Flesherton Advance, 25 Oct 1922, p. 4

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October 2." THE FI ESHERTON ADVANCE / Artemesia Council Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men'.- and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. (.leaning Repairing Pressing Ail at lowest possible prices H, ALEXANDER .Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario Arttmcsia Council met on Ov. t 7, the members all present and the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. A claim of 810 for sheep killed was presented by Edward Stevens. Mr Burnett presented report of expenditure on Sjiugccn bridge, South Line, expended $97.40. Mr Hogarth reported on expenditure on town line Artemesia and Mclancthon, expended $229.70, the township of Me- lancthon to pay one half. Fence-viewers filed their award bc- ;twccn W J Alcox and H L Douglas. Mr Carruthers submitted report ol work in his division. Bylaws 1, to levy rates, and 14, to I appoint collectors, were read a thir tUBC, signed and scaled. Gravel bills paid ; D Hincks ., A Cameron S2 50, Bert Taylor $11, Trios Atkinson *H.80, A Currie |3. 10. ^^^ Hogarth Batchelor That A Car -^ .. Iruthcrs be paid $10 for 2J davs' worl ;;;;;.;;.;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;:;:;;::;:!:; ::;;;.;;;:;;;:;. ;"vcrsccin B . half day opening gravel pi v?;?????:::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: i::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::;:::::: and 2 da JB overseeing gruvciimg-car Rubber Bottoms - ' / r : Hogarth- Batchclor That the ;; port of committee re Saugcen bri ::: ' South Line, be received and Mr Bur Those who require new Rubber Bottoms on their old tops should leave them NOW and Be ready for a wet day THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ...... .;"... ..... ;;. . IfttHflf*8I!* .... .< t ....:....... MttltltlMtMftf?IfltlHlliMfllffilfHHfI*l 'netr he paid tf'JH for seven days and tl; | Hccvc 84 for one day for services i Connection witl/tho same. Carried. Curruthcrs -liurnctt-That Mr Ho i tfarth be paid two days' overseeing \vor i 38 commission on 922 expended on town . line A and M and $1 .60 corhmission or ! Sl 61). totu! 421. SO -Carried." Hurnctt -- bakhelor-That the acct I of the \V. C Hoard, $3.94, asse^smcn re Peter < 'onslcy. be paidCarried. Carruthcrs -Hogarth That in tin , mutter of fcnccviewcrs' award between \V -I Alcox and II L Douglas, filed, th fcnccvicwcrs he each paid 52 anil th amount be placed on the collector's ro* to \Y J Alcox, according to the awurp. Transen* 4dvs. Chopping done on Tuesday ind -Sat nrdiiy Orahini Uron. Kujjent* .l.iLtf and tiMo cuirots CillKIU. for n-tle Six purn IT. d Oxford I>on i-\u Unitu 'or sal. C Aliinn, R R H. 1'ruton just arrived. All rea.-ionably priced. Prices ranging from $28 up Citrons fur Sale (J. Ki, -i,. i Sn.il],, ::i i A^'cnt for the Waite Dry Cleaning Co. of Owen Sound. Everybody lifts a c.liaw^ t have their suit thoroughly (.'leaned. . Clothe* brought Monday delivered Wednmday Clothe* brought Thursday deliverrd Saturdny Overcoats turned to look like new Flesherton Tailor Shop i.' M :-K!: A MII*>| militant of fl.vor- i.l. -17 nnil v i MI MI Mtill ,, hand Phone Kl W. A ArmilronK for [-riceH 1 F.ir Sale <.r Itrnt The old eu\i factory in PleBhertr.n, on ovy termh. A|>j>ly N It. .1. Srirmil.', Flpuhorlnn. For Sale 3 Leicester ram lanihn.also I three year old, all registered. Laurie Pedlar, phone -12, ring 3, Plcshcrton. I "8T-- -Lap'inv chain, liutureen Mil in' 1 * corner and Hook Mills Kinder u'i!4B notify T. Kinher, Hock Mil. or lukrual t his dir.ee. 2 inc. Siu-rp l ? or Sale- --Two year old Ox ; ford Down rams, registered and rain ! lamb -Apply to S.R. Hawkins, I-'ufjcn :ia P.O. T. C. BLAKELEY Merchant Tailor i For Salr Driving nuro V yi-urs old, iviin- ImrntKN, top linsjsy unl cutler II i-h*ii. K. U. White, IW-lc uiii Mr. C&r Owner We carry the best Tires, Inner Tubes, Oils and other Automobile equipment. We believe in selling the best merchandise that money can buy.. Our customers appreciate ii. We make a specialty of battery repairs and guarantee a satisfactory job on any make of battery at a reasonable price. We bave the best and most thoroughly experienced mechanics. Bring in your car and let us give it a careful inspector! free of charge. We correct all defects effectively and inexpensively. The sooner we do it, the less it costs, for a little defect today may mean a bigger one t : norrow. THE Flesherton Advance Ai> independent newspaper published e-teU Wednesday at the ottiee.Colliugwoud Stieot,.FIegherton. Subscription price SV.f.O per annum when piid in advance ; -"-'i'' I when not so paid. $2.00 to Unilcd Slates. Advertising rates on application. Circulation over 1100 weekly. W. II. THUUSTOX KI.ITOR MOTHERS' PENSION ACT 'lite Mother's Allowance Actrs one of the best pieces ot legislation ever placed on oiir statute books and iu the lust two years has doue an incalcu- lable amount ol good iu the- matter of keeping families together and assist- ing needy mothers in the care for tlieir fatherless children. In the last government report of the work douc along this line our own county lias been alive to the benefit ofi 1. 1 Act. Puring the past year 87198.00 WHS paid out to beneficiar- ies under the Act iu the County of G.ey. Of tliis amount 8H596 50 was paid by the government and 8373G.50 ivas charge-able to the municipalities But of all the sources i.f luxation this Act rcceiven thleast criticism. And it ia not charity, which fact umkcn tne fund moic ucccptable to Fensitive roothors, but i* looked upon as a debt that is owed by the State to mothers of families where the bread winner has been taken away lor ouc wiuse or another. Ii is also claimed that by salving launlu.- in ihi.-i m inner a pos- itive saving is dciivcd by thf- state in pcrsoual care and costs iu after years, thr jngli the maintaining f families 'inact, and in the flimmution of an incentive to crime. 'I hen-fore, wr say, it is one of the best pieces ol leg- islation ever placed on the Ontario statutes, and m ceitainly in itn al- t'j^ether dilFeront category fioin the Pension Act, which was just iw great a piece ol folly as this was wise and just, NOT A POLITICIAN Miss McPhail, M.I', in her spet hers Friday evening last, dt-linrd politician und dcclart-d that she wan nol"it. Her jflinitioii nf a poli- tician was : " A man who can make a nice speech without hurting uny- body's feelings and saying noihiug ; and 1 can't do it. " A CAD OFFICE HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 16'! YOUNG man may Lave many friends, . but he will find uene so stead- fast, no ready tc respond to his wante, and so capable of pushing him ahead, as a Savings Bank Pass Book with a gooel balance in his favor. If yon have no Savings account, optn one today, and step forward on the road to independ- ence. ft BANK OF HAMILTON OUNOALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRxNCH PROT010-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager 5 WE SF,LL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. Tlioro eccms (u be a congestion in Muntu-ixl ecul \.i:.l n'ilh all the \Yuleh COB! being putued into tlie country. I'!,. - . LO i nj.^Lio., in tins IMI'. tlxmgli, -ui'l n,i liiture prospects are sfuuiiugly ii.: bright for veu Imviiigu ^inull of coul here. Feversham Fair Prize Winners A Paint Shop Has Been Added to our Service We have recently added an up-to-date paint shop to our service and can make your car look like new. Bring your next job to us whether it be for equipment, re- pairing, painting, oil or gas and get the same satisfaction we are giving our steadily growing list of customers. D. Mel avish fj I f h rol 3t ;I:HI . -r Cars Pi:' . /: . W i' te Ro: ;<> n (vbntinuvd fc;.m L-wi \v.k) ows, U (.Miurnu, Mrs J Moti'ati; \\Vrr- n.-i .r Jus |JIHII( ; Citrii!>, (' Miller, t Oiiiirue ; ' u :,:.!, -i -, I, A Flshtr, J J K-IUIIIK ; MuKkiiH'iun, A J iJonrt/n. L AtkiiiMiii ; Winter uduhu-', I. A I'.sli^r; Celery while, W A llitwken ; C'ulory rci 1 , L A I'.nher. 1 Alia & OTUDU I'UdDL'CE 30 i'j Crock IT bi x butter, L Fishtr ; 1011) crock bulK-i, Wm \\iiiht, JD Lgj;ii't , 5 Ib d^iry butlt-r, J KtTinlitn, Mis Milhir, \Vrij{lii ; Hunm leuiluicd linl, I, l-'.f-li.'i, Mr .1 Mi.lJ.u ; M '\jili) nyuiji, Mi-i C .S.Tv ite, llmto.Y ; M^i^lo su^'iir, F SiKiffunl, L Fiflirr : llmioy clear, A J Cuiiron ; Money itinbor, A 3 Ooiiroii, I) King. !Spccil L>r MvK'ty 5 HH buttui, W Wright ; U, u k . f Toron- to, L Fislur. \V Wright. MUir 'l'ilu\ ill S.vii^l ('[il. ., Airs ,1 Mi.fTiir, licui Itiwlur ; Hon D^VIN, 1, A l''i.s!ioi,C itnatnw ; DuchcBs, A J CUMYIV, I, At- Uii' i ; Alo.X'ituUir, Jas .Miurt>, Coiirou; \Volfvi Hivi-r, (.i Miller, L At'<ins n ; S low, 1; Fislior, (.leu Ijswler ; Russi'tl, li ',).->li'>i-iie, (i ftlillrr ; 1'ewiuki'c, K II:i.vt.'ii, J Ivirn.iliuii ; Cull, i-f pt-r8, CJ Millor ; C..H. of of fiuit, ( .Miller. 1JOMKST1U 801KNi:K If You Need A New Range s TACO ranges art- giving good sat'sfaction "Anyone can bake with a Taco" is a!, out the finest tribute that has ever been given to the cooking qualities of any range. Ideas have been incorporated into its construction which place it above other ranges of this type, and make its operation, extremely simple and its efficiency undisputed. Flt-gherlon FRANK W. DUNCAN 'Phone 24 r 1 1 * ^ ' t : : I Cold Weather Ahead - COLD WEATHER MAKES SEV- ERE DEMANDS ON YOUR STOR- AGE BATRERY. Let us furnish it with the pep and power to answer every requirement. Call in and let us tell you about our Winter storage plan. Don't forget your Radiator on a cold night. H. DOWN & SONS AUTOMOBILES and FARM IMPLEMENTS -rr; i * . -..- PREPARE for a BUSINESS CAREER LLIOTT bread y t >!,t nuii>g, Me- *, ... . . ., 11 \oii''otinJ Char cs btreeta, Toronto Kiniu.n, Hint! ', Home na IB tirnul, )>rwn L \ I'. !..,, J Mi Knhur, J M. ili i ; llumeniilo b;uul, fruit J ftlckiiiiioii, l-'i '..--. Nut in;nl cuokii'?, McKuuion, Miller .,, r on kit'H, Kidlior, Kiu'iinhan ; To or drop o*ko<, Koiiuhin, Miller ; Apple pie, .Vlik'iiuoil, Bwki:iiJ ; 1'umpklii [lie, M K.II, I.nwlor ; iSpunte c ko, Uuy, AI'tTi't ; 1 'iiu.M j.V. Kn >'. v, McKu ^ i Mtnn M.-Kiu: on, Fi^hiir ; Pi, in Ki-r..h ft 0*1 -\ ; l,ii>la lnyer J , 1' r.vli. lu. , ll.ii li.tr ; b . f m t -x. . . ' r . 1 inni... r.,iiind Kvery gr.uhntte of the l.tst twlvo niontho hiif prumplly obtained nn- pliiynient. KIIUT any time. Write fur catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, H. A. McKEE Missed First Chance At School You cm i-finody the ilcfacts ol your oaily fUucati.iu in the Ptepralory t i>f the M At P. V I', fol, VI - ; i .i'-"i, M > :;-.-, i ' i .-]' in I t :>i ia'. ivii No ti> far iiiak. Iiulividuil in- struirsii'i <. U uiuieuct> ojjy criy. ; it'- ii'ns fr<-. A H,K4iiXO, K.C.A , I', -.i.ii-'il sirr. -{ D - I 4 i I I (

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