Flesherton Advance, 3 Jan 1923, p. 5

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January 3, 1923 THB FLESHEKTON ADVANCE . f . Small Remittances VVf HEN you remit small amounts do you use the safest, most economical and most satisfactory medium? Bank Money Orders are inexpensive, protect you against loss and relieve you of worry. These orders are obtainable at all our branches and sub-branches. fLESHERTON BRANCH, BcandMt .Uo at THE STANDARD BANK - Or CANADA. C T. BATTY, Manager. Holkwi Centre. CANADIAN PACIFIC i C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Kleshercon Station as Going Soath Ootng North . m H.S8 s.m. 4.0p.m. 8.30p.tn. The mails are oaea at Fleaherlon t follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.ind -4 T m. ; and the aftemoon mail south at i 3. ^o'clock. E'er morning tram south close at 9 p. m. the previous erg. '. Optical Co. Coon j>rh*niv Eye EiMtmination made and fruund f\>r indiridual ttnl reqnir*mnT. Branch at VUaford Johnton' Dru Store in oharga of Dr. A. O. MiiComK - .if wi f flR. *. Xaplor. Optical o. OWEN SOUND d MEAFORD 1392 unday the street* j Mr. Joe. Alexander of <>; Sound Toronto ta "'siting in town. Mr. Frank Vandusen uf Toronto spent After the rVn on we:e ice covered. Clarenc* Fisher was up fi-om over NTew Years. Alex Hogarth of Barrie spetr. the week end at his home near Saugeea. All the school teacheri returned to their duties for work on Wednesday. Miss Elsie C'aawell has taken a school near Port Burwell. 12 and !"' inch tap rubbers greatly re- duced in price at Haw's, Ceylon. Mrts. M. Kol>ftion and daughter. Mi-s !f.-Mf . of TiTjnto, spent the week end with Mr- ann Mrs. Win. Pton. J. K Orares of the Standard Bunk spent New Years with his parents at Picton. K. W. Patto, of Knoi Colleue, Tor- onto, returns to the ciry on Wed. tr resume h's studies. The cemetery trust has purchased a sttip of land from D. McTwsh with a view to enlarging the cemetery. Mr and Mrs. Roy Nellson of Toronto *pent N-w Years with the Utters par- ents, Mr. and Mrs John Wiight. Miss Florence Bunt of Toronto .pent i The in , ur . ncej rwl e8Ute SL(1 cvnvey , the i>.ist week the guest of Mis Geo. ' 4Dcing bu8iuew of lh(( )ate R _, Sprou i e MiltUtfll and returned Monday evening. ^ hlls been uk|n oyer fay w A Arinstroll({< Thc District meetioji of tha L. 0. L. S E. deDuduiore who H now busy ot Aueniesia will be held in CUyton's ) stwightedisij up the book-, will look Hal! n Jinuary 8lh ac i o'clock nharj> j fter tne business unaor Mr. Annstroug's O. W. Littlt Johns, Sec. |Hcnse. C E Jennet lt of the Standard ! Word hM b(feu reivd here .nnounc- Bank, hw severed hw counectiou wiih i |D lh * dsath of MM. Cbtrles Thistle- that instrtulloo and taken a position i thlr lt * of * *J e > Micbin. who WM L r\ i M ' .r (Wk^wit I ' 3un( l dead in bed by her husbanJ on wito C>nerl MoiOrs at vsnaws. 1 ilc. io. lo^e rrnums wore brcttghl to Mrs-" Stnan McKionou of Detroit, also ' St ., ner flir iBterment W<fW Ye ats Mr and Mrs J Oliver, South Line, i ^ The deceased lady w wci. Luowu Artemesia, isited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. j hwe> ^gj^j hw husband, ao aged 'Futon on Saturday. >coupl. luring motored hereifrom Wyne Stviart and Kills will sell 100 breeding to f iait friende last summer and oo New Years with his mother tiere P. H. Hsrt of Prescott joined the local Uff of the Bank of Montreal i teller. Andrew Gttchrist his taken over the 1 ctretakiog of the hisjh school from Mr. 1 Jos. Clinton. Mrs Kred Mathewtou returned oo | Wed. of last week after spending two : weeks with her daughter in U*en Sound. Mri. N. ii Dumnt and two little I daughrers, of Mitchell, are (pending a 1 fortnight ' her parenttl home here. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. i _. _ and baby, Betty, of Toronto were viuitorslast week with Mr. snd Mrs. Albert Stewart. Bird's niackinaw cloth, y irn and ktock- ing lee for sale at Fever^hsm tsilcr | shop U. Alexander. Sir. sad &ks. Will Colquett aad babe | of Port McNicool were week end visitors , at Albert Stewart's. JItw?rs. W. Paton, Alf Hnrrisuii und Ward ri<rri^toa mjtored ko Tee? water oo Monday ind report the roads in splendid McKenzie Again Reeve Artemesia Council Jqr th'syeiu will be Reeve, McKeuzie ; Deputy Reeve, Hogarih : Councilors, Mercer, Ctrruthen and Williamson. The vote by divisions was as follows : wus, aattU and farm implement* on th east back line, 1] miles from Plesaortoo, Thursday, Jao. 4th. Se* bills. Mc- phail sad Cartnthers, auctioneers. Rain all day Sunday destroyed wh* little sleighing we enjoyed last weak, previous occamARi. Methodist Concert The Method it Sunday School New Years entertainment was probably thc t ' B ' 1 *' in the church, the pro- i amounting to S12O. Last year the proceeds were $104, the admission being Will the person who found handbag .25c., while (hid year it \vas35c. containing chetjue and money at Coylon, j Thefe werc ahuiljant eatablcs of the oo the Owen Sound train Friday merit, ; bMt and everybody did j ugti(v to thcm i2ni'. pleas* return to Beatrice (The program in the auditorium was Fiesberton. j somewhat different from others, in thi-t tukcn jp with a play s in which a large nurn- oM Treasure- Mouse A joint meeting of the 0pry f.F.O. | ha f the tukcn ,p with rla .ndU.F.W.O^illbe held in V**\ff*_S*J&*^ t ^ Hall, Fevetsham, on Friday Jan. 5th 2p.m. Fverybody welcome. H. ford Sec. ! | osuc caiiej, "The Sand Man,'* in which Winter Storage of Batteries When t ne smallest tots in thc school starred, through with your car for thc season j The Hawaiian orchest.-a also assisted don't neglect your battery-. Remove I with a couple of numbers. Mr. W. H. from your cur, bring it in to us and we Bunt, ex superintendent, presented Mrs will give it thc pep that is nccJcJ for next spring. H. Down& Sons. Our Ceylon cor. was misinformed - , C. N. R'charxlson, on behalf of the school, with n handsome bouquet of roses, probably just as a reminder of her : recent marriage. Mrs. Richardson has garding the bazaar recently held tlu-re. bccn a wil | ing wor | icr in the school. The The U-F.O. wish us to state that It was g . nool j s ; n a p ros pcrousi:onUition under not under their sup.'tvision. but that of the Imlies of Ceylou. who wholly eosii- ceored the successful snSir themsehes. There appears to be a d -g poisoner travelling over thc east bck line, acd ! Tne Kimbecley Poultty Association a dog belonging to Mr. Wno. Cirsou ww ; w .n hold thoir annual exhibition Tues. destroyed last week. Mr. Ed, Loucks, ! Md Wednesday ol next week, Jnuiy who believes the doee was intended for 1 9 h BU< j 10th j no pr j M j lst jg nrgt his dog, says the auilty party 8 well , ^^^ M|J Jhe long | jlt | ^^1*1 prizes is kcown and *> us to notify the culprit ! %1 addcd ,. r , clion . Tue show se the supcrintcndcncy of Mr. W. Miller. Annual Poultry Show Fieaherton 21 Ce ylon 40 Priceville 61 Eugenia 13 Portlaw I Proton ?. Oi-uige Vulley . 25 Vandelcur 40 -Jt, Q 2 97 64 iJO 46 13 1 13 74 8 3 3 1 40 32 31) 82 51 30 13 8 8 13 9 s tJO 51 -: *a - 3 38 31 32 3 15 12 o 10 14 49 19 10 I 'Z 30 17 11 7 Id oil 67 I 32 H 11 21 11 11 13 16 '* o U 31 8 9 Totals 204 390 113 328 172 203 1W 22 128 231 Glenelg Man Fined $5 00 And Costs Other Elections :,.-, , W (j MAAKDALE H. Keburn. ( J C Mercr, Alex McKtchnia, A DirSDALK Hs-Sm Todd. Couucd H Moody. A W Rowe, Jas Carson, T Robinson A trial wa heU in the town hall on _ . . , . , ,. ^ ,. Tuesday svenmg in which Otto KonolJ ot Glenelg was .:-....-, f.: with breaking the Inland Revenue Act by having in his possession a mash suitable tor the man- ufacture of liquor ar.d also for breaking the O.T.A. He was found guilty on both charges and fined $.SOO ana costs or six months in jail with hard labor on the flnitand200 ami costs on the second charge. Roeve Archie McCuoig, majority SKJ. The charges arose from the *earx'h of CouncilJnrs- Akr Alj ,e. J Black, L the defendant's premises on Friday. Black, T J Brody . Dec. :th, 1922, when 120 gals of harJ cider were found in the house and a OSPRE\ barrel of mash in a root house across thc Reve W L T*ylor. BepuLy John road from his dwelling. This mash was Lockhart. Council Jos Henderson, made from thc hard cider and contained C Ejwards, J is UuKenzie, all ocl. 14. :< per cent, proof spirits. KonolJ _ Markdale Live Stock Shipping Association The annual meeting of the Markdale Live Stock Shipping Club will be held at the office of the Grey Couity Department of Agriculture on Friday, Jan. 12, at 2 o'clock p.m. A representative from the U. P.O. Live Stock Commission, Toronto, will be pres- ent. All interested in live stock are tnvite<l to be present. In the evening a meeiing will be held in the Armouries at whih Miss McFhail, M.P., and Mr. Amos. President of the U. F.O.. and repres9ntatiTe3 from Clubs and In|titues wHl soeak. Everybody invited. W. R. GRAHAM, Secretary. W. A. WEBER, President. claimed he did not know anything about the mash st all except that it was used for spriekling on sweet clover. He claimed that it was made by a former employee by the name of Hutchinson. The case was clear cut and the above fine was imposed. Magistrate Creasor ETPHKAStA Reeve John Miller, Deputy George j Hutchinsoo. Councillors U Thomp~ ' son, W Pattoo, H Erekin?, nil cc'. BORN OLIVEU-Ii prosecuted, while \V. H. Wright, K.C- D ec l) t ,, ji r tn( j was lawyer for the Crown. Mr. Johns- ton, Inland Revenue officer, gave evidence. i ou J. K. Sunday. Oliver, DIED 0>BuRMi At the li. we uf his daughter, Mrs. Walter Uussrll, un Suu- \ day, Dec. 31, !!.', Mr \Vm. J. t fcborne, L .- n !!.!; on Tuesday, Jn. 2nd. in Salem cemetery. Jos. Weber of Neustaat. who hd an unpleasantness with the autharitie* dur- ing the war, U is returned to public life as a councillor. Presbyterian Church Notes " When all the T-mple is prepared ** ed '- within, Why nods the drowsy worshipper out- si Je?" Omar Khayyam. Next \\eek is the week of Pvaycr, which is bei:i(i observed ail over the Dominion. There will be a special union prayer meeting every night. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the meeting will b held \n the Presbyterian church, and on Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the Methodist church. These Of 21 purebred Shorthorns, will be the most important meetings of a number of Horses, 30 the whole year. ar.J everyone should Breeding Ewes make an effort to be th^re. ' Next week thc Young People's Guild And other *"""** nd Il-lment. [jj will meet at thc Prayer Meeting on WEDNESDAY, Jan. llth. II Tuesday evening. We regret that Mr. Frank Chard has jCommenciiig at 1 , .ru. sharp. Lunch _. I 1- r AUCTION SALE resigned from the office of Superintend ant of the Sunday School. He has ijiven thc School the best of leadership for W1 " b * S8tred coming from a : Terniu All sums <>\ ten dullnrn and mank years, and through hi* influence I under, cash ; over that amount twelve and work thc School has been the re- j mouths' ctedit oo approved juiot note, cruiting a^ent for the Church. We j ur ( ; p, r Mnt- o( j f or e , B |, in , isu of note$ appreciate his good and faithful sen-ices, j _JM. A. Myles, Auctioneer, and are glad that he will still have a | UR 4 KppJBg : phone 151. r:)2 class in thc School. Mr Jos. H. \icKee Thurubury. has been appointed in his place and will take charge next Sunday. We are an- ticipating a record attendance next j Sunday to welcome Mr. McKec and we j are bespeaking the enthusiastic support of all the scholars and teachers during the coming year. The Drudgery of Wash Day is a thing of the past when you put in a 1900 Electric or Gasoline Power Washer, or Hand Power Gravity and Wringer, all kept for sale by S. HEMPHILL CEYLON Agent for Beatty Hay Carrier goods, Steel Stalls and Stan- chions and Stable Fittings, Pumps, Churns, Brantford Wind Mills and Gasoline En- gines. Pump repairing is promptly attended to. A call solicited. V r i.:. kluott, i>ro{x~i6tor, lot Iri, Con, j 5, Enpnratia . Epping P.O. that he had better not repeat the attempt: This spasou has been oue uf the longest for the running of motor cars than for some years a* they hsfe been running eoninunmaly tiuce April, I '-'-' The rnadi now are in Rplfailid shape and thero is very liitle SHOW to hinder T .'w an If the air wasn't s > cKI uie'.wrlag wo'4 be j >y these dy. b-st in this district i:.l the mitry list tilled. A vis. t to the show n iuterest your L'oyd Austin and Lloyd Nolan hve been csptuted in New Yoik a< pnneiples in tho b.kuk i-;irc' i: y which rt'cent took pUte Bit Forcst l r. a wi 1 be (.ttrialited fi trial. Methodist Church Note* A special service was held on Sunday- morning last when thc Sunday School furnished the choir and a special sermon was given by Rev. J. H. Okc, pastor, on "1 am thc door." The collection taken was for School purposes. ' The Y.P.S. will not meet on Monday evening, as prayer meeting is being held in thc Presbyterian church, it being the week of prayer. It is expected there wil be a sleighing party on Monday evening, January 15. A special week of prayer is being held next week- Monday, Tuesday and Wed- ncsday in the Presbyterian church, and Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the Methodist Church. Let everybody attend these meetings. Rink News .Skating on Monday afternoon was real good. A fairly large crowd was in attendance and thc bund furnished good music. It is expected that thc bund will furn- j ish music two nights every week, one j night anyway -Friday. The hockey team is rounding into good sh.ipe a nj some real games arc expected , this winter. A number of new men in town will strengthen the team consider- ably. A hockey ^a-ne is announce I f->rthisj Tlunsu.iy nigbi between the bnokern anJ the twn. Xhi-.-c- arc to i-ond tfauij niid should create nui:e a bit of iuler- ,t,t . k'l'.iud oilk'd st .S n'olock. A Special in Dress Homespuns 56 inch. All Wool Homespuns, good weight cloth, in new shades of Blue, Green, Brown and Heather mix- tures. Very suitable for one piece Dresses and Misses' and Children's wear. Perfectly new goods. Any length you desire. ' Regular $2.25*. SPECIAL $1^50 All Ladies' Furs at Clearance prices New Laid Eggs If you have new laid Eggs for disposal you should get particu- lars of our Individual Egg Carton system if you wish to obtain the highest price. You will find it very satisfactory. Canned Goods Special Peas, Corn and Tomatoes. 1922 pack, every can guaran- teed. Well known brands. SPECIAL R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO

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