Flesherton Advance, 31 Jan 1923, p. 8

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January 3l, 1 923 THE KIE8HEKTON ADVANCE ASQO JLP AN Just use soap and hot water to clean SMP Enameled Ware. It is so clean and j.o pure. As smooth as china and as stroncas steel. And no metal touches the rood. Be sure you get Three, finishes: Pearl Ware. Iwo coats of pearly grey enamel inside and out. Diamond Ware, three coats, light blue and white outtide, white lining; Crystal Ware, three coats, pure white inside and out, with Royal blue edging. Th. Sheet Metal Products Co. c 'u C r,', n ,'.d' MontrMl Edmonton TORONTO Vncou.r Calgcry 1SS Small Advs. dune i. u 'I i. -.ii\ I i , '. .y, d Saturdaj Gr*ha.ro ):, -. Ku^ent* Brown c-jllie dog strynl hort tail fy tln .line. Kur Sle - J5 g r.id lutrdmir fre and cow du Keb. Itt, ch nr tiuiv. Muot b sold. --r red Stuut, KleihurloD. Cow Kur Sale YOUPI;, due t.> Cowd milk HI .1 but'er urain J. K '.. FlMbertoo. Hopp* l^wst Daring S(>tn time iu the |>i*l It weekp, it dark brown l>lnkei uliswl, veined < kstpmkt. Kiudrr |il*e uutify The Advsnce and receive reward. Farm For Rent Kami fur ; ni on \Venl Itack Lino, iiiile iioitl; of Ssuijueii Jet., '2W aoitix inoro or :-->. with uood bank ljrD. ^/ i i.u'liuil.lnijs.r 1 '"! orchard. Apply to C. lln.'i . Saugeen Jet - wkic Mount] IxMt Alt .i r K tuo ui tily *h ' , Irjwu, hive jjo - ! anil llunk- lu.ly ivctirol by CUrebce Seinp'e, i*'e- .'iUiu. Phoo* or wri'.e. Wanted Diitrict KeprcitPtytive for FlcUitrlen und lurroundinf; territory to present the Old Reliable l : onthill Nur- trie*. A ; 'rudiJ o; i in^ lor the n^lit ra^n For full information :ipply to Stone & Wellington, Toronto. For S*U Blick horn rising 11 yrn., Iwy mire riio|( 10 > i - cow K year* up 11 e>i U> be in c*lf, iliorou^hLred Dur- n*ui bull 9 uiooths old, net tuaiu Im m- liixd * in 1 *, stack of hy about 14 tons. A|ip'y to Thomu W ,,. ,.|, 51afurJ HOK<|, ia, the hiocUir faun. Stock For Sale Two pure bred T<tuiwi>rth *ovrs iih iw, n'y pij{ one week old. Three MOWS due to farrow March 15, all in line con* ditlon u.'i will be priced right tu umke room fur olhei'H.- M. D. V- I. ,. .''i . v, K. K. 4, \! . k ,;.- Phone :w, r 121 House and lot for Sale Howe in i Lit For Sulo The prop rty kiiiiwn - : Li/ Aaliduivn roiidence at t,Vyl--n, an ei|>lii r<> >-n'<\ i)wel!iii([, aood collu', utat'U, etc. ; about an i\c- of land, wuuld makf cood huuie for a IB' ii n Ktntleiuan. For trn> and fur- ther uarticulnrs apply to W. ,). liniU-nr, Flenheiton. IMayft Public Notice .Home and 6 Lots For Sale. S x lot*, good trick home and cumin > diout sUblo, fruit tree*, good well, e'c., n uitio itreet, Klccbetton, known .- Hi.- Xoil prupcrt;. Apply ty Jnl7if I will not be n--|i .imiiir f ( ,i any deliln c >nir*c'ed by niiy [HTIIHI in my irtine without a written order. All purlieu will jilcvie take notice. .lUSKIMi A. STIXSON. Clover Seed Wanted Highest prices jiaid Tor S.vee Clover, Roil (.'lover anil Alsike Send simples. -A. C.MUIR, Ceylon Farm For Sale Lot 7> Oon. 4, Oiprey, onttininv Km it. HOcU-.ired ;new fruine burn, fm liouiie, i;or>d o'chtrd well wattreil, |innip it dniir, mil's i> ruiiiacioi. Miiit ^ be cold >t once, 11 the owner i- m. i 1 1.- to ink M. L. Morrison, Mx*ll I'. ( . Jn. I ., 1 in . Building Lot For Sale I mil i-iiorini! my building l->t on Tm> ; 'into H'ree', tin; Imililin.:* n which were limned in the rcc-nl lire, I'm -<! t an i .ittruc't i p'io-'. liotl button* Of r*ii IdtflM location. Andrew i ; ili'ln i-' Tonsorial Parlors Home and Lot For Sale Nine rnoiiied liouie in I- -',,11, ii. Itctric liuliteil, li,. lot, ^,,,,1 M)I!-. Ai 1 , 'y for particulars to -JOHN THISTI.KTHWAITE. We .\. ,11 to Give Entire LAl'SOUY Hanket cl.eN nielli, duliviTV Kuiifiy ei 1 ULSVN'tX J il UVKIN.J- ,Wo ar I'-fiii- fur 1'iiikci'n I)y Works Clothes c'an.l in l ily.-il. f.-ntliurs rejnvonalofl > TFISHEK- -I'BOPRItTOF . .. !. . .!>. ! { >............................................., Rubber Bottoms - rf! Those who require new Rubber Bottoms on their old tops should lenve them NOW and Be ready for a wet day THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO < * " * .. XZt.MMc ? ft ff !*??!*! JM(!f!M!'f'tS!f!!!ft!t !(!!! ttl ! J ! ! S! ! I! 51 ! ! ! ! ! t ! : ! 1 f ! I S UNAVOIDABLE LOSSES How i arm Land Deteriorates hi Necessary Mineral Supplies. \Vlml Out- Steer Takes From the I, ami Some Dun't IJke to Believe II These Flosses Must Be li'-pl.-i. .I Meat Trade lialks At Heavy Weights. {Contributed by Ontario Department of Aerlculture. Toronto.) With tlie exception of nitrogen our HgriciiUurul investigators have failed to find any means by \\ !n<-h they could add to nature's supply of plant food in the soil except by transfer or minerals rich In fertilizing proper- ties from rich deposits to the cul- tivated areas. Cultivated lands will gradually lose thuir mineral elements, particularly phosphorous and potash, through crop production. The return jf all manure made from the crops produced delays the day of exhaus- tion, but exhaustion will eventually come more quickly by some prac- tices than others it is true, and the man Unit follows live stock farming while not returning all to the soil can greatly delay the day of reduced fertility and short crops. What One Steer Takes From the band. Kvery time a 1,000-iKHiud fat steer Is sent to market 15.51 pounds of phosphorous pent oxide, 1.76 pounds of potash, and 17.92 pounds of cal- cium goes -with him. A one hundred acre farm sending twenty 1,000- pound steers to market each year is sending incorporated in their bodies, principally in the bones, 3^.20 pounds of potash. 358.40 pounds of lime, 310.20 pounds of phosphorous. If the farm did llilR continuously for one hundred yews some of our On- tario farm lands have been farmed that long the amount of fertilising elements subtracted from the original stock in the soil is such as to greatly limit crop production. If th crops from which the steers had been made had been sold off the land the fer- tilUine Clements or slock of plant food in the- .soil would have given out many years sooner. Mmnj KWIIWS Don't Uke to Be- lieve It. Many of our farmers do not like to think that the fertility ol their lands IB ruanins down, and will argu agaiust their own conscience, and finally develop .< rtte of mind which j>i'-.i'i,; .!i-in num n-iimi >i_ to the soil sufficient mineral element* to maintain the neeeaaary balance in soil fertility tht inBurn crop yields equal to the yields haraelerl0tlc to virgin noils. On certain good farms in southern Ontario with which I am familiar 1 *timil<* thai llu- mineral fertility mining, during the past seventy-live ywtrn has. under ihn gen- erally uccepted Rood management, been approximately as follows per acrf: I'honphorou* removed, 489 pounds; polBHWiim removed, 2,491 Pound*; calcium remored, 1.06!) pounds; of t hrge quaiHillp'.i probably lifty pi-r cent, wag returnttl in the manurcf Ihrotmli periodical applica- tioiiH. The unreturned aKKroijate 244.0 I'onndH ol phosphorous. 1,245.."' poundH of |..ii,i . i . in ..IK! 529.5 pouuii nl calcium represents approx- imately what each acre of farm land lias lost. IK it any 'wonder, (hen, that the crop yields have been greatly re- duo. ;d in many of the- older sections o( the I'r.ivincf? Tlicwo l.ossi** Must lit- Itcplmxxl. To briiis; I lie old soils buck to maximum production on<' of thu things wi> luimt do is to replace in quantity to satisfy crop demands, thu potash. ,'!.'!' II'IIPMIII . Hnd Inn 1 These firm- i.' art '"ni.ii. and must be priw-i. lu arailablf condition and in ii i.m'i:> The li"-i farmed soils will . i.iclnjll. lose fertility if Bomrtbing is not 'done toward tin 1 replacing ol the mineral elements removed in crops and sold off the farm either us lirain, beot or milk. L. Stevenson, Toronto, Will Grey Lose By Re-distribution Average Population of Three Constit- uencies Let* Than 20,000. Is Below Avemge Will tljiat' lie redistriliutioii in Ontnrio In; ft>r tho next Provincial election? That i- u fjm-Ntinn much to the fore ai IHI ni .mil is receiving a lot of cmibklei- itiuii diirini( the past few months. Tho ipieMion is of rwil intt'irst to (Jrey i.iiunlv which, as nt pi' i-iil divided, dues not give equitable distribution ' tb*pop- ulit iciiiiun()iij<rtt tlic i In.-. |>ri;sent ridings Aec'iiding to the 1921 census. Soith tiri-y us at prehent BOMttturad for I'mv- inciiil i-i.- i -in- lias _'_'.;;! i of H iiopulntioii CVntru (irey 1ms l!l,]02, wliile w .Simth Ciivy lius uniy 17,644. If Siilliviiu was takfii From North (irey and put in South drey the Inltor cunbtituency would hmo l!i.!K)0, North (.irey would Imve I!),y."i8 and Cuntre Orey would have I!),10i2, a vriy uviiii distribution. If Chttsworlli wort- added to Centre (irey the popula- t'on utrli constitiieiicy would be, North <!ivj lll.tiiiti, Centr* Oruy 1!>,1C2, South (!i.-> I'.l.HOO. The piipu'alion of tlic various const it ur-n-ir- iu tlic the thne inlm-- - sliown lielnw : NORTH GREY Durliy ....................... . 1,544 K.-pj.el ......................... 2,401 S:il'HWilk ........................ liOII Svdonlmm .................. l!,010 tlwen Soiui'l ................... 12.1C1) ClialMworlh ................... 332 21,314 CENTRE GREY Kiiplirasia ..................... 2,433 Sit. Vincent .................... a,240 Ilol'and ...................... l',213 Aneniesia ........................ 2,430 Osprt-y .................. ....... L>,205 MeOu'iton ..................... 422 Mmkdale .................... H2 SOUTH GREY I ll"i'"*'r. Iliiinlxlk . Nt'llstnill. 1!* 102 . 004 a.MJfi 1.743 :!,038 >',38| 1.4JM X.7M1 422 Mrut 'I rmle Hulk- ut Heavy "The day of HIP heavy weiwht has pamo'd," says K. K. Kerrin ol the ani- mal husbandry divisions of the I'm Vi-rsily of Minnesnta in referring to cumin .Hi' and ilt'iiiimds of tlit* meal trad" 1 , "l.isht wi'lsjhts an: easily dis- posed of, while heavy carcasses arc hard to move. Overweight lambs II.IM- Ion.:; bc<Mi hi'avily pnnalixed in prlri- jvlii'u soiit l market, and the naiiii' condition prevnils with hogs and ralll". li does not pay any meat producer lo markel more Weight than is u ' s,u' in yi'iiin. In-: 9toek.il! fairly well fatieoed ronditon. Only about 15 per cent, of the market du- niand is for steers weighing mon than ! ..'inp pounds. And lo sell well ihesc iniiHt !>(. Kojd lo choice beeves offered Jurlr.it tin 1 holiday s?aeon. V-inlin-K weighing 'inn to 1,10(1 pounds, often termed baby be<?f, ar* Hie desired kind, nd more recently 650 $o 800 gpund weights are In si i mi demand. "A iliii- 1 dollar spread between prices for btcher bogs and smooth heavy sows freqnnntly prevailed on tho South si. run! market last um- mer. No one can escape tho verdict ih, ii lard in iinwnnted In those dayi of common use of vogHable oils and rompnundg. "Of enr.i'Hi! a reasonable degree ol On tali Is tu-pr'Hsary to make any ear- caps ol mint ti'nrtcT and jnlr.r. Thlii animal*, an matter how well bred, ii ..K-- uupslatabla tough meal.- lint it in a mlxtRkt! to market nowaday? ,in nvorfnt or hcnvy moat animal, be I!,; eonnumin;{ public docs not \v;nit that, kind of foods." ir,r>44 lint the unit "I nupWM|ta>ti< H '- Imble In It- much niou- limn L'" MI; If iliih ,. full'iuvil i ut then their may he H clmncr ilml (Jivy county limy I, si 1 me ..f it.s Thfiv a c 111 .se.it* in llu- l.exis'atuic anil t lie population of the province in ! 2,!';JJ,Of4. With 111 scats that xvou'd ijivi- mi avciaj!e of 2J,;i.HH In t-acli Mi'iit. (rcy county, l> Dually tor ill roc .seats, slmulil H'asonalily In- I'xpccU-t) to h vc n pnpiilHtiiin of Til. KM. '1'h- population is onlj Ji'.t.O.'.l, or -.'O.tJUO short ..f th,. re- i)iiin nil-lit It .'in .'ili.solni.'ly ci|uitali c icdi.sti ilni> linn iirr.jnliiii; lo popu'iit ion cio niitdc, Toi'f'iito, uitli a populntioii "I (!.'_'. :i2ti Ins eiulit scats, or an avt'iij;i' 't TT,78'J. l> .-in ,.,1,, i, ,i,i. di.-iliihiilion Tiiriui'o wmilil li.ivo 23 fcikl.s. That would menu (lint many rural ciistitutiicii .s nlrch linn- IKS than 14, COO wmiUl In- p. d mil. At prt'Nciit thi'lc air :i liilinln'i i't mial ruiisiitiifiKicN >'f a populnti'll, in. cltldUlU Ninth HiAnt, \\ i DiiiliMin, Li'imo.x, MHiiitniilin (H.tML'J \Vi-ni North mnlicilaml, N \Vt nl worth and South Went worth. ll"ii Mi Uriiry is fuct-il wilhavriy llillicll' 1 |l|olll|MII. If ||C (lues IV-cli.S- 1 1 iluiu- the linings .-icconlii i; (n populn- tii'li, hi' must of necessity wipe i ul soino I'Jlnl i'"iislitucilcii's iiinl ailil a niniilici' of urlmn r i unfit uoncivs. This w, uld i.ntiuall.y I'cducB h K following in tlio ROOM I'y thu Minit 1 piopoilion. Kvcn if I lew Is 80,000 us the Ins s for rui.tl and ivenii fin ill cJiKilitui'iiuics iir.il HH.tHIl) for uilnn I'liiistiliiLMicii-'H he w ill losu a uuui- IH'I- nf souls Tlio u In ilo nml'cr is --n'\ guess umk u tin' |n<" mi iini" ,<\nd will ho until tlio ." 1 1 . i hint ni policy is unnoiuurd. Hut it willliu inlcrcst'ng t" untrli event* <), S, Sun 'I'inics. A:i i -:, i-; 05.7 per cent. Sin (\.iitiot I'Xpfct your (m lay ur!;'ss th<\v hiivi; an unlimited i! .111, IruHli water at all ,. AI\v;i)'H Ui'i'p the hnppuvi* full rlt, 'lysi T ii.'iella and charcoal. Methodist Church Note* The Ladies' Aid ol Vaiv.iclcur and tlic officers of Plcshcrton Ladies' Aid m t :.it tlic paisonnnc "n Tliursday -.iftcrnoon last :iml spent u prolltuhlc :itul pleasant time. Mrs Ol>c (served refreshments. TlicY. P. S. intcliiif! on Monday ntNl.will t;il>c the form of ;i contest. The first c : j;htccn chapters of the Acts of tlic Apostle ; will he used fur >|w:s- i [01 liveryScJy invited The Sacrament of the i.n: iiY. ^nppci \\illbc :i>.lniinihtrreJ on Si!i'J:>y 'ie\t, sei\i''e to bctimat 10.30. 'I In (jinnltrly Otiiti;:! Hoiinl uillmrt t , 1-cK fi, :it S p.m. yon renlix* 1 that however comfortable ami artistic the furniture and decorations may be, It is "the Hour that iiiak.--, the room." Install SEAMAN-KENT W ISuy your flooring by nnmc ask for Seaman- Kent "Reaver Brand" and ins!--t on netting it. Substitution is very common, and the namo "Ilc-uvcr lirand" JIIK! the maple leaf trade mark are your guarantee of permanent satis-- fuc I ion. W. I. HENRY & SON PLANING MILL - FLESHERTON Fletnerton High School FORM 3 Average for Fall Term English Conip. K Sprott 70, M Muir OX. D Nichol fi7. M Nulin t4. It Wl.it- taker ti.t. M l'*rlow ii-', V KuWili OS, A Ped'nr ';-', J Lewis <S2. L Oiriioe tig- r, Akin. r.-'. I Hinckabl), II IKI.r ,H ;>7, s i ,,,.!!) :;. K i-i-rni- :-i., r MMt>r .Mi. 1' LalimcT 65, A Dow 55, J White M. MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Farm Property In the Township of St. Vincent lull BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES PUINCK AKTIirtl LODO8, No. :HJ. A KA A ai. meeM ID the Uasonie ball. Arm. I'rooK'a Flock Klwtierton. firrr Friday on or bfor the fnll moco. ('. J. Hpllauir \V. II. ; A. K. Kellamr, Sei_rp'.ry DENTISTRY MURRAY I,. O. s , deatal c l,' inn- niiciujte ol Torouto UuiTrfty and *.Aya ColIcA of Dental RorReoni ol Outaxlo. M dainii.Kteiea for Uetb *Xtrotj9ii B*c atroidruci Torooto Htrc. FTttberton. lit) E. C f Under and liy virtue of the p'lueri ot i- 'ii'inin'il ill two e> i ttiii nioitajtfi wiiifh will In; i>iodii(i'i1 ut tlie time of mle tli'Tti will lie cll^ri'd for nle by public nuciinihy Mr. (Jur^e \V 1'iferiiuD, A'.c i h-'i-i. in tliu 'liiwii Hull in the torn n nf Mcnfuid on Saturday, lint _' t h dny -A Pcbinitry, lil'JS, at 2 o'clock p in lh-l vulu ible t u in uroperty vimpritiiiK tho S K i, half nf l.-.i Nuinlirr tvcnty in i lie ninth i -i. -. M n ni ih Townnhip i't Si Vinoii r , Dompt'lia^ lOOacret, more nr I,-"- : ' )n llic s n 1 pn>|it>rtjp ii NIK* ftniUK liin :'h 'i ii il.hn.' Minlri lentil, >hN mid r.ihi'r c >nvninceii. i:n HI i - ill 'Ut Hi ni'li'H fn in Mexforil, Nchni'l ni.il church. iurl inml dv- livery mid riiinl tcl^pln IIP \\nef. \IH\ ll fenced, -'in 1 .i-i|.iv:n I.. H t , il onuntf roitd. TKUMS Ten per cent, uf tli* pur- ohfc pric ut (imi> of m\r and I>I|HIICM iu !)0 dnysoi n inny IT M' -... upon. There will 1/e tencrii'd liitl. For lir'l -i terms snd coiidili'nii of Nln Apply to (ieori(e <J. Alhory. S.ilioilur fin- thu venduix Hl'i'l :i! M- .lull .1 HI _"Jlni, I'll':! LEGAL I l ( AH. * bBNRY Hrr!itr. dolieltori. lj n.- 1. H. LOCM, E. C. : W. D. Hear;, B. A. Offleei. kltrkilaU l.uc*. Block, Pbout >A. Nrancli ottitit i Oundslk aod I'm h r. (IT H1OHT, A TK1.I OUll. |tr.'Utr, Solid. " ' torn, Ac. Offlee*. Or*r t Kruoo Block, Uwn Bound. Bundtrd llaok /riMlm ton. (8turdyi). W.II. Wrilit. W. 1'. 1'elfOTl Jr. BUSINESS CARDS tVTM. KA1TTINO, ie*Dud Auaicuur loi '' Ib* oantiet of itroy tod Biuico*. n:i and Stock Mlec ipeelcltf. T*rm uoJerkke. Mtiifiotlon Runnnti <V ArrOR' ueutilor date* my be made at the Advance >fflr, nr Central telephone office Ftfercliaui irbyaddreaalmt QIC t Pr?ei bam, Ont. hit. A. -I i li.Mil- I.I.. B.A.. ti.it.. iir *^ fioiutbe Faculty of M-,1:. :! _l r:\,-- -n . of Toronto. OCric^-Kicliar<lton I'l ouk. !:.-- Tclcplione IX BOAR for SERVICE I'urelircd Tain worth Hor for service no lot 17, S \V T and S E., Artemema,. Terms $1.60. Sows not returned witt he cbarurd snnie an tho*e in pig. Feb is -T.J.STIN8ON' Prop. Boar For Service I'ure bied Uegisu-rea Vorkhir Boar for nr-rrice Vincymd famous T7">"0 on lot 107. S. W. T. t* S. K., Arfemesm. TeiniH $1.5*1. Sows not returned will ne ch4V(ed namo itx tbose in pitf. 10,4,22 T. J. STIXSON ^SV5o!5?.S!MK9^inv!vAw^ nsftsxs'^rsrasyszsrss'-ssx M^Sa^SSSStfjB The Drudgery of Wash Day is a thing of the past when you put in a 1900 Electric or Gasoline Power Washer, or Hand Power Gravity and Wringer, all kept for sale by S. HEMPHILL CEYLON Agent for Beatty Hay Carrier goods, Steel Stalls and Stan- chions and Stable Fittings, Pumps,. 'Churns, Brantford Wind Mills and Gasoline En- gines. Pump repairing -is promptly attended to. A call is solicited. SS*SSSw*SS?S-5'S*SS*S*S*^S*5SfiarS2 \

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