Flesherton Advance, 18 Oct 1922, p. 5

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October 18 1922 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Your Financial Adviser AS an institution with first hand knowledge ol financial markets at home and abroad, and with Managers of broad experience and unbiased judge- ment, this Bank is in a position to render invaluable advice on investment and other money matters to its patrons. STANDARD SKRVICB u C.mfr.k*,,i<,, FimntM Strvit THE STANDARD BANK . Or CANADA. ** FLESHERTON BRANCH, C T. BATTY, Manager. Branches also at Willianuford and Holland Centre. CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station I rains allows : Going South 7.55a.m. 4.30 p.m. The mails are Qomg North 11.52 a.m. 9.30p. m. Thanksgiving Nov. titb. Mr. (ieorge McTaviah wa in Oshawa this week on business. Gordon Blakely ot Corbetim spent the week end with his brtther here. Mrs- W. Boyd spent the week end in Toronto with her three children. Mrs. Ben Hislop and babe, of Thorn- bury, were quests of Mrs. Ottewell lait 9Bea at Flesherton B week. follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and I Mr . L . A. 6 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south I ls VISltID ? D '- ( "ewell mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. here. Whe.ell of Ladner.B C.. ' ' other friends Local Chaff Mr. and Mrs. We*. Jauleson and two children motored up from Toronto and spent the week end at R. McMaster's. ^ Mr. John Edwards, wife ;tnd children. Thus. Fisher has installed an electric clipping machine in his barber shop. Mr. and Mrs C. N. Richardsoon re- turned Tuesday evening after an extended honeymoon at Detroit anl Wayne, Mich. Mrs. R. Watt has returned from Col- I'nvo'id hosp : tal aud is wi;h her sister, Mrs. R. Jienfhvn. Mrs Julian has taken up her residence of Toronto, spent the week end with in part of Mr. Henry Wilnon'e house. her mother, Mrs. Thompson Wilson. has Mr. Geo. Bracketibury spent a couple days in Meaford lust week. Mrs. Herb Smith of Owen Sound spent i couple days in town last week. Ye editor accompanied by Mr. Fred Mathewson and daughter, Freda, were in Owen Sound on Saturday, Hunters are now dreaming of the north country. It is likely that the us ual uumber will go from this vicinity. Mr. Win. Moore and Miss Leila ai-d Melvin of Palrnersfeon spent the week end at J. J. Browb's. Mr. and Mra. Win. S>utbgate and two children of Seat ;rth visited last week at Geo. Mitchel.'s. Mrs' John Bellamy, who has spent the past thret months with her son Car?, . at Lindsay, returned home on Saturday. Mrs. W. G. Duncan has returned to Toronto after spending a month with 1 Mrs. Jcs. Duncan in town. i The Methodist Ladies Aid Society will hold u bazaar the latter part of Nov- ember. The ladies of the congregation i kindly donate. Shooting Match at W. J. Kerton's, 4th line Artemesia, lot 40, con 5, Tues- day, Oct 23, afternoon. Geese, ducks ! and turkeys The poles were erected by the Hydro on Sunday afternoon to replace those which were partly burned by the b'y fire Mr. and Mrs. G Eist and daughters '. in August, and Mr. Gordon Long ol Hotieywood spent Sunday at Win. Millet's. Rev. A. W. Tonj;e, a former Flesher- ton pastor, died recently at the home of his sister, in Kent County, at the ae of 71 years. ','111:0 a percentage of fdrmeis have diicovered when dicing their potatoes that the rot has made sad inroads ou the crop. Mr. and Mrs>. B. Lungtree aud SOD, Dlr, and Mrs. W. Ltngtree and family of Me'iford spent Sunday at Fred Mathcw son's. Thursday of last week gave us our tirst taste of winter, when snow flurries and sleet came duwu from the north, followed ly a heavy freeze at night, A few Rhode Island Red cockerels, .single comb, for sale at $1 to |:>, during this uionth. Suue kept after Nov. 1st. Apply at this uttico. Most of the teachers in this district j Sunday and wi '.I continue his ministry attended the annual convention in lea- 1 lions here for the winter, ford ou Thursday <i . Friday of last, Stolen The party's name has beu week and enjoyed the usual umbrella j Utely secured who tole in overcoat out of a buggy i" church shed ;it Priceville on uight of show. Leave at Katstedt's itore at roe". Rev. Bowes of Mark dale will take tr.e {services iu the Methodist church Sufidxy be i evening next in the absence of the pastor, | Rev. Oke, wh.> is liking anniversary [ services at Ebentv.-T af terucon and even- !>OS!- A uuuiber from here attended the A Wonderful Escape Helen Welton, the twelve year old daughter of Mr. and Mr. B. Weltoo, had an extreme!/ narrow escape from death on Friday lust.. She, wi'h her younger sister, were aming in a bugey at the town hall corner while the owner, Jim Stewart, was calling a; Mr. Jus. Blackburn's residence. The animal start- ed or!'. Helen, thinking it wa> running away, attempted to jump from the bugy, when her foul caught on the step in some manner. She had the presence of mind to grasp the spokes of the hind wheei, actually keeping it from revolving, thus keeping her head from striking the ground. When the animal was stopped after si-tug nearly two blocks, the little girl was releieeii. She was carriod home and a doctor summoned, who found her terribly bruised on the hip and shoulder, her flesh being badly lacerated and muslei stnlued. She 13 recovering nicely aud was able to sit up on Sunday. The animal was not rnnning away, merely travelling at an oidinary pace, otherwise there would probably have been a fatality. Coal $15 at Durham Miss Kelion has returned to her duties { in the junior room of the public school '.tending Ihe bedside of her brother Rjad. Mr. Charlie Parks, wh& has spent the ! past two years in McTavish's garage > here, his secured a position with the General Motors at Oahawa aud expects I to leave next week. \Ve neglected to mention last week | tlu- Bob Trimble of Stratford, tan of postmaster Trimble, has been promoted I from ledger keeper tn teller in the Bank ' of Montreal at the CUssie City. i Mrs. VV. P. Crosslcy left on Monday ; to spend the winter with her daughter, .Mrs. George Cairns, at Cilcnclla, Man- i itoba. She will visit her mother before her return. Mr. Vose, who was here all summer < and i- now attending McMaster univer- sity, preached in the Baptist churrh on weatber. The Harjeal Heine services of St. Mary's church. Maxwell, will not uko pUce on Oct. 22, as expected, but Divine service will be ai usual, held iu the Cringe IIH. Announcement will made later. M. Jacob Louuhead of the 4ih line handed us some nice bunches of ripe wild strawberries one dy last week. We notice by our exchanges that such The arrival of a car f coal is gratifying to citizens wh > thought they would freeee ihii waiter for want of something to keep them warm. It is a further pleasure to learn it was sold here at $15 00 i ton, or ?5.CO a ton less than many of us thought we would have to pay. The coal is hard chestnut, aud from a casual glance at a load i- it pas- sed the office window, is apparently of gc/od '[u ihty. It tv-uj received here and readily disposed of by \V. Calder who says he expects to make further da- liveries in the course nf a few days. We learn iu some nearby towns ai high as 823 00 a ton is being asked. Chronicle Babe in Well Last Monday, the 18-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Car- mack had a narrow escape fron drowning when she fell into an old well on their farm in Brant township, a short distance from Paisley, Tlxc child was missing only a short time and when a search was made she was discovered floating on the top of the water in an unused well near the barn. The childs father jumped into the well, in which there was 35 feet of water and succeeded in getting the chilJ out. Dr. Tucker, of Paisley, was at the scene of the accident in five minutes. Life was almost extinct, the pulse having stopped beating, and it took an hour and a half of artificial respiration to restore the child. Hanover Post J. J. Morrison To Speak In Flesherton On Friday lacrosse match in Oraugeville on Wed- phenomeral growth is quite common j neaday . of | asL week aud gaw o rau( ,eville this fall. We had a pleasant sail on Saturday from Mr. Jos. Armstrong of Thornbury, who was visiliug friends here and i at Eugenia. Mr. W. D, Campbell, of Toronto, who has been holidaying at Eugenia, was another visitor wo were glad to -see. Kev. E-gle of Holltinu Centre preached i:i th> Methodist church Sunday morn- ing and also favored the iiidinnce with a finely rendered solo. Mr. Waketield of Uatkaway took charge of the evening service. The pastot preached anniver- sary (sermons at Hark a way. There is big enaoge iu the Klesherton streets this year since the extensive improvements were made early in the summer by gravelling. During the .heavy Mins the streets remained firm and the bore of other years, the mud, was Dot ID evidence. The change has ceit- ainly been for the better. The conversion loan issued ly th* Dominion Government to convert the 1917 Victory loan into new bonds at the s*me rate of interest rmve been aucceMful and the amount of f 100,000,OCO has been taken out in ce bonds through- out the Dominion. Ihe total issue amounted to 19?>.000,WO. We are in that the big majority of the holders of tho 1017 iwue of five year bund* have c 'Uortfd thfin, but there aie ft few yet wh.' hve iu>! done ho. There is only a limited tune l>; got the ue* i'-i> ' and " v v -' '''' tlmc ' "' x 8for inver mom cvu'uu'; be !;d. trim Weston seniors 5-.1 fur the Ontario championship. Orngevi!lu was the win- ner of the Ontario inttnrediate groupe. The following from here attended the W. M. S. Convention in Chatsworth today : Mesdamcs Armstrong, Murray, whose names appear on the program, Mrs. Thurston, delegate and .Mesdamcs Mitchell, Holland Hickling, H Down Cargoc, and Okc. Mr. Wesley Thompson, a t inn T re^ siding a mile uorth of Uocklyu, was doing some repah- work on t>-p of a wiiuU will on Saturday, when be lost his balance and fell '.o the ground, a distant*; of about 25 :'... His left arm below the elbow was broken besides having his head cut and sustaining injuries to tha body. Uev. Dr. rVlli.1, the Methodixt i ' >n- feieuce on the work of the Methodist Book Room, ue of tho riuest publishing nhvnts iu Toronto, stated that the loss ou the "Christian Guardhn " Inst year was ei!0,0*0, aud iu 1920, S30,(XKI, "In recent years, " he said, " uo publ'ahers have made moRey, ud many have lost A veiy iuteres'iug meeting will be held in the town bill, FUsherton. ihis Friday evening, October "Oth, when Mr. J. J. Mtrrison, Secretary of tha t'.F > , will givn MI address, of interest to everyone. Miss Agues McPhul, M.I*., will aUo speak. All interested please attend. Ladies cordilly invited. Coliucl^rs have been bui!y during tho past week gathcrin;; in dcr-ition* fvc tti* s'licknu Uie victims in the uor^h C"imtiy, otid have Hcen mot with a hetuly welcome, frmn most t f those whom they approached. A tidy uiu will be ivalecd when tha cauvts is compliittd. Lu n *se of tl i kiLd our ,1^' net cn bo relied on .o " shell out. " libciw'ly, DIED CLAUK -Alice Clark, wife of James Chik, at her home, Lliime street. Col- liu^weud, formerly of Maxwell, on Oct. 13, 19l'-.', :ti;ed (>4 yoars. The funeral took place to the Anglican cemetery, Collingwocd, ou (Jet. 14 - h. DL" DO KON- On Thursday, (wt. 12, It'lM, at her residtncu I'.T 51argu<;rett St, Toronto, Elizabeth Kirkpatiick, widow of ihe lato Henry Dudgeon. Ihe funeral soiviee wss held i-n Saturday, i > L -i 1 -l 1\ iu I iuteiiiiclit took place to Muunt Plfasant ceinoteiy. Thu de- cemed w:-s the mother of Kev J. Dudgeon, who was IJHSUT iu the Meth- od at church a Cew years ago, and was well and f.vorably kuown here. The ii;*uy frieuds here nf Rev. Dudgeon sytupithtse with him over his kss. She is Mirvivtd by thwe soui : Thus, K Dudgeon, Toronto ; Rev. ,I s H. Dui?i;eoii, T. rl Credit ; R.v J- s. W. n Itrariford, and by three dnugh- Mrs. Geu. Moriow anil Mrs !' yd, Tort'i'ti , ird Mi<!S LiUie at The sorvifiog bn>;hcr nil i'f tho d'CiNs-td nn> tKi-k .11 ''" - 1> ; r.-irio ; Junes, iu She'burue ; -Mr.. S' -inrni. Mxim 11 u', md >Jr< ..'.is. MJITW. ters s'.>.. rr. Ki k j- Auto Burned Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LeGard of Toronto, while motoring up from the Queen City Saturday afternoon, in their Ford coupe, had a rather nerve racking experience. Just as they arrived at the top of the Caledon mountain smoke was noticed issuing from under the footboard. The two occupants had barely time to jump out when rtamcs burst forth, and the car was entirely consumed. There was not even time to secure a suit case which was stowed in the back of the car. Fortunately for Joe the car was insured ' .Mr. and Mrs. LeGard were brought to Caledon by a passing motorist, 'where i they took the train for Flesherton and visited here over bunday with Mr. and , Mrs. Ed. Best and family, returning to! Toronto Monday- Busy Bees William Cox, of the 10th Con , Kin- ( loss struck something of a bonacza last week when he pulled down an unused chimney <>f hi* house. He knew for the past two yenrs a uoluny of bees had keen j in possession of the chimney aud the ' family bad left them undisturbed, j Km/wing lhatjthi* was a great season for, h'jney, Mr. Cox thought this would be ' good time : a*ce-rtuiu whac his hu.-y ' little neighbor was doing. After treating : them to a " smoke '', he proceeded to I pull down the chiumey. Quite a form' section had been tilled with comb and the ccuib tilled with honey. Altcge'.her there were oter 200 pounds and all w j removed without damage. It was interest iut! to note bow the' little workers had adap-ed the construct- 1 inn of their nest to their surroundings. ; In no place was the c-.uib allowed to come in d : rect contact with the bricks,' but at frei]uenl ii.rerv;ils l-r.ices of the' comb material were put in so :hat the whole mtea was held in position and kept perfectly clean As the brick and mortar were remcvtd the comb was easily Ukcu out in sections. Lucknow Sent- inel. NOTICE "His Master's Voice" VICTOR RECORDS We are pleased to be able to announce a reduction in 10-inch Victor Records. FORMERLY 85 CIS. 75 1 NOW CENTS You are cordially invited to come and hear your latest piece. Als the latest hits. VICTROLAS-foTtoso'S 50 W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler FLESHERTON Optician Music Supplies Notice To Creditors lu the matter of the estate of Luke Bower*, late of the village of Flesherton in the County of Grey, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, persuant to R. S. O. 1VH. Chap 121, S.JC. Jti. and. mending Acts, 'hut all persons having claims against the estate ot Luke Bowers, late of the village if Flesherton in the County of Grey, farmer, deceased, ho died on nr about the .'itjth day ol March, 1!''J'2, are requested to deliver or send by post prepaid, to W. A. Armstrong, admmi:rttor for the estate on or before the 3rd dy of Nov., U'2'J, their names aud adilreiKet, full description of tbe<r claims in writing and the nature of the security if any, held by them. And take notice that after such men- tioned date the Administrator wii' pro- ceed to distribute the auecs of the Mid deceased amony; the par- tiei entitled thereto, having regard only tu the claims r.t which they shtll then have notice, and the said Administrator will not be liable for the said aseeta or any part thereof to any person or any persons if whose claim notice shivll aot have been received by them at the tune <>f such uiDtiibuti.in. Dated at Flesherton this ICth day of October, A. D. t!>22. -W. A. ARMSTRONG, Administrator for the tate. THE FLESHERTON Hardware Store MOUSE WORK IS MADE EASIER. where the kitchen is ei^uipped \\ith such utensils as ours. Even wash and ironing days lose some of their terrors where our tubs, pails, dipper?, irons, wringers, etc., are in use. How about your kitchen outfit ' Does it lack any- thing it should have! Come here and get it, right in] price and decidedly right in price. D. McKILLOP Flesherton, Ontario PATTERNS ar ECTORS orebrovidwt fbr thuo BCTTERICK. DESIGNS Dress Goods Special f>0 inch Serge all-wo<M English Dress Serge, worultrfnl quality in a pretty shmle of navy. Splendid for dresses and skirts. Good $1.75 value, <t-| Q/\ Special per pard pl Fancy flanaels for one-piece dresses in Brown, Navy, Cadet, Jade and other popular colors* Tricotines and Botany Serge suitings in Navy and Black- Prices from $150 to $4.50 FALL COATINGS AU wool Blanket Cloths .~>4 in. wide for Children's ('ottos in Navy, Cadet, Cardinal and white. The celebrate*! Hawthorn all-wool Velours ia Fawn, Brown, Navy, Taupe and Heather mixtures tor Ladies' Coats. Miliinary Department A good display of Stylish Millinery at. reasonable price*. Special values in Men's Overcoats and Boys* School Suits. Ladies' Heather Cashmere Hose l?ig Vange of popular shades. 75 cts. to $1.50 Stanfteld's Underwear for Men Watson's Underwear for Ladies F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO

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