Old Sol on its fair Jay last Friday. The whole week supplied a temperature very much like that of July, and ths result on Friday was that a large number of people turned out to enjov the day. The at- tendance exceeded that of many past years, and the number of entries about 13UO was away ahead of other years. The hall was filled with a magnificent showing of roots, (lowers, grain, seeds, etc., and the amount and variety in the ladie*' department was a marvel to all who saw it. Never in our recolection f the past thirty years have the ladies taken such a deep interest, and practic- ally demonstrated that interest, by bringing out in such profuasion their clever handiwork. The fruit exhibit I this year was especially tine, and nearly i all was native to this immediate dist- rict and the Kimberiey valley. The j apple exhibit here was worthy of the big Canadian National, The poultry exhibit was also tilled, all available space being taken. .Mr. Henderson of Ham- i ilton judged htrt, and we believe he i was the best jjdgs; we have had here. j He seemed to thoroughly understand all breeds of fowl without having to I refer to the Standard of Perfection. driven by H . Palmer of Dundalk. Pil- mer's carturr.ed over and spilled him out. He was dragged several feet but i finally got loose before he was hurt and the horse went OH, making a full round and a half with the other horses with- out a driver staying with the track. It ' was a thrilling exhibition ami was thrown ingratis. The concert in the evening was very successful and very enjoyable as an en- tertainment. Mr. Wcs Buskin of To- ' ronto occupied the chair with honor to himself. The order was excellent. The C, P. R. appears to be keeping an eye on the fall fair-s this year. Mr- , R. McKillop, Superintendent of the Bruce Division, graced theftir with his presence this year. \Ve thought we saw a cupcy doll in his oocket but ire not sure. Anyway lie was smiling and evidently enjoyed his visit surt'en still d a con- ij{ Dr. Muriay last week. Wen. Buskin and friend, Mr. Wrath- all, of Toronto were in town for ths fair, and visited friends here for a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. C O. Stewart und Mr. W. Roc* of Toronto visited with friends here lust week . fined tn her bed. Her cud : .ciou remaiiu [ about the same. The Ceylon FnrmeiV Club will meet in the Orange 11*11, Ceylon, on Friday , evening, Oct. tilh,t 8 o'clock Emerson Wick ens, Sec. . Mrs. Turnbull of Caolield, Unt.. is j visiting with her son. Dr. Turnbull. Battle were about as Mr. aud Mrs. W. H- Uralum of Mark- here. Mr. Turnbull of itnneld and dale spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs S. Irarin, south of towu. >Ir W. Heutham of West Toronto vieited Hiss Man- of Urangev;lle als iver the week end. A credit s tie ot faroi stuck and imp it few d-ijs last week with friends . limeuts will be held un lot .".', Con. 14, in town. i Arteruesia, oti Tuesday, Oct. 17, the Mr. snd Mrs. Geo. Weir of Co'ling- i property of W. F. Orr. See lar>re bills, wood attended the fair and vigittd with w - Kaitting, auctioneer, friends lure over the week end. Winter Apples For Sale On lot '-!4, Mrs. J Boyd and daughter, Doris, of i Con - 10 - Artemcsw. any day after the Markdale visited with Mrs George I5th October, 192'J. Prices per bag, in Mitchell | the orchard All varieties $1 per bay. ,1 , , , M Joseph vonWeber ,S Eugenia P. O. Mttrkdile Soldiers Memorial in f jrmally unvti'ed at 2 o'clcck next Sun- ! Dr. Hurt die suec4aliat in diseases eye, day. | enr nose snd throat, will be at the The Dominion P.O. department are i Munsh^w House, Fletherton, for cou- couterop'ating m-ikim: a reduction i.d ' ''*"" Wed. Oct. lull, from 1C to^ 4. go back to the two cent letter rate, i E J' e8 G. S.- tested nd The three ceut rate > i- a result of war. DuniUlk fair was held Wednesday of supplied. - Hurt. Anniversary seivices will be he'd in last week and a big crowd was present. '. tfc>1 Methodist church. Maxwell morning Ouite a uumber from hare attended. W. , and evening ou Uct. 15 and a meal and W. Trimble was the starter for the; 8 *' d supper on the following Tuesday, hotse races. Oct. 17, in the Metliodist h,H. Every- b"dy m.idn weicomo Thlf f"' 1 '- w '''K "fficets eie elected te Horses and former years. The school children's parade after dinner- created considerable interest, some six schools taking part, headed b\ 1'irsherton band Flesherton band supplied music and for the chance they have had since re- organization did splendidly. The fair was opi nod in the afternoon by the t\\o .Members, Agnes AUPhail, M. P , acd G. M. Lccson, M.P.P., who both gave short addresses. \Ye noticed Editors \V Irwin (who, by the way, has fallen from grace r-y purch- asing a nc\v car a couple of weeks agol and Bre'er Colgan, also a graceless Jc- vufc to motoring, having got his last spriny. Large numbers were present who never attended the fair before, and all \\r.' eulogistic in their praises ot the fair this year. The result of the fair this year ought to put courage into the hearts of the directors one more, and cause them to ''shove on the juice " next >ear. Their motto will r.ow no doubt be. " Speed Up.' During the races ?. thrilling accident occurred >n front of the judges' stand, which fort-.i.-iatcly Uul not turn out seriously, but for the moment it was a hair-raiser. As the horses came up to the judges stand on the lirst round Red- train lod;ea wheels with Cacus 5t:ir. The Horse Racing The -peed'iu events were ;tinn^ the best ever held on the speedway heie and were much enjoyed by the Isrgu crowd. Sixteen horses took part in the' various event?, the results being aa fallows : _.20ClaM Pacing Stir 1 1 1 . Burns, Palmer-tun Mol:y McEwan . ..2 '.' :! Scsrriih, Hanover Red M:i :J :i -> Uilt>artner, hi mover Cacus Star 4 4 I'. .iii-i. Duudalk j :;o c . - Delia H 1 - - 1 1 Shie.ds, Alliatun Freddy C -' 1 I -' 4 Iv-imai^c, Chdtswurt h Udy Medium :' :: 4 :; _' Good music for your children *- -.^-fc- -* To give your children the benefit of the world's best music, you need a Victrola and "His Master's Voice"-Victor records. Many parents have made home more attractive 'to the children, with a Victrola. It is proving both an entertainment and an education for the young. We can supply you with the Victrola you want for your home. Easy payment plan if you prefer. W. A. Armstrons Music Dealer Flesherton Ont. McK.iuli.-y Chief t 4 :i 4 :: Moon, Birdie Bison Holed C H i Maxwell, Beathcote J . Allerion, ll-'ustoii - 3 4 A. McKinney I 4 .'> M.-it 'lesi'ii. Shell i Green Kite lied Medium 11 1 KealltiK, Curbetuu S.ady Mac '-' -' -' Love, Proton Cl,.rk, Fle&herton Iv. i Cauuck 444 Akin;, Fles-heiton of losiun \\iii. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs Wilfred Fawcett of Meaford formerly of Ceylou was badly scalded by baling j ceDtl >" at the Methodist Y.P.S. :-Pres , water * M lashiug into his face. The litt'e ! Dr - Murr ">' : Vicw-Prw.. Wes Arm fellow is recovenne nicely \ Stron 8 Missionary, Viola Lew:s ; Miss. . Trend., Mrs. W. Moore : Literary, Frank A credit auction sile of lrui s^icn will Loan tea : Social, Mra, Miller m\a Mi*, be held ou lot '><j, Coo. (., Oscny, on! ... t ;E. Bellamy ; bible Study, Miss Holmes; Moudiv. Oct. .9, 1W2, the property oil. * . I Christian Eaattvour, Mr Holland ; Sec, Alex. tindUy, who hn to sell on account ,C E. Jennett ; Treis , Mr?. Qawkon : bacD. t>ee larsje bins- ! Fltnnt, Allies Heuuersou ana Assistant, auclioneer. MM Holmes ; Flowtr Committee, Reta Mrs. Dynes (nee C*rlotta llijwej of Btlkmy and ARUM Heodacson. Knoxville. Tennessee, visited fruiuls in ! towu over th week end Mid sauj; solos in thfc Methodist church both morning , Rev. WellWOOd Here Sunday aud evening, which were feelingly rec- ; dered, aud very much appreciated by the Anniversary service* were hell in the coogri'iXionjt. | Methodist church hare on Sunday, whsn _lRev. H. K WeUwoodtf Barrio, a former Mus Nelson of the public school staff - , . . I beloved pastor here, preached morning WHS calkd tkOOM to Mono ROM Ihroujh i and evening to large OOaffMBfttloni tbe severe illness of her biother UM her ' ., .. .. , Mrs. Dynes ': Knoxville, lenn , asci^t pl;tw 13 beinij taken by Miss Nesbitt, of. . ' ed with solos *t bwth MI vices. Mis. Oraus!<ml!e, foi the next few weeks. ... DyaM was formerly Miss Carlotto {towfl Miss Kwbitl wus teacher at I'ortmw a] . . ^>. T couple ol years a<r - . j * ( to fc,,.^ 8bam% W fj.-. J. ^ oik"" Rev. Dr. Byron SUult'or. pastor of the the present tslor, took the Barrie work, City Temple, died in loronto Monday id. Down accompauying him. ] i tinu, heart failure being the cau>e ' . . .. - Dr. suuffer pi.ached the re- Married In Toronto jervice in the Met4iodit church ' her- a few years ago when the church^ f Miss Xilla Trimble, d.uliter of post- wasrodecvrated. 1 nnster Trunble, went on a visit to h. r Guild I'tHoen for the onsuini< year ; tistor at Islington last wek. Ou SunJuy Pros, Jsmus Htrik.>n ; Vice>Pre, Miss ] lr ^tuM dius^ist, Mr. C. N. Rich- Fitiuj ; SBC, Ward kLumou ; Tieas, ardsoo, motored down. Monday eve- Bert Sparks ; Organists, Amnudi Stew- ning the news airivvd th6 they bad AU. -iiid Mrs McCiUluui ; Convenors of jufned up in wedlock, the eoreuioDy CommiUee', Flower, Mrs W. A. Wilson: feeing [eifonud by Kev. Jamiea Dudgeon Mimouary, Miss Nelsou ; EduMtioiml, | of fort Credit, H formar Fleihertou AtuauJa Stewart ; Social, Js Srewart. i p<tor. No further details are to baud. A ...various fire similar to that which j Th' re ' y fri.<. of the contracting destroyed Mr. WKitUker's barn. oocurred ! P* rtles whj wl " be P leMed to he r th on tha farm of James Oldrteld tear Cdr | good news, and who wish .hem .11 the betonone day last weekal.bU tl,re*bg! happmesspos .We. when Ihe atraw stack cauxKt lira 1.1 tl.e, same myjterloui manner. In thlcxi?e, i Car Turned Turtle however, the h<iuds were able to r^tiu'i guiah the blaze before luo tarn oaual.lt Albuit Moire upset his Ford car in j the SU near tbe c -ujoiery OB ftir day. ! He :! .- nf>! know '<* n bappeuui. 1 , bit Aged Resident Passes Away Potatoes Wanted Mr. F. G. Cole Dies Suddenly Monday Afternoon On .Mi, F. Co'c, nu l.i n>i'!cnt i-'i" Plcs-hertoii. paused a\v,iy very suddenly o!i S1oudy aft-itr-on at the lume f h s daughter. Mis. Charles Stewart of the suburb.-*. Mi Cole was S'J years of ai;e. j HJ hid been out picking up potatoes iu | tlie morning but coinplniued uf .1 p,iio iu 1 the atoDiach and went to 'he house but i did not go to l.-cd ud as walkiuy I aumtid the house hve iniuiit . before his doath. Tho il-cia^eJ gen'Ieuiiii was a gra::i l.iiyer hern over .^0 year* a^o. Besidts Mrs.. Stewart a daughter, Uattie, li>eii iu I .' ii >. aud thera nr two sou", Frai K in Detroit and Myron Cole at Fares'. Mr. Cole wm born iu Devon-, shire. En^'.-i'id I'reviout I i eoiliiuil tc t'U"-heitou 1 oat :!."> years IMJO hu refided ii : FortKi some f >ur or five years. The funeral look plieo to Flesherton ceme- tery tlr.s Wednesday afleruoou. BASKS At Ceylon on Wd , Sept. 27' h to Mr. and >Trj. lieurge Banks. a Miii- Highest market [nice piid [< r potatit-s \\ and all li.n-U t nn.n. 5) Wm. C. Wh-.'o, Ceyio'i. 1'lmne '.', r S : Potatoes Wanted T c .ire taking in potatoes e\cry i!:i> ;;t ik|' toth Priccville and Ceylon. Highest t iriiirket price. Phone -, .;!! A. C. ML' IK. CEYI.ON The Drudgery of Wash Day is a thing of the past when you put in a 1900 Electric or Gasoline Power Washer, or Hand Power Gravity and Wringer, all kept for sale by S. HEMPHILL CEYLON Agent for Beatty Hay Carrier goods, Steel Stalls and Stan- chions and Stable Fittings, Pumps, Churns, Brantford Wind Mills and Gasoline En- gines. Pump repairing is promptly attended to. A call is solicited. Game! Th 1 Adieu' Ad will hi'ld ; supper iu tho Com, ..unity Memorial had!. Knnbcr- ^t hypponnd was p!.iu to ley ou Tuomlay ,-vonin, Oct. lOtb. I "ho tho .reck whi ol swathed, to? Supper HOivoJ from i> to 8 p.m. AfU,-!**"^^ **-" ^ "> wrd-a B ^.J|irc V rn. will le niu-u by 1 1\-* minor e.wiMu s. Nobody a hurl M-'.-re.says it ha; pencil so qwofcly tli t lh i- first .hiu^h.' kt >v w,i fiiidiujt him- diny !-y 1 "<'' "i ' without n kiKHviod^o of uorlh fvoiu ai'U'h. e <iia;sNiiK "! j.i.iy, "T.v s-hi-ji st'iv," .lu:nblv.'ll dni^M. i- 'r A<li!>i8*n ."Hi.-, children :>V. Evwyti.-tly c-mo. You can get it just r.s v.cl! with ths Stevens No. 181 Han-.atsrless ss \vith ihc most tgpcnsive guii on Ihe market. ^ 'It's a finely buil gun with barrel and lug fcrgcU In CHC piece, and fore-end that will always keep tbe barrel tight, made in 12, 16, 20 or .-tto gauge. - Ask to see the. No. 1^1, .T For free catalog. J. STEVENS ARMS COMFANY ChiepfMM FalU, MOM., V. S. A, Fall Overcoats Our range of Fall Overcoats is especially attractive tins season. The styles are from the latest accepted de-signs. Every garment is ma.Jc up from wool fabrics, well uilon-,1 and finished. Ku!l assortnieat cf sizes in tall and winter weights. Some snappy young men's styles are worthy of special meati PRICES FROM $18.50 to *32-50 , MILLINERY DEPARTMENT We are pleased to announce Miss S.-inHl:inl has resume.! charge oft Department for tht? season. Advance onltrs will have her special intention. MEN'S FALL CAPS New shapes ;m,l striking deigns in all-wool tweeds, all good colorings, with or without iatido bands. Sizes 5l to 7;}. Prices from $1.25 to $2-50 MEN'S FELT HATS FOR FALL We are fortunate in getting early delivery ot ear Fall Hats ami am give you a sio(ul selection of color* in the latest shapes in soft Kelts- green.browns and greys are all represented in different shades, also blacks. Price* $3 to - ; 4 5U SlanfieW's Vnshrinkal.le Underwear. Watson s Ladies I'tulerwear, Pentoun's Fall Hosiery, l.an^' Sliirt and Arrow CoHars. Storey's Kid Gloves and Mitts King Naokwwtl and Suspenders, Snag Tioof Overall and Smocks. F. H.W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO !

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