Flesherton Advance, 29 Nov 1922, p. 6

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. The Boss's Bounty BY WILL PAYNE. PART II. Woman's Sphere The Homely Cobbler. j ter, sugar and cream, adding a pinch When you want a dessert in a hurry, ' of salt and flavoring with vaniHa, or one which everyone can eat and enjoy ; any preferred flavor. The sauce must without a thought of indigestion, ' be beaten tiB it is very smooth and rememler the homely cobbVer. A | creamy. If a boiled sauce is desired,., is fruit with a raised crust end a haixi dation. Make a thickening with beat- or boiled sauce. It can be as econ- ; > egg, and flour or cornstarch. Use omical as biscuit dough, or as rich as a pinch of salt and sugar to taste, and good cake batter. A happy medium flavor with vanilk or lemon. When; between the two makes the best cob- the cobbler is to be eaten cold, the bier. It can be made of fresh fruit, hard sauce is preferable, but it is apples, berries, or rhubarb, or of fried more palatable if eaten hot. or canned fruit when fresh is not ob-j Cobbler is much more easily digest-', tainable. Th best cobbler in the ed than pie. Properly made, it is a world, in my estimation, is made from; delicious dessert. Dried fruits mustj a mixture of fresh raspberries and j D soaked and stewed a little before loganberries. As many localities do using them for cobbler, not have loganberries, it may be added, that the raspberries used with trawberries cr with red currant juice j Mus.c Forms Character. No other art appeals to so many fe almost as good Apricots, fresh, people as music. From time imme-' canned or dried, make splendid cob- morial, among savage as well as civil-! Her. Phims make fine cobbler. An ! ized people, music has been a uni- apple cobbler made of tart juicy j versal language understood alike / i i .!_,_ . ' apples, with a good hard sauce or ' all races. The music of the spheres is eaten with sweet neam, a dish fit more than a figure of speech. Every , for a kirvg. | country and race has its own music,' A cobbler is ordinarily cooked over and it forms the common language of tfce fire, th crust being baked by the , each particular race. It is the bond team from the juice of the fruit. It of nationhood. When the music of is placed over the uncooked sugared the nation dies out or is forgotten fruit. If dry fruits are used it is nee- the race disintegrates and the nation' e*sary to add water. Berries and juicy dissolves. When music passes out of This declaration had produced a senfatiion. They had all questioned him particularly on the point. Mightn't he' be miis-taken? The poMce inspector had seemed fairly to beg him ta be mistaken not because the inf'psctsr approved of highway rob- bery and homicide, or reaMy wished a criminal to escape the law, but be- cause he foresaw that if this stubborn young man persisted dn not being mis- taken about the robber's identity there was going to be no end of trouble. For Haiidy Andy Hatch was a celebrity "of a ort, and like Uncte Frank, although in a humbler way, a power in poKtic*. < The parallel lines in Coehran's fore- head deepened a bit, with a further drawing toget'hier of the eyebrows bike a man with a headache. His heavy- lidded eyes were fixed with a sort of as he said very distinctly: "You're wrong, Gene. It wasn't Andy. Andy's got an alil'i. "It's just a case of mistaken iden- tity," Cochran sa/id. "You couldn't have seen him more'n a setrond ex- cited, you know all confusion. You made a mistake." Confused, Donavan Looked astonish- ed, tops apart. * Then it wheeled back into his mind, that second or BO in one front office when he had looked square into the man's face at a dis- of only a few feet. Under the of Uncle Frank's positive as- _ lipping teeth had relaxed. Now they set again. Cochran saw that in the young man'e broad, un- handsome face as Donavan replied humbly but doggedly: "WeE, I could only say, on the wit- that I'm wre it (how heavily the point counted, and 1 replied 1 promptly, "Think? I know it!" Donavan'* eyes stil'l earnestly and I dumbly appealed for a moment; but 1 Codiran's face retained an expression of perfect conviction. With a stifled little sigh Donavan muttered bs'.'p- lessly, "I don't know ^vtha't I could do." | Cochran read surrender in that and j laid a benevolent hand on the young 1 nvan's knee, reassuring him : "Why, ! simplest thing in the world, Gne. ' Don't worry, now. Nothing's going to happen to you." The -powerful and experienced hand 1 on Donavan's knee seemed' to uphold and gudde him, as a mighty swimmer sustains a frightened novice in the rx-rceived that there was ,,;., about this VocWieade(l stubbornness which carried conviction, With a flare of exasperation he re- torted: "You're wrong! You're get- ting me into a hell of a mess! It can't be Hatch! "Listo., Gen., Andy Hatch ain't a worry," he concluded in benevolent assurance, adding s-oberly: "On my soul* I believe you was mis- taken, and it wasn't Andy at all!" Donavan smiled slightly and wanly, ' as over a joke at a funeral. Sunny Whelpley drove him tack to the i some cheerful conver- iral nature which Don- avan seemed scarcely to hear. While 'beaming Gus Wltelptey was driving Eugene Donavan home Coch- ran was telephoning, briefly and cryptically, to an acrjuaintanoe. About the time Donavan was getting into a | sleepless ibed^atch walked cooWy into a police station and gave himself uip, | averring he had just learned that the ' police were looking for him, denying I that he had been concerned in the I hold-up, saying he had a perfect alibi. Assistant State's Attorney Mangier 'attended the inquesit upon young | i Benny Mitchell in behalf of the public | prosecutor. It was clear to him, as to ' everybody else, that the charge against Hatch rested' entirely upon the I paymaster's 'positive identification, 'and Mangier entered the Coroner's court in a cynical state of mind, a satirical little smile lurking beneath his dark, thick and curly mustache. Hatch had calmly given himsel'f up, ' which suggested to the cynical prose- j cutor that he was confident of going free. Mangier wondered what the trick sugar. Rhubarb is juicy enough in j From the cradle to the grave life is itself. But care must always be ex- j one long symphony. As infants the ercisexl to keep the fruit from burn- crooning of lu-Dabies hushes us to ing to the bottom of the pan while j sleep. School songs express the joys ! U>e crust is cooking. A moderate heat . of youth. We march to the marriage and a cover over the pan containing' ceremony to the strains of music, and are laid to rest with a requiem. All the emotions of life, fear, anger, joy, sorrow ami row ana flml ihpir hot PX t-neir best ex- tfc txhbler will insure proper cook- Ing. From ten to twenty-five minutes In required, according to the kind of fruit used. A good cobbler is made with a tablespoonful of butter and lard mix- 1 o f music, how to appreciate 'the senti- ed, un fgn, a heaping tablespoonful ' m ont and poetry of song and to under- of sugar, a pinch of salt, and from stand the grandeur of the great one to two c-ups of flour, using a tea- masterpieces of music. prt^ion in music. He is rich indeed : who has learned to get happiness out ptjonful of good baking powder to Music is each cup of flour. Mix the shr/rteninsf j formation a noten- factor if character. It in the che-i _ ras coming to 'him and he'd go out and collect it. Sfappose he got a couple of roughnecks to go with him, and one of "em shot young Mitchell. Understand? It might have happened, you see, without Andy intending it. He ain't a bad fellow maybe got a fool idea somebody owed him some money and he'd better go out and co"ect it. See?" This confidence' was much the far- thest Donavan had ever been taken inside the works; by far the most int'imate communication that had yet passed between uncle and nephew. Cochran then took the nuvice some- wluit farther inside the works: "Andy knows what's coming to him aj to be, and the satirical little smite i beneath his mustache broadened for 1 an insitant. Dona van looked ill when he entered the musty and crowded room. of his a sickly HelpYou Run the Ball bring home the bacon, collar the blue rate, carry the message to Garcia, etc. ITTLE Raisins, full of energy and n, will put the pep into you that makes winning plays. Use vim like it in your business, too. One hundred and forty-five cal- ories of energizing nutriment in every little five-cent red box that you see. Comes from fruit sugar in prac- tically predigested form levulose, the scientists call it so it goes to work almost immediately. Rich in food- iron also. Try these little raisins when you're hungry, lazy, tired or faint. See how they pick you up and set you on your toes. Little Sun- Maids "Between -Meal" Raisins 5c Everywhere Had Your Iron Today? had inspired Mnngler*s derision and ; then swiftly looked up never again tinning his eyes in that direction until he was or the witness stand. Hutch was a gangling, middle-aged! man wdth a bony, smooth-shaven face . and a neutral, sandy sallow com-' might have l>cen called the bar. His' Put in flour, powder and salt and add purifier the soul, sufficient sweet milk or cold water to make a hatter the consistency of cake batter. Have the fruit ready in aj deep pan. Lay the batter in spoon- thing can wake the fuls over the fruit. (Sever the pan s tinc-t and cook as directed. On a gas stove! The it is advisable to use an asbestos mat an< | :,,, under the pan or to turn the flamo so i.'i- s enutHii to ciaim nis nay. TOU . , , : . tiorw, softens the heartaches, and 6VVi son, you're credited tome. I put e "5f' y H mf ' n leads (> a higher ami nobler concep- yu' in.' Whatever you do I'm held " cv ? r S V"" b *; f ore. tion of life and its rurroum'ings. No- responsible for." In another sudden Assls . nt 'v",? 8 L ng can wake the soul's strong in-' flare of irritation he added. "Andy's cou*'" of Hatch. Hitting side hyj i,-t of another world like music. pt plenty of friends. I don't want j^^^JllJ^tJ^S*^^^ I listen to it. the purer their hearts J^*^'? 8hot * un! 1>m responsibly J^y^y^. ft* Se^^pp'araWy! _ * * ! .. ., ... i,.l * !,. . ,.i i ' .. f .,- * V. , + U rv v. Hatch ami Trunun was oc- ! whom Donavan 'iad ' but whom the' Attorney knew to bei cousin of Hatch. Sitting aide by a milxl . will be. Donavan, drawing a hand across his : brow, could only mutter. "I don't sec ' A Handkerchief Case for a Man. how you could !> held responsible j n , dwM what mistaken for the other. Mangier had no wtts iuln * to **' there is no danger of burning. This may also be bakwl in the oven. Turn tlic top of the crust over to find out . ., , - , . _, _-., i. -n. .u ' A girl always has more difficulty a case like tins. Then h blurted in , .,:*. i_~ when it is cooked through. Turn the ,, ?. K ._ li _., ,._;__ __ amjl , m rt.: "Why, this is murder, <W>rtaWy that he was elsewhere when nor that the cousin could prove in-: and murder occurred, the first look Donavan carefully i ii mmuifii. lurn vne , . ,. ., , , . . . nr,,u.,,n4 cobbler out on a di,h, putting the ^ lam l " nK birthdaj 'and Christmas re- SgWJjHp, """ " """""-".the cru-st on bottom and piling the fruit I "wnjbranewi for her father aini older, Uncl e^l i*- (^ ,, . n . i u 'i -j i uTotJHT.s tiuiii ror t-hc ouhcr rooniuGrs .. over. nerve wttn Hard or bo i red . . . .. - A . ed the pototitaU 1 heavily ounfaned uc. the fttml 'y- * j*""* "jy 1 ;*- with cares of state, greatly regretting When eggs are scarce we boat one!P enslve httle f ls a handkerchief that eome thoughtless subjects had, up and divide it. putting half of it into 1 c ? 8 for a man. bureau drawer, with Rot thenwelvwi into an awful moss. Dye Skirt, Dreae the crust and the other half into the ! the , name of * <)Wner worked on lt; ,but oblige.l by his position to deal sauce. Sometimes when eggs are Ht: ln t th<> *' ( ' r ' s "wlwrHmg. . with th<- affair in a practical, states- Hem one eixi of u piece of white] manly mn niter; obliged to carry on linen ten by twenty inches in size, and, an< ! , to kp( 'P. i " ta< ' t tn<? machinery by fold it forward to make a pocket seven inches (k-ep. Seurn the ! pocke! on the wrong side ; the part that lenwins for a premium wo di#pen*e with it alto- gether, nuking an economical cobMer. When they are very plentiful we use a whole one in the >.utice and another in the pudding. The .-..-mi c has as its foundation a or Faded Draperies in Diamond Dyes Fold over flap, i iiv rwiin r- iiua n.a i tn i >/u mixtuuu a , *-'" * *" *> i. r w i uu u^neti, 111 . it tableapoonful of butu-r This is w-elli 1 " * narrow h cm round the three helpless candor, "Why don't you leave' B ? , ,.* ' mixed with a fork Then the egg if 3R ^ thc flap an ' 1 H row of hfm ~ jt ^ tll<> luw an 'l 'ho courts?" And by! t ' tllnK " any is used, is ad,:*ed and' powdered f*^* ^. sh JP rt <''' stanci ' ab " ve th e way of vague reply to his relativ(.;s| -" sugar If there is no egtr we moisten ' >ottom "' tn fl;'p write the name in last remark he added, "It s thc public s dyeiiiK <' - - " ... \/>rwn 1 u ^j4 tihf*Il AVOl*k thf* l^*tt <*P** 11 SI] J\ : ff Oil A] I1OSS. I BflVO DGVC __ over-and-over stitch in any! " On - P*lc your grandmother!" j druggist whether vou wish Cochran replied impatienly. "Get aM wish to dye IB woe to make' the right quantity. An excel- tent, sauce can lie made with the but- the e color that For RHEUMATIC SUPPBRBRS Life Remedy ie ard Remedy for the quarter century for. umatfem. Sciatica, Lum- feurajjf' fl^m* onA ,, - Each package of "Diamond Dyes" of the an y' lK><J y thinks thi.s job's a snap, let. contains directions so fiimple that any him try it, the boss added aggnev- woman Cftn a ye or tint faded, shobby S' . ' skirts, dresses, waists, coats, aweatera, Donavan .wallowe:! and asked, in .., nangillgB _ (lraperies , evory ; new. Buy "Diamond Dyee" other kind th on perfect home guaranteed even if you have never dyed before. Tell your the material you . ,. . , wool or silk, or whether that tommyrot out of your head, son. it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. If the government of this town wua Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, loft to the public, there wouldn't be f a( | 6 or rlin any government inside of u year, be- : * Reward. All day I did the little things, The Httle things that do not show; 'Cause tho public don't give a damn I brought the kindling for tho fire, about it. Who told you to draw $200 I et the candles in a row, a month when you oouMn't find any I filled a bowl with marigolds <>th - er job -" The shallow bowl you love- best Hush Money. An English profiteer, who had done the usual thing bought a country e- , Certainly Donavan did owe the keep' tate and a town hous<e felt that there e , of himself and family these last seven' was still something needed to com- Self-Act ing Auto Bumper Also "Kills" Engine. Indignant pedestrians may now ex- perience a Blight satisfaction Jn auto- matically "killing' the engine of a mo- tor car which bus rudely given them unaought impetus when they were crossing the street; that is, providing the car has been fitted with the latest automatic bumper. This innovation consists of un iron latticework Kiite, or fender, which Is fastened behind a bumper rod and which Is released when pressure is exerted against the rod. The pressure is furnished by the misusnectinfc foot traveler. The Im- pact of his body against the bumper rod causes the fender to drop, keeping the body away from the wheels, while at the same time an auxiliary ignition switch Is .opened, which Immediately stops the engine. Mlrmrd's Liniment for Colds ate. Almost impossible to value is the property in Germany claimed by the 1 ex-Kaiser; it includes fifty-three pal- aces, mansions and estate3 in the , neighborhood of Berlin. In the tropics, sea-bathers arc pro- | tected from dangerous fishes by a framework of nets round tlioir bathing' places. Russian leather has become so *x- pensive that it is now little used for bookbinding. ___ I 1 i The Irish Sea is nowhere more than ! 710 feet deep. The street cars in Tokyo all contain a comprehensive map of the city, so well made that it is very easy to find your way without asking questions. <';ma<iian cities, please copy. Quebec is one of the world's great j centres in the manufacture of paper I and pulp. Show how strong you are by not ! noticing how weak the other fellow la. Never try to kill time; time is bound to kill you in the long run. STAMMERINC 8tutt0rlnii ov itural methods perntanently reston naturmltneech. CroJuaie pupilicTery 1 where. Free advice and literature. THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE KITCHENER. CANADA ! months to the boss's benevolent inter- his money's worth. Othr peo- - _ ,.-... ^ w MM truas n wv*vwrw ,,;*- mi-.r ma U1OU41V W Arwl made the houee a pleasant place rt, and he was not the man to deny! o le nad a nc5trv he must *et some wi ~.~.~- mfcM U ke it* an obligation. It popped into his head ' tihat if Cochran's powerful hand shoui'.d be withdrawn now the family Where rest. The hours sped on. My eager feet Could not keerp pace with my desire, On. the advice of a frleim he engage*! a man to undertake the necessary re- would probably be set out on the side"- ' B6ar<lliefl - Cleaning THE postman or express man will bring Parker service right to your home. Whatever you send whether it ba suits, coats, dresses, lace curtains, tapestry draperies, etc., etc. will be beautifully cleaned by the Parker process anil speedily re- turned. We pay carriage one way on all orders. Writt for full particular*. Parker's Dye Works, Limited C leaner* and Dyert walk. In due time the Investigator came to So much to do, so little time! I would not let my body tire. Yet when the coming of the night Blotted tlhe garden from my iigli< And on the narrow graveled walks Between thc guarding flower stalks "You saw him only a second," the report and laid a sealed packet on the _,- Neu feuritia. iff!*, Qout and' One bottle for One Dollars Blx bottlen for Five Dollar* Mailed direct to cufltomera. Or fr( m your n ' tnn boss repeated. "You was excited'. You table. Without oponlng the packet the made a mistake. When you get a profiteer asked how much his fee was. good look ait^Handy Andy Hatch you^ll . "i want one thousand pounds," the ' see he wasn't the man." I man rpplled, "to say nothing." ; Thiit swiwled eay, the way Cochran . , patt it, and Donavan was aware that : . I heard your step, I was not through he would be powerfuWy protected in \ No rent or taxes have to be paid: With services I meant for you! j correct! ing his "mistake." Suit there ' for land in Lord Howe Island, in the was that stubbornness in him; he' South Pacific; it has an area of only ^allowed ami replied unhappily: i fl v e miles, and a population of 120. "Why, I couldn't do it, Uncle] -...i, f' This Genuine Columbia Graf onola, $95 Records By Mall (Snd for Catalogue) Columbia, 75c; Brunswick. 75c Apaz, 69c. At Our Arcade Store 20 and 28 Yonge St. Arcade Victor Records, 7Bc, at 575 - 577 Dan- forth Are. and 2036 Queen St. East. Beattie Agency, Toronto 791 Yonge St. Toronto 93R WMrt Ad.l.lt*. at, Trnu Oinada came Into the quiet room glowed enchanted with the bloom Of yellow flamo. I aaw your face Itlumined by the fire-Ik apace Slowly grow rtill and coirvforted. 'MtV'grood to be at home," you said. -Blanche Bane Kuder. Do you know the twelve imperial j emblems of the Chinese? Here they 'are: Sun, moon, stars, mountains, .n ii'. i.-. pheasant*, altar-vessels, water- lilies, flames of fire, i ice, axes i ami classic characters. Mlnird't Liniment for Diphtheria, I couldn't do it, Coohran, with another sharp touch! Men act from impulse and find a of e-xasperatiom, retorted: "Why tlvp| reason afterwards, while women act you ' you? You can talik, can't; upon impulse nnd do not trouble about That's all you got to do." the reason. ' Miserable young Dona van, pressed down to suffocation mass of Ooohran's by the steady insistence, had 'turned pule by i.hai limr. Me appoal- ett to the boss with pathetic earnest- ness: ''Do you reall'.v think, Uncle Frank, thiit your life woutd be in danger?" Whatever the 'bos* may have actu- ally thought on th*t subject, he ww A forest of pines and fu-j which took ViOO years to grow may he de- stroyed in half as many minutes by a forest fire. The carrying power of thj i>:;,'le not more than ten or twelve- p.mn !i3. Pre- vents i happed hands, in:fkfdllpn. chilblains. Makes your skin soft, white, clear and smooth. DKl'GGISTS SSLLIT scatterr'congeftion.'fhe in- flammation difaftpearf ^ ami along with it the pain K Li-i.,.. i..:,Mi:i rlmimali. twinge too. \\' nrnia nnd >>SCH harkar ln-s. nciir;i!|iri.i, colds in h> i. Keep it I'.tnJv. \ ; "'!

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