February 28, 1923 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE A ANADIAN PACIFIC. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave FleRharton Statiou as Otoitri; South Oning North 8 05 a. m. 11.52 a.m. 4.30 p.m. .30p. m. The in i' . . < -.1 itt Kleaherton eg follows : For the . . ' 1, at 10. 40 a.m. and 6 i.m. ; and tho <tfr<nio<>ii mail Knulh at !>. Do'olock. For morning train south ma.1 cluie at I* \>. in. the previous evg. Local Chaff pttcai Co. Comprehensive Eye Examination Glasses designed :ind especially nmdeimd gtuimd fur individual uiil requirement. Branch at Meaford - John*ton' Drug Store in charge of Dr. A. G. McCorab. Those adjacent t<> Meaford are as- sured of inn cfficieut opticitl service. ll\. 5). tEnploi- Optical Co. OWEN SOUND and MEAFORD Established 182 Boys' Conference Keoew Kin.' we Make out your income tax returns j Mr . T< , y , or g,^",,,, wil , 8pealc at Band at the skating rink taia Thursday th , BoJ8 . Conference IH Orangeville on IHL.IH. Everybody come. ' March 2, 3 and 4, ia one ut the most Mr. Will Moore spent the past few outstanding Boys' Work ipecialisU on tha daya in Toronto, North America continent, fie is the Mr. Robert Trimble returned to Strat- author of the Canadian Standard EtricN ford Saturdsy after hii holiday. | eii:y Programme and more than any MM. W. A. Armstrong * called to ' ! her parson aeserves crt-Jit for the pro- [ductionot C' in i.l is National Fourfold Mrs. H. M. Hy'.and, who is ill with flu. ^ogr.mme for boye. tie U the See- retarv of the Nttional Boys' Work Board, and an such ia giving; leadership tbrouith Weston Monday to nurse her daughter, Irs. H. M Hy!and, who is ill with flu. 1'orcr.to claims to have a population of Gave Good Concert I m -ihviys with delight, ihat a Flesh- '.'ii. in audit nets welcomes the Musical Eekhardts Co. of tine .- n i Bell Ringers to town and the show put on Friday eveninv in the town hall proved to be one uf tha must skillful held here ytt' The numbers mi the hells were veiy sweet and a revelation to many of tr.ose present. One of the young men of the company is a real at'ist with tricks on the violin, p'ayiog ii. in six different positions and rendering gno<l music Other numbers wero a tromboni* ol<>, saxophone snlo, trio of two saxophone and cornet, cornet solo ami a duet on the xylophone . There WM a fairlp good crowd present acd all enjoyed the concert immensely. The Eokardt Company is niie of the oldest troops travelling in Ontario jnd they made their first appearance in (Tleth- ertou about 25 years ago, led by T. Eck- ardt, who took active rnrt here on Friday tveriing. i he Provincial Boards to Church Work fur boys throughout the length and breadth of Canada. Mr. Statten has 691,000, which includes the outlying dUtiicts. Mrs, W. I. Heary is in Dundalk mining her daughter, Mrs. McAulay, fow f , iajli a8 " a " speaker and is much who is ill with the pnr*itfB| epidemic. , gought lf|et for B()y( , W(jrk Conferences Dr. Etn Armstrong, an old Flesherttn and Rotary Club gatherings of an erf- boy, is a candidate for the Mayoralty of , ucational uatuie. The Oraceevillo Con- Cobtlt. Here'* that he may lucceed. fertuce 11 fortunate in securing a mill or Mrs. Fiei Breen and little son, of his attaiumeots and wide reputation. Detroit, are attending at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. W. W . Trimble. Mr. Will Wilson, of St. Cathetiues, viaitiid a few days of the pist week with bis m thji- here. Down Stewart A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoss, Iveele street, Toronto, on Wednesday, Feb 2l> when Mr . Alfred Dowl1) youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. II. Down, Flesher- ton, was united in marriage to .Miss Amanda Stewart, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, also of Flesh- The Vaudeleur L*dies Aid will put on their aale of baking in Wayfeon's Hall > n Saturday afternoon of ibis week. Thin hid l>*e n pis' poned from list Saturiiuy. A number of boys from Flesherton intend atteml'iig the Boys' Work Con- ' crton - Tnc ceremony was performed fererice being held in Orangeville th b * Rcv - I? - G- Fowler of Flesherton. ndof this week. The bride was attended by Miss Mar-cl Swift of Toronto, and the groom by Mr. Mr. Juhn Brown, who iun been living Jjm Stewart of Flesherton. The wed- on his frm south of the village, moved dme marcrl Wa9 played h> Miss Ina to bis tine residence on the east buck Smith of Markdale. The young couple. li' 10 - who are very highly esteemed, have The W. 1. supplied a hot supuer at taken up their residence here. A large the home of Mrs. VV. I. Heuiy on circle of friends wish them long life, Thursday evening of 1-ut wek, thereby happiness and prosperity, aiding $17 to their funds. TheVandeieurW.i. will giva their Golden Anniversary play " His I'ncltj Johu ' iu die Com- munity Hill, K.mberley, on VVed., Mitrth 7tli. Adru;ssiou 35c. Wo have received M coin nuniciti. n from BitlftbuiptOB oil " Cunsclid'ited Schools," and will be [Noised to print it if tl>o writer will sund us his muiif, i:ot for publiciticu, lut becau3 we iiiun know who all our correspondents are. Mrs. J. W. Irw.n At her home on sligo Road on Thurs- day last after an illness of four years, patiently borne, the death took place of Mrs. J. W. Irwin. Deceased was held in high esteem by those who knew her. She was bora in the United States. Her former husband was Mr. Middaugh, i son of the founder anc proprietor of the Middaugh House in Durham, of which, after her husband's death she was prop- rietress. Mr. a>id Mrs. Irwin came to .Mount Forest about fourteen years ago and have lived a retired life. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rcv. Dr. MacRac. Among those present from a distance were relatives of Mr, Irwic, Mr. and Mrs. Bredin. a sister, Toronto, a brother, Mr. Oeo. Irwin nnd Mrs. Irwin, Shelburnc : a nephew. Mr. Geo. Irwin, Proton, and a niece, Miss Hyman, graduate nurse, of Toronto, who had been with her aunt for the past couple of months. The remains were conveyed temporarily to the vault in the Mount Forest Cemetery. Later they will be intercd in a cemetery near Fiesherton, where her lirst husband is buried. Confederate Major F.R. Sproule, War Veteran, Dies From the Winnipeg Free Press of Feb. 19. Major Frederick R. Sproule, 43 years old, of 330 Wayerley street, River Heights, died suddenly in Winnipeg Gen- ' eral hospital Sunday night, his death coming us a shock to his many friends. , He was a member of the legal lirm of ' McCallum, Sproule and Company, and had been carrying on his office work ; until about a week ago when he was taken to tbe hospital. Born at Flesherton, Ontario, 1880, the, son of the late R. J. Sproule, anil neph- j ew of the late Hon. Dr T. S. Sproule, i former Speaker of the Dominion house, , he was educated at Owen Sound and ' Toronto university, coming west in 19OM. ' He was called to the bar in 1906 and followed the profession until his death. ! Major Sproule was on active service ' overseas with the Canadian Army Servic'.- 1 corpse from December, 1915, until the close of the war and on account of in- juries received during the war returned only at the end of 1919. He was a mem- ber of Northern Light Musonic lodge, the Scotch rite, also of the Winnipeg Golf club and the United Service club. He is survived by his widow and sister, Mrs. George Higginbothom, of Win- mpeif. The funeral will be held at 2.30 p.m. Tuesday from the Thomson funeral home, Broadway, to Elmwood cemetery. 3 Very Special Reductions Sheep Skin Coats Sheep Skin Coat made of heavy quality duck extra deep lining- well finished in every particular and very specially priced at $6. SO. Wool Mackinaw Coats All wool Mackinaw Coats of heavy wool, fancy check or black Norfolk styleregular $8.'50 tor $6.75. Heavy Alt wool Sweaters Men's Heavy All-wool Sweaters, knit in close stitch with shawl collar and close-fittiny cufts in colors : heather or brown. Reduced to $3.5O. A. E. HAW General Store - CEYLON Cash cream station. Store closes Tues. and Fri. evening Bell Co- After Delinquents The Advance received a neat card 'm Monday frou Mr. arid Mrt. J. E M". re uf Monntiiin View, Oilif.irnii, wh'> will I 'i.nii their golden wt.ddiiii{ on March 4th ncxr. Air. Moore :ind f : ., / left rVlenhert ->u nearly thirty ycar age. He I was it carpenter and undertaker hero , previous tu his reticvtl to C.il.ii.rr. i kind remembrance Drought buck Tbe Ball Telephone Ci>. are noiiig afte r t MI' scr.l.-jrs uu thia exchange in a radical .manner. Lut week some 2:t services were suspended for itou- piyment. A shott ti:n- limit \vas given, hn tha 'phones will bu ro'imved if 8 a-e not paid. On Monday the H. E. P. Co. shipped , , d nieillt , riw o( p u.. l8iult business rrla- oue of their big Eugeni* turbine to ' ti( , IW jn lhe , i)n|( pgst We teodep ' nur Montreal for re^aiM. This machine hA been in continuous opera'iou for ths past Stveu years. We underslitud that the water is so low in the Kugoaia Hydro pond th^t, the i Severn system h is to be called on as an ! -- an auxiliary. The water in the livers On the occasion of his departure for lias never beei. so low as it is this winter. I Ottawa, where ho in covering tho ses- Cephas Hmdle of Iho west back line. ' sio ' llf Parliament .at O'Hwa f,.r .he uarS*ugeen Junction, has rented his \ Toronto (Jlobe, Hector B. McKinn-i.. f.tui 10 Fred Russell and w bavin- an fm-merly uf 1'iioovilli-, was presented hy wntn , u \ A f lolM to this estimable ci-it ! >IB> . l|u , y , ive u , C( .j ebratt , mMy ( Hunivi;r8 H r i e g. Presented With Book 'members of the staff wirh hindsoine ' edition of tha Lifo and Lo'ters of Sir ' Wilfred Laurier- Mr. MoKinnoii I nd city editor of tha Globe for a yeir, i the I:IIL was a token of iipprci>ition auction tiib un March 8ih Mr. Kussoll is to take chrg.> on March 18:h. D. McPhuil, auctioneer. School i.s again being held in the public school with Mi'. Holland iu charge. ... v . . . . . . . on ills part of th report'jrsaiuldeHKtiH'ni Mi- . Nelson loft lust week lor her BOOM at M .no Uoul .-Hid Miss UiicliHel Hutch- iiisnii of K'luborley \t taking IKT woik this week. A horse belonging to Mr. George Clrrk of tho east luck line decided Tuesday evening thai it was time fur him : get Horsa Speeded Away Allietou held a public reception iu honor of the Dr. K.G. Bunting, original- oc.of insulin treatment for diabetes, the Kieiitcst medu-al discovery Uuyiuu thu \i.isl '25 years. A hue Mblet c Mmnenor- atiug the great di>covery nil! bo placed in the AllUton \i\n\\ school. A conimuuicatiou .1.- received hi 10 l:i.-t week Kiving the particulars of Mr. Tred Sproul's dea'.h in Winnipeg. He hi. I undergone an operation on his away fio;n town and he went minus a driver. Hs evidently had a to d supply ofgaiin hii tank ami ho opened the valvutn its fullest exbeur, . , ! . - . .1 uut of town at a rate of forty miles .11 h mi. It tuok him about two minutea to ge f us fur a> the littla mil where he was citwht. The cutter travelled so fast that it, was badly nmavhed. Cutters are not tonsils and was getting along nicely wheu bu| , t u , with , tsnd guch all Hirpre9ture . an abcenn was discovered under his tongue. Three opeiationu were formed on this whan I>1. i, nl poison ng set in with fatal results. Wednesdty, March 7ih, the W. I. . will held their meeting at the Mtthndis 1 : paxsonAfje. Ceylou W. I, will meet with the Fleihertou branch and will furniah , the program. Baking Oom Cake, Men-- , dames Moore, Armstrong nrt T. Eiaher; ' .liiicUich, Meidames M. Wilson, Thuran too and Geo. McTaviah. All coiJblly inritcd. Some Lime ago two men were arrested iu New York and charged with bank robViery at Ml . Forest, those men got otf on an alibi and the U. S. federal nut. hunt us have now slop pod in HII.I n-fusi"! i n allow tbe extradition of the second man, ftllhcuxh there is liitla doubt of hU guilt. Caundiiu A party wai held at the home of Mr. anil Mrs. S. E. deCudun.ire un Tuesday evening in honor if Mr. P. Hut. who ia leaving this *eak for hia home * Prescott. I'NRKSERVED CREDIT AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stick, ImpVuents, etc., the property of Cephas Mm He, lot 108 an'l Kill, Con. ;< S VV, Aitemesia .\ unlj north of S.m^een Jn , the big ' . , . , , ODe of Friday, March 8 botd 3i Hurseii U Cwa and 4 ln>ai young Cut: le 9th, 1923 :5i> l*iv!H, ;md Fowl Sule at 1 o'clock abaip. See lings justicd appears to have umu* > name for bi'l* ! lull list. i-solf abr'ad, -D. Mcl'HAlL, Auctioneer . Died SAMPLK L. Arimiesin <>u 5turdy, Feb. i4, 12'!. Mis Ui.bjrt Sompl-j, aed abcut 7"> >'-i;-i FUDLAU At Ku^cnii n S.itiiniiy, Fubruary L'4 h, I'.'.':'., Arthur Nulsc u lVd:r, ^on of Mr. anJ Mr- Viei\ Pedlar. H^I-IJ Ifi yiMiu, 8 iiiontha. SMITH A' the hmiie uf his uiece, Mrs. D MeLiu-lilaii, Ut-y'i-n, en Satur day, Feb. U4, Hi-nj iiiiiu !*uii!h, u^el i>7 years tirn's Interred at t leshiTtco. C^lliu^noud and Ciecmoro papcra please copy. IN MEMORIAM Osbornc In loving memory of my dear sister l?eta \vhopassed away I-'cb. 27th, IV) 1 S). The month of Feb. :iR:iin i.s here For inc the saddest cf ull the year, A day of remembrance, so sad to recall But down in my heart she was loved by all. How sicnder is lifc"% silver cord How soon tis broken here, Each moment brings a parting \voi\l And many a falling tear. 'Tis s'.vec to Know, we'll meet againt \Yhere sickness is unknown, And that, the one I loved so dear Has only gone before. - Kmerson Two nerf'p'iine.s pa^ud over Curbtttcn oce day lst week. They were on thoir w ly from Uslroit to Camp Borden. IS .MIXTURE .RESULTS CUARANTEEO FIRST DOSE MHNG5 RELIEF _. J!t*^ifft m t / .. -- ' :; COUGHS BRONCHITIS CCLBS . ".*; / Sold in FloBhcrton hy VV. J. $tewait & Sons Sold in Ceylon by Miss Millie Cook. Presbyterian Church Notes " V unity it ie to wUh to live lung nud to be careless t'j live well " Tbumaa a'Kempis. i >ii account of s much sicbnes in the couuuuuity there will he on prityer m< etiug th's week. The Y iniy People's Guild will '.- held n. \i week on Monday ni>jht iii^'end f Tuesday. A. debute is the chief feitura of the program Bfaolved, Thut riches aro the cause f mi-re evil in the aoiM ihw poverty. The second uxue uf tile Clmilii.-is' Chuvch Ni-ws will aim be read -i! this meeting The sacrament of llu Lnrd'a Suppur will be aduiiuistered mi ^.ni.in. Mirch ll'h. Anyo'ie wishing ' > unite with ui at this i in..', either hy profession t i i..|i or i y certiticate, wll l/e curdially ic- ceivtd. The Liilics' Aid will meet at the hmno of Mrs. Charles -Stewirt nt xt afternoon at 2 u'c'ouk. HENDERSON'S STORE Cream -> BRING ALONG YOUR CREAM WE ARE PAYING THE Cans supplied PRICE Mrs. R. H. Henderson FEVERSHAM, - ONT. " Marketing of Farmers' Produce." A lecture on tho atiuro subject will le given in WHtsim's Ililt. Pi-iivvilli-. K: - d>y evuiiiii),', March 2nd, by Prof. W. T. Chapman, of Tnr"iito University, under tie auspice* of ihoYuuu^ Aleu's Club. Admission -i coi.ts. Auction Sale To bo held mi Thurv.'.iv, Mirch !', on lot II."'. one ir.ile sou:h uf M.n i.ii .>. Scotch Shoi-lhorup, 10 lml! nino to tliiituc!i nii:i.i! l o'd - i.;i'ircd heifers. W. J. BOWKS. l'r,,p J. S. SlIKt'EaDSoN. Auctioneer. Full Line of Hardware For All Purposes .v.v.v.-.v Nails, Glass and Other Materials Now is the time to buy AV.V.V.V PUMPS, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS. WASHING MACHINES, PAILS and GRANITE WARE. D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario lew This week the new Wall Papers for 1923 are in stock. The designs and colorings are more beautiful than ever and the prices are very reason- able. To provide additional space we are selling a number of last season's patterns at half price or less. Come in and look them over. New Wash Goods for Your Spring Sewing Dress Ginghams Piques and Repps Indian Heads and Middy Twills Indigo Blue Suitings Lingerie Cottons Pajama Cloths Flannelettes Prints and Galateas Circular Pillow Cottons Double-width Sheetings Rock Fast Drills Nainsooks and Lawns Feather Tickings ALL REASONABLY PRICED F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO m