February 2, T H,E F L E S H E K f A I > V AN C E JOB - - PRINTING IS OUR TRADE Let us know when you are in need of Letter Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Shipping Tags, or any- thing in the printing line. Give us your printing, don't send it away. e Advance Press Fiesherton, Ontario THE Flesherton Advance W. H. THl'llSTON Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men's and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Krpairiiitf I All at lowest possible prices ssnjj; H, ALEXANDER Merchant. Tailor THE ONTARIO BUDGET Provincial Treasurer lVu-r Smith delivered his btid^vt speed) in the ! Ontario Legislature last week. The document as published makes ; very interesting rending 1 . From it 1 we learn tint ther; will he no re- duction of taxation this year. Itjs proposed to borrow 35 million dol- lars this year, 10 millions of which are for building highways. Nearly nine million dollars more was ex- pended last year than in tl e ^previous year, yet there was a surplus of $;I,0()4 ) .i2() on hand. The present government h;.s doubled the amount of revenuef The above (iff tires do not show any evidence of retrenchment, although the Treasurer promised retrenchment this year ; and there is a glimmer of hope in the follow- ing statement from his lips: ''I think it is lime that people realised that the war is over and that they get back to normal in the matter of spending." To this sentiment we would say " hear, hear!" and we would advise the Hon. Peter to have the senti- ment printed on a placard and tacked up on the door of every spending department in his govern- ment. It might be well, too, to have forty or fifty copies scattered around the Legislative chamber just prior to voting on the sessional bonus to members. next Feversham, Ontario FIRE PROTECTION i i ii. i: iJ Valley has purchased a lire fighting apparatus at an expeiuli- SOY BEANS IN ONTARIO its Seed Production Here Is Yet Rather Uncertain. I'he Crop Is <Jood for Hay, Pasture, Sil.mc or Seed Breeding Plants for Selection Systematic Field Arrangement- -Mar I. (;octributed liy Ontario Department at Agriculture. Toronto.) Soy beans cau be successfully j.'own for fodder in Southwestern Ontario and in the Niagara Peniii- i'jla, and in favored areas even far- ther north. The production of seed f the Soy bean in Ontario Is a more uncertain problem. In good seasons, Brat-class seed of a number of varie- ties have been produced at Guelph, ind iu poor seasons no matured seed was obtained from uuy variety. Soil luoculalion Necessary. Soy beans are very rich in nitro- sfpu, the seed bavins a higher protein content than either common beans or Held peas. This plant id a legume, and when planted for the Ural 'time should tju inoculated with the proper uitroK'iii tiling bacteria. TUe Soy bean has varied uses, the whole crop being grown for hay. pasture, silage, and sroen manure, aud the seed for stock feed. In the Orient, the seed is grown not only for stock feed, but to an even larger extent for human consumption. I t.r Hay, SilnKf, Paxture or Seed. Soy beans have been grown for fodder and seed production in the experimental plots at Guelph since 1S94, and have been distributed through the medium of the Experi- mental Union to farmers of Ontario each year for the past twenty-three years. During the past five years, the moat promising varieties under tect at Guelph hare been the O. A. C. No. 211, Ito Sail, Minnesota No. 157, Early, Brown and K;irly Yellow. Handy Soil Not too Kich Preferred. A sandy loam soil not too rich U suitable for growing soy beans. The seed-bed preparation for Soy beau* should be much the samu as for In- dian corn and they should be planted about the same time. Soy beam usually produce better results when just, arrived. All reasonably priced Prices ranging from $28 up litre 01 S-iOUO. From a description it appears lo be about the kind of tiling that I'leslierton requires. The motor is gasoline driven with a 53 | plant the gam horsepower gasoline engine and the uuctlon ' guaranteed i-ap.ioity is .520 gallors p.-r minute. livery big file in Fleslici'lou pro- duces a "splurge" i.f enthusiasm lor (ire protection, hut alter u few planted iu drills which art' about ||llr , y inch( . 8 apart i, ia|I broadcasted. It requires three-quarters to one area for fodder pro- Ayent for tliu Waite Dry Cleaning Co. of (hvcn Sound. Everybody lias a cliiince t > li;tvc tli-'ir .-uit ilimon^lily rli-nnod. weeks and investigation on the part of committees, the enthusiasm d'es out and no more is heard until the next conflagration* And thus it has been for the past twenty voar> or m,*re. 'We congratulate drand Valley i-iti/ens. on their ;u\|iiisiiion. I'roduclii); IMiuits for Svltvtion. A number of plant-breeding selec- tions aru under test at Uueliih, and It Is hoped that before IOIIK vari- u> d will be produced which will be t-arly enough to mature seed each year, and, at the sumo time, produce a good yield of Ki'een fodder. One of Clnthr* broutflit Monday delivered \Vednenduy ( 1'ithi.s brought Thurnday delivered Saturday Hog Clubs Overcoats turned to look like new Flesherton Tailor Shop T. C. BLAKELEY Merchant Tailor Grey County Hotf Clubs arc viry qiivl>!> iiKuaMng in number. Alun.t toiiitti 11 :irc organized now with ri os IH . ol M-\i'i'.il I'.ioie in t'ic near fulinc I.acl. ol iipi'ln .ition forma have resulted it) some ilel.iy but several arc iioiv on IKIIU! so that promptness \\ill l>c c b- M-r\rd in ir,:iiling the same from the Oi-cy County Mr.uu'h, Department of Agiu'ulture, .it Al.ul.Jale. Departnu nt of Agriculture Uepmt, Don't fail to see the New Superior 1923 Chevrolet The world's greatest motor car value For early delivery. Price $795, including all charges D. McTavish & Son Chevrolet and McLaughlin Motor Gars the best strains tested at Guelph is the O. A. O. No. 211. This strain will be Included In the Soy lima Experimental Union l'o-operatl\i' Kx- periinent, mutrrinl for which will be sent lo any Ontario farmer who de- sires to tost this crop in the spring of 1923. Dopt. of Field Husbandry, O. A. C., Guelph. Systematic Kit-Id Many an old furin has waste land, unproductive pastures, irregular Held und i'< 'ire lints and rundown soil, but btir sl'.e proprietor does not be- come ;,. bankrupt. The farm Kives him iin.ird and Ux!:-ir ;. and if an ally homea'.eadeil area it has uo bur- den of cnivyinK charges. When thou ol.l farms conn; into the ownership of y. mi; ui. i progressive uienT pur- chasi . i a juice in keeping with tin- in si .a market values, ivor .uirizuium must be affected. Tin- reo nnlzatlon will usually consist of A general I'li-u-'ini; up of Ii 'I(U. lei . s. bulld- ir i-.iiil lie. s i.iul jiluniiiii ; anew the old r.irm aii a to conform with llie mod -m und nr-ci'ssirry fan i plan with iis : sleniutlo arruir-.'-niri ; of tlelds, Mra -;ht I'l'iice line.s. ilniin.xl ureas, tidy iiivhan.1 and tidy lui :ii yard, BO tllffi rent from the half century of iici'i .niiLitiou too fre(|ii' ntly seen :itm .1 old farm home.-;. Ol'.l farms are not muderniZ'M or made ove.- In a y-ai-. Time is n>(iiiin>d t > clear tlio litoi: pilvs and Ktunips aw y, to drain the ii.'lds, to rebuild tli< .'< IKVS and lo i pair the bnililiiiK.s. 'llie present (lay inseslnienl reiinire-; (hat every fool Hi 1 land should bo productive, and th.it llie Held :in f an IM MT. t und r.'-ner.il f.irin plan should be sueli as lo rediu't" tin- labor to a minimum. ThU is aocomplislied by hnviiiK the, farm buildings loc.ited in proper re- lationship to the lleKIs, the lane and I ho highway.- L. Stt-venson, Toronto. Mail. Marl -is u mixture of disintegrated limestune and clay, it contains iu VaryiiiK proportions lime, phosphorus and potussiiim. There is no better fertilizer for sandy lands than peat und in, ni, and it is surprising that greater list) ia not .nade of this ma- lerial on many farms. Small marl beds are common over the Province of Ontario, and this material can us- ually he obtained for the labor of excavating. Varm labor and teauis might be well employed during odd day^.durlnu the summer und antnum perif'd getting out marl for future applications. Crushed or Qrtely di- vided marl can be directly applied to the laud at any season of the year. L. Stevenson. Pure-Bred Makes Best (Jula. | The grade hog is moro profitable for tho farmer than the scrub or ra/.orback and the pure-bred is more proutahlo than the grade. The pure- j bred gains weight fasti : on the sanm fot-d than either tho grade or tho iBcrub und llmshea HO much better for 'market that It invariably coniiuauda u much better pries. ,-**.< --* El 1 ; HEAD 'OFFICE ' HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1672 "The future is purchased by the present." Johnston CHASING the dollars is a strenuous onugh occupation for most people. Whi-D you do catch them, keep a few as 'hostages of goodwill' aud put them safely behind the bars in the Bank of Hamilton Savings department, where they will be ready for you when you really need them. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BR4NCH PROTON C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager WE SELL TARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. Outstanding Values in SKATES and Skating Supplies HOCKEY STICKS and PUCKS Stable, Shovels and Forks Ranges and Heaters Simmon's Cross-cut Saws "Gold Medal" Axes Axe Handles, Files, etc. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - - 'Phone 24 r 11 Battery Storage Just a final word of warning about your battery. If left in a cold place it will freeze ; if left in a warm place it will sulphate. Of course in either case the life of your battery is greately shortened. Bring it to us and we will examine it and charge it at regular intervals. Remember, we specialize in braz- ing cind welding. All Work is guaranteed. Agents for International Farm Implements H. DOWN & SONS FJL.ESMK1RTON AUTOMOBILES and FARM IMPLEMENTS A HIGH GRADE SOHUOT, Vongo and Charles Streets, Toronto Open Ml ye;r. Demand for our graduates during the tot six* teen mimhs more that duulie our supply. Knt<er now, writ* for full (articular*. \V. .!. ELLIOTT, A Gift That Lasts Give lint Boy or Girl of yours a (<ift that lasts life time and l*ys dividends daily a course in tho The oilier a hog can make of hlm- !( tho more profitable hog ho Is. I., bor saving homo machinery can H, A. McKEE ChuopfftotvK SpecuH-t I At P'lik Hotel, Fl shoiti"), Mfii. j Wedneeday Rucl Frith), ll l> m. Tno-d y, Tiuiisiliy ~ t !> [i 11) Ci"lluU:ilion Bus'i e Shorthand, Fitrmers' couucs- :I!M> 1'nptralory ci ursa for ilm.se who nrssfJ iru first change public .suhool. New term o^eus January 2nd C. A. FLEMING. F.O.A , Principal inoc 1881 .' (1. D. KLEMINO, Stcretit-y.