January '3, ! 02:! THE FLESHERfON ADVANCE O THK Flesherton Advance An iiiilr|'iv,il.'i.' ii. -.'... published ach Wednesday !. i >ttit,Cd1lingwood Struct, FluHhor'on. Subscription price country is trying to deal witli_a , | tsll . 8torydateibacli fron , M wave of crime, hul it tlio majority a very old Greek writer, but Btigftftiia HOW TO FEED FOR MlLK ol' our men in liitfli places were of . was the name most popular in i-lasaiial Uf* IU I L.L.U I Ull IfilLIX the Stamp of these men, tlie hope! times. I t^wag carried pn^M RigeniiM of success would be lorlorn indeed THE NAME EUGENIA i) per .nuu.ii .!.< IMI in mAnm* ; i.OO when not MI |itiil 2.0<) t<- ' 'niu-d Sutes. Advritihiiii> rte on i pplictlimi. Circi ntion over 1100 | wet) kiy A correspondent at tiugenia asks power and prominence, liugcnio was W. H. TIU'USTON '' ; " I1 " R , us \vlui chose tin- name for that vil- the name of that liiKti-spirited Savoy thc ttomans. St. Eugenius \ut confcsaor and another Eugcnius was Hishop of 1 olcdo in K4K. Indeed it has ahv;<ys been a favorite as a masculine name :i:u! has been borne by men of RATS ! Some little lime ayo Mr. llam- We and win ? Kugenm came into called Me petit Abbe du Itoi, 1 who M ", ,, . later the Prince Kugene, dear to Jang- ibeiiifj ;ilter the Crimean war, when . . * ... 'the Purdys settled there and sec- am1 Turkey, yet, 'curious to relate, foe ured a"^" town " plot from ll>e ' that lie was, his name enjoys greater mill. M. P. for Muskoka, l ^'^ ed rnment . |, wa .s natural, per- popularity in Prance than in his native from the ranks ol the I'.K.O. .md ' joined lorcc with ti;e Liberals ;t Ottawa. This action brought forth many sharp criticisms anil *-;m*tic remark thill (he streel s >houlU receive ] " The Hrtt SnU only OIH- taenticned in lhe K Eugenic wa, a virgin Roman "'""" Other papers, who decided that the. ,. concerned in that war, mid from the battl* foutflit by .. . i-.,i. ..,,,1 histor> of this name before the birth of - '' ,. k r t " ''.fl! from otlae maim, etc.; and party was well rid of him. SUCH as Raglan, Canrohert and otheis. It will now he interesting to note ,'|\\v years before. Napoleon 111. ol j how these paper-, take the l.itesl '(' ranee had married Kugeiiie Marie NOTES Happy \'e\v Year. deflection, that of Joseph Bennett, d c yiontijo and as a graceful tribute; M.I', for Prescolt, who has announ- to the >vn- Queen ol l-rance^d.Oj XVhalwm , h( . Turonto dailies cedthatin the future he will sup- was said to be one ol thc most about mw tha( ^ |hjro port Mackenzie King. He i|uaintly 'beautiful women in F'.urope, her J ,, ,, .^ admits himself to be mentally a| nanle \t,a.s given to the place with parallel with the proverbial rat ',| 1P \n./-|icizcd spelling. lhe Arteniesia elections on Mon- which quits the Milking ship Be- j Our corre8pon dent also desires , d resulu . d in thc election of a CatueCrerar feigned the leader. (o knpw , h meanintf , t | lt word! memher |>om e , c ,, ward , the ship "there must be something wrong," -ind he i-- in a hurry to jjet to cover. The IVoj^ ies--i\ e^ are ceitmnly the richer tor losing this claN.-> ol" politician, hut they are producing Kujjenia, and this explauation we | -|- own .,|,ip. Some sections have dip troin a Western paper. We nol hcc|) lt . preseinet | tne past f ew hope shortly to print a. lengthy | e;(rs article compiled by the editor of tb I Meatord Mirror and published some time ago, dealing the M and this w.ll so much of the kind ih.il e-er-body hisU>l - v "' Ku enia - ol" verv deep interest to all our o o o o The mi|J w . ea ,|,,. r ot lh<? pa ,,, , t . vv fy WB eks has it advantage in helping coal pile keep up a ,..,., . MI vfcTV lieci 1 HHCIWI n- *" . ; nr^ram-r. H WOadenog it the partv is not ' . . , P' mce - . . . . reader*-. LoOK out tot it. i o' o honeyconihed \\ith this grade ot rotten timber. Many appear to Born to queenly honors is she who A line stale of affairs exists on have mounted the wave ol popular |ber the name of Bnenm. IU orl gin ( the I'.S.-c'anadian border in the tumult merelv to attain a selfish 'i "> '^ Grst;k I*-"5'" I K <: ' where it IK ,, ut tcr ofexc,han-e. In Windsor, from '.' word meannig well-horn. On( ^ t|)e Amer :j. in dol | ar is dis . .. througlioiil Cl the, Cininted :tnd '" l) * l ' l ' it ' Mich to the party that put them where worldl'smci 'it is borne by one of thc ' ( across the river from Windsor, the they are. It is a -orry exliihi'io n \ mobt illustrious women of history, thc Canudhn dollai is at a discount. Ofsordid seltishnos. And to think former Hmprcus Kugcnie, Ha popular- i |, is nartl , t> : ,w:ikeu the mind o- lity in France iscnurmoun, and its Ang- , Mf so , Jlhhr|1 iu .ijr|,hors to the fact Object, no, ed that men of this ralihre have part in the councils i>i a nation ! Ruueiibi has (-rcat , . ! that the C nnadian monev is as and America, il not better, than their own. just arrived. A.H reasonably priced. Prices ranging from $28 up John White Dead As < jji, 'o p-ess w<i lcn if the ; death of Mr. Julin White >tt lhe liunic of i his ii-ii. Hen NVhiie, weal back luie. The ; funeial will lake |)'.m. I n I .> nt .' p.m. ' {o Irwin't ceoitflPry. Tlu> dt>cen*ii > il m n- ileinn wis K'J yours of ige. Agent fur the Waite Dry Cleaning Co. I Annual Meeting of Owen Sound. Everybody has a c-ltaiu-e t: have their suit thoroughly cleaned. Cloth** brought Monday Cloth brought Thursday delivered Wedneidiy delivered Saturday Overcoats turned to look like new Flesherton Tailor Shop T. C. BLAKELEY Merchant Tailor tnimtl nieotng of iho S. K. 'irey I'' K. > I L I'. I'ohlied Aiocitifin will l)ii li -M in Wntinn'* hall in the Villiu-e uf I* ijtfvill* LIU Tn' I iv. J'i. lii'li, ii '-' '.-... i. |i in. At the unit ir. '! - A.C \t I'd ..:. M.I'., in I Dr. U. M. l.-r-, i, M I' 1* . tv'.ll i t'l-i .in acu'>unt ,.; (heir rc.Mprot.vi! ><: i:iU.i-. . to ilia *lrctoia forthefMt '.''-- Kleotiou of uttkara .ml nthor ! rnT;i! budiupiii will be in order. Kveryliody liko unuUed ' with ill' i K.D. io cuidilljr invited > t- tsnJ . Jiw*ph tin . ti.'l!,.*, Dundalk. 1'residcnl ; M . R. Murray, NfUxtadt Ridin S,'" 'l'i iMi. Let Us Overhaul Your Car THIS WINTER It costs less to keep a car in good health than it does to treat sick cars. Lack of inspection means break downs, high mile- age costs, expensive repairs and loss of use. We would suggest that you leave your car with us this win- ter and allow us to makejany repairs necessary and have it in tip-top condition when the beau- tiful spring appears again. Our storage space is bieng pretty well taken up and we have only room for a few more cars. Come in and let us ex- plain our winter overhaul prop- osition to you. WINTER BATTERY SERVICE Every owner who brings a battery to us for winter storage is assured that it is being kept in good shape. We want you to get the best possible service from your battery, and you won't unless it is properly taken care of during the winter months. Acetylene Welding Please remember that we can weld that broken casting, etc., and save you real money. All welding work guaranteed. D. McTavish & Son Rations Must be Well Balanced and Also Generous. S|torJHl Indoor Feeding l;<-<|iilrr<l SiJ.i-H, 1'ulped Route, Chopped Clover, Etc., Kecommended the t'owa (Cuti tri Luted by Ontario department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Pastures may produce sufficient nutriment fr the average producing cow, but the heavy producer cannot fat vmiiivli grans to satisfy her hun- ger and tbf demand of her milk producing organs. Xo nucb lifavjr producers aii|*plrui'-iiiiii grain uuiz- tur. K uhould be fed in quantity auf- flcieiit to nutisfv the eow'a huager and inak" possible the full functioning of the milk secreting organs. On good pab''!r thc areragu producing cow rail not ntak<* I'rofitablo ase of gr*U (eedu, but wbtu ou poor pMiturea tb fn-diug of grain ay a Mppleeotary may Li* UH- out* w by whicb tb milk flow ca-u be kept up. f.onne* Mtwl K SB|>fflciin-iiir,i by Urniii. ' Cows producing 54 pouud* uf milk n-'-r day, tftitiiiB thr<-e per cent. buWf fat, sbould receive m addition to ^ood pasture 8 to 10 pounds of mix 'd grain choji per dy. Cowa pro- duciug 3D pounds of milk per day tenting thr^f per cent, butter fat would benefit by the addition of four pounds uf mixed grain chop eacb day at the milking time on return from paMtijrf. In gonif dintrlctii the ncaaon of flush pasture ujay be very short. If such is (In- i-a*e provision for biippli>inentary coarse feols muit be made. Thin may be uioal easily done by providing good bilagr. Many ot the wore progressive dairymen feed sllaue during the entire summer period in quantity in keepiuK with t-onditioiig in the pasture field, In- creasing in decreasing the quantity at the demand of the cow. The trow- ing of soiling crops such at the oats and iw-ase. mixture, the growing of alfalfa and r?Jj clover corn, and roou in season are ways of keeping th* COWM working should ttic pastuie fall. The cow's stomach Hhoulj bo kept vrell lined with fe<l if she is to be prontable as a producer or milk. As tlio ijraas or pasture crop dwin- dles. other tecds must be diipplii d or milk cannot be made Many good feeders uupplement the ui'r pau- tures in Auguiii with ^reen fodder corn and second growth clover, newly made silage from peas aud oats or corn may follow these. Durini; Oc- tober and early November, grey- -in.,, turnip- and Koi'ghum nre frt- quontly used. All then* feeds ?v the same rout*, and produce much the Hame effect on the animal body, clif- f'Tlng but hit I- in degree. It is uot sn much what we teed if we would only feed enough and use u variety of reeds so that the row can perform the work required of her. Chevrolet and McLaughlin Motor Cars Tractors - Newcombo Pnnos Samson White Rose Gas. With the closing uf thy autumn and ceeaatiou uf oui-iidr feeding, ur- I'l'pjiHiiiuiK atl indoor feedlug over a lonK period, provision for which should have bpen made during the growing season, by way ot producing an amply guautitv of Bilagtt. clover*!, rootn. grain (edti. .<i.il .-.".i How uianr cows can I Krry through iii> winter. 1 the viewpoint too frequent- ly taken by inuny dairy aieu. For lirotttabli- work thi riewpolnt ts s-n- .uii> :". nod - w iiii lie turned about to v-.-4. how few cattle can I keep to I'K up all the feed. Lark of (iottnlte knowledge to thr fte<; re- quircmont j>er an-iuial, aud of HU .<*> method of riKiiriuK Ihto rfqiiirei^fnt, I:.IM cause much loan through riany f.i in.'! i ii-vinn to winter morw tuck thau tin- fe.ed u|)Ply in their I urns wini|ii wcrraot. When cows do so well on Jine pasture, it ghoul <l bo nu Incentive to all r*. Jrrs to Initiate in HU I'm an possible tho succulence oi Junu Krassoi. Sllnge, Pnlpetl Koota Mid OhopiMid C'lovci' Kocikinnieuded. Well made silage is tb>> best aub- Mliiit". Hi puluod i I'm-; and chop- ped clover a good second. Goo. I red clover aiid ulfnlfa haya whtl< uot succulent, arc highly nutrition:: and pnlutablo. With nilago. clovers, roots and HU aw at Imnd, a Biitticteut v.irioty hus been provided und It i* conaiili r dl good practice to give prndiwliig drtl^y BOWB all of theso feeds thnt they will tako, without waste. In addition to tht'so bulky feeds one pound uf mixed grain chop per day should ho f<-d for each three pounds of milk produced, over and above 10 pounds. That Is a row producing forty poundu of tut'raye market in ilk per day would require all the coarse t'ffds she cured to eat and ten i'l'iin.i , of inlxeil grain chop per day. The icralu feed requirement can alao he exprooaud aa one pound of mixed grain chop per day for each povuid of butter fat produced in u weekly period. That IH If n cow were pro- ducing four Kallonti or forty poundH of milk per duy, that tested four per cent, butter fat, she would produce In seven days eleven nn'd one-ttfth pounds of butter fat. This would en- title her to eleven and one-fifth pounds of mixed grain per day. l,il.. nl Keedliifc Is Absolutely Necen- wary. AuoJIier mil- that is practiced by the bett dairymen la to (ued all ot a well-balanced ration that good dairy cows will take without making any anpreclHbla gain in vrttlght while In full ttow of milk. Tho balancing of rations for dairy cows it \<-i-y tm- portunt, and fin practicrd hy many curcfWI. bu;iiness-like dnlrymen und fnnuers hut unforluujjtelv miiv of those luiying tjn; rw^nftlb'illiy ot emv i'i:.ilnuj }\nt the Bl^lil.of paper, ii,':.,r." << '<'' '' U'^leci Uu:. very Iruport- i;ut ite:n U* dftiry cow manaKC-n.>''ut. I.. .S'e.-\ v Ton, tH-eretary Dept. of , t 'l'urout. ESTABLISHED 1672 ftCAD OFFICE I HAMILTON WHEN you start a Savings Account BO matter now small, yonr natural pride in your affairs will prompt you to add to to it regularly. The thing is to get Buried! The satisfaction you will have iu watching your nceount grow will make yon a confirmed tarer, and you will be on the high-road to independence. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BKANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRANCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager t WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. Outstanding Values in SKATES and Skating Supplies HOCKEY STICKS and PUCKS Stable, Shovels and Forks Ranges and Heaters Simmon's Cross-cut Saws / "Gold Medal" Axes Axe Handles, Files, etc. Fleaherton W. DUNCAN - 'Phone 24 r 1 1 Let US overhaul YOUR car - - Bring in your car NOW and let us overhaul it, and put it in first class condition for next summer's driving. Locating andfdissolving car trouble is ^ ___ ^ our Specialty. Any make of car,5any kind of trouble. DON'T neglect your Battery, bring it in to us. H. DON & SONS FLESHERTON AUTOMOBILES and FARM IMPLEMENTS Choose A High Salaried Futuio LLIOTT Youge and Charles Btreets, Toronto Tike wny to avoid the *i>ad ko ibfij) Miitiiien t itnd f.tAi ro la to get a Bouudtmuing inoursvliool. If iiitoreaieii, write to-day for CUB rt. a'ogue . Enter any tune. W. J. ELLIOTT. H. A. McKEE Ohitopractot 8pocUlisl At I' i' k Hotel, ! .'.,.'.. A Gift That LaU Give that Boy or Uirl of yours a Hift thai la*u hfo time and pays dividends di|y_ a courw '.D the Mid Friday, 4 to 8 p iu. F"n.r!'v. %MMid<y, Tliuw.r.v ^n S!uTdays 7 to 9 p m. Coniultntiou fien ' Business Shorthand, PMrnefi 1 eouracs- also 1'repatatory eooree for those who missed the first chtuce public school. New term QJ ens Jauuary 2nd C. A. FLEMUNO, K.C.A., Q. D. FLEMING, Secretary. v If m * ' i