Flesherton Advance, 20 Dec 1922, p. 4

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December 20 19-2-2 THE F L E S H E K f K A D V AN C E Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men's and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Cleaning l-fejxiirinj; Pressing All at lowest possible prices H. ALEXANDER M Proliant, Tailor Feversham, - Ontario THE Flesherton Advance i An ;n I, p, -n. i. ir neuMpoper laaol) \V. ,liu>".iKy at the nllir.'.t I Sttoot, Flesherion. Subscription pric i SI 60 per annum whon pull iu advance ?-' DO 'when not so puid. $2.0U t jl'nitbil Slates. Advertising rates 01 application. Cirri alien over 110 W. Fl. THUKSTn.N BROADENIG OUT I At the bi^f convention of farmer | held in Toronto last \veek the mat iter of broadening out the I'. F. O so as to include everybody desirou of helping to keep the yovernmen in power, was discussed, and by 'show of hands was almost unam imiously defeated. At asession fol lowing 1 . Mr. Orury submitted hi reason in favor of a graciou admission of outsider's and candid! told them thai there were no !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! .. lanotiffh farmers m Canada tocontro i help echo Rubber Bottoms - Those who require new Rubber Bottoms on their old tops should leave them NOW and I : i : p 5 : Be ready for a wet day the situation without oi)tsidc and he was cheered to the The convention seemed tube >\vavet by the appeal of the moment, and al'ter all \va3~over things- appearec lo remain about in the same pi ition they were at the beginning. Mr. Drury says he ought to he returned to power to finish theworl I now being undertaken by hi 1 [various Departments. Hut tha has been the crj- of politicians I'ron time immemorial. They all hav a lot of jobs to finish heforegivinsi up : i 9. their sessional indemnities and bon nse.s. In cases where governments are turned down the cause isgeneral Jjj: '\v a conviction among the electoral! ; jthat much of this work nevershouU Jj;. : be finished. Highly six loot roat Jj::iways, for instance, are very nnpop H!<ular, "Let I.a A ier finish his work' ,.., ................V.^i was a popular en, a lew years ago ****!!!>***! i . **!" ::::( stMt-tmt JM8t?s t?!?sftM Part ot that work was lo complet ~ ilu-lirand Trunk Pacific -a worl THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO just iirrived. A.1I reasonably priced, Prices ranging from $28 up Agent for the Waite Dry Cleaning Co. of Owen S * ui IP I Everybody has a chance to have their suit thoroughly cleaned. Cloth** brought Monday delivered Wednesday Clothe* brought Thuriday delivered Saturday Overcoat* turned to look like new Flesherton Tailor Shop this countr - v in pretty mess. So we cannot sa> * that an appeal ol this kind for ; I broadening out to bring in a reservi ] foice is of necessity an appeal tha should be heeded. In case Mr. DruiVs plans \\eu ! adopted the I'. !'. O. would simpl\ lose it-, identiy. There would be no I'. !'. O. party; it would simply b I the "Third Party" made up fron [the two old line parlies and tin [present I'. !' O. Asa matter o f.j. I, " broadening out '' lias onl lone merit that we can- see. an iibal is the retaining of Mr Drur as Premier, and many would no even call that a merit. i' T. C. BLAKELEY Merchant Failoi OUR INFORMATION GENtlNF. Bro Irwin ol the Durham C'hron ii le rather casts doubt on tin. 'authenticity of our intormatioa i-egarding the change m Canada' Let Us Overhaul Your Car THIS WINTER It costs less to keep a car in good health than it does to treat sick cars. Lack of inspection means break downs, high mile- age costs, expensive repairs^and loss of use. We would suggest that you leave your car with us this win- ter and allow us to make'any repairs necessary and have it in tip-top condition when the beau- tiful spring appears again. Our storage space is bieng pretty well taken up and we have only room for a few more cars. Come in and let us ex- plain our winter overhaul prop- osition to you. WINTER BATTERY SERVICE Every owner who brings a battery to us for winter storage is assured that it is being kept in good shape. We want you to get the best possible service from your battery, and you won't unless it is properly taken care of during the winter months. Acetylene Welding Please remember that we can weld that broken casting, etc., and save you real money. All welding work guaranteed, D. McTavish & Son nati.i i emblem. Dear hoy, our infor.iiant was the Secretary ot State himsolf, through the medium of Rod and Gun in Canada. -The editor of that publication vviote him for i?i format ian, .-irJiliU was what he replied as published in the Dec- ember number of that magazine : " ThH new i ' iii-t.i i in Cont of Amis no lon^ci l.eun the iinHe of bc-Hver, but in it-.i ph.ue (here is tlio imuga of a linn, li'ii.in in i 1 :- mouth, a miple lef Tue re;si>n fi-r the chungr, UN explained liy ilia 1) p'utiniMii of i lie S-crctaty of Stale lo U :il mil (jiin in i;.in*d, is given heri'w tli and thould prove of interest. ',' "Tile column U-o t. living chin;e of the rcC'.initiiL-Mdittinii nf Anns considered fu ly I lie -u.-.-i -i,..,i that tlio beuvi-r should I- i nc! 11 ltd, in I it wax decided tliat H a iiieintier of the rat I .imly, n betvrr ws and would not lo.ik well on ill.- d.-vice. One tx.mple nl the ob je ;tum.i >-:ii)eil 19 ijuite well known. The C'uiaJian Merchant Mnnnc displayed a Leaver on ilieir H u Vl*jt, find lliey liuveever since been ciillu>|uullyNuowo in The )lt Line. " .As jour currei<pnn~ dent -iys, ihe liou IB noi a repw*ntittive >f i ' n.n.: i except in so In us i ',,,. ,,| ; j , ;>aitoi the I'mich Empire, nnd in ihix connect mi .t was connidered ^ppcoptiata '" It , the linn hold the ui;i;>U leaf " NOTES There is a law in force in Ontario which distinctly says that ;igarettes or tobacco is not lo be sold or given to minors, but the law is broken more times tnnn observed, by what we have noticed from time to time. The cigarette- Miabil is dangerous to the growth and de- velopment of the young iil'e. o o o o The Klu l\lux Klan will not be tolerated iu Onlaiio. An attempt is being made to far in a branch in London, but the Government of Ontario can look alter the law- breakers without the help of the Klan. l> O O O The Farmer's Sun says that Premier King has been hunting for bull-moose to strengthen his gov- ernment support but so far has only shot a cotton-tailMr Hammell of .Muskoka. ESTABLISHED If II TAXES For the Townships of Proton, Melanc- thon and Osprey are payable at the Bank of Hamilton in Dundalk, Proton ' or Corbetton. I .*. ,HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Cartbew, Manager SlB-BKiNCII PROTON C. J. Forster, Siib-Maaager <-S 1> WE SELL * * I V FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER 4 JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AQENT. FLESHERTON. . Increasing the Demand Chevrolet and McLaughlin Motor Cars Tractors - New combe Pianos Samson White Rose Gas. " It' our Uiutis wei all weather and MWO Itmtui we could .lij. them lo the I'niled SiHU'H and aell gia*t th-i IA-M Staled product. ' Such is a atnirtnvnt of one of the Ui _ - ! .-. i ,.i- in Canada. M in ovr. ihe utiiiu buyer <*:<.* llut Caiuiliaiis vat !._' puuudd of ineit per y. u , .,.!,. Of lti> ualy 10A Hit in lamb Tiiutluu. lii I ^!AII ' they t-nt 'J> !'-, of mutton nnd lamb pjr year. ()jeionlly one hoari the uirgu.slii D in uli- lht CII^IIH %ln>uld ItfMen pn duel uni Hunt inuuh will ti ^unni if only ii httf nf iht> j i -Ji. i n, m grown ii |,i ,, > Lut . ..'. i' i vu- ill,, price I It i,nld Hiiuuul in the Maine thing in lliu end. \VowM it not ra'her be better (> tl'iul'Ut (lie production, iniprin d aid thc> in. -i ii-, mi that widn- IIMI- ai.tl xruator (loiuctiids . ..' I lo croatid, Kivoy.m-. , .. ihe raisin (jniw^ra o' Fit-sriii C.iiuny, i iiituiiit, fi.ui I liny had 'JO,tK;0 in ;{0,000 poundn of raisins IIK-'O linn they could bull. TUey anrei d to orgnu -,'i!i- Sun M;i il Utisin (iinvru-g Co-op.'iiiiivrf Ciiiiuiany. Today they hvu locrcasod tlio acrotge .HOOU mil tn il they ,-11:11. ii Mipply lliu il, nui|, ; . Tiny l"'n. $i.'),l)0(HJ iu ajveitiaing. Did ii Cy / They hive laitft-r umrkeU now. They Nell ul a iHlti wlnth not only piys ihi-in t i ui-.i\v ruinuu, but also to incri'Hse thw crcKe. Uiititno furmurs can do hkewisu I it not lime to try ? Lifeless Body Found in Barn The lifeless body of William Klder vv;is found suspended from a bcum in In- father's barn early Sundny morninf; other members of the family. The circumstances arc very tragic and the death was a severe shuck to the man's family and his inuny ft icnda n the community. He wua In nij; with ins parents, Mr, md Mm. Alex. Klder, about two miles until of Chatsworth, where he \vaa >orn and raived. On Sunday monvng e aroae about live o'clock and went to he barn. The other members of the amily did not get up till seven, and 'hen they went out to the barn they Okind his body hanging from H beam uitc lift-less. Dr. Bull of Hollaiu! Icntrc watiiummoncd and he decided tiat an inquest was* imnccc3tir)-, Mt- E;Jcr was about thirty ycafa flf go but \vns not in the best of health atoly. This w.is posvibly the cause of is traffic death. I'crtUlvR his parents, live brothers nnd four sist cis survive. Tluy me .lames, Jyt-K, Iv.in. Mrucc and l.'lurcnee, Mrs \li-l.f.m ol l-\ \vi-sh.viii, a sister at North Bny, another in Toronto .'.iiit Marie ut CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Chinaware and Cutlery, Heater and Ranges, Razors and Rifles, Irons, Klectric, Sk.ite.s and Hockey Supplies, Toasters, lilectric, IVJitts. Pullovers and (iauntlets, Aluminum ware, Snownhoes and Shovels, Saws and Scissors, U-ed Army Horse Blankets, Qraniteware, Grindstones, Enamelware, Sugar Shells, Tea Ketfles, |ron Kettles, Qneida Conmuinity U'are |\|ickelware, Silverwoar. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton . . 'Phone 24 r 1 1 We wish our many Customers a very Merry Christmas and a most Prosperous New Year H. DOWN & SONS FLESHERTON AUTOMOBILES and FARM IMPLEMENTS f> ^ * V * I 4 V . -' -t I > t WINTER TKRMS OPEN JAN. 3.d. LL1OTT Youge and Charleg Htroela. Toroato Thid school stoudi to-day with o!et> out record for high ftrndtf woik. Every graduate of ihia yew sivuivtl ruipl ivtiKMii . NYrito for A Gift That Last. Uive that Boy or Oirl of yours a Kift thai U.it ft hfe tine and pay* dividends daily a ooarai lo the ^v. j. ELLIOTT, rnm^ H. A. McKEE Ohiioprnotor SpetMilist At l\ik Hutol, Kl shcrtun. Mottd..^ * f i t i'iiiusil;iy mul Kridny, 4 tn S p m. 'u'-d y, Tbutsdity and tj I) p in. Ci>nuujiHiu fre Uoa'i UK StioriUud, Paraioto' cotirwfc- lo Preparatory course (or tho*e who mi? i d (he tmt chitacc public school. Now tpiui i^eus January 2nd U. A. KLKMISU. K.C.A , PriocipM aiuoe 1881 . Q. 0. FLKVIINO, Secretary, t / 1 -. t f t

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