Flesherton Advance, 29 Nov 1922, p. 5

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J.. t .M November 2ft 4*22 THI FLKSHEB1 Deposit Your Coupons f HEN you cut the coupon* from your Victory Bond* or other securities, the logical place to put them is into your caving* account. Svin f Departments are m.int.iBd at .11 our branch*. ..d Victory Bond coupon* will be received for dpo.it or r.c,.k- ment without charge. ''* m your '"*> Propose Changes At Eugenia Falls New Penitock and Reduction in Operating Cost* are Prophesied more interett in the TNC rut TLESHERTON BRANCH, . C. T. BATTY, Manager. BcwwkM aba at WU1,.,,> JonJ and Hoiknd C.ntre. CANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. Train* leave Fleiherton Station aa jtlows : Going South (Joint; Nortfa 7.66a.m. 11.52 a.m. 4.80 p.m. 9.30p. m. The mails are oaea st Kleaherton it follows : For the north st 10.40 a.m. and 8 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail olose at 9 p. m. the previous evg . Local Chaff fat 6 Wanted, a limited number of dressed few! -A. E Haw, Ceylon. Fowl suppeJ at Mr. Zion on Dec. Big time. Come. I'sual prices. Miss Doris Boyd of Markdale H ing Hiss Aleda Mitchell. Mrs. Thurston and Mrs. R. Bcntham are in Owen Sound this week, the guest* of Mrs. J. C. Miller. All sizes of Red Label and Stanneld's men's underwear now on hand At A. V. Haw's, Ceylon. U. B. Weltun drove to Mt. Forest ob Optical Co. Coanpnhencive Ey* Examination OtasseA designed and especially nude and ground fur individual ual requirement. Branch at M*ford-Johnton'a Drug Store in chaise of Dr. A. G. McCorab. Those adjacent i Meaford are as- aured of our efficient optical service. *H. ft. Cdpior >ptual Co. OWEN SOUND and MEAFORD The Meuford correspondent of the Sun-times says; It i* learned from ^'gentleman who is well informed in Hydro matters that a rearrangement of duties of the staff at Eugenia is contemplated which it is hoped will result m greatly reducing the cost of maintenance- j These changes will effect all the depart- ments even to the management of the boardinghouse Rumor has it that the '"wooden pipe leading to the edge of the hill behind the power house will be re- placed by new wooden pipe line in the spring. The new pipe line will he built beside the o'd one in a way that the operation will not be interfered with. As the fall between the darn and the edge of the valley id small, a wooden _^ipe line is deemed sufficient to stand the pressure. It is also considered mart- satisfactory for the purpose, as the pressure is light until the edge of the ! valley is reached. From this point to 1 the power house below the powerful steel pipe line should always prove sat- I isfactory for the pressure, which in- creases rapidly until the power house is reached. "' H. dayi. Tuseday with t*o loads of flab wood for his mother, aa the fuel situation there is very crttMal. At the power house this steel tube or penstock is made of material about seven-eights of an inch in thickness, W. Hickling is in Toronto' which * Probably heavier than the steel j used in the large ships. Perhaps the . . ' average "reader is not aware that with a Rev. Lownd., r.turntd to >ewm.rke< , head of fa) , of Wfl feet , he water con . * y " i fined up this tube produces, at the Miss Nelsoo spent the week eud at her j lowest point a pressure of about 'US Ibs. home u Mono Road. ' upon every square inch of the inside of Frank Thurston spent the past werk the tube or penstock. with friends u.r Aylmer. Misa M. Proctor of Bourg Louis, was visiting with her cnuiin, Mrs. U . J. CM well, and other friends. [ Mr. lohn Williamson of the Old Dur- Mr. and Mrs. Will Turney and little! nam Road had an exciting moment on An Exciting Moment mer's parents t HolUnd Landing. Rev. haac Baker. son, Angus, are visiting with the for- ' Saturday afternoon last when both he a '-' J n ' s * "- Walter, had a narrow es- cape from insiant death. They were a upernnuated j workmg in the bush anU fellcd a JeaJ Grey county council at its aesiou lant Methodist miaister 91 yeara of ag*. was j tree which lodge j in anot her tree. Mr. week donated $1000 to assist the sutler- f >d daad in bed on Monday morning! Williamson hitched his team to the but ers in the lire swept districts of Northern ' of tn > w 8lt' I of the lodged tree with the idea of pull- Ontario. Mr Marshall Kerton of Msxwell has' '" il dtrwn - bul the team was unabls to The Eugenia L". S. S. will hold a ! moved bis family to town. The will move * Mr. \\uliamson then stepped nearthe te * m anj with the lines in hi family to town. They will Christmas Tree on Wednesday, Dec. 20. ! reside in 0. Stewart's residence on Eliz- Supper from to 8 o'clock, followed by a i ibeth street. program. Admission 2Sc and 15c. Mrs A lei McDonald and little - lue Lady Oran-e Benevolent Associ. ; Ur o f MoTier spent the week end with ation, intend holding a box social on fh . her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cairns l:J of Dec., in the Orange Hall, Fever- 1 j o town. -luin. Ladies with buxcs admitted fre. j Admission 25c at door. Rev ' alld Mrs. H. B. Eaton of Chat.. ,-, .,>.,. . , worth werethexuBStsof Dr. und Mrs. E. ureat iJritiau has already paid to Can- r M ,,. ... ,. , , -. e _ Jt iv. Murray while tlie former was attend- ad.-i Fifty u.illi'iu dollars ou account of ' A , K ,. t . k u. _..-,.. , L , L . ...... iedtha district meeting. The moving picture euturiaiumeut given in the Methodist church Wednes- , (day evening of last week was not largely ln bazar held by the Ltdies Aid oi,.....,,- ,,. , ,.,..,.,, *. 'lattendert, although worthy of much the Methodist church in Claytou block ,..,...,. T , ' greater patronage. The machine was a last 4,day afternoun was r*W3r good M4 4to plotawa ptaato, the most successful they have over held, | the net proceeds amounting to $70. Mr. \Vm. Little, Owen "Sound, cele- her w*r debt, The debt <s being paid at the rate ,of 83,000,000 per month in Nw York funds. hands struck the horses sharply, when they plunged forward. The dead tree broke about M feet up and fell over be- tween Mr. Williamson anil his son, just grazing both, and struck one of the horses, knocking it duwn. The teum was taken to the stable but just after arriving there the injured animal sud- denly fell down and expired. Instead of mourning his loss .Mr. Williamson is thanking his stars that he and his son escaped the blow. The lines were broken in two by the railing tree. ON AOVAHCl Markdale Man In Auto Accident An uto u<t buigy ci -111811111 have baau accompanied with much more serious result than it did occurred on HaroiiUrio itreei ;ut south uf Dua- (roun an Sunday mormon. HIM Mry McKiuney, who liren oo tba eighth lino on the farm formerly owned by Doimald . McUregor, wa driving to the village toj attend church. When a short diitaoce from her bom*, and about 10.30 o'clock, the buggy was struck at the rear by an auto driven by Mr. Bellerby of Hark- j dale, til MI McKiuney ws thrown outj and very badly shaken up. Mr. Bell- j aiby immediately rutihed the injured woman to the G. and M. hoipitil where she received medical attention. Ae far aa con b learned, thd unfortunate cir- cunialance waa purely accidental. It is said not to have been due to fait Jjivmt; nor ia it to carelessness. With Mr. Betlerby there were three others in the r. Late reports fioui the hospital ate to the rt'eci rhat Miss McKinney is making favorable progress Culliogwoid > Bulletin. Presbyterian Church Notes " Nothing makes tlie toul so pura, 10 relit(ious, as the endeavor to create something perfect ; for God ia perfeo- ;ion, and whosoever strives for perfection strives for something that ii Godlike " Michael Aogelu. The sacnment of the Lord's Supper will be administered next Sunday. Any one wishing to unite with us either ly profession of faith or by certificate will be cordially welcomed into our fellow ship. The prayer meeting and preparatory service will be combined thia week in he Presbyterian church on Thursday evening. Next week the Guild will ba takea by tfrs. Fowler, who will jjire paper on lames Whitcorabe Hiley'. Remember ih Bt/.iur in the town hall on Satu:dy, Dec. !>th. It will^ie a sale of fancy work, oouting, etc. Tea will be served. Tim sale will be in the afternoon and evening. Another " '.:-- who " address will be given to the shildrcu next 8iindy COMM ITYPLA WILL FIND a very big selection of this popular table- ware amongst our large stock. Adam, Grosvener, Patrician and Tudor Plate. / Your inspection invited. W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler and Optician House of Refuge The report of Alex McKay, Provincial Inspector of Houses of Refuge, was I brated his K2nd birthday Thursday last, read at the County Council last week, the pioneers of nice specimen fell to the uiuTtiog aim of 11. Clark on Friday. m Our local ninirods have been ofeuiBgtM, " : Mr. L.itllo was one ot Uia pioneers the elusive Reynard during the past; Ar(cmesili und J8R brutl)et of Mr , Jobn reek .,! w:th cniuidenble success. A BreeQ uf F , eBherto|K , , V( . r Mty yeatg ago lie mived tu Owen Sound, wheiu I has since resided nnd taken a deep Rtv. Mr. Uke returned last week | terebt iu municipal attVrs there, after his holiday up in iho French river district. He brought with him a tine untlered specimen of French River venlstm - ,| when Mrs. Boyd will give a p:ip,r F. N. Hmdle, lot IS, Con- 12,Osprey, JThe Beauty of Friendship; Htlpfulj will hold a credit auction sale uf farm j ideas for Christinas Gifts, by Mr*. W.! stock autl implements on Thursday ofjatewMl ; Reading by Miss E Karsteut ; next week, Dtc. 7. Soe bills. \Vm. j followed by a solo by Miss Irene Wilscn. Ivmting, auctioneer. {Baking Com. Mesdames R. Bes', R. The annual meeting of the Osprey U. j Holland, C. Akin* ; Sandwich, W. H. F. O. and U.F.W.O. will be held in the ' Thurston, G McTavish. Orange Hall, Fevetshaai, Friday, Dec. i 1st. at 2 p in. All members requested Sound WaVCS Carry Well to attend U. J>polF.>rd, Sec. Mr. W. I. Henry o! the phinirg mill) To urn xppctedly hear a:.u recoanisse a delivered last week a set of tables for | person spt-akiua from I itt.sburg P. A.. the chemical room in Dundalk high j w . ls a 8Urpl .i ae to one of our jr| es h e rton school, and has received assumscs that jcitizens. Mr. G. A. McTavish and a. they are quite satisfactory. jfow ftieuds wero listeuin^ by radio to a I Mrs. Hawkeu and Mrs Phillips spent ' church service on Sunday evoning when ; 'i-t week in Toronto as dele-gates to tho j one of the company remarked, " 1 know ; W.I annual convention there. Thly|tht preacher. I'll guess that to be' report the convention v tho best ever. , Percy Barker. " v After the service ended J burned in tho recont tire, for sale at ttn A report will appear iu The Advance! it was announced that the service took 1 , attractive price. Gool busiaess or reaf- Merchant Has Assigned R. G. Julian, merchant, uf Uuutroon has assigned, with liabilities of |4,38? :!3. The !aret unsecured creditors are the Bnnk of Montreal $300, I! .i.-!i McLean (%, Hill Bros. taiX) & Whimaak WHO Samuel Ea^'o of Duntroon is i preferred creditor to the extent of gUttl". Mr Juliin kept a general store at Feversham unti! ,iver n year ago when hi> made a deal with Hugh McLean for the business at Duntroou, the Utter taking the Fev ershani store. The inspection was nude on June ai!nJ last at the (jrey County House of Ref- uge at Markdalc. The local inspector he, and superintendent is Ales Smith. -v in- ! There are 94 acres ol land ity connection with the institution, anil of these 40 arc The regular meeting of the W. I. will nJer cultivation. The land is valued be held at the home of Mrs. Mark WUstnl at ** WO anJ thc " lstitutlon 1S ^PPOrtcd ? j. i r. n , A b> the whole countv. on \\ eitnesday, Ueceuiber Uih at 2.:!0, There arc 49 inmates of the House of Refuge, 27 of these being male, '11 fe- male and a four months' old infant. Only seven of the 4H pay for their mainten- ance. During the past year there have been seven deaths among thc members of the House. A Superintendent and a Matron arc in clurgc of the institution and assisting them arc a man and three women. Dr. Hgo is thc House Physi- cian and there is also a practical nurse in attendance. Orilli* has thirteen miles uf waterways vithin its bi Building Lot For Sale I am offering my building lot on Tor- onto street, the building ou which were next week. Orders for printed place iu a Presbyterian oliurch at 1'itts- personal greeting ! burg, preacher Dr. P. H. Barker ! denco locution. --Andrew Gilchrist. Christmas oirds should- ba iu this week- These have been going like hot cakes and we have Had to duplicate some lines. Come in and ohooie yout cardf*. The latest thing in Christmas greetings* Thursday, Dec. 19th, has been choien :i the date (or the play, " Too many husband*," to be Ri?en iu aid of the Ueiaotial Paik. This is u lirst clats play. Don't mis* ic. 8e bills later for further particulars. The haudsoote nsw residence eraottd by Mr. Armstrong duriuR the past snm- <usr, opposite the Methodise church, is Hearing completion. It has been purch- ased by Mr. Holland, who will occupy it whan finished. Winter came down in nil its g!ury (i C.illitiit sn ' <! .I;--! on Friday n'ght last, but at mm- of writing, Monday, sufficient has not hllen to make good nleighii% i ami cars still fiad good going on the raaiu rouds. THE PEOPLE'S STORE NEWS THE WINTER DEMAND IS WELL UNDER WAY FOR Toques at 45 aqd 65 cts. Sweaters and Sweater Coats, all prices, from $1.00 to $5.00 Tarn and Scarf setts $ 1 *25 New Gloves and Hosiery. Latest styles little Boys' OvercoaKh. Hat and Spat sett Toys and Picture Books. See the assortment at A. E. HAW'S CEYLON - ONTARIO Hog Clubs Although only two week* have elup.si J at least two applications have beeu re- ceived for males. Every sect iou ut Uri-y County shoi-.M tlii advantage ->f t'rS hog policy, Tho LK'puttimin. uf A^'ii culluiv, M irl.'l i'i-. would ba plenseil to te'.l any hruiur huw nn improved bacon type sire could be secured to hcnd the herds iu this iligtrict. The Drudgery of Wash Day is a thing 'of the past when you put in a 1900 Electric or Gasoline Power Washer, or Hand Power Gravity and Wringer, all kept for sale by S. HEMPHILL CEYLON Agent for Beauty Hay Carrier goods, Steel Stalls and Stan- chions and Stable Fittings, Pumps, Churns, Brantford Wind Mills and Gasoline En- gines. Pump repairing promptly attended to. A ca is solicited. . is I >< 1 I 1 Our Overcoat Special We are featuring * Special Overcoat this souson, made up in the new belted style, but can be worn without belt if desired new style sleeve and turned cult, deep eolar for cold days, supeibly tailored throughout, durabJe tt^f\ sleeve and body linings. Several new patterns in guaranteed all- *r x I I wool winter weight, cloths. v ~n..-:.^ ,........, CDCT-IAI X^ A swe wnter garment SPECIAL BOYS' SUITS WITH EXTRA BLOOMERS Made from good fall weight, ad wool tweeds, in nice, neat, new pat- ternswell tailored and lined. Each suit has an extra pair of Bloomers included. Sues 2i to 3i> breast. $ll. 50 to$13. 50 Millinery Dept. All Millinery selling at specially re- duce' i prices for the balance of the season. Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear Ked Blue and Black Label qualities. All sizes at special prices. Grocery Specials Peag, Corn and Tomatoes qiwKty guaranteed I ^>c. per tin Pure cocoa, special, 2 pounds 25' Palmolive Soap, 7 oakes tor Men's all-wool Coat Sweaters and Pullovers new selection, specially priced $3 to $7.50 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO

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