Flesherton Advance, 28 Feb 1923, p. 1

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Vol. 43 No. 40 Flesherton, Ontario, February 28, 1923 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors CEYLON Th'ere passed away on Sa- urday even ing at 7 o'clock after only a week's ill ness from the flu, which later dev> I ped intn pneumonia. Mr Ben Smith, at (he home uf his niece, Mrs D D MeLauch Ian. Nurse McKinnon of Pricevilte wa: in attendance. Two months ago ne came fr-jm Colliogwood, where for the past four years be had lived at the home o Mr Ed Jamie-oil, Reeve of Nottawa- saga, and the greater part uf hia life was spent iu that locality. Be was born at Pickering, in Whitby township, and was 67 years of age. He hid two sisters and one brother, all deceased. His sister, Mrs Joseph Ciirns, died in and Mr* Bradley, who lived in died in 1917, and hia brothel in early years. Uis only relative! living re his niece, Mrs McLaughlau, and nephew, George Cairos, of Gienella, Man. He was a faithful member of Madill's Meth- od st church. The funeral took place Monday Afternoon to fleeuerton, where he WHS laid to rest beside his sister, Mrs. Cairos Mr Vo*e, Baptist pastor here, conducted the service at house and grave. The deceased gentleman was of a veiy , j.i-t disposition qd faithful to all tasks he undertook. The pallbearers were Messrs Peter and Allie Muir, George Arrowsmitb, Geo McKenzie. Thomas Gilcbrist and K Collinson. James McMuIieo. who lias been in Toronto fur several week*, has returned. Mrs(Dr) Holmes, who 1m- been visit- ing her father and sister, whc are ill, has returned to her home in Owen Sound. Mr John Kerr it aerious'y ili at the home uf John Do* with pneumonia. The services of a nurss from Harriston were secured S.iturdiy (o wail . i. him. Kisi Koarus, who has been reading ai J McFadden's for some time, has re- turued to her hume in Toronto. The tlu is going its rounds. Mrs Gi'j ArrowHuiith, Mr and Mrs S McFadden, Mrs D McPhai), MUs AGilohrist, Archie McMullen, Uoddie Slewart, Mr and Mrs N Archibald ar* all laid up with colds. Word baa been received here that Mr J Moore, who at one time resided in this village and also in Tleshertorj, will ou March 4th at thiir home, Mountain View, California, celebrate thn fiftieth anniversary i their wedding and i 1 be at home to their friends from 2 to 5 p m. Their many friei.ds extend congratula- tions nii'1 hearty good withes fcr their future. Girl Found Hanging The fatal step may end the most happy life ; the most cultured, beautiful and bet beloved re uot exempt from th,- saute f .te. A fithei s devotion, * mother's fond i-.ue, and love if a brother or .sistet'e companionship won't thield them when they decide to take tne step. She was the illustration lattt evening wheu oue of the most rotiued giil* was found hanging in the hume parlor -ui - louuded I'j- all the luxuries thit go to mike a happy home. Late iu the evening she was missed and a careful tearcu failed to reveal her whereabouts. Tho telephone w used without results. Her friends wure filled tofeaich for her, but no une was ablet to lociu- her. Finally tlu almost hjart- brokeu uiother entertd the parlor and th<.re to her surprise the found her beloved daughter hanging. How the molher was affected by the si^ht that met her gaze ! There was her daughter banging to the ueck of her aweothrait, begging him to subscribe to tho Flushes ton Advance m . rder that ho in-ght be belter potted on events within the t >wu and district. Papers Have Been Late Durinir the past few weeks we have liteii adviaed by kubtcribvrs on the Proto-i and Pricetille ro'ltes that The Advance is uot received until Fridiy or Saturday. With very few exceptions nil the ppers aro in tha post offlca here Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock. The delay therefore must occur on the train or at ihe Trolou or I*riceille post ollic.'S. However, we are attempting to reoltfy the matter to tho best uf our ability and hope in tho future tj hsvu The Advauco rench our iul>$eribrs on those routes on Thursday, tho il;y afu r We extend cur ddepest sympathy to lr and Mis Fred PedUr atd fjuuily, of ]ugunia, in their fid bereavement by >te of (heir eldest m u and brother. ho ied Saturday afternoon las'. Mrs. Cecil Moiiauhau ai:d.twu children petit a week with her pxrenti, Mr nod lrt> Juhu Purteou*. Cecil Meldruru and wife visiltd wi h he latter's p-kienU, Mr and Mrs W T. Vdlar. Mis Levi Bettfl has been confined to er led for some diys with H ld c .VI. Ve bupe t > eae her around '> n KH.SS Giassford returned hit week to is home in 'hu West after spending two months with his sister, Mrs B Field. We are p:eaaed > ice Bert Poiteous ble to be out igHin aft r his recent Intsn. PRO i ON STATION The village population is gradually reappearing ou the street and in their places of business after their crnrine- mriit to the house with flu Robt Aches- m attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs Agnew, A.!tiston. Jack Hanley sptnt the week end at his home here. Mrs John Kooine, who under ent a serious operation in Toronto hospital, flag returned home accompanied by Mr and Mrs Guest and children. \V, understand Mrs Rooms' is very much mproveu iu heal h, and we sincerely iups the continues to grow well and strong. i A car of salt was unloaded here tcdiy by the members of the U F O. Our genial C P R agent hat purchased ! m. Mr. J i Wright the Protoo hotal. Ye understand Mr Still inteuds iinprov- the appearance of trie build* ng and fitting tt up for business pur- poses. ROCK MILLS Income Tax Forms Here Flesherton is now supplied with in- HU- tax forms. A lir-^f number of the arious forms ai rived at the local post rKce on Moudny be distributed to the >i 1 of Flesherton aud district. There arn four varieties of forms : nii Tl in the foiiu 1 11 niii' !i every m- ividual whote iocome is assessed is to e made. Form TU n the form ou Inch farmers must make their returns, 'orm T4 is for employers thuwtug the 'i^es paid their vm us toiployees. The post i thce in simply the mud'uiu irodgh which the Ur i..- are ;-.:. u :c lose who UHUHD them aud uio uot uthoritirs on income tax, to will not be l jle to give out informv ion. Arthur Nelson Pedlar A sad death occurred at Eugenia Sat- rday forenoon last when Arthur Nelson lar, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. 3 edlar, died snddenly at the age of IP cars. \VhenachilJ5yearsof age he ontracied infantile paralysis and was reated in Toronto hospitals, but with- ut result, and was ieft physically andicaped for life. He was a student t Flesherton high school for the past irec years and was in the thirJ form, ith prospects cf passing his matricu ation examination this coming summer. Vhile physically weak the lad was a ever student and ambitious to get an ducation. The remains were intcrci! Salem buriel ground on Tuesday after- oon- Besides his sorrowing parents, wo sisters, -Margaret and Kathleen ml one brother, Glen, survive, who avc the deep sympathy of the com- nunity. The high sceool was closed Tuesday ftcrnoon, when the school aitcndeu the unerat in a body. The school also sup- ied a handsome wreath in honor of heir departed fellow student. Six of his high school chums acted as allbcarers. FEVERSHAM Mrs J ,1 .,iri.-..n visited ov;r the week end with her daughter, Mrs f Curran, ac Riverview. W Kaittinu ia again able to wield the hammer atter ha serious illneig. W U H a |l of the Grave! Road, had a very successful ta e on sa'u.d-y Ust. We were sorry ;o hear uf the death of Mrs Jus Reid uf Collingwoi.il, late resi- dent uf this village. Death occumcl on Tuisday U.-i io North Bay of Joseph Dyer, brother of Mrs Win McKerzie, 12th line, w.th pneumonia. A J Conron is able to be around af^er a severe attack uf ihe flu. C Smith, M.iu ij. -. Bnk oi T i has gut settled in his new home lately occupied by Ueo Eilig, who removed to Collingwood. Mrs Wm Brown, Sr, IK under the doctor's care at present. again Pize Essay on Forestry VANDELEUR Albert Buchanan of <>en Sound Col- legiate spent the week end with his par- ent*, Mr and Mrs Jos. Buchanan. The LadiV Aid held their Febiuaiy III-L-:II ^ at th- home of Miss L Shannon on Wednesday afternoon last. I was decided to hve a cake sale in Fie*heit n on Siturday afternoon of this week. MisJtati Wrij(h', teacher at Euitenia, spent the week end with her pireuU, Mr and Mrs George Wri^h'. The W I held their annual concert on Friday, Frb 23. The IUMU feature of the evening was a play entitled " Hia L ncle John," which was well act id and wa.s thoroughly ei.joyed r y a 1 present. 1 .,. J.uk.y clii'ruties mid i firmtrs' meeiitii', also several rending, were given. The proceeds amounted to neriy forty dollars. The W I btld their meeting: t the home uf Mrs Jos Buchanan mi Monday afternoon last. A good ptonraai was given ry the gracidmuthrn. Osprey U F. Y P. Some cheeiful losr nn 1 simply too U/y to try very hard. The Canadian Forestry Association recently oiTered prizes in a school essay competition, the first prize going to Mildred Gibbon of Sundridge, Ont. The essay is intrrestiiiR and we quote it in full : In speaking of the importance of our forests it is hard to place too much value on our timber. So much of our daily j work is counected with timber that it is ' hard to realize what we would do with- out it. In earl) days here as elsewhere everything was wooden, and in clearing the land the biggest job was to get rid of the timber by fire, or any other way, and no attempt was made to prevent the tire from spreading to the bush and doing a great Ueul of damage by burning over great tracts of land that has since grown up with berry bushes and trash, spoiling the natural beauty of our forests. My father came over here forty years ago and at that time timber of all kinds was not worth an> thing only in the way of building and fencing. Kinc big pine trees that arc nowadays looked upon by anyone that may have a few as being a prize were burned in great heaps, also birch, spruce, balsam, maple and all other kinds of timber that grow here were logged up and burnt and no attempt wab made to save or preserve the standing timber. All kinds of timber are looked upon as so much money Those who arc looking to the future are nor wasting anything on clearing land. What will make logs, are drawn to the mlil and sold. The rough wood and limbs ?re cut into stove wood and sold in the villages and to the dealers who ship to the cities. Then the luuibcr camps give steady work loan army of men and teams from early fall tiil the snow is all gone in the spring. All our neighbors for miles around here work m the bush all winter cither in camps or taking out pulp wood and stove wood. A great deal of money is brought nto the homes that way and wo depend entirely on wood to cook our meals and <eep us warm. In the early Jays 1 have heard my father say that a real dry sum- mer was unknown and it was because of so much grcen;bush around that kept the air moist, but asthcclcarancs got bigger and the bush lircs were -i yearly occurr- ence, the ground dried up and the crops suffered for lack of moisture. I think every farmer should have a wood lot left or planted. Waste or stony places should be planted with trees that will grow on that kind of soil and great care should be taken when clearing land so Hre does not get in the bush anJ burn in a few Jays or hours what has taken hundreds of years to grow. A great many fires are caused in this way, but not all. Tourists and campers LUC sometimes not as careful us they should be. Camp Hrcs are not carefully- put out and matches arc thrown away by careless smokers and lircs s;arting destroy hundreds of acres of valuable timber that in a few years grow to a thicket of berry bushes and p:n cherries. Of course these give place to other and more valuable timber in a few years, but nobody, or ;it least not many, are living today who will earn much money taking out timber or wood from lan.l '.hat has been burnt over anil has grown up with second growth timber I think that greater care should be taken by everybody, and stamp out this enemy of our forests. I must say a word before I get through about one of OUT but paying siJc lines to farming, I mean a maple sugar bush. Thousands of gallons of maple syrup are iruulc ,. , every year in this part ot the country fectd with mWart. Ihe tUmtiff j ? nj it is scnt all over Canada aiul some ol.iimed in di-r cx.uvm ;rion ili.it u vvi-nM ' is scnt to foreign countries and a Jen I of tko t won!y years t Miys'.ioy tho w t -ed. j 'ney is rmulc bv those h:u .'u- ; , good ,_. <;. i sugar bush. And the best oi it is it Flu. jury, alt,'.- hems,' out nruy Uo . |levcr w ,,. s Ollt> buf is rc |Jy csc] . y hour?, awarded the pluntiit' ?-:'! ' spvi ig v. th us crop of Miup .ir >! MI^.;I : met in the on Fridny, A repoit from Ooderich High Court sittings says a Mr. Kuiglu uf Grey Township entered action ivjHinst n Mr. Heiidtiison, seedsman, of Fort William, for damages to his farm from wild musN ai-vl. The plaint'tt' in l'J2l' purchased clover seed, supp'.i.-cd to bt> of lite hi^ln'st t grade, fiom the defeudnnr. thit year six'y acrt-s bccnind in The O.prey 'I F Y P > Methodist ball, Mixw.-ll. Feb .'j. The meeting opened v?i\h tie President in the ctuir AI d ill sun/ one verse Hud chorus uf the Maple Leaf. Miautes uf last met 1 in,; irere read and adopted, after wli.ch Mi$ie Morrison aud Spofford were appointed lcd*rs of community sing-fong for next meti'iug For in unavoidable reason ihe program had to be changed and a social evening was spent. Mr AUKUS Moirisun won the prize for tho first cun:e>t aud Mr. Andrew M'urieun tod Mist) M. Findlny the prize for second coutett, a'ter wh.L-:i lunch w3 n.?tv<id and the meeting wag cJoied with the Nuioual Anthem. The next meeting will he on Friday, Mr>:h 'J.h. 8 p m in the Methodist h*'l. Maxwell, the ;>. crm to tw mock tritl, breach > f pronnte ca.e between M.ry Pickf'.rd an<l Charlie Chaplin. Everybody welc -me Planting Trees Dr. Jamicson s property at the Lake has been more than once in the spot- tight and there are few in this locality who do not now konw that he is a re- forestation advocate and is practising what he believes to be the right thing. Since acquiring the property he nas planted out in the neighborhood of live thousand trees and this spring will sec him hard at it putting in three thousand more. The Doctor s original application was for ten thousand pine trees but he has been informed that his allotment has been cut to three thousand, or. f pos- sible as many more as can be spared. Nodless to say the doctor is proud of his pine forest in the making and never loses interest in his scheme to make the old Wilder 1 * Lake property both a reforestation area but a bird a: 1 game sanctuary as weP. -Durham ( hroniclc Mrs. Robert Sample TUere ptrd away ><u Rtiuiday * Feb. 28th. in Artmuthia I'liwn-lnp in the pers-u uf Kirs. Rubeit Sample it , hf gu of aboui 7o year?. For years sh. h^d been .iu invalid from rheiimntiiiu and lived with her aon, Wm. J. M.-TI-, at the l>urht:n corunr suulh of h :eihortoi-, The !ii.- Mr* Sainp!'s nm 1 n IIMIIO *4i Marsjaret J.*ne White and WH<I Artemeiii tuwnship. Her tilt' w to John Moorn t about th s _'-J nJ in them wsborn one > >r. J., with whom she has lately livud. Second unn lag* wna to Kobert SIMI;!-, whu prvdiceased her a nmniber of yeam 1140. The funeral wts held on Tuesday tfleruoKin Ou account uf iilurss in the h niif the funeral strrice waa In I i iu the Klirsheru'ii &!ethodiKt chuich nnd her pastor, Rsv j . H. Okf, preaclied from the text, " Ble$sei' aco those t<erv tuts whom tho lord whon he comech shtll tind watclung. Iiiteiirt-iU tcok pNce iu Fleslu-rtou li. rn in m s<* of >r. Win Her Turkey refuses toiign. Another d"t- tt-d line it'ii-.- to pot. A urest many glrU say "No" at first; but i>ke th* photographer they M a- h >n- to tvtouch their negatives Pennsylvania ha planted 159 --r. -li '< of walnut seed to renew her supply < t '.his heauiiful tunl useful tiee. It is i- n'lMi-itivvly fist rowiii):, yield* re- numorntive nut c\v\-. nd iis lumber it <n deanind for furniture for h use trim. Bargains If you are looking for a good bargain in Sewing Machines AND Phonographs call in and see us. It will pay you. W. A. JEWELER and OPTICIAN Flesherton, Ont. Bates Burial Co. BCSIKESS AS USUAL Funeral Direct* d and jnbalmer Phone Hillcrest 26i 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. s the time to renew your subscription to The Advance The Real Store A good stock of Fresh Fruit and Froceries always on hand. Neilso.Ys Ice Cream Bricks and Esk- imo pies. CHOCOLATES We carry a full line of bulk, bars and fancy boxes. Feed FLOUR Purity and Five Roses. Shorts, Oat Chop and Barley Chop Low-grade Flour. Stock Tonic Spring will soon be here so now is the time to feed Stock Food. Herbageum & International Stock Foods Oil Cake Meal and Feeding Molasses W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed. Seeds, Croceriea and Confectionery Flesherton, Ontario BREAD BREAD BREAD Try Finder's Bread, there's none better Buy your Croceries from us. A full. line and fresh, PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, - Flesherton Going Into Debt Prisoner Bossed The Job T'lless halt ' called in mir exufii> diture*. Ontario is heaileu' for bMkrnpMJ and ruin. LUtweeu 1HIS and IHL'0 i he inuiiieip-il unJ fch'Mil txtin iucrensed from 59.4.SS.CMIO io>T!'.'.'2.<WH. Io the A peculiar situation arose at the County Goal last week when Gaolet McKechme and Mrs. McKcchmc, as weil as Turnkey Geo. Lobsingcr wcr* all taken down with the grippe. As there were several prisoners in rtie toils in- same period the -chool mdeStedneas in- t l u dmg " Scobic " McDonald who ia creased only from six .'thirteen millions, awaiting trial on a charge of murder, it In Legislative and Federal circles the was importaiit that somebody be got increase has ivlso been alaruiinn. Debt* quickly on the job. When Sheriff increaed so easily during the war period Jennyn hastened down from VViarton, that it became matter of habit and he fou"J one of his townsmen of the t :day the committments of .-ur various "orthern burg, just completing his sent- ence on an O. T. A, conviction. The Sheriff, who had known the man for years and had every confidence in hiB integrity, made the best of a bad sit- uation bv replacing this prisoner's Stripes with the insignia of oflice and hiring him to carry skilly to the hungry governmental bodies are simply appalling, During the war we could not itop to ikink about 'he dy of reckoning. Hut that wilful blindness to fids that had p<eioujly been resided as effect: ye obsi.vles to war. linn resulted in a perm- i.u-iit cataract <>f the eyes, that un fortunately has no corresponding i.n theexchdiuer. prisoners. The VViartontan proved effect adept as Chef in the Castle M. an Kech- nic soup Kitchen and continued to carry Unfortunately, hovrcvor Hind we may on successfully until the recovery of the be to our debts, they must br ji.iid. - sick officials this week. - \Vnlkcrton Meafoid Miiror Ic'.cscopc

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