Flesherton Advance, 29 Nov 1922, p. 8

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November 2ft 192-2 THE FLESH UrGN ADVANCE PIANOS, PHONOGRAHS and SfcWING MACHINES FOR XMAS What better present could you give your family? Call and see our stock of Phonographs Singei Sewing Machin3sand new elec- tric machine also the latest records and Sheet Music. : Prices are reasonable and terms made reasonable. AVAV Next to a personal visit is your Photograph Phone 23-11 and make an ap pointment to-day W. A. HAWKBN Photo ArlUl - Miuic Dealer FLESHER1ON, - ONTARIO A Century Of Banking f*H*a*t <* ; ^410,000,000 A I Of I of its tu4Ofaoti LL of this Bank's service, all knowledge attained in over a century of banking, are dedkated to the interests of all of Canada. Branch n in all Important Centres in Canada Savings Department* in all Branches Bank of Montreal Established Over 100 Years Livery For Sale BOAR for SERVICE Purnlir>U for <_ rvice THE FLESHERTON Hardware Store MOUSE WORK IS MADE EASIER wiiere the kitchen is equipped with utensils as ours. Kyeii wash and lays lose some of their terrors where -jur tubs, p.iily, dipper', irons, wringer*, etc . are in use. How almut your kitchen out fur I)nrs it lack any- thing il should have? ( 'on*e here and it, rijrht in price and decidedly t in price. D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario There is nothing 50 Bad for a couqh^ ' m . as coughing!..... There w nothing so'GgodJoi," a cough J as - DOSES District Convention Meets In Flesherton Tha.dtitrict meeting of the Metboiiat ehurches in the Owen SounJ diilr ct was held in Flesherton on Tuesday of t'.us week. There was a n<>od at temlaiu-* ami the addresses and diwustiOBS were very helptul and inspiring. The uiorn- ln session opened at 10.15 withRar. J..)ni Locke of First church,Owen Snuud, Prea'dent, prasidin^. Tha openiutr i- niarkii "The Purpose of tba Couveoioti," were given by I'.uv. U. II. Eatun tf 'hatswotth, Secretary of the Diuiric*. followed by a discussion. The chairman then gave an exposition of the 8th chap. of RomiDs. Tha afternoon nestion wai opened with an address by Rev. R, R, Nicholson of Westsidc church, Oaeti Sound, on "Personal Evangelism. " Rev. F N i: ,w.-c cf Markdnla fol'owed with a puper, "Ohurch and Cili/. .'nship," and t'm iliM-ii-M.rn wai led l.y Rur. Bushvll of t'l'icevillu. A lino ijuartelte wastiiven by UevH. K*i>lu, Eaton, Uuires and Andrew*,, the district preachem' ijuar- t,i'-. The closing address for the after- u H>II wis nivcn liy Rev. K. W. BuivejR of Walters Falli on, 'Secret of Chiistian Life and Power." The feature* of ihe ovenim- leHsi'/n were : -s.ilo by Rw. A. J. Kigle ; "Key note of Contention," l,y the rh iii in-ill ; pper liy Rev. T. \V. F, G. Andrews of Dundalk on, "ReUting Boys ud Girls lo Church Servicn" ; Mr. A. ftt. Bunt, O*en Sound, on, "Place of t i<- l.i\i> " and Mr. R. PAttcrsou of I lictioge <m, "Vouiig Porsmis' Chit-f E-.st-ntiU." The Flebhmtou choir a couple xelections. All (he iuMr wur renl pood mid thu convention was s teal KUCCt'BH. The neit district uin-'irg is likely to lit- he'<l in 51rkd:l. R. J. Sproule 111 Mr. U. J. Sproule w taken ill this week and is ht-init well cared for at the h"ine I Mrs ll.ml ;, A iim>'e is in HI i.'iid ,i, . . He was threatened wi>h |nif im ;i,i . but .,- no worse \\ .1 i,-^-i -y on lot 1H7, S \V T nnil S E., Arleiueaia,. Livery t>uineH in FleslMrtoti f.irmlf, Trm tl 5U. So*n not ri-tuineii will lucludnn all iiiof)erly--l,..r<-h. Ctn-u..- b chri>i-il VHIIIO a. thine in pit-. Jrlc.r wanon... I, UI(( {,,H, cuttMH and p fe _ T.J.ST1NPOX- Prop IviL'tn. liy Hiid oaU lu IIHIII. Will K|| ' u'i'i;lit ur i \i hxi u>- for firm. ll-n- i, J..r M-llme, other buaio'wa to I ...k f er. "? '' r " w " I""""" dined bounlU i inn < i.n'f i .--,---, n fully mi HUM (iiitatM in thu K une i,{ Alinn JOHN KAWCKTI'. liulcliin'on, KiniM. The tubi-r'i weight JM'.-. : | Ii. -li.r n naly to ouk IVM *.'; |>iiutida. 3 Carloads of Stock shipped The shipping :'.-.i- fur livn s'ot:k on 1 1 i- DWKII SiniiiJ linu of thuC.P. R. Im.H Item ch iiifjil to the old date of Tucsduy iu- " i- i i of M n.i <y, as It lias Ijeen the , i Riiiiiinrr. ' IN I'm-- I ,y three, eirloacls ,if stock were t-hipjied by the I'.F.O. fn,m I '..:. ' ,ti,.|| \_ Mr. Gco. Flach of Urant brought a turmp into the VV;ilkcrton Telescope ollicc, that for si/.c beats ;mythmK \\c have ever ecn or read of. In its great- est circumference it mciiMircs S'J inches, anJ \vciKhh -U pounds. It is a perfect whale in KI/.C, atul one has to look at it nbout half . ; Juiren tiniCK to rcali/f th:it ,t is a turnip at all. It is of the fircy- stone variety, and \v;is grown on the farm of Michael Finchc r of Culross. Thi! 1'ui'vd Farmcrn' Cu operalira Comptny, Limited, iii view ul thu losses Huflf.irud durint! the yi-ar in its tirnneh and Toronto stores, will likely close a'l s'ori'H ti'.iw open Out of tho ,'H MOII, ! IMI-II closed with it !.-.-, of -I. II. U (."'eniod, (jeneril , believed tho directors fnvor all the Htnres through. ml. the (n-'Mii'i 1 . The tu-t I i.i.iii.. los.s f.ir the | year in i !. tiuancial -i ,:. .. .,i ' amounts to >.'>>. .'.'.' I .78. Sheep Strayed S-nij'i'd l. ..in tli.. [)j-etai(ie of lli^ un- der.s (iiiad, x\\ sliepp sl.out Oct. JWlh, I 1 ':'- Iiiforiniiii'iii of -.UNI- thankfully received. VllKlt SH'AUT, Fle.sliortun Heifer Strayed Yi'Kilinu Ii, if, i, 1,1 ,. k with white fxcv, about ii nionlh hgo. Word of her where- nbouts will he iliaukftilly rccvivid liy John Slot hart, Pi-iceville. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entlro Satisfaction LAUNDKY Basket cluses Monday ikight, delivery Ft may v OLRAXtNJ Aiil DYICINO- Wear agents for Parker's Dy Works Clothei oleatiod and dyod. fwtherfi rejurenated TFISHER- -PROPRIETOR f . For Sale By Tender Tliu iii(i|icriy known -is thi' I'aik i Hi tel, situated mi Lot o. on JJarham Stuct, in tltu Village of F.'oshevton, aon- occ ipicd aud 11.11 a?a hotel ; 3 Kt.<iric!>, 50i50, c"ntiniii(j npproxir.utely 1 j hort- | rodi.is. Tender will he reived fcy the I until issued up to Thuraciay, DoocinliT | I4ih, 1!)22. All tenders niunt bonssoiu- pan.iid tiy f i marked shrquo fir ten per cent, of the ttder pricu agre-ju aud t il> \ atrl dU'lrossfd to -\V. A AKMSTUONU, 1 ! A,lu 1 1 -.1 . BENEFITS OF GRADING Standardizing of Farm Products Necessary for Best Market. limlnncpi of Hie Folly <'' Not Grad- ing Selling by Uesrrlptfon VH. Inspection Butter Exportation III New /cnlarifl. (Contributed by Ontmrlo Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) Grading of farm products I* ne- cegMiry for the enlargement of mar- kets. It i < based upon knowledge of what the consumer wauls. It give* the consumer of farm products the kind, shape, site and quality of pro- ducts desired. It brings increased returns to farmers and effects sav- ings to tho middlemen. In the production of farm pro- ducts, unavoidably widely varying shapes, sizes and qualities of pro- duets are brought into existence. These must b sorted out BO tliat the product Bent to a certain market will meet with the approval of the pur- chaser. Standardizing means that a grade of product will be the same year in and year out, In this way confidence in grades may be built up. The Kolly "f Not (ftading Instanced. It must be remembered that con- sumers, like farmers, are engaged in rnisiuess. They are not able to sort products. Therefore, when they pur- chase ungraded nrodnetB they have to buy things they don't want, and tills results in waste. Grading of farm products would mean a reduc- tion In the cost of marketing. For example, out of 2,600 cars of apples appear-inK on a Chicago market with- in a period of three months in the fall of 1914, it was found that 410 cars were unfit for sale; and not only was this true, hut they also depressed the price- of apples. The freight, cartage and labor of handling had been paid for the purpose of start- ing 410 cars of apples on the way to market, which nobody would accept, did not want, and could not use. Or to take butter: Investigations have demonstrated that lack of grad- ing' hag resulted In serious loss to middlemen. In the state of Kansas for iniitance, oiif-flfth of the butter received was paid for at the rate of 27.1 tents per pound, the ruling price for butter thoiiKh this 20 per cent, had to be reworked before it could he used by eonsiimorsi For this butter renovators paid 20 cents per pound, so that there was u loss of 7 cents per pound. No middleman ] can IOIIK stand this. The problem of financing the sale of farm products in important. By :. ...iin:; farm products finance Is facilitated. Suppose a farmer has a carload of a certain grade of pro- duct. He may go to the bank and say: "I have a carload of No. 1 apples, I want to borrow soma money." The bank manager under- stands what this means and IR pre- pared to advnnpo money. But If t;.^ farmer Koes to the bank with un- graded products the hanker Immedi- ately iiskp, "What kind? Who grew thorn? AT> they good or bad?" He may even require that tln-y be in- spocted, and In the end the farmer will not K't as satisfactory advances ns ih'Mi.li the products was graded. Description v-. Inspection. ('trading n'tliu-rs the xfllini: cost by enabling sale by diwription rather than gale by inspection or by sample. Sale by inspection requires that pro- ducts l>c Kent to uniuc central point ami that people ^o to see lliogo pro- ducts. It Is easily Hi-en tiiat this is an expensive way of sclliiiK. And not only Is this true, but it is easy to over-tiitiiiiati' tho miuirrnionts of buyer* on a certain day, which re- sults in flooding of the market, with consequent lowering of price. Sale by description is mad** possible through advertising, but before ad- vorUsln-g can be successful products must be graded. Not all advertizing Is economical, but it has its plaoo In effecting more efficient methods of selling. (traded products always bring bet- ter prices to farmers. Agriculture is still the main industry in Ontario, and this means that we nius.t export the surplus of farm products. In finding markets for this surplus we come Into competition with New Zea- land, Denmark, Holland, Australia, and United Statos. Most of these countries, certainly the llrst four named, enforce rigid Inspection of products for <>iport. Whv? Because, grading is the basis of enlargement of markets. Consumers demand the very beat of all products, their likes jjd dislikes arc varied, and we must ia-i>t these domand.s. For many years w ha\v tried to make the Knslish- iii. in eat the sort of bacon we thought he should eat; but he won't. He prefers Danish bacon becauso live Dane sells him the sort he wants, properly graded, to meet all his re- <|tiiremrntB. Or take apples: A short time ago n certain gentleman from Ontario endeavored to establish a market for Ontario apples though the consumer owned co-operative, stores in (treat Britain. What was the answer? "Just as soon as you get an organization from which wo can order 10,000 boxes of No. 1's or N T o. 2's, graded and packed in such a manner that we can depend upon I'm quality year in and year out, w will I .ill-. biiHiness, but until then \v cannot risk it." \eV /i-aluml's I \|icrii IH e. Ill New Zealand, farmers satisfied the home market for butter a long time ago. They had to export the surplus, and the Government offered i premium for tho first shipment of Gutter which would satisfy consumers hi Great Britain. What was the re- sult? Dishonest people, stole brands of quality products tmd shipped In- ft rior buttrr under these brands. Thin had a bad effect. It was then fo.ind iioct'spaiy to have Government im urtion which would esfend right back to tr.': producer, no that infer- ior la' -t' ; c.wKl be traced to its i-oi.rcii and thr. cause, removed. J. Coke, Dept. Farm Economic*, ! ' V HENDERSON'S STORE HOW YOUR 18 - FOOTWEAR We have a full range of Men's and Boys' heary Rubbers -Dominion Brand. Now is the time to buy, while the stock is complete. Highest price paid for Eggs and Cream. Mrs. R. H. Henderson FEVERSHAM, - ONT Small Advertisements FARMS FOR SALE L't 4, Con. 4, Kufihraaia, 100 cref, { In.: mile from Kiml>erley. Mutt be sild at. a bargain. Apply tu John Smilli, Hub U..y P.O. Chopping done on Tuesday, Thuisdny. tad Saturday Graham I?ros. EugeoUf Cabbage and table cairots for sale Win (juod lot containing U.'t ucre*, goed fume houic and kitchen, Hiuall orchard, creek croeges premises Cli/s^tn nhoo) mill church, between Kkahertou >nd t'eyluu. Apply to -J. KAWCKTT, r'lwsherlofT. Home aim Lot For Sale The prop I' v known as the Aatidown residence at Oylon, mi ei^ht roomed dwelling, (jond CflUf, -III!. . c r c . - about All :ir'i< of in'), would make i good home for a retired ent!coi<tn. Fur terms and fur- ther uarticul.-us !>]ly to W. .1. I'u'lia uy. FleHherton. I May ft 'JOO ucrcc, l.iti :: :. n..i ::i. Grivul It >ad (Uprey IWncluii ; 70 to MO acre* iin.i- wood liuuli, partly culled, antl l.i to 20 errs ...'.in sw.-imp, pxrtly uulli-d, on Urni. G >ud -i. ii.- house and u<>od i. mi. l,am, alco M.'ili frame liouso on piemigi-s. l'i -.- in,.,, nru very suitab.e for Ntotft ; fnrnis Hiid the hui-h and swamp would I pnivi- uiniii-y uniker" t-.i p.-irtieB uhle to develop them (iood ro IKODS for selling. liiim.-<lL.ri- posgesMou. Price raon.-.l>le Mitt E-Macdonald U. K. No 1, Sioghampton. 150 acics, lots 134 and 133, con. I E. T. and 5 K, ;i:ul lot W5. con. 1 S. W. T. and S. U.. about 125 acres cleared anJ in good state of cultivation, remainder swamp ;md pasture. On the farm is one moJcrn solid brick house H rooms, one hank h.im SINK:! with straw shcil and stone foundation : one implement house 2-K40 and one good barn on posts :it?x5o ; (jooil well at barn anJ house anJ ;i never failing creek. This is an iJeal f<\rm loc:itcJ unjtlie provincial highway :mu closr to town and high school- Hcasomihli- c.isli payment and terms to hint purchaser. 1-or further particulars ;uul tiTitis apply to W. J. DAX'IS, Alail.dali- K K 4, or write to W, M. Davis, 'J .Muir Axe.. Toronto. Stock For Sale Twn Timwoitl) MOWS 'In,- to furrow 'n.' in Janury, three !-otr*i 5 m inths i ii, n-ndy to ivii-i'.l, levfen weaned RWS *nd ljor, nil puro l>o'd. Alfo four pure- bred Oxturil 1 ' n Win),-- .,u.l throe rim 1 iinJi>. nil htock ! till! leal ly;n' alld ill ixit| condition. Vi ill K' prici'd r'ght for immediato Rule. H. D. MvLOl'CJHllV, " K R4, For Sale ur Kent. The clj I-RR factory in Flesherton, on easy terms. Apply to U. J. Sproul.-, Flesherton. Fcr S^le Set single harness gooi- an new, also oite Joien good youn^ heu, S temple, Klunheiton. For Stt'e One Duplex Auto Knitter, Kodas-iie. Apply to Alex. Bes', Proton^tation P.O. telephone 41 r ;!. Horati For S*le- Heavy black horae, sound, h>e years old Uichaid Benthani,. Flechertvii. A nuHibpr of youtiy turkeys and. ((jblileru fwrt-ale. Fred Jaui'esou, phone b'eversluiu. LOST Around Oct. '29, 19JL', yellow collie dog pup, bou four mouths old,, short nil. Finder please, communicate with D. Dow, Fleshertoii. Sheep For Sale-Two year old Ox- ford Down rains, registered and rain, lamb -Apply to S.R. Hawkins, Eugen- ia P.O. Wanted District Representative for FUtherten and surrounding territory to represent the Old Reliable Fonthill Nur- series. A splendid opening for the right man. For full information apply to- Stone & Wellington, Toronto. BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES OKINCB AHTHUR LODQK, No. 3S9.A.FA. 1 AM, wiieta iu tbe alaaouic ball. Ami t'rouK'8 Hlock FMttberton, every Friday on o* before tbe lull nioco. ('. J. Hellauiy \V. M.: K. a. Holism], Secretary. DENTISTRY a rib. C MURRAY U O. 6 , dautal lurgeo^ he aor graduate o( Toronto University an 4 Koya College of Deutal Surneoni of Ontario, Uai adniininistered for teeth extraction fbc all jtiutuce Toronto Street. Fletuertou . LEGAL i I'CAB. * hKSKY-Harrl8ter. B "oliciof lj .-,.. i. ii. i.i, i-HB, K. C. : W. U. Henry B. A. iii.'n-i-M. Uarkdale LUCM Hlock. Pboue -' V. e.rancb ulrlcei at Duudalk aud Durban . Boar For Service Pure bied Registered Yorkshire Boar ' for service Vineyard Pamnus 77Ji3U- on lot 187. 8. W. T. & S, K. . Ar'emeim. i Terms $1.60. Sows nut. returned will be charged saute .t those in pig. 10,4.->2 T. J. LUMBER A small amount of rioor- ing, siding and v joint Htill ,0-1 Imud. Phono K! \V. A. Armstrong for price* UU H10HT, ft TELFOKD.Harriiter, Solioi. tor, *c. Offices, Orer t ttrucs Block, Owen Houuil. Ktaudard Bank e ,*Klebur ton, (SaturJayn). W, H. \Vri s ht, W. V. I'.lford BUSINESS CARDS W M - HAiTTiNii. Iceuitd ADotlcnter tot- " tbe oountleB of Urey and Slmoo*. 'rrm and Stock aalea a apcolalty. Term* moderate. BatUfaction guaranteed. Arrango- nentB for date* may beuiadeat tbe Advance iHico, or C'entral telerbone office Fevereban! ir by addremiiuR tue at Fevei bam, Out. fci:. A. TCnNKULL. B.A.. U.B.. gradual *^ f 1 0111 tlio Faculty of Modicioo, University of Toronto. Office Hicljavmou Ml ock, Flesh ertou, Tolephoiie 33. , Reduction Sale Is still going at full blast GET YOUR NEW FURNITURE AT ONCE. Big reductions on all furniture ' W. H. BUNT Furniture Dealer FLESHERTON, - ONT. 1

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