Flesherton Advance, 13 Dec 1922, p. 3

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THE HALF-SPEED MAN What it Means When You Feel Run Down and Out of Sorts. You know what it means to feel "all cot of sorts." Most people have felt this way at some time. Nerves out of ' order, irritable, languid, depreed. An aching head, appetite bad and diges- tion weak. With some people this con- dition comes and goes; with others It Is chronic they ct-n't shake It off. It Interferes with business., spoils recrea- ; tlon and robs life of all !ti joys. These men and womet are only able Lo work j at half-speed. The trouble is caused ' by poor, watery blood. You can 1m- 1 prove conditions to-day by taking Dr. Williams' Pink PUU. These pills en- rich and stimulate the blood, strength- en the nerves and give you fresh vig- or. Here Is proof. Mr. William P. Bell, BracebTidge, Ont., says: "I have been recommending Dr. Williams' ; Pink Pills for a number of years, be- ! cause of the benefit I got from their i use. I was in a terribly run down con- ' ditlon. I was scarcely able to do any- thing all winter. To make things worse I took the mumps and caught cold, and aa a result was confined to ; bed for six weeks, part of the time In ' a terrible fever. Of course I was doc- j toring, but instead of getting better I was growing weaker. At this time my father-in-law urged me to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, but I had lost iith In all medicine and refused. However, he had such faith in them that ha bought me six boxes, and of course I could not refuse to take them. Now I am gktd I did not. I bad not taken them long bejore I began to have faith In the pills myself. There was no doubt 1 was improving. Day by day my strength came back and I gained In weight from 115 to 146 pounds. Therefore, I feel that I cannot speak too highly of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I hope my experience will con- rlnce some other sufferer of the value of this medicine." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail post-paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. WrUlam*' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. * Canada leads a list of 13 nations In the per capita consumption of butter,! according to a report of the United States Department of Agriculture. Each perron in Canada is credited with consuming 1 11 pounds of butter a year, compared v. ith 15 pounds in the Un- ited States. Sweden leads in the con- sumption of milk, and Switzerland 1 leads in ctrees*' eating, the average for ach person being 2f> pounds*. Minard's Liniment for Garget In Cow*. Safeguarding the Widow's Estate By Rev. Peter Bryce. I am impress**! atriiu and again I enable her to purchase a touee. When with the evident Necessity of safe- j th * wld)OW guard.n*. m some mouner. the estate of the widow. It has been my privt- not obtain it. lege Iri the pu uh money sfce could A father-in-law, In au- Q00 aM , cou , d not p^y ^ ^^ wtMm it waa nee ded. two years to examine i A broUier, in another case, borrowed nearly 8,000 family records, and with ' $750 to telp him In establishing a tht :.,* frequency the record tells sma11 bu.^n*s; the veaum, was un- successful and the money could not be of sma;: e3ta<ea dissipated by foolish | recovered- Neighbors and friends I have, again and again, united in re- A few (iciyi ago I noted ntet a widow j Keying the widow of her cash aesets, left with aa insurance of $2,000 had i uaualy promising a good rate of in- invested $1,500 in gold mining stock j tercet but unfortunately, to many ia- of no vaJue. Quite frequently the stances, the security has been ex- widow to Induced to purchase oil stock with the promise of large interest re- tremaly doubtful. One man secured a loan (?) of f.irn-s. Every worUdesa form of stock , $2,000 from a w<low ou the pretense ngmes in Investments made by the | O f giving a $10,000 insurance policy widow. ~ Unscrupulous men undoubt- ; made out to taer aa security. Some edly prey upon the widow and follow time afterwards she consulted a law- up all Informa/tlon given in announce- yer in regard to the transaction, and meats In the press respecting tie pro- ascertained that the man bad paid batkm of wills. | only one half-yearly premium on the It is amazing to note, also, how the | policy. The policy had lapsed, and widow's money la loaned out to rela- i the man 'had left the ountry. lives and friends without security. | The annuity plan, aa now advocated One Instance of many is that of a j by insurance companies, or arranging widow with $3,000 from insurance. A j the estate so that an income only is brother-in-law borrowed $600, a broth- i available, would save many widows er $500, and a sister-in-law $1,000 to i from financial disaster. Safety in the Mine. An invention which should do much to safeguard the lives of miners la a bell which automatically sounds an alarm if there is a dangerous amount of gas or firedamp in the pit. Ttote warning device Is- the Invention of an English electrical engineer and his son, a chemical engineer. One of Its most Important features Is that it continues to sound aa long as the air in the mine is impure. It can be act o that it goes off as soon as a certain percentage of gas or firedamp is In the atmosphere, and it gives ample time for the miners to escape before the air becomes really dangerous. In appearance it is like an ordinary box. At one end Is a sensitive plate in contact with the atmosphere, and how effective it is -may be Judged by the results of various stringent tests. The vapor from three drops- of whis- key sihaken from a tumbler held over the plate was sufficient to se* the alarm ringing. | that ascend into nh sky all around the ' Arctic Circle. Occasionally in our latitudes we get | a glimpse of it, but only a glimpse; and It seems to us aa if the streamers sprang from the surface level of the earth. But they do no*. They start from forty to fifty miles up. It to the sun that makes n! 1 .*? aurora, which varies in size and intensity with solar activity. Once in a while, when j it reaches a maximum, its streamers i may be seen stretching clear across I our nlgitt sky. and there is so much , electricity let loose that all our tefo- 1 graph instruments go on strike. Trailing Aurora. ' . i ; 1:1:1! to his voyage of discovery in the Arctic. Captain Roald Amund- sen plans to make movie pictures of the aurora boreales that wonderful phenomenon, now known to be elec- trical in its nature, which manifests Itself in the form of -light-streamers THE FALL WEATHER HARD ON LITTLE ONES Canadian fall weather is extremely hard on little ones. One day Is warm and bright, and the next wet and cold. These sudden changes bring on colds, cramps and colic, and unless baby's little stomach Is kept right the result may be serious. There le nothing to equal Baby's Own Tablet* la keeping the little ones well. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, break | up colds and make baby thrive. The i Tablets are sold by medicine dealers : or by mail at 25 cents a box from The I Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvtlle. Ont : $12,000] [N Her. > y pat THE It would canvasain own subs really ms T* p Wlow wl THE SAJ year, by lis first prize e eeeond hll divided sm Bone provide ered or mut rises will I t nhould the ht to reerr ners will re prise winnc KbedulcU. or f the coupot and then di score as ret I. will tw disqualify a J and euiTlcii nrry that the al and local competition, or interview in column [OMB toam I JCma^Hssslssssssssiolsslsr Is9 esl oasssl ^J ^MT ^J ft opportunity to participate In these threo klg cash prine. Wo wish to ATHLE1IC GUIDE, oar now Sporting Paper on tho map and at ones. take us months and months to roach oar circulation objective by ordinary g methods so we have decided to spend oar money in a wsjr whereby our crlbero will gsin aa eppeilanlty to participate la our expenditure which kss our preposition a mutual one all the way round. irtlripate In thia ankscrlptlen eampelgsi you simply Indicate en the coopon wthor m year estivation the HOMX TEAM will score MORE. LKS8 or UK NTJMBKB of coals than they scored In tho corresponding gums of loot plscing an "X** In the column provided In the coupon. Prizes will be to the subscriber who submits the highest correct estimate. The second best cornet estimate and the third prize to the subscriber who submits the ng subscribers whose estimates rank eiiusllr correct. RULES i for that MORE GOALS. LESS GOALS, or tho SAME NUMBER OF GOAL3 as in the corresponding game of ast year. * te ^ W1 '* t'j Should the eor* shown for last year's gam^s be neor- rect it will not arTect any estimate as the figures will be taken as (Tinted herewith. inge l prlze '*' Entrant* muet enclose 25c with each coupon, which will eive more entitle them to nve weeks' subscripton to THE ATH- u receive I KTIC GUIDE, er tl. which entitles them to one extra eulry coupon and twenty-flve weeka' subscription, not com- (> No two prises will be paid out in any one week to any In tho one subooriber. iL-ontinued ID Employees of THK ATHLETIC GUIDE cannot compete. Hitcred at (11) Prlxoa are awarded on the results received by cable :cepted as on or before 9 a.m. Monday following date of matches. 1 12) No responsibility will be accepted by THE ATHLBTIC ny coupon GUIDE for the )os or non-delivery of any coupon. ct reason. Proof of posting will not be accepted as proof of de- Auditor's livery or receipt. y binding M3i Coupona received without name or address will be dis- No cor- qualified. B granted. (14) In caseii of capital prize winner* when the) address is provided; given aa "General Delivery" only, proof of Identilication will score will be lequired before mailing of capital prise. 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize $6500 $3500 $2000 warded to nbecribi:rs sa follows: T prlrr to the lubeeriber who submits It hint highest. Priiei will be equally (tl All entries must made on cot purpose. (1 l Any coupon which has been be disqualified. i") In event of a tie, or ties, i equally between thoee tieing. bi arise, the Auditor reserves the r money so that tbo first prize wii than tho second, and the second more than the third, i 1 ' Matches un coupona Incorrectly menced. same will bo struck ol event of a came being started, for any reason whatsoever, the the time the Karoo Is terminate being the same as a full game. (5) The Auditor rcucrvcs the right to for what, in his opinion, is a 0oo> and It la a distinct condition of decision shall be acctpud as tl: In sll matters concerning this respondence will be entered Into (S) In marking coupon, placo cross denote whether you think tho I FOOTBALL COMPETITION ATHLETIC GUIDE PUBLISHING CO, 508 Dominion Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. I sattr this Football Competition with the widentandlng that I aim to aMde br the published ruU- governing? sane and to accept the Auditor's decision ss final and legally binding. Twenty-five cents enclostd for five weeks' subeerlptlen entitles n r to one tstlBStc: 5*c. ten w**ks and two stimatss; 78c. aftoen weeks and thr citimatci: St. 00, twenty weeks and five estimates. NOTE Mark with an X la column provided whether uu think the HOME teaa will score MURE, LESS or the SAME nosiber of goals ss In the corresponding fane last season. VMF No. 2 Games to be Played Dec 30 Competition closes Midnight Dec 29 ADDRESS Mark with X in column provided. "M" Is more is leas: "S" it same. ROME TEAM Last Year'* Score Away Ttei Coupon JTo. 1 X 1. I Coupon No. 3 M Coupon No. 3 M Z. S Coupon No. 4 MLS Coupon Wo. M & S Aston Villa 2 Preston N. E. Sunderland 2 i Birmingham Bolton W. 1 2 Cardiff Clapton 0. 1 2 Rotherham Coventry 2 West Ham. Charlton A. 1 Watford Luton I Millwall 1 Northampton 2 Brighton & H. Queen's Pk. R. 1 1 Portsmouth Accrington 1 2 Halifax ! Lincoln 1 Barrow 1 Rochdale 2 1 T Ashington Dundee 2 Albion Rovers Kilmarnock 1 i Hibernians _ Raith Rovers 2 i Celtic BROUGHT THE JOY OF LIFE TO MRS. COTE Mrs. J. Cote. 58 St. Eustache St., Quebec, recently made the following grateful statement regarding Tanlac: "Tanlac has brought me perfect health, and tho Joy of living and I am glad to tell everybody what a grand medicine it Is. For over a year ! was in such a weak condition on account i of stomach and liver troubles that I j could hardly move about the hcuac. I could not eat a good meal without suf- Certng the worst sort of pains after- wards. I woke up mornings with a fearful headache, and had such bad j dizzy s<pells I had to leave my work I and lie down. I felt tired and weary all the time and often had terrible sin-king sensations. "The way Tanlac built me up is | s.imply wonderful. After taking four bottles my troublee are all gone and I am as well as I ev^ was in rny life. I eat and sleep like a child and have strength to do my housework with ' ease." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. "Waan't It Providential?" William Ufford burst into the kit- j chen where his mother was busy get- i ting dinner. "Mr. Simonds ran into an automobile to-day and tipped over!" he exclaimed. "Ned was with him, and neither was hurt! Wasn't it provi-. dntial, mother?" When his mother had inquired more '. particularly about the accident sbe semed suddenly to think of something else and, laying down the knife and absect-mindiedJy holding the potato that she tad been peeling, asked her son: "Wouldn't it have been providen- tial, WiMiam. if Ned had been hurt or ' even kilted?" William looked at his mother in as- tonishment. "Why." he replied, "I thought that only good things were providential. Our Sunday school teach- er says that God cares even for 6toe sparrows." "She is right." his mother replied. "Jesus says, 'Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And on cf them shall not fall on the gryund witeout your Father.' Jesus doM not say that sparrows do uot fall, hjjt wht>n they do fall they are still in the care of our heavenly Father. Sparrows often fail; their enemies capture them, and storms kill them; but they are a part of God's universe, and God rules wise- ly. He knows everything that hap- pens, and He cares." "I never thought of that." William ! replied. "It is a mistake.," his mother ciin'iu- ; ued, "to think that God cares fcr us j only when He gives ua what we like. j There are many things, William, that I we cannot explain, but whatever hap- pens we ate never beyond God's care; and very often things that we neither desire nor like are of more value to us ;iiitl to others than things that we deeire ore. It i th/e sign cf a strong character to trust God's providences always, whether we like them or not, and whether He is giving to us or is taking from us." MOTHER! Ope n Child's Bowels with California Fig Syrup" PATENT ATTORSETS. R Ui'HjT * UAYUliE. KK.NT j;L.L).i, Yon** Street. Toronto. Register** Attorney*. Send for free booklet NURSING THK UNITED HOSPITAL SCHOOL of N'ursing offers a 2i year courM to High School graduates. Text-hooka, allowance, uniforms and scholarship* provided. Class enters In January S.-nd, for prospectus. Port Cheater. New York. FOXES CHOITE SILVER BLACK FOXES, pups, adults. Reid Bros., Rmhwell, Ontario. BELTING FOR SALE BELTING OP ALL KINDS. NEW OB used, pulley*, saws cable, has* etc.. shipped subject to approval at low- eat '", In Canada. York Baiting Co.. 13 S York St.. Toronto. Hurry Mother! A teaspoonful of j "California Fig Syrup" now will thor- ! oughly clean the little bowels and in ' a few clours you have a well, playful child again. Even a cross, feverish, constipated child loves its "fruity" taste, and mothers can rest easy be- cause it never falls to work all the sour bile and poisons right out of the stomach and bowels without griping or upsetting the child. Tell your druggist you want only the genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother, you must say "California." Refuse any . imitation. xjs-^or^o*^*^**^**^ Pimples Disappear 1 "You don't need mercury, potash * or any other strong mineral to / curs) pimples caused by poor (o blood. Take Extract of Roots druggists call it "Mother Scigel's Curative Syrup and your skin will clear up as fresh a* a baby's. It will sweeten your stomach and regulate your bowels." Get the genuine. 50c. and $1,00 Bottles. At drug stores. 6 MONEY ORDERS. The safe way to send money by mail Is by Dominion Express Money Order. Prolonged absence of sunlight tends to produce pale hair and colorless eyes. r - - "Cascarets" lOc Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipated To clean out your buwe.a without j cramping or overacting, take Casca- rets. Sick headache, billoujBeas, gases. Indigestion, sour, upset stomach and all sack distress gone by morning. 1 Nicest physic on earth (or grown-up and children. lOc a box. Taste llk i caatfy. erlca'a Pioneer Dog Bemedlesi DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by tho Author. H. Clay (Hover Co., Inc. 129 West 24th Street New York U.S.A. COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk car-lots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO ISSUE No. 4 '22. Now colds are in the air, this p-re- ventative will b welcome to many a mother: Boil half a pint of milk and haJf a pint of water together. Squeeze into a cup the juice of one lemon, add it to the other liquid and cook gently fcr three minutes. Now strain it off, add sugar to taste, and give to the patient piping 1 hot. PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE "Rape's Diapepsin" for Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach Minard's Liniment for Distempsr. When buying nutmegs, choose small rather than large ones, as the former have a hotter flavor. RETRIES MACHINERY TORONTO' lusuuiJy! Storuairli corrected! Yon never feel the slightest distress from Indigestion or a sour, acitl. gassy stom- ach, after you eat a tablet of "Pape' Diapepeia." The moment it retichflB the stomach all sourness, flatulence, heartburn, gases, palpitation and pain disappear. Druggists guarantee each packag to correct digestion at once. End your stomach trouble for few cents. Cuticura Insures HealthyComplexions Daily use of Cuticura Soap, assisted when accessary by Cuticura Ointment, promotes a clear skin, good hair and soft white hands in most cases when all else fails. Alwaysinclude theexquiaitelyscentcdCuti- cura Talcum in your toilet preparations. 3eZ5iOmla>eat2Sss>,5tV.T.Usai25c. Sold throughout theDommion. Canadian Depot: LTJSBSI, Lisnted. 144 SL Paal Si.. W . Mostrud. spesyCuticura Soap ahaves without mug. QUEER FEELINGS AT MIDDLE AGE Women Should Know How Lydia L Pinkham's Vegetable -.'cmpcunj Helps at This Trying Period Sheboygan, Wisconsin. "I was ran down, tired and nervous. I could not even do my owa housework, could not sleep at night and all kinds of queer thoughts v: -uld coma to me. F i n a 1 1 y I gave up going to the doctor and a friend told me of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound. After the first bottla I could sleco better and I have Kept on improving ever since. I have taken seven bottles now and am 'happy that I am all over these bad feelings. Mrs. B. LANSER, 1639 N. 3rd St., Sheboygan, Wisconsin. For the woman cr.torinjf middle ago Lydia E. Pinkham s Vo^:table Com- pound can be of mu >, benefit. During this time of life certain changes taka place which sometimes develop into serious trouble. Melancholia, nervousness, irritability, headache and dizziness are some of the symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound is a natural restora- tive, especially adapted to assist natun in carrying you safely past this time, Why not give it a fair" trial 7 UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablds, you are not getting Aspirin at all Fisherman's tr.end The Cng-l&al zru\ Only Qenulne 'Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirir," which contains diuctions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe ty millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 101) Drnggista. . , ^

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