Flesherton Advance, 1 Nov 1922, p. 7

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1 1 i November 1 1922 THB FLESHEBTj6N ADVANCE Financial Information AS an institution with first hand knowledge of ^financial markets at home and abroad, and with Managers of broad experience and unbiased judge- ment, thu Bank is in a position to render invaluable information on investment and other matters to patrons. STANDARD StKVICB It C.mfr.kn.i*, ,/ Strofe*. TNI money STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. , jMB FLESHERTON BRANCH, . C T. BATTY, Manager. Branche. alto at WillUmslord ind Holland Centre. CANADIAN PA.CI FIG C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fleahercon Station as ! allows: roin South (Joing North 7. 55 a. m. 11.52 a.m. 4.30 p.m. d.aOp. m. The mails are oaea at Fleaherton ai followH : For the uortb at 10.40 a.m.aad <5 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south ' mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. Local Chaff (Optical Co. Comprehensive Eye Examination i ;iiiKses demgued nd especially mods' and ground fur individual n.-ii requirement. Branch at Meaford- Johnston'* Drue Store in charge of Dr. A. <;. McComh. Those adjacent to Me;ifurd areas* tmred of our efficient optical service. itt. fe. tEaplor Optical Co. OWEN SOUND and MEAFORD Established 1892 The Deer Hunters Leaving For North The deer bun 1 inn seaion opens >jn Mou<l;iy n( next week tu.d the hunting parties leave for the north this week. The llncli Mills parly is composed ot J. D.igavel, W<n. Phillips, Isaac Smith, Fred M.iihewson, Les Chard. W. Chard, D. Willwms, Robeit H cMullen, all of this district ; Wilfred Phillips and Jas. Havereon of Pnlnimslon. This parly will hunt OD their old ground at Deer Lake. The Flesherton party will not be quite us large HH us-ual tl^is year, several of the old member* dropping out. Frcm the village only four of the HiL'li Falls C'ub will venture forth this year Geo. Mitchell, b. Welton, \V. H. Thureton | and J. Hales. Others of this party are H. Munshaw, Eugenia ; John MoKea land S. Pedlar, 4th line; T. Lock hart. Dundtlk ; Joe Hudson, Brooklyn, and Beth McWilliams, Toronto. Their old destination. High Falls, look* good to them attain this yeai. Buth of these ' parties will leave on Friday nf this week although representatives have ^one on ahead to prepare camp. Harry Down ; of town will join the Stuart hunt club 1 which hunts in the vicinity of Algonquin Park, and Rev. Mr. Oke will join a party which hunts jusi south of the French river on the 0. X. R. Miss Annie Johnston of Toronto vis- ited friends here during the past week. Jim Statfi.rd of Toronto spent the! wf-k end in town. T. Henry visited hiH daughter at ] Meaford list week. BORN la Flesherton on Wed, Oct.: 25th, 1922, t.) Mr. sud Mrs. Wm. ; Brown, agon. Mr John Bellamy Itft on Friday to 1 spend the winter with his aon, Citrltoii, at Lindsay. Geo. McGuireof Shelburm- wns the' recipient of several pickles of shot when his hum Hi'; companion fired at a rabbit. It is to ' Advertise in The Advance, your interest. An overflow of 'idveitisinu hax made it necessary for us to print this weak. Knocked Unconscious Mr. Finder, biker, had H narrow es- cape from -;, MOILS bodily injuiy on ton pases Thursday of last week. While stepping 1 over :i belt connected with > moulding The Presbyterian Guild will hold their , n>chine the belt cauKhc in his clothing Hallowe'en social in the church toniuht, '* nd threw nim forclul y Riit the tnach- (Wednesday.) Everybody is invited. '. tae > and " to ths cement floor. He was senseless for a -li..i r time aud on coming Mr. ami . Will Moore nd daugh- | to diac(iveretl tlut his wm hlul Wn lar.ofMaafoni, accompanied by a friend , 8B v ere |y burned by ll.o belt and there *iied with Mrs. Julian on Sunday. I , a fcw minw .^ ^ ^ m> b(]neg Rev. Junes, a student, look the services ( were broken, and lliete was no hiatus in nn the Baptist circuit here on Sunday. ' t*ie supply of bread fur his customer*. (.'has. Flynn of Toronto spent a few ' In otllot wards lle remained on the job Mf D.wn and We. Armstrong motor ed d4ys|a8t ; yeek with rc , atives ( , n ,! but suffered conniderably from thu Meaford Road. [f his " catapulsion." " h " end at hi* home here. Btte " diD R thl) >P""t the week Coal Prices to Windsor, leaving Saturday eveuinit, and are expected nack today. For Bird's Mackir.HWS stocking ley i and yarn, KO to H. Alexinder's, mer- chant tailur, Fevereham. Whiln cranking a car on Sunday Mr. Drilling operations are H II in pro 1 Durhiuu is selling the bot ciustniit ,1 W. Miller experienced a kick of tne crank ' gress at the high tchnol in the attempt to *!' per ton, while Hanover di-u'oin are that disabled hi arm. It, is thought a ' secure the very best of water for schu ] ' taking orders at Jh'.. 5(1 for two caro small bone was brokeii. ' pirposes. a-.thracite that are now on the way frank Irtvin and wife and the latter'* ( Mrs. H. M. Hylnud unil three children niece, Mi Vern Mountain, Mr. Wm. \ O f Toronto are vlsitiug at the former'* i home here. Ji win and d-iuyhter. Mrs. rCearnoy, ot I I: it. HI. called on friends here SunJay. Partridge sl.ootini< seaiiun opens < of A !" "oler claims he is laying au- ! tllr *" e d " WU '" thBt l WI1 " C 8 '-' ;t7 winch will li-avu him a fair, profit t .*!.". .".(). Siiulliaiiiptiin is getting coal at A H.illowe'ensocial wi8 given by the '. fm, and Kiucaidme aud Port K'jjin at Y. P. S. in the Methodist, church on j glo :,0, HIH di-,tlef in the latter town M .nday of uext week, hull, that do. t M|)nd)%y eveninil . There , vere SC()re8 o{ ! ^.^ ^ ^^ to ini ,, y llt make much d.tfenmce to the huo.an in, ma6< , ue rader and together with g..ni M : ho an-icipa.es antbn,eile will be nearer -this neck of the woocte . ' nd o*tn made the eveuic- an enjoyable j tde f 14 figure by New Veare. Ivstowel The Udies of the Methodist chuich , <>* j is the low water mark at $14 40 for the .packed three bales >f goods <xi Friuay; " Dr. Burt, socialist in disaises of the bast stovs and nut coiil. Brucu Hurald lait deuioed Cor the nre putt'urors up eye, ear, nose and throa', will be at >he and Times. north. j M'Jnshaw rloue, FleshertoD, W f d. I . - be ,Nov. 8 from 9 to 1U a.m. Kyot tested Eugeuia Farmer* Club meetiox to i held *isSat evening November 4th, ! 1932, all members requested to attend, | A. Cameron, \'rn>. The Advanse man while strolling one; day Ust summer discovered a bee tree - ] a hemloak stub within the village tlinitn. , This wai cut on turday last and fifty | pounds of nweetn securjd. )wiu)f to oireumstanoea, including the Thanksgiving lioliday. it in probable that The Advance will be la'e next woek. t Then the followinR week there will lo ix. issue of the paper, th&t week being! allotcd to our annual holiday. Mr. Andrew Pallis'.er, who recently ' purchased the Maxwell hotel, is putt'OR. in fl./ur and feed in oonneclia with his ! hotel buine8. He will ive first class \ .aoeom.nodation lothe traveHinx public > well. Mrs H Down accoinr/an.ed her bus- j band as fur ns Powaasan n h:s Uimi HI ; | trip. Mrs Down is a good sport, but she < did not carry a gun iu>d Powassan was as near to the scoue of slaughter as she j C i r oil to go. Prom tho SmUtata Ticiion we learu of j the death i f Miss Anna J Audcrnon ot Sinlalu'a, Sask. Thirty years ago Mhs, Atidersou neeiiUd in Kltsherton with her . family. S;uco 1U03 (ho hid been assit- | tiuii her brother in hii store ut SinUlula. j Mrs. W. P. Crossley, who lefc bore a copl of woeks ago to visit with ho:, B^d mother at Crystal Springs Simk., and other relatives in tho West, ttcoived : a shook mi ai rival at Winnipeg where shM leained ilut her mother had died the day before she Itft Flesherton. '1 he old tody was 9'2 years of i<e. She, with her husband, Isaac Spicor, at ono timo lived in Kuphnsia tcwnsh'p, moving , from theru to the M'initoulin Island i d 1attr to Saskatchewan. A very delightful little party was held oo Monday afternoon last, at the homo of Mf. and Mis. S E. deCudmore, the occasion being Miss Helau Jeanne's thiid kirihday. The roorus were prettily d- o- orteb wi|.h pink and yelly ckrysanthe. mura and Hallowe'eo papetierres. About eighteen of ^Helen's littlo boy and sjirl friends attended and provided music for the ocaioo, and inciduntally for thir ' mothers, who hslpad to make o pi\rty supplied." Opera House P H O T p L A Y This Thursday Commencing at So'clock "Get Rich Quick Wallingford" Paramount Picture Special Christie Comedy Honor Rolls KLESHEKTOS Pl'BLlO SCUOuL 4th-M Sled, M Patton, J Nulm, C Belts, E McCallum, M Inkster. Sr 3rd J Crgoe, M Stuart, li Heard and C H*cKaddun (i(|iial,) J Stuart, K Belt*, E McKen. x . * Jr .Jrd II Thompson, L tfeTiN, E Fonwick, U McFaddun, L Carringtun, I ; Thompson, D Wood, H Welton. Sr 2nd A Heard, E Fonwick, (i Sled, B Patton, B Phillips, A Levor, G Stuart, ! W Colg*n, I Lewis. Jr Snd-L BHty, M Fenwiok, M Bibby, G Mo Master. F Wellun. 1st A Irwin, J AIcFadden. U Bes,t, B Patton, K McKillop, 1J Sled, K Me- Mulln, K Ificlur, E Urowh. fr A N Fowler, C Brown. Pr B li WoUon D McKaddciHi'H'jalJ D McMu'lon, C Thistle! hwaito. Prioes 30 and 15c. including Amusetnent Tax C. E. WALDEN - MANAGER Card of Thanks ; We desire tlu-oViuh The Advance to thiMik oar many friends and noiyhbois for kindness fihown during tUe illness and d oath* of our dear mother. John Bellamy and Fainily, ST. MARY'S CHURCH, MAXWFLL Thanksgiving Service and Re-opening of the Church on Sunday, Nov. 12, 1922 Divine Service at, !1 a.m. and 7 p.m. The Rev. T. G. H. Wright-. M A , B. D., Rector of All Saint's Church, Whitby, will be the special preacher. A special Tbank-Offwng in thankfulnesi for the fruitfulocBS of our fields i requested at both morning and evoning a?rv ; .ce. Special music by the choir. Found Not Guilty The two young men, Gamble and Hollcson, mentioned in last week's issue of The Advance, who were arrested on a charge of shop breaking, returned on Wednesday of last week to their former employers, W. J. Chard and C. Hanley, with the following few lines jn their possession : Rex vs. Gamble and Rollcson. This is to certify that the above nam- ed Herbert Gamble and Wm. Rolleson, were this day charged with shop break- infi at the town of Brampton in the Co. of Peel, and were honorably discharged or the said charge. Dated ODtober 24th, 192'2. R.Crawforil, Police Magistrate, j The chief evidence was given by Mr. j McAnna of Primrose, near Shelburnc, j with whom the two hoys stayed from seven o'clock the evening of the rob-j bery until 7.30 the next morning. Heifer Strayed Yearling huifur, black with white t'aiv, about a tuuntb ago. Word f her where- abouts will be thankfully received by lohn Stothart, Priceville. FARMS FOR SALE Lot 4, Con. 4, Euphraiia, 150 acres, half mile from Kimherley, Must he sold at a" bargain. Apply to John Smith. Rob Ki.y P.O. Good lot containing 23 acres, goi frame house and kitchen, small orchard, creek crosses premises Close to school I md church, betwven Fli-sherton and! Ceylon. Apply tn J. FAWCETT, Flesherton. Lot E. half 7 and; 8, Con. 4, Osprcv, 150 acres, HO acres tillable ; good | 1u ,|j. ngs, good water. For further informa- tion apply to E. HILLOCK, Phone DundulK lUPc Maxwcl Lot :I4, Con. II. Artcinesia. contain- f- 120 acres, half under cultivation,, lalance pasture and hush. -(}ood barn md stabling, frame bouse, aiul small ' >rchard. \\ ell watered. Apply to J hone BRRT .MAGKE, Eu(-cnia. : | nntuHiiu Lot For Sale The prop. I irty known H thu Aslidown residence at \ CVylon, an eiijht roomed dwelling, good cellar, stable, etc. ; about an acre of! Innd, would make a good home for a retired gentleman. Fr terms and fur- ' ther uarticulars apply to W. J. Bella-ny, Flesherton. IMiiyft Dairy Farm in the corporation of Flesberton will be olTcrcd by tender by the month uo to October' 12th, 1922. Barn electric lighted and all other con- ! venienccs : 7 years milk delivery inj Flesherton. Full possession about the : lirst of Novcmln-r About twenty leads! of oat hay and about an acre of man- golds which can be bought. Address j A. TH1STLBTHWAITB, Hcshcrton. (I Have This Victrola in Your Home Tonight A small initial payment will put it there. How pleasant it will be, these long autumn nights, to listen to the world's greatest artists in every field of music or to dance to their exqui~ site playing, whenever you wish ! Come in, today, and let us show you the model illustrated. W. A. Armstrong Music Dealer Flesherton, - Ont. MASTERS VOICE" ISO acres, lots IJU and 135, con.l K. T. aiul S K, and lot 135. con. 1 S. W. T. anil S. R., about l'J5 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, remainder swamp and pasture. On the farm is our modern solid brick bouse S rooms, one bank burn 50x'J with straw shed ami stone foundation : one implement house ^4v40 ami one good bar on posts .Wx.SO : good well at barn and bouse anil a never failing creel;. This is an ideal farm locnted onjthc provincial highway anu close to town arid high school. Reasonable cash payment and terms to suit parchaser. For further particulars and terms apply to W. J. DAVIS, MarUale R R 4. or write to W. Al. Davis, '2 Muir Avc., Toronto. THE FLESHERTON Hardware Store HOUSE WORK IS MADE EASIER. where the kitchen is equipped with such utensils as ours. Even wash and ironing days lose some of their terrors where our tubs, pails, dipper?, irons, wringers, etc., are in use. How about your kitchen outfit? Does it lack any- thing it should have? Come here and get it, right in'' price and decidedly right in price. D. McKILLOP Flesherton, Ontario Stylish Felt Hats For Men .Rough or Smooth finish line fur felt dependable quality -latest style shapes- New fall colorings Grey, Pearl, Brown, Fawn, Green and Black. All sizes. Special $3. 75 Classy Cloth Caps For Fall | * 75 Men's Caps made up in all- wool materials, flood seasonable colors, popular shapes mine with ear bands, others without.. Ail good weights, suitable for cwld weatherwear. .All .-i/es. $1 29 Special 4 * A new selection in plain and fancy all- wool cloths made up in the latest pop- ular shapes in a variety of colorings. All li,ive real leather sweat bands unbreakable peaks and satin linings. Sixes '{ to 7.1 . Prices $1.7 5 to $2.50 Knitted Silk Neckwear Just received a big range of knitted silk URCb.wear so deservedly popular for foil wear. Color dr.signs to suit ull tastes plain stripe and fancy patterns. PRICES50c. to $1.50 Sec the new styles in Arrow Collar.-' just placed on sale. Conic in aud see our new styles and prices will surely please you. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO

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