Flesherton Advance, 25 Oct 1922, p. 5

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October 25 1922 THK FLESHEKTQN ADVANCE -. r * > > * . * . . <*s .11 l - . I \ it Deposit Your Coupons you cut the coupons from your Victory Bond* or other securities, the logical -place to put them la into your savings account. Savings Department* are maintained at all our branches an4 Victory Bond coupons will be received for deposit or encash- ment without charge. l^t tbe interest from your investment eara more interest in the "Standard . THE Give. Picture Of Her Experiences At Ottawa J. J. MORRISON ALSO SPEAKS FLESHERTON BRANCH, - C. T. BATTY, Manager. Branches also at Williamifarti and Holland C*ntr*. ANADIAN C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station aa ullowa : Going South Going North 7.56 a. m. 11.52 a.m. 4.30p.m. 9.30p.m. The mails are osen at Flesherton ta follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 6 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. Local Chaff Vaplor ' (Optical Co. Comprehensive Eye Examination Glasses desigued and especially made and grouud fur individual ual requirement. Branch at Meaford- Johnston's Drug Store in ch;irge of Dr. A. G. McComb. Those adjacent to Meaford are as- sured of our efficient optical service. B. fc). tEaplor Optical Co. OWEN SOUND and MEAFORD Ex'ablibhed 1892 Keep an eye open fur Haw's salt- bill aeit week. Mrs Win. Moore wa in Toronto fur a few days the ptst week. Dr. and Mrs. Murray "and daughter, Rjtty, aie spending this week in Toronto. Haw 6 bi|^ sale commences N ; . 7tb. Mia. C. Dyer of Oshawa is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Jos. Blackburn. Mr. R. O. Merrick of Sault Ste. Mane is visiting his niece, Mrs. J. Cargoe. CUrenoj r'isher returned to Toronto j Mis. Charley (.-.,<:.. of O*on to day after spending th past two week 8 I Sound is visiting at J. 1 i-fethwitite's Mrs. W. A. Arms'rona is spending a week in Toroat'). Mr. and MM Howard McAuley of Dun- dalk spent the week ei;d at the laser's old home here. Mrs. Mary Jauiieson left on Moads y at lui home here. Mi. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell aud daughter, Aleda, accompanied by Miss Holmes, wer in Hanover on Saturday. Mr. C, W Hisey of Toronto took his position in the Standard Bank here on Friday. Mrs. Wm. Sharp has relurntd home after spending a couple of in i, !-- with for a two months Mrs. Rutled^e, at. Mont Oiiiir, N. J. Try a small dvt. in The Advance' if her dau!4bt B r at Collinzwood. i you have anything to buy or sell, oc if Mies Irene Sharp motored up from ' you hive lust anything The Advance Toronto and spent Sunday under the "touches the ipu parental roof. j Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson and Services will be held in the Rock Mills' children of St. Catherine* motnrtd up Baptist church in the afternoon during j aud spent the we*k eod with tbe for- tii- winter months. Sundty School at j rner's mother iu towu aud the tatter's 2.30 and service at 3. 3<7 p m. parents. Mr. and Mrs. rianlry, ou the The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ! at!l line - will be observed in the Methodist church ! Mr. W. J. Caawell of ton received next Sunday morning. A special collec- 'he sad news of the death of his brut her, tion fur flowers will be made. ' Samuel, at Cadillac, Sask . on Sepr 30th An idea in the w*y of getlin? humus j laat * th a e ' 78 years, iho burial for the -soil i to collect the leaves on | tkiug pUc a- Deloraine. Mu. Tbe A very interesting meeting was held in the town hall on Friday evening last at which Miss McPhail, M.P., and Mr. J. J. Morrison were the speakers, wtth Mr. Harry Shaw in the chair. The aud- ience was a large one, occupying all ttnr seating capacity of the hall. Mise McPhail was first speaker. She described her experience at Ottawa last session and decried our present system of governrrent. It was a government controlled by three interests organ- ized manufacturers, banking and rail-; ways. She was evidently not in favor of a strong government and gave instances where a weak government was forced to bow to the will of the progressives in the matter of estimates more particul- arly, especially of the military estimates. She stood for a weak government and strong opposition. Miss McPhairsaa- Ji ess lasted for about an hour and was the best we have yet heard her deliver. J. J. Moiriso-.i, secretary of the Far- mer's Co operatjve, spoke for an hour and a quarter. He had just arrived from the fire-stricken district of northern Ontario and outlined conditions up there and the manner in which relief is being organized. He spoke for an hour and a quarter and covered considerable gronnd worked over in former speeches. He compared the farmer \vith organized city interests, declaring that the latter was organized to restrict trade and keep up prices, while the former was desirous of throw ing every thing open and keeping prices down. He laughed at the idea of bringing in immigrants to put on the land with a view to added production and consequently lowering the prices of farm products, while artisans and me- chanics were not allowed to come in because it would have the effect of lowering wages, anJ this organised labor would not stand for. There were signs of unrest in every civili/;d country, where many new part es were in evi- wc visit with her iu.it her, Jence, and he did not think that could ever return to the old two-party system. It was 10.45 when Mr. Mor- rison ended his addre'is and both he and the member were listened to with deep interest throughout Ai: amusing incident occurred at the beginning. \Vlicn the chairman called on the audience to sing " O Canada ' not one person was found who could Arrested For Stealing; Two young men of Brsmpton, Gamble and Rellinson hy name 23 and 18 years respectively, were arrested here on Thursday* of last week ou a charge of robbery, (he crime being committed at Brnnpton. A siore had been entered and some chucdate', club bsg aud a goid watch stolen. The accused were! traced aud found working on farms in. this 1 eility, Roilineon with W. J. Chard j and Gamble with Chas. Hanley. The] young men claim they are not guilty, i* they were at Piiiprose that night. Tl..- chief i.f police of Brampton came up on Friday and took tne prisoners back with) him, but no word has been received on I the ou'conis of the FARMS FOR SALE Lot 4, Con. 4, Euphrasia, 150 acre.", half mile from Kiralierley. Must ie s>!d at a bargain. Apply to John Smith, Rob Roy P.O. Start it. and after waiting for some time inmortirifil silence a compromise was made by singing "The Maple Leaf," led by Mrs. Will Henry of town. The for- Good lot containing 23 acre*, gocd frame houee and kitchen, ttmall orchard, creek cr *.<-. premises (';.,- to school nd church, between Fleshertun and Ceylon. Apply to J. KAWCETT, Flesherton. Lot E. half 7 an J'S, Con. 4, Osprev, 150 acres, 90' acres tillable ; good build- ings, good water. For further informa- tion apply to E-. H 1 LLOCK. Phone DundalU Idee Maxwel Lot 34, Con. 1 1. Artcrv.esia. contain- ing \'10 acres, half under cultivation, balance pasture and bush. Good barn and stabling, frame house, aiul small orchard. \Vcll watered. Apply to Phone BERT MAGEE, Eugenia. House and Lot For Sale The prop- , erly known as the Ashdown residence at' Ceylon, an ei^ht roomed dwelling, good cellir, btable, etc. ; about an acre of land, would make a good home fr>r a retired gentleman. For terms nd fur- ther Darticulnrs apply to W. J. Bullaiy, ' FleHheton. IMayft i Dairy Farm in the corporation of Flesherton will be offered by tender by , the month uo to October 12th, 1922. [ Barn electric lighted and all Bother con-: vcniences ; 7 years milk delivery in| Flesherton. Full possession about the first of November About twenty leads of oat hay and about an acre of man- gulds which i.an be bought. Address - A THI3TLF.TH\VAITE. Flesherton.; 200 acre;, luU 33 ,ind .U. Gravel K ,id. Osprey Tovnabtp ; 70 to 80 cre< hard- wood bush, partly Bulled, and 13 co 20 acres ceJ.ir sw:ui)|i. partly culled, on farm. G->cd -i i in 1 bouso ui'i .'d bank barn, NOTICE "His Master's Voice" VICTOR RECORDS We are pleased to be able to announce a reduction in 10-inch Victor Records. FORMERLY 85 CIS. 75 NOW CENTS You are cordially invited to come and hear your latest piece. Als the latest hits. i W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler FLESHERTON Optician Music Supplies mer ode has apparently not yet become t | 80 p m u' frame hcmso <>n piemws familiar here as a national anthem, and few people have memorized it- Osprcy towuship was well rcprcsent- the streets and ins'ead of burning them J deceased leaves to mourn him six song and I ed at the meeting, several car-loads of people coming from the central part of j that township out! daughter, his wife hario^ ed him twenty live yu-iri ago. Harvest Home xerviceB will be held in the PricBvillu Methodist chuich on Oct. ' 29ih, service at 3 put. to permit the! friends of the neighboring churches lo I "rt""" 1 - The paster, iiev. A, Bnnhell, I w '" t *' te "^arge f tne erice. The j Mrs. Andrew Bent ham pun the leaves in a cone in the yard. (Sprinkle a few ahovelsful of earth on top aud leave them there. The reiult in the spring will be a natural mold for planting flowers. Try it this fall intea.d of burning tbe leaves. The W. I. will ment at the home o^ i Mr*. H. Down on Wed , Nor. lit at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Oke will K iv a paper on j choit of lh:) Ebenezor church will fur- ' -Little thiDgB ihat make life beautiful" ;; Ili8h music - The Lvlies Aid will lake "The all round wouiau' by Mrs. Iliokliog | =Viige f decorating the church to suit j a lengthy illness. She lenves one Solo. Mn. Fowler. Baking Com., Mrs. th joyful occasion. Ou account of the ! and ouu daughter, Will B,ntism Thete t inns are very MK-.ih.i- for stok : in. - ;ud the butih iu ' wamp would pruro mutiey makers ' pirtirs able to develop them. Good . .--ms for selling. Immediate posses-ion. Price reuson^Me. Mi> E-Mcdonald K. R. No. 1, Siogbamptim. C- Akias, Mrs. Turubull, Mrs. J. Wright. Sandwich, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. K. Henry. acuinuUtioi) of back debts amounting to about 810U, a !h u.li if,j, ut_; will be tako _ I at this Bervise with tha expectation that Anniversary service In tbe Euuenlt | ^ , . ,, ,, ... Presbyterian church Snoday, Nov. 5th. Service at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rvr. 0. W. Ruse. a.m. B.A, the friends will wipe out this outat&mU ing indebtedness. 150 acits, lots 134 and 135, con. 1 E. T. ! and S R, and lot 135, con. 1 S. \V. T. and S. R.. about 125 acres cleared and j in good state of cultivation, remainder Mrs. Antlrow Uenthain, formerly of swamp and pasture. On the farm is Flesherton, died at the homa of her 'one modern solid brick house S rooms . ; one bank barn SOxtiL' with straw shed daughter. Mrs. rred bhe.pard, \\ <st an j stone foundation : one implement- Toronto, on Thursd-iy f lst week after ; house 24v40 and one good barn on posts 3tii50 ; good well at barn and house and a never failing creek. This is an ideal farm loc:'tcJ onjtbc provincial highway and elose to town and high school Reasonable cash payment and terms to of Corbetou will have charge of both services. Monday evening following a fowl suppor will be served in basement of church. Good program. Admission, idults 3.) cents, children 20c. Advt. Commencing this Thursday Mr. W.H. Bunt, furniiurs deuVr, is ottering furn iture i.i rimi class condition, the salvage foini the recent tire. Some real good bsrgitias are offeted and now is the lime to secure the furniture yuu need at greatly reduced price?. AH are practically undani*gtd. Mrs. James McMullen Mti). James McMulleu. who has been a great xutterer for some time, was re- lieved by death at her home, west bock line, ou Monday moroiug, at the age of 64 \c i -,. The deceased lady was a daughter ot the lute Thorium Kells, so well known in the warty history of the township f Artemesia Forty years ago she married her nuw sorrowing hus the good* j band, by whom she raised a family of l*ix boys dud three giils Uor.lou cf eon and Mis. Fred Sheppard, both of West, To- ronto. For many yeais Mrs. Beiilham lived here with her hu>bmd auu w iiiUjh i".ti. in. .t One lou, Elwnrd, I died a few yeais auo of the flu. Inler- j meat took place on Saturday m tbe . family burial plot at Toronto. Her 1 hurband ptedt-ceaoud her about three years ago. Mrs. Benin mi wts a daugh' tur of the lite Pntriok <juii;i{. Those who attended tbu funeral from hero were: Mrs. Wilcuck, W. P. C'oss'ey and ThoH. During the pst few weeks The vance has added large number i f subscriptions to its list, hut more slw.^ys welcome. So will The Ailtiince be welcome to tbe one who is awuy from home. " Just like letter from home.' 1 we always hear. S^nil The Advance to a friend uo, don't wait for some other time. Tim Teeawater train up fmtu Toiouto was wrcli>d between Wroxater and Olcnanuati on Wednesday of last week. Twelve of the p;issengers d all c.f the crow wire shaken up and injured. T. Storey, fireman, was sed< u-ly injured when he w<is thrown out of iho onb. Mr. Storey is a brother-in-lawr of Mr. John Flyuu of the Meifoid Road, having in mi >i Mis* Annie Flynu > few years ago. The sttetching of wire i>n the Pcoin- Cm! Hinhw,\y south of the village y rapidly and Mr. Cus Ad. Moncton, N.B., Stanley, Fred aud Aus- n [tin ol Toronto, Charles killed in the me | w r < an ^ ii'iothes sou, Win., died at home at the age of 17 ; nd Ernie at hunui. Ttie daughters are Mrs (Dr ) Hawk of Medicine Hat, Alberta, Mrs. Buckley of Ton uto and Allie at Ih.me. Mrs. McMulleu was a fond unit her aud will bo terribly mouined by her f.imily. Since her unrriugv she has been a cou> isisteut member of tbe rreahyierian 'church. luterment will tae place in i FluKhertou rciuetety on Thursday of 1 i this wi'ofc, after service iu the Prt-sbj ! toiian church at 'J p.tu. McDonald Wilson At the j>arsongo Cu'lingwot'd three 'o'clock Wi-Juefdy a r teiu. n Oclobtc l?-h. 19^.', Piellse Gertrude Wilson, is only ij-iu,! tor of Mr. tnd Mrs. Alex- ll Kltc Wilson, Singhiiinptoii, waa anited Mrs- John Bellamy Mrs. John Bolliiiny, areiidon* . f this for ove* lif'y ye.ns, pussed xay at her 1. m heie Sunday moriiing after :\ very brief illness. Mrs. Hallamy had been visiting her children at l.!iui-;iy ( and Tiirnnt 'itid relurni'd homo rnly a i we-k previous to her death. She wns in I her usual health a' tint time and .is out of tha house Slurd:iy eve-iiiujj. At nig)>t she li-d her bed lirought down- st iirs iid ccnipUiiirvl c-f s sSicht hc-iil- achi' mid ftoling hot, anJ dir.iiu 1 I.e ninhl g.it worse mil pi^sail nwsy jbout 5 a. \n. Th doctor pronoonced it in bo' suit purchaser. For further particulars and terms apply to W. J. DAVIS, Markdalc R R 4. or write to W. M Davis, 2 Muir Avc.,_Toroiiti>. THE FLESHERTON Hardware Store HOUSE MADE WORK IS EASIER where the kitchen is equipped with such uteusils as ours. Eyen wash and ironing days lose some of their terrors where our tubs, pails, dipper?, irons, wringers, etc., are in use. How about your kitchen outfit? Does it lack any- thing it should have' Come here and get it. right in] price and decidedly right in price. D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario enpeots to have the wire up this fall. The r<n>\ wsis widvnu-d ihu si;am>vr tsn feet on IN* ! : i o(.!>ivern> mi-:" - pp'yii v w ' ro which is be . ' ' : and i i . .... . .; toh . in l.vly (niiida of n'ntrim-.'ny to Mr Str i.!.c i * Vi'lV'tcilJ, son of Mr H d Mi-, "i : J.TcDun-.id, R -v . Mi. .luni' -; 1'Uiuiister cd fo i ' - '''I'd in jjr. y t',:i-i-B ' - v ' '. ' t'_ : ' wi.h h:lt (8 :mklek, 1 1. pie will i ' .1 .h" - Mis. r.L-Uamy was born in Mnripoaa ti''.\ n hip, lur iiniil.-!' n- : luiiii^ M- ti'iii Tlloiii| son.. S!:i> w;i 77 yaws cf n,' \j,l !, :i\ s \ f mi: y cif f '-! HI-IK and tlj'eo ii iU:-;lUiT i; . .-.L;O in Wpunpou, Gail in (< '':)'> ''"''' i Ci-lliuiiwin.d, 1'iicy inldresti U'lkiinvtii ; Mrs. fhle8 Phillips in<l Mis. H.irpell, Turonto ; and Mis. Tr-.nip, Lliiinver. She Vw le:iv tvi> sistiM, Mv l!rn,.k.t. Lim'siiy, a:.a Vrs. !\!c.*r(hur "lit \Vr. Th* fijne;.i! look p'nce to F r i.-sher:iQ ocn< tery o:r~Tucs.iity aftert.-.'oii. Her atsd IM - : i 1'iniily lit .- lll> -Vij'.itll.v i . ;y - i- f . (j.. - I 1 ( . ., . ;.i:u. s : . ..:> . i ' Stylish Felt Hats For Men fine fur felt dependable quality- latest style sbapes rl, Brown, Fawn, G Special $3. 75 v .h or Smootli finish New fall colorTngs Grey, Pearl, Krowu, Fawn, Green and Black. All sizes- 75 Men's Caps made iij wool materials-. colors, popular Good seasonable - -snino~whh ear b.iuds. others without. Ad trurd weiijlit--, enitftbte for cold w eat ter wear. All M'/.OS. $! 29 Special .................... * * Classy Cloth Caps For Fall A new selection in plain and fancy all- vvool (.-Kiths made tip in the latest pop- ular shapes in a variety of colon iiii<. All liavi; real leather s\\ t 'ar bands- unbreakable peaks and satin linings. Si/oi <r> to 7$. Prices $1.7 5 to $2.50 Knitted Silk Neckwear .lust received a lu'i; r;inge uf knitted silk neckwear so deservedly popula fill weai Color dingus to ^uit, all tastes plain stiipe aud fancy patterns. "PRICES 50c. to $1.50 See the ue.w sivlt < in Arrow iust ulaoed un yalo. ' i iu Mid sev unr new styles ancfc prii't'.s \\iLl >arely pleaso you. F. H.W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTAP

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