I: Vol. 43, No.22 Flesherton, Ont., November I, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. | Eugenia Correspondence I Aiding Fire Sufferers - Hallowe'en Party This Week's Iierus Held Orer Last Week ^ BMov j en plrty Rl ven by the Tb Ladies of EagenU are not behind teachert n i8S j eau Wright, and her others who have undertaken the good ^.^ an j ,[j c pf0 p, e O f the section, on work of helpfulneis and the needs jf p^j^ night, was untrue in every detail those sulfei in^ from the effects of the fire ^ mu ,^ fui , a|1( j i B ^|,ter was mauled 'n the mirth. Besides other work, ic by all _ AS tho gues's arrived at the <ju Its have been quilted, Mrs A C*r- ac i, 00 i they were received hy a Witch ruthes entertaining th ladies of East whj directed them dowpstairs. Here Mountain, Mrs Thos McKee, thoae of lhey |, jUnt j t h at the buvmaut had Useu the village, wnd Mrs Wilfred Magee the turlje j ,, , iuite a f est i ve place, the dec- ladies of the 8th line, eich <\Mtia a ood orations being of corn, tats and applf s. warm quills. Others of the vilhga do- From sec uded cornem witches revealed ruled quills all ready to send. The ,ho future- to the pe 'pie, while ghosts ladies paak the bale this Tuesday. bade them take part iu lho U3lul Ha j, Anotner consignment will be sent a week | owe - eu gHmes O f blowing out ca-idles, later, giving those who are making cloth- bobbini? f dr tt p p | e s in a tub of water, ing a chance to complete then- work. in d ciptunny ayples from strings ua- Mr and Mrs Abercrowbie of Grieis- pended from the cei!in. Bjth old and ville visited with tbo lather's uucle, ! youn^ parlicipit d in the ^ninei and Leonard Litiiuer, over the *eck end. there w is mu;h jolli'y. At o'clock the c \- j i siuests weie invil-'d to the sdioolroom. Mr and Mrs J J MrifeM M \ audeleur visited with the latter's sister, Mrs Mun sh uv. the i'.i.-t week. Mr and Mrs A H >y visited wi'.n Mefoid fnetids recently, PROTON STATION Held Over U-t Week Mr and Mis Sam Bvlfeeruw visited with friends al Maxwell. Jack Hin!ey, Laurel' spent a few days U-f w.f k at the home of A Sberkun. Jos and Thos C*mpbell, Hnlsteiu, were guests at the hwne of Sain Bitchelor. Mr ud Mrs Herott and family, Cha Lyons and J*s Neilson, visited recently with the litter's daughter at Htnover- Mr aud Mis Gamble have umved to Ir Consley's house, next to hi own which also wore a hotod*y garb. The decorations were carried out iu orange and bUck, wi'.h bluck cats u.tl wrch- -, aud pumpkin fdcos fuinished the li.iit. Everjlody j 'iued iu s^me commuuity Mr J Wickens, wife and fain !y. leave singing. TUtn there was a short i-.o- ihi week for their new hon>e near Km,- i ' bv ihe-thoo', p.ooably the moat terler- Their many fri. .ids here join in | "oUwofthy being a witch and K ln st drill. I A aue-fing contest in the f-iim of a musical romince then t <:k pl.ice, Kin wishing them every success. BORN To Mi ai'd Mrs Fred Jarn- ieiou, on Uct. 15. h, duugu'er. BOliS To Mr and Mrs Lu'hrr Duckett, ou Oct. 17t.li, it o'aujhtei. Miss X.'a Williams his ukeu ( -- ition in the city and aci-on-panied her a ^ic it aesl of credit for the ui.:e-; i. injj sister, Mrs Lteuuu, to Toronto ou > which will In) long i. 1111.111!, < red by all Wednesday cf last we- A, ' who afendetl. The r.obyteiiin church is undcryoiu:; Iv.^.'uii* h.is nerer lost i: a couipUte renov^t'.tuf. Mr C.irii..con ,.f : 't ' S""J f" wl ""PP^. 6U l1 ^' sj-iii aul John Ciuipbell ciirjiic ''tf thcp-^is. The p-iriy ttded with re- f,, laments nicely "eivcl. A colkction > .- t.tki.n in aul >-f 'ha lire >ufiVrers -5-1. I'l.o tclier Fleisheiton has thtf decoratitiz well in hand, he expects to finish this week. The Lviies' Aid and choir are purchasrug r.-puution 't ....>. <- 1 huksyivii 1){ evenly in the church. A good pr->i;raiu will *.'.- be u:\en. MISS Jea;i \Vri.>tit and friend visited anew carpet when will add to the j friends in Coliingwood c_ver :he week brightness of th church. The A.DUI- eud. vcrsary evrvices will be held on Su'iaay [ '|-j l( , 8 jj e ou SUurJay of the effects of Nov. 4'h. Tru tJ*rvtst H' mo and ,^ e ;, lte jsyd ney s m ith was not veiy fowl supper will be held in the evening j j a .g e |y attended, bat evtrjthing was of IhanltSi.iuiii; Nov. O-.h. i disposed of aud a f.iir sum realizel. Chas l'rks left this Monday for his i Master Ed^nr **pm't of FI*nhfrti'U new position with the Chavrolel Mo'.or v ii:ed with his frieuJ, Arthur 1'eJUr, Co. uf Uoha. We wish him success. over the week end. Mr 'nd Mrs WilfroJ Maec uf the 8th Mranil Mls j .i! :l ,, ee , Mr and Mrs l.ue visited with Mr uud Mis Thos Me-, R l(ic : lff i[ld M iss Dors M^ee v.sitc-J Kee rtciutly. | with Mrs Munshaw the past week. WUs Kv Tuur .iccouipnud by; R er George Sydney Smi.h of Wood- fraokie Ur X e visited with her pii-ents bridge ard Thorn s Henderson of <>r- ntgeville attended the fuuertl if their in MitrkoUle over the week eud. Mr Will Blackburn and - wife ace panted by I'.ur t n 0rruthr3 of ^iugeen, j Ust week. uncle, Sydney Smith, ou Wednesday if visittil A CiirruUieis an j wife the past week. Marjory, Annie :itid Johnny Hyslop of the Valley, vUited wi'.h their uucie, J .in i Walkur, over the week cud. Mr Win Orr heU very successful ilc on 'I'u. MI i y of latt week aud moves th s week to their new hodie u'. Ofanitr ville where Mr Orr has puivha*ed a garage business. Krn Moigin and U I'urvis hive g"iie to l'>;u-.\.i-:i i.n a linntuit* nip. , Vandeleur Alex nud wife of Priceville viMtcd wr.U Mr and Mrs S.tm G'lbert ! recently. Joseph Uuchauan mi I wife ^and Goi>. I I'-'K-h ir. in and Lundy ili'hnston nu't'itcc ! to Chesley and. spent the wvek e-.d will j friends. risrb Allen and wile of Durham, Nt Gordon Warling, wifu -in.) family, o Mrs The b-uu of 1'^uPMaase of H y town- thiu about three miles it >rth of D^sh- wood, w*> loinpleiely deslroyud by rlre, together with tho season's crop a:id a 1 ort!ar, wvre nut's'!! of Mr ttfini of horses. About five "'clock In George Warlingrtr- n'.ly. th.> moroiiiK a lighted Uniern that was Frank D-ivis and wife. Elmer h'-t lining from a baam in the ii.iru \va I "<! l**v Graham, wife and children civcHurntd by a cat, causing % ^.j,,,^ , visited friends in C.,llii,i;ood Sunday. . that turetd ,o r.,pidly that' liul. ! W U < ^ ' " Mrs W II .Bjrnettof Mwrkdalu visited with Mi mid be done to save anything 'aad Mi - J I Grahjin a short tinid 14-'. Stability *0,000,000 WHEN you are dealing with a Branch., of this Bank you are dealing with a fully equipped unit of a Back with resources in excess of $650,000,000 and with world-wide banking connections and services. Branches in all Important O it res in Canada Savings Deoarrmcnts in all Branches Bank of Montreal Established Over 100 Years Mr J,s Burton au>l wife with iheiraou, miuie, bolidyed a*, ill hnio o> the a'ter's parents, Mr and Mrs T \\yvi le- Mrs Muddy, DunJilk, is the ijuest uf er inollier-iii-law, Mrs M- !>-. Messrs GorJun and L'I yd \V,,ucln>pa isittd recently wi'li friends at Ct-ylon. The Trail Ringers' class undrr the l;ieo'.iim jf Mr Fowler eiijuyed ttly lull UD Friday evening !.-. We are iorry to report Mrs jti tho siei< lut and hupe n\\e may - >e around again. W M.txwell vUited at the hi ive 'h;n Lyons Victoria Corners of Held DVL-: L.I.-: \Vetk Mr and Mr* Jas. I.)c ! <h;ir-, Mis* )tt'llie:iud Ar^-yle. m -tored wrh U it fay'or to Brauiplon d>r ihe week end. Miss l't^i:lie L'cklurl left !d*6 M diy for Victoria ftlenuniil H >-pi* i', i' t -;it.', !KIO ;lr.' ii i-s in L:. tilling tor a nue. Htf- Vi-.lot S:evuns, a Vic'.om ilouier.n! Hxpttl 'I tffc last Si!Uid>y for Xt-w Y.nk, she i* taking a [.< ft graduate i: >u-.* . \Ve will so n be all fenced in by lew iioveiniiiout :Vnce. Mi* J i. L ickhtrt is on thu sick 5 it is improving. Miss LtidUw of U.nuilton is n-ru L; i<;r br:iher, Mr Js Laidlaw. Tbreshinu- is conipleted \:> this nviuh- borbood for (his t>e-t*n. the 1st, Funeral of Mrs- McMullen Kimberley The Fariueis' Cub met iveuiug to makf *i:apj;?ineiits to provide oine heip for :he fire sutferera up nurih- fliuy are uudei ttku-g U> ^ite a lioma 'or a family aud feed *< me cat i If, and donated f4U to '.he ladies to t uy nutci - ia tu oinke gaiments for tli< chi.aien. The W I mel Thursday afteruoon nd decided t;i unkrf 'juilti* Already tl.ey lave tivt iu sight and expect others ai.d other things for a j.'i.od sulstautial bale. They meet ou Tuesday in the Couitiuu- ty ball to ijuil'. Next Sunday the Methodise church u iviun lh.tnka^ivini services. Ki v TU White, a former pttor, will [ r<iiich ii' iiiiiu Hud evening, fuliuited uii Tuis day e\ci:iug by a fowl c upper. Mr W Planu held :i i>h<>.ti ^ uiitih oils djy l:tsr week, sli ot-irj f jr fo>rl. The people uf thin community galh- er*d at llic liume cf Mrs J nn.s L^wretce on tnUy eveuing MM u^e ibu tride ilia gii^om a s...jtr r u. my us.lul th:n-^i tor tlitir u.'w h.mie. Vic: it E ii .ind KitV, n).i iii MI \\ i- ucui i, spent thd wei-k viid with 'A T Kills aud U:ui-y. \ v > ire surry lo !crn that Jiis Jthn \\cber is vtry ill. Sir aul ilr Geo liuirut have ijoin ;' iheir new hoiuc with Mr Embu y, ua Mr ai.d Jlia \Viccu have m.ivi-U ti. ..: tii^eiiU to tiitir l-iiiu on the v,t 1 y rjud. VV L .Myers tool; Mi>js M > . \ . Fi.iLtLr. J.en.i Llutcliinson and L)'--su - S'.'iH'-rd to the luiosionaiy con- i this v.-'v Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS ISI'AL Funeral Direct* ;j and lonbalmers \VALTHAM Phone Hillcrest 268 THE \\OHLOS \%ATCM OVEK TL^\E 124 Avenue Road 1 ZiKS l f H " ; ! , I 1 ""? i Toronto. Ont. work watch or a anuui hand- ! sonic, ladies wrist watch, we | MOTOR EQUIPMENT can serve you. thin ran teed , v D 4 T> ,, ,, , or course. J ' ^ ' Bates ' R ' Mad d k *- President. . . Manager. Tlie funeral of the U'o Mrs. ,Um.-s McMiillen w.is held ou Thursday of last work, when the rein tins v^rv takei the I'.r-ibyteriau church, where an im- pressice service was held bylhepistor, Rev. If. G. Fowler, the sermon IM-IV! on the subject, "Ol< de-it h, 18 thy 8 r uii{.' Uh uravi 1 . where is thy victory! Mis. (llov ) Fowler aid Mrs McCullum i::x beautifully, "Lead Kiudly Light." The corteitu n is one of the lir^est seen here f r some time. The deceased lady ; very highly esteemed, m the commuuity and had ac<|uired nui.y wiiiu fni- ids dur:nj hei lifetinid who mourn her departuie. Muny wionthes from friends were deposited on the bier >s follows : From the adju:tini( depart- inent of the T. Ettou Co., Gordon of Moneton, S.B., Mr. and Mrs. L. Marsh- all, Toronto ; Goldwiu McMui.'en. Dr. J. A. lfroh*m, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Buckley, Dr. J. A. Bnyd, all of Toronto: the l.idios Aid of Clialmii's church aud M;M Bcitrice Hearst, Toronto. Among rhoso who attended liuin a distance were \V. K. Buckley, Toronto : Mis. D. Cuuuiiuhaui, Owen Sound, and Mis. A. Myles, Kinibeily. All 'lie children wrru home with the rxception of Gordo;), who was unable 10 atu-ud offing to the illiifSj of his wife. The pillbearers wrw Geonje Cairn?, Frank C.iirns 5>r', Frank Chard, Win. Stuwrt, S. ilemphill and Alfred Myle.v r..-.-i ION her i.u iiv.u i--. family the deceased lady leaves one brother. Mr. Will KV.is of Mnple C'l eelf, and ti^hl sisters Mis. Sparhuit of Webb, Sas k. ; Mrs. Hiotof Peace Uiver, Albert*; Mis. McCallum, Oiegon : Mis. Sheld n- Maple Creek ; Mrs Cameioo, Ori'lia ; Mrt. A. Mjl-!-, Kimberlcy ; Mrs. I I.n IT ef British Columbia, and Mixs KJu* (veils of KJiiiuntcu Stock For Sale j tfi Tamwnrlh sow* due to firro* . e.irly iu J:':iu try. three FUWH 5 in -nth* ' old, rc^dy : i breeJ, teveii wo*ned sows ' ii'd loars, ,:i pure l>:*d. A^o four j pure bred ' '\f. r I Down liunbs ml three i rmu l:ubs, all - .00!; of the real tyue and i f ' H'.in , i 1 > ii 1 ' H D. ML<,^GUUV. <n n R4, Mirk..i-ilo i Ceylon Mrs Davis oi H mover >; i-r.t the week end with X Arch lu.d :iii': jiiiiily. i^hu Ccok, wife :ir.d J .n^hter,"Jlu irl, of Meat, id, 1111 J Thomas (Jo/k ami nilc M^iU.lale, kpeat tic tirst i i the wiek at RC.-ok's. Mr and Mrs Wi.l H i 1 a: d family of M trkiUle were fir-tit' th< ucek visiioig ;it R L'o-ik's. Tl.o chinch service here nil b held iu the tvaiius! at 7 o cVck for the winter m -mhs, star<in2 wi:h Suud iy, N->v. '<. The Sund-iy school will L-e held at l!i.> u-u.i. hour in the afternoon. Mr .l.'ins ofTcti'iito will uku tho seivivre iieis onci* a in 'in h during the ;:.:. in :.'. Mrs Cuuuiu^iiiui of tiiv u Sound attended the funenl of the . James McMulleu Ust Thursday. Al rs Traccy of Hollind (>i.tio the week ilia it f. Muu'*. Mr ;nd Mrs C'.mpW'll and t*o sciu of Toronto are tailors al J Do^. Mis J L\illinson. Miss .1 Ci IKnS'in, V. D. Caiins^nd wife und FriiK '. 'nu.> sr mid wife uiutored to Clark<l-ur^ uid visited wrli friends the rust ot :!ie \veek Ai -. spent FEVKRSHAM Tile weather is ideil nd fanuis .ire i ikiu^ :idv.inU{ce uf it to ij-ithti iu tlieii corn aud ro t crop. Mrs McLenu cf Mclnlyre i-i \ is;tii i with her >itjr, Mi>s KI >r t Cnii!;> .ell, 01 tho Mh iiuo. Mrs Harold Ojborne aid hubs v;situ will) the t rinei's sister, at U.ck .Mills. Miss A. V. HawU'ii of Stiiyntr i visit in,; with her uncle ai.d aunt, Mr. am Mr*i Tlios. W. O'liruii. Mr Joliii WinterN and Udy uiend ris lied riieuds iu P'evciJum mi '.... ii;,. There will Le service in tha Slv:i-i.m Aimy ll-il', FcvfValnmi, ncxi Suii'liy Nov. .> h, at lit i>0 a m aud 7 ]> <u, con* dueled l>y Ensinu Mtore "f Coliin^wood. In Memoriam l'i miut.ny of our mother. Mr*. Smith, who died Oct. IWi !!_' I. " Iu ihtt cily of life, o'er tlic hilir .) W. A. Armstrong Now is the time to renew JEWELER :-: OPTIC.AN y()Ur subscription to Flesherton, - Ont.j The Advance Peopled Grocery Whatever It May Be, always ny to keep t-:. what you rei[uii-e. : are now in season Fruit \\"f al-vv.iys carry a lull stock of fre.-h ;;-. and men timi our toliaccns. _ i'.s and nipcs to be of the best rjimlity and at reasoinble prices. Get the habit to shop here FEED All ki mis of feed. A carload or Five Koses Floiu has just arnvetf. Ciot your's now. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds. Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario An annonncement will appeer in this space next week. W. L. WRIGHT fr Where tho sun never set*, nor tho tl >w- ers dacny, Slid is with the redeemed, fre* fi- m iroun'.o and pain. her so much, but we'll meet her -Tlu- Card of Thanks Mr. ahd Mr*. A. Smith Joiie to thank all friends fur tlioiv kii.uneas .IIK! >jnir>. a l.y HI 'i ii ic. - -'ut sad beteavrmvi.t ,'f : ' : :ner'i dwir brother Try Finder's Bread NONE BETTER There is no food equal to Bread in food value. .\ full Iiuo of Groceries, also Canned Goods ^ PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Flesherton