Flesherton Advance, 14 Mar 1923, p. 3

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i : Canada from Coast to Coast St. John's, Nfld. March the 7th the "MeUgamu" will take on at the narked the opening- of the Newfound- ! Hebrides 400 men and women between land aal fishing: season. The sealing the ages of 18 and 28. A representa- flaet has now been reduced to evglSt tive of the Ontario Government in the vessels. Seven of these operate on Hebrides states that he could treble th Grand Buitka and one in the Gulf the number of emigrants if it were of St. Lawrence. An airplane used deemed advisable to do so. by th* Antarctic steamer "Quest" i 1 Winnipeg, Man. A large butter ex- employed in connection with the Grand port trade was carried on by the pro- Banks contingent of. vessels. vincial creameries in 1922. A total Halifax, N.S. Since the beginning of 115 cars, representing 2,556,120 of the 1922-23 season to date apple pound* of butter, value ?894,<U2, were ; hipments from thi port have am- shipped from the province. Ship-! ounted to 865,986 barrels, 6,661 half- ments were made to Great Britain, | barrels, and 8,914 boxes, as compared Pacific Coast, Montreal. Toronto, New with 905,331 barrels, 8,770 half -bar- i York, Chicago and Philadelphia. rels, and 5,741 boxes in the oorres-| Retina, Sask. Saskatchewan's eon- ponding period a year ago, a decrease ' tribuitlion to the war against tulner- ot approxrimatttljr 40,000 barrels. ; culosis ?n the province will be the con- Fredericton, N.B. New interests (-traction by the Government of two which have connections with allied more tantttaria, on to bo built In 1923 industries will soon have control of and the other In 1924, it was nnnounc- the antimony mines, ami operation of ad by lion. J. M. Uhrich, Minister -f f the mines on a large oca!- will dn'-5it- Public Health. Whi'.ft the G-ovornmcnt' less be one wf the results of the will own the buildings, they will be, change, according to Dr. W. H. Irvine, administered by th-e Saskatchewan president of the North America Anti- Anti-Tuberculosis League. nxmy and Smelting Co. Edmonton. Alta. Reno Oellier, Quebec, Que. An entire village min:n engineer of Paria, France, is with its pretty parish church, its visiting AlVrta and investigating na- school, public and private 'buildings, : tura! resources in behalf of French g.tore-3 and residences, will be either| capital, whk-h socks opportunities for demolished or re-moved to another lo-l development in this province. I cation for the great reservoir result-! Vancouver, B.C. A despatch from ing from the construction of the darni London, Eng., state-* that the first on the Ch icon thai and Sable Rivers at; shipment of Brit'sh Columbia apples Kenogami. The cost of moving the had been recently received in Hull, village and compensating the resi-, The fruit was in first clsss condition,! dents for their losses wiH amount to : and attracted a bi-f gathering of bv,y-| MEW HOME OF ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE The Veterinary College at Guelpti was recently opened after its removal from Toronto. It is at present situatied In the grounds of the Ontario Agri- cultural College, where the staff and students are in close touch with the live stcck ' jvldhiga of thn O.A.C. It Is an institution which makes an Important contribut:;.n to tr.e farming population of the provin-c-e. Weekly Market Report Potatoes On track, Toronto, 7<kf per 90-lb. bag. Smoked meat* Hams, med., 27 to 29c; cooked ham, 40 to 42c; smoked rolls, 26 to 28c; cottage rolls, 32 to 35c; breakfast "bacon, 30 to 33c; spe- cial brand break funt bacon, 35 to 88c;i ' backs, boneless, 34 to 40e. Cured meats Long clear bacon, 60* ing to freights outside. : J '** ?2 .: 't, 90 ^ fl ? ! ** Buckwheat-No. 2, 78 to 80c. . !b - a . nd u Pj *. 18 : lightweight __ Toronto. Manitoba wheat No. 1 Northern, $1.23. Manitoba oats Nominal. Manitoba barley- Nominal. All the above track, Bay ports.^ American corn No. 8 ; No. 4, 89c. Barley Malting, 59 to 61c, accord-; Rye No. 2, 84 to 86c. Peas No. 2, $1.45 to $1.60. barrels, $38; heavyweight rolls, $35. Lard Pure tierces, 16Hc; tubay ,..,,. , , , 17c; pails, 17Hc; prints, 18H<v Millfeed Del., Montreal freights, shortening, tierces. 14*4 to I5c; tubs,' bags included: Bran, per ton, $26; 15 t IB ^ C . pajlfl 16% ^ 16c . printt shorts, per ton, $28; middlings, $28.50; - < ' Safeguarding the Health of Our Children. BY W. M. MORRIS. ; - - - - - - - - . / to 18c, good feed flour, $2 I Heavy steer8> ^^^ $7 to $8; Ontario wheat No 2 white, $1.14 butcher fl teers, choice, $6 to $6.25i to $1.16, according to freights outside. do> gpod| $5.50 ^ ?<i . do< med-( ?6 . 2 |J Ontario No. 2 white oats 48 U> 50c. ^ $5 50 dlOi com $4.75 to $5. butcher Ontario corn-Nominal. , heifers, choice, $6 to $0.25; do,, med.y Ontario flour Ninety per cent, pat., $5.25 to $6; do, com., $4.75 to 85.26; ;in jute bags, Montreal, prompt ship- butcher cows, choice, $4.50 to $5.25; many ment) $5 ]0 to $5.20; Toronto basis, do, med., $3 to $4; canrers and cut- physical defects in our young- men. S5.05 to $5.15; bulk seaboard, $4.95 to ters, $2 to $2.50; butcher bulls, good, The report stated that 47 per cent. $5. $4 to $5; do, com., $3 to $4; feeder were physically unfit for the strenu-i Manitoba flour 1st puts., in cotton steers, good, $6.50 to. $6.50; <lo, fair. i for the pwat war discovered , , . ous duties of military service. We all sacks, $7.10 per barreTT^2nd pats., $4 to $5; stockers, good, $4 to $4.50; The proposal to have med.eal and I , th t there wil , never be anot her S6.SO. | do, fair, $2.50 to $8.60; calves, choice, r for there is nlentv of scone Hay Extra No. 2, per ton, track, $11.50 to $12.50; do, med., $8 to ' t SrJLl Toronto, $14; mixed, $11; clover, $8. $10.50; do, com.. $4.50 to $7.50; milch- investment of the highest de- Straw _ Car lotB> per ton> track> To . c<)Wg| ' choi< . c $?0 to $90 . Bpringw . Bf denial inspection of the children, in I ' h the schools of one of the southern ' " counties of Ontario, ^carried by a I ! cholce , $ 80 to 100; lamb,, choice, $12 cream-' to $14; sheep, choice, S8 to $9; do, - mm.,. , ui ^mario, : , O y a f hv>ica , fitnegg in the ordinary ro ~{ o 39 of^he^hT t T*' 6 *' 1 P^ 1 vocations 'of life. The discovery of B^ter-Finest pasteurized , L , "' ' " ! ?1 these physical weaknesses should be ery: solids, 50 to 61c; prints, 51 to culls, $3 to" $7; hogs, fed and watered', school section was very much opposed' challenBe to parents , scho ol boards B2c; ordinary creamery, solids. 46 to $10.50 to $10.75; do. f.o.h., ?9.75 to to the scheme, saying, Tha parents j am , ratepayeT8 ^ commence a pro- 48c; prints, 48 to 49c; dairy, 29c; $10; do, country points, $9.50 to $9.76, of this -ection of the country have enough affection for their children | and tako enough interest in their wel- fare to provide medical and dental in- spection for them when they need it. of health education in all our between $500,000 and $700,000. e.rs when it was put up for sale. As! Wt> . have Bki!lful physicians for our Toronto, Ont. The fiwt migration' Hull is a laryn distributing centre for,k tmil y d<)ctoi ;s and most of the par- of young Hebrides farmers to Ontario fruit, it is anticipated that a pi-rman-! e " ts . take tneir fhi'klren to the family under the immigration scheme of this ent trade in apples will be built up be- provinca wfll begin on April 20, when 1 tween Hull and British (Columbia. physician when they need any atten- tion. There is no need for any repre- LIFTING OF EMBARGO BIG TRADE INCREASE Britain's Live Stock Dealers Expecting Million Head of Cattle from Canada. A despatch fromj Ottawa says: Testifying before the committee that; la inquiring into agricultural condi-; tions, Deputy Minister of Agriculture' Grisdole said that many in the live-; stock trade in Great Britain evidently believed that a 'big trade would result from Canada, following the lifting of the cattle embargo. Indeed, some, seemed to think as many as a million' head might be got from this country. An important point brought out was that cattle shipped from Ireland will; enter Britain uiKloar much easier con-j ditions than those from Canada,! though, after their arrival tho condi- 1 Brings Honor to Canada. tions arc the same In both cases. Dr. P. O. Banting, whose discovery Thomaa. Safes drew information re- of insulin, a serum for the cure of diar pecting the cost of shipping cattle betes, haa brought unqualified approv- 1 from the West to Liverpool, Dr. Gris- al and praise from medical men on -. dale venturing the opinion that the both sides of the Atlantic. He haa a!- i cost from Winnipeg for an eleven hun- ready had amazing results In treat- ' dred pound beast would be from $45 to ment of diabetic patients. A move- j $50. Mr. Sales thought that about ment Is on foot In the Ontario Parlia- nother $10 would 1 have to be added ment to provide him with a subKtan- > to charges from a mid-Saskatchewan ttal Income to set him free for at point, and concluded that, from pres- least ten years for unrestricted ent prospects, there would not be search work, much in i-t for the Western farmer. He thought that a beast sold at $40 som years ago brought more profit than one at $60 to-day. gave eleven rteer bo Liverpool as follows: From Toronto, $35; from Winnipeg, $44; from Calgary, $47. The burden of sentatives of the Deportment of Education coming here to tell us how we should attend to the medical needs of our children. 1 ' In spite of the pro- tests of this trustee, however, a sxir- vey was made, by doctors and nurses, of the children in many school sec- tions, including the one of which he was a trustee. When the nurse came to this par- ticular school section, tho teacher pointed out a Tittle girl of ten years of age, whom she hesitated to describe Someone will object that the defects Booking, 15 to 18c. Eggs Fresh gathered, 87 to 39c; held, 26 to 29c. Montreal. Corn American No. 2 yellow, 98 tor 94c. Oats Can. western, No. 2, 65 No. 3, 60 to file; extra No. 1 tJ^illeulIC will v/UJCV-l. MIBb uuv ^*c*v.vit, _ . . discovered by such medical examina-' .? P r y-Chickens v milk-fed, w _. . '- _--.. "-. !5! * 8=MA&& l ifc s: a-yr "gzsti. rr 1 ^ 6 . Chickens, milkfed, $13 to $14. dre cousins in the country. schools have- doctors and nuracs who ver 5 look af ier the health of tho children. 5 lbs., 26c; Cheese Finest easterns, 28c. But-j ?r Choicest creamery, 51 %c to 52c. Eggs Fresh, 45e. Potatoes Per The boys and girls of foreign parents 2| . Ho> 4 lo YTbs., 24<-'; do, 3 to 4 bag,' car lots,' $1.05.' in some city schools are getting n lbs.. 22c; roosters, 22e; ducklings, over Med. and fairly good veals. $ to better chance for healthy living than 5 lbs., 28 to 30c; do, 4 to 5 Ibs., 22 $7.50. Thick, fat, heavy western hogs. $9; good quality local, $10 to $10.50. the children of some of our good Can- to 25c; turkeys, young, 10 Ins. and up, adian stock in rural parts. Various 1'hyifcal Defects. It is estimated that out of every twenty-five children in school, four i25t; do, old, 20c. as dull and yet regretted that she did ' hsve defective eyesight, four have not seem to be able to keep up with adenoids and fcur have trouble with the rest of the class. The nurse im- mediately took the little girl in hand and tested her eyesight, concluding tonsils. The parents may not be aware of these conditions, and whi-n, informed are invariably very grateful j that she was partially blind. The to those who have made the examina- 1 usual card was filled in and sent to'*-' 011 - Besides these conditions many the child's parents, with the recom- Children have dental trouble which ro- mendation that they consult the fam- 8U ' ts '*> malnutrition. There is little ily physician with reference to the to b* gained by eating if we are not; child's sight. in a condition to utilize the food we A Startling Revelation. consume. The first step to be takon It just happened that thi. little'" ?" <; orrecti & * ,** girl was the daughter of the whether the person to * fad ls able ' trustee who protestod against medical and dental inspection in the r^ , schools and although he resented the 'f people in/arference of Government officials, he complied took th I 6 H UR f" 7 H 811 not utilii!e the nourishment furnished r !? t them - Snn > boy' a ? examination of vM ^ re- SUPERIOR QUALITY OF ANZAC PRODUCTS Standard Averts British Trade from Canadian Canned Fruits. A native-born Canadian wto became have been! an eminent Jnrmt. Sir Waller C8Bel lho ir di,-,l at his home in Ottawa on Marah h * *** sisr tt >,L:r a ^ ** *<* ** < MI ! ?' ^* ' ^ " * * I .<T ing apartments, the cleanliness of the affected. It must have been very dif- , t ,. S?aai i ^5u^sgaSS5&* - ** " *- an SL^ sf-s^S^sS ::ir;r: ,.-., . . . J mornnii; and evenmtr but I will <io my best to preserve that , u , , , of the other eye. If you had brought WS ' k '" Sch ' lhHt her to me two years ago. I think I could have saved the sight of both, . . ^ .^ : tllji , y to thirty _ fivc shouj(] The plan of procedure inifjgo.-ted by the department i? thc union of a Mif- too ' flcicnt nuniber of whool swtioiifi in to make th progress thpyi'' ura ' a!1( ' '"'ban communities to form ; a unit, which should compose about :.-mom<=. This A despatch from London savs: evidence was to show that the business New Ze-ala*,-} having already made of shipping store cattle would be pro-' spri cus inroads on the British market AtaUt for the eastern farmer. I f(n . Canadian clieeM with its G<,vern-' Mr 8as wanted to know if it (lnent graded pro<iuc t, Ausi.ralia now' would not be possible to secure a; threatens to steal a march on Canada, , f ,,.. .,., u, ,,,-.- w through rate on cattle bippd from by the establishment of a national, tle * lri l . wa8 8 row " u l' ' Wiiidnens funotionm -In- highest de K ree powihlP he KOV ,,, lnu . nt aill , oont.rihutiona _"" ! area would be 1rct' i-nnuKh to One can easily imawno the' The Department ot K.lucaf.on ..; the fen . ipes of a wc]| HBcJ well feelings of the lather who pmfes^I, not .-xm-iBing any .-umpulsmn in, (r;iim . (1 mirsil Th(> ^ n ^- ()r C(llln( to have so nmrkod affection for hi fl| health .clucatmn, b,i, ,s actuate, l-y , collrK . j| Hh w }>e appTOa , lu , d for B | ch.ldren. when he learned that his ht- the (l e a ,re N, onable cwh c-luld to' ,., whil . h . with HSB i htanct . f r<lin ' Natural Resources Bulletin Th^ Natural Ri*souroe Intel- ligence Service of the Depart- ment of the Interior at Ottawa, Bays: From ftaa-t to we*t, Ontario covers over 1,000 miles, and from north to south 1.076 miles. Of the 280.000,000 acres of laud within the province but 14,300,- 000 <rren are under cultivation. There arc 20,000,000 acres of the fine*' land yet nvaiiuhlc. This land is situated in tho dis- tricts of Muskoka, Par'-y Sound, Nipissing. Sudburv, Algoma, Thundi-r Bay, Timisknming, Kenora and Rainy River, and in '.he counties of Haliburton, Petei'horo, Hastings, Lennox and Addingtnn, Frontenar and Renfrew. In many of these j)lnc^s frcci grants of land are available, and any Crown Land Agent would be glad to jf!v> particulars. Ontario, which is three and one-half times as large as (ir*at Britain and Ire- land-, ha* a population of but 2.84H.067. whoroas the British iKihs have 47.41?,S82 of a popu- lation. There is, therefore, plenty of room for millions more in Ontario. Meets Great-Great Grandson .v r . . . .. -, - - "J VI ^ ^ai-rti'jiniuijciit. VIA o ii&wviiai , _ , . . f , . i trie icttv c*i iiinc'rn anu t um-rifiuiums i _ ... _ _ . . _^. . . the West and fed in the East for ex- stan dard of quality for aJHts primaj-y! " nder "' care. There would be no for him in whatever sphere of life his' froni t hp w , ll>ol boanls , wou i,, meel ! on Hi* Hundreth Birthday port, so that the farmer might, in this '^!f C .v >b * ?i at ' ed ? the 8 * me levet i A start has already been nmdc with with the millers who had a milling buttr an d cheese, and the British market will soon receive supplies of butter labelled with the national in trans-it rate. Britain to Retain Use of Paper Money A dcspatoli from Montreal i Celebration of ihs 100th birthday brand "Kangaroo," which will guar- antee that it has been pasteurized, has come from Australia, and will keep A despatch from London says: The! for " ve n '" tn!1 - resumption, of gold currency is notl 'Similar action wi'il be taken with t-onten;plated,_ according to Stanley ! regard to canned fruilts and dried Baldwin, Chancellor of the Exchequer, i fruits. When questioned in the House as to There is a lesson here for Canada whether he would consider the advis- whose canned fruits are constantly bc- ability of abandoning paper money I '"J? criticized by British importers on and revert to gold in order to instil* &* ground that they are not well corrn\l*n-ce and stimulate industry, the Chancellor replied he did not think that the issue of gold was either de- sirable now, or necessary to produce the results referred to. Breslau, in Sileria, possesses a chim- ny 60 feet high made entirely of com- gradfil. For t-he same n contractor; to whom it was proposed to give ai catering contract for the British Em-; pire exhibition, objected to using Can- adian canned fruit. J. A. Ru-.Wick, Dominion Dairy Com- missioner, now en route to the An- 1 ti-podes will, no doubt, look into the pressed papsr. It is stated to be fire- advisability of emulating Australia's proof . I example. limit to the sacrifice if the tight of .lot may be ,-ast. Throe dirtinct objects'. ^ expelll)e( , (lf H pftrmaiicnt nur.e to the ohnd eye oouW be recovered Ho ; are kept in view:- - , gj ^ ^^ (|f ^ should have had greater appreciation r Irst The curtailment of thn of the school rgulution that provides spread of Ronimu nimble <!i."'ase 'n' M c i . for medical and dental inspection of the community. Great benefit would Nova ocotia Adopts the children. There are, no doubt, be derived if parents, trusteen and; "Drive to the Right" Rule j too i; p ] are on Wednesday in the Hos- many children all over the Province teachers were well enough informed! pice St. Antoine. Present were him of Ontario, suffering from blindness,' *o detect the first s.vnifrtoms of con- ! A despatch from Haliftix, N.R.,1 f l a uglit*r. Mrs Ansclme CodoiTe. and deafness and other hnutlicaps bi>i-ausc tagious (liseBsec. JT this knmvlfigp .says: Premier E. H. ArmMrmig has j i,,. r (iuji-hl.(-r. Mi. l'"firdinnd Viau, of parents and trust-ee.-t are remiss in T ero men- jyonorn! juifl people knew introduced a hill in the local lloiise; Ditwwn ; Mr* ,1. A. Ro'nillarJ, Mont- thelr responsibility for the trust coin- what, slops to take. :i great deal I'ouM (1 f Assembly amending the Rule, of r ,.. i \ i daughter nf Mrs. Viau, ai'ul iMar- mitted to them. _ j be done In preserve life, provsni cpi- (he Road and the Motor Vehicle Act.'^j Huhillai-d. apeil three weeks, so-n Good health is fundamental to in- 'demies iiuii economi/.e in i ho treat- j conforming to the trnfflc rule prevail- j c ;' \j, s . RoKi!li-,i -five genei-ations. dividual and natiomil prosperity. We' ment of <li sense?. , j, 1<t \ n n |l othi-r provinces of the Do- j are making a great effort to improve Second-- The correctiun of e.-asting minion, whii-li have adopted the "drive (he coui-ses of study in our si-hoola defecis. PrevenUon in the child is to tile rj#ht" policy. There was noj 'fh<' rf-niarkable i>-rowlh of (^anarli^ ami provide better buildings anil ''air-il abov i-iirc in the <lu:.t. The disi-i:s:-ion. < a- export-'iu ooi.r.try IB grsphicn^v equipment, but this will be of little mean* of developing good liealth is | -*-- j illustrated by n c.i.irt which ha? jjftt avail in producing; intelligent citizens MSHO iinpm lunt. Ilinn thn ri'ineily to -N'i IIP-;MK iiMitiouiarly silt-ui :hem- ! betn ii-Fiieu by Hie l)cpnrt;n>i'l of if we do not take care of rhf h-3iii;h of --lire bad lieallh. | salvpfl- .tihc Spaniards lilio II-''.PK ihi> | 'I'rfuli- nn,i ("oD.itu-rce. Before the war the children. A remarkable thing Third -The eiliu-ation of parents! exni-essioai, 'Bexvaiv of sJlen: men and i Canada D-tuod eighth in volumn of ex- mbout health is that any community nd children in ihe ueivl of better' <iog that don't hrk." Yflt they 'u\vo i ports; sho IB now fourth. Before tho can have as much of it as the people health habits. There is room for a nnotiiw eocpre::icn which Bi^enis di j war she rankr-d eighlh in exports per, are willing lo pay for. K'cat c'ompaign in this particular ! reclly to ooinratllet ihi. for it says. ! head. She is now a close second to! Forty-Seven Her Out. Unfit. alone. Children should be taught how "Spank little a,n<i well, and you will l) I Ausu-Hlia. and for a i-onsiderablu time.. The medical -examination of reuruiU to take c-are of tlioir leoth, the value ! considered s s,oineoii-." ' during ami after the war, was first. IN RABBiTBORO \ BEFORE. n6S -FLOPPY QE.T-S HE.RE.,1 MUST TELL YOU WHAT \ HE.ARP BOBBY BON AN 1 DICK SAVIN' ^NBOUT HE-R .-HE BOBBY 5A1D- I l-IEARP W ,AY THAT" ni&S FLOPPY ^ U^T THROW1N' HEK^EL? AT T>OC WHlTE-Y'-S HEAD,- ' TH/ST 5A1O WE.LL,\F -SHE, O , St-EN MI5> FLOPPV TRYIN TO PLAY BALL VA/IYH 05 IN THt YARD, SHE.'!) KNOV^ THAT POC Wi^S SAFE. ' OH KlISS FLOPPY 1 WAS JUST SAVIN ' HOV-J MUCH DICK LNJOY5 HIS WOFlK WirH Yol) ! f tt ^, / $

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