March !4, !92.'? THE F L K S H E K T C N A D V AN C E Letter Heads What is there more business-, like than to have a real good business Letter Head? We have a fine assortment of paper for you to choose from and these can be printed upon at comparitively small cost, in black or colors. Well-printed stationery is de- sired by everyone. Try us. The Advance Press Flesherton, Ontario THE Flesherton Advance W. II THl'KSTON \'lITOK Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men's and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Cleaning Repairing' All at lowest possible prices H. ALEXANDER .Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario Suits That are Well-made The Kl c fchorton Tailor .Shop is the place to got mitatbftt arc well made Every suit j/uar.uitccd to tit Them is a lur^u sel- ection (if new spring and summer suitin^H to choose from j'Tcf us show I horn to yon. Trices that can't tic beaten. French Dry Cleaning suit or coat is soiled hand it to us for dry It will look as ^ootl as ever. Try it.. AKELEY Merchant Tailor TAXES! TAXES! Down in the County of Peel the , farmers are or^anixing themselves into a Protective Association in order to protect themselves from the wolves who are preying on the vit- 1 als of this country by levying' taxes and squandering- money t*> such a decree that it is almost impossible to exist and do business in this country. It is somewhat of a para- dox that we should have to form 'associations to protect ourselve from the members whom we senil to parliament U> represent us, but that is exactly what it narrow.* down to. Kvery scheme imagin- able has been resorted to, short ot actual confiscation, to force taxes out of the people, and the orfjy of expenditure has not decreased, but rather it has increased. An editorial writer in a well known United Suites publication points out that when taxes are once levied they are rarely withdrawn. A lar^e sum of money results and it is easier to find new methods of | spending than it is to cur- tail the activities of any depart- ment, and as a consequence the burden keeps on growing like a rolling snowball. We do not think, however, that Protective Associations are the sol- ution of this problem. Members ol the offending- government are the ones to be approached. An election is imminent in Ont- ario, and every candidate who seeks the people's suffrage should be obli- ged to make a clear cut pronounce- ment oil hi.s attitude on thisquestion. These are the men to look to tor relief aud only they. When those can be made tu understand that the people of Canada demand extensive reforms in public expenditure .we will get relief. When they are act ually forced to give it they vill do so, but not before. It is up to us> to get after the me*, who want to do our business at Ottawa and Tor- onto. They can be made to grant relief if notion is g-one about in the t ight way, and it is time to get at it. Our I'.F.O, clubs and every kind of social organi/ation should get busy without any thought of 'iihanassiug a government which has not taken into consideration the unbearably emrariassing- condition which tanners and otheisare now laboring under. Hut we are not alone in this "orgy of taxation." The I'niicd States is even worse oil than We are. Dealing with the question the Saturday Kvening Post says ; " All taxes, hy a heretofore immutable law. tend to stick and to increase, once they h;i\e been imposed. A legislative 5oJy that refines to consider retrench- ment and economy when confronted wi:h a financial emergenty will hardly repeal any tax that enables it to con- tin -ic in the slothful and pleasant ways of free spending. In California, so we hear, a union of taxpayers hag been formed to ride herd on the gentlemen who trim down out incomes so freely and who spcnj tax money so generously. This union sh< uld spread and roll up a huge mem- bei ship in every state, for that would mean that citizens are at last beginning to lake an interest in their government. Taxation and government are almost interchangeable terms. Sooner or later, almost every bill, every measure, every proposal before us entails taxation] How money is raised arid how spent goes right to the roots of government Yet we have only the haziest ideas on the subject, because if we do not pay income or real-estate taxes we have silly notion that we arc getting off scot, free. Yet the deadliest taxes are the hidden ores that deftly trim farmer, laborer and salaried man. Again, after the money has been raised we show small concern about how it is spent. Yet the evidence that comes through the infrequent public invest igations of some particularly glaring waste should cause shivers of misgiving to run up and down the tax paying pine." SIGNS OF SANITY The Farmers' Sun says : " Pre mier Dairy's recent declaration before the Good Roads Association that the time has come for a cur- tailment of road expenditure is reassuring evidence that here in Ontario at least sober counsel is prevailing in regard to highway building." The breaks are evidently to be applied with a last minute view to preventing Schaulfetir Briggs from ditching the muchin.'. Conditions are steadily improving in the cities and the numbers of un. emnloved still decreases. o |0 The 1 923 Chevrolet is Even Better Than Before TN 1922 CHEVROLET astonished the world by producing a * car of remarkable quality at an extremely low price. The 1923 Chevrolet is even a better car because 67 distinct improvements have been made in it. The same sturdy construction that characterized the l*>22 ilu violet has been 'vkiincd the strong spiral gear icar axle, the sturdy chassis, the improved front axle assembly, the world's most economical motor, etc. And to these liavo been aJdecl new fentures that make the 1 '?.! Chevrolet a truly astonishing \ alue, Thi prices of the new Sl'l'KRIOR Chevrolet arc sur- prising- pleasantly flic motor-buying public of sill rlasses. There are live'attractive models to choose from. One of them will suit you. Thy are,: J-pas.scngi.-r Roadster ; 5-passenger Tom ing ; J-pa'-senger ^'tility Coupe : >-; . i 'lYu. ing C'utij v ; S pa- sengfr Sedan. D. McTavish & Son o o I-arjje numbers of young Can- adians are eontiiiumg to migrate li the I'uited States to share in the hiffh waijes paiil by manufacttiriny and other concerns across the bonier. Most of those who leave Canada arc sUillod mechanics in tlu-ir line aiul ate welcomed with open arms, as employers pay special tribute to the Gui.'ulinn workman. o o o o Two women are to be bunged in C iin ail a shortly for numlcr. (Juile ,\ stir is beinjj made, but it is not likely that a reprieve will be yiven. Now that women have got the vote and are placed on a par with rnen il seen 'here i. in be no escape from a major crime committed by a woman even to hani^inj;, from a .sentimental, or oilier poi:;t of view, so lontf as our criminal . >de- auth- i/v'-s executions. o o o o l ; is not known \v!.ctUcr any per un in this district " Lll " to the selling- talk of a salesm;;;i for the sto k of I.. R. Steel Co., an Amjrican enterprise, \vhi 'h has been declnreil insolvent. WL know oiu> yoiui^j man, though, who was wire enough, to demaiul his foOO clieque a short lime after it was h.-.ncled to the salesman. The Canai'.ian L. R. Steel Co. i?; solvent and doing a yooil business but the surplus will have to be handed over to' the United States part of the Company. It sec-ins to be the small investor who is the hardest one hit when a bi.tT enterprise like the L. K. Steel Co. fails. A man who is compar- atively well off will not risk his money in schemes that are not sound. This practically applies in every ;ase. Chevrolet and McLaughlin Motor Cars j MRKKI i McNab i Walkcrton hen Hi as-kiil to Hiljudi'.'nte in n ruthui pecu'ssr OIIBP, and just who w to bo the dffi'it'Unl. at tho dial >H yet to lie NPttltd. U ii claimed thftt a certain farmer tienr T-ira fulled to make. our. I'.H i net me tux I. irm fur 1020 ai:il MII action bting com- vMioi'd it' f und that there an> two farmers wi'li vh' ' a*"?, "*o rc*ld in in D.;thy mvl I'l- . r in Kldeivii--, ,. .| i. .MI on :;.: T.ii A v ; ,,..;,;, \S : iho ltistl>3iB .; slii di l)cil>y man ih,.i' n!i.'i>l.l lie ii.vitfil ti> the rinit has .l ' beiluli i nr .ei', ir 1 in ih.* n ean- tifiiu jv-i ifr i" '''i' '; ' ' ' ''; >;1 i o the over rru- 'Hi. iu:n, Child Badly Scalded The little two year old daughter of iMr. anil Mrs. Jus. Cargoe, cast hack line, suffered a terrible accident on Monday that may yet result fatally when a tub of boiling hot water was spilled over the little girl. The mother hud left for an Markdale 5, Flesherton 4 On Wednesday evening of last week the Markdale :ed shirted ' hockey team came down and played Fleaherton. After a hard battle they went home again us winners with a one goal lead, the score being 5-4. It was a real good instant to get a pail of cold water to add game all through, well played and fast, to the hot water when the child took few penalties being handed out by ref- hold of the tub to look into it. As a leree Burnsidc. The first period was consequence the tub was pulled over and the little girl was seriously scalded on the arms and body. A doctor from Markdale was called to treat the little sufferer and hopes to save her life. Markdale's by the score of 3-2 The second period was more strenuous than the first but the Reds increased their lead one goal. In the last period Flesh- crton tied the score with two lovely shots ; but were unable to bag any more, al- Henry Soiiaus, T farmer 'nf Clifford, j though there were plenty of shots made lies in Ki'cheucr and Waterloo hospital u P on Stoddart. With but three minutes hovering between life and aeth as ' a | of P 13 * left M *r kj ale won the when they result of no alleged attempt to commit | sl 'PP ed one P alt in a scramble in front suicide. Sch US w, viamn* his Meter j of 8 oaL The line-up was :- at Waterloo mid as a renlt of depon- Markdale Goal, Stoddart; defence. dene, brought ,, , il, Health, attest- % ^^f^^^ ' e/1. it i claimed, to out IMB throat. For- j Flesherton - Goal. Dow; defence, tunately ho waa prevented frem fully drayes and Trmrsron ; centre, C Mo- the deed hut Buffered a 'Tavish ; 1 wing, S McTavuh ; r wing, G .Patton; sub., H Belts, G MoTavish , and Armstrong. AUCTION SALE Farm Stock A Implements GEORGE FISHER LOT 34, CON. 5, ARTEMESIA will lio'd an Auction Sate THURS., MARCH 15, 1923 wheu Uie f jll'jwing will be offered : LIVE STOCK Heavy black luare MARKDALE 6, FLESHERTON 4 Another I'ory aumathing like the above hi to be told about the g^mo here lask nigh', Tuetiday when Markdalo again lnvwded Fleshsrton ica fora win. The jocil crew had it practically all over the red ebirtt when it came to playing aud in the lirst two periods must hive had about tiftyshota on the visit- ^M goal, but only three goals were sstttKsaciwai*^ H**^,^^.. uld Huppngpd in calf due April 82, Hera- tne *lnerton goal sev^n times in the f jrd eow H yn old supplied in calf due first peried and two of them went in. June 2, rey cow 8 yrs old supposed in fjethertnn played in hard luck rfzhB clf due Muy 10. Durham heifer 4 yrs . ,, K . , n M.p.iot, d in calf du ( )et 19. rey OWT H fr '"" the firifc D " ot " truck <>n the yrs o!d nuppujeii in calf due J uly 30. red < llead u " a St'aneiDR shot nod , i < laid off u.>w6 yearn old c.'ilf at foot, grey heifer for the rest of the jiatna, Patton tukiui; 4 )'.v.t-L' old diy, iwostofis rinn K 2 yrs, Ihi.i placeV Armstrong had bin back heifer r.siny X, ti yc^rlinic c%ttli* liro id ' . L.I j , j*,. iig VMWV) iiv v KlluhMw inilftPM anil wraa Hnu .!.> f rt .. -, due.t ii, ut salf, brood sow due Mity 24, 10 pi^s, nhoni 40 young hens, aiightly injnred and was unablo to eoa- tinue. Flesherton ticored the 6rst two, two turkey hena, two neaso und gaiidtr. U'ie Keds cama back with the s>m.- IMPi.E MEMS Frost mid Woodf*"* lhe brat P io l cndfd two all. biudt-r 7 foot cut nearly Dew, McCor- Markdalt) got two goals in each of th mirk muwerti fool cnt uparljr new, M li other periods, while Flesherton got one s.'r.l iln'i 10 h<:e, McCtrinick manure j in each. The only weak spot on the local Hpri-ad.-r, HI H 13 tooth cultivator, Ret of a X H ell tliMtle cutterc, C.icksliutt ono team was in the goal, the most important lurmw rid.iiu plow near y new. No 21 |)lactj - a " a t<r e *W onea ut P" st ' lh walking (ilow, Wilkiuson last period. Neit year we hope to In 1114 out a John llu < lloach. The I ns-up ijiiif plow, let 15 bull diamond iron nr^x- ararSs'SS i wo ' th -- -"*>" ~^ A* tuiiuy. cutter, two robu, Toronto fann. 8troD U ** "> ri^ht win^ and H. iiiL'i. ill with ImKger, root pulpei, root ' I'atton finished in goal. -cutHer, grindstone, utoneboat, wheel- barmw, A.I.' "i box, ttock rack, hay rtck Kravol box, wood rack, two feed' rack", >ct .f icim h^ri.ess, *et plow hnrcicss, set 8in^l harness, chiniu tf bells, threi bofMmlUkrfi pair hurBu covvrr, whiftl 1 - Ti'es, I'.vin neckyokix, nuint'cr of L'"-I| ^ruin !'_-. ijuan'ily good toed barley, fta and I Hi k-.rti,':ii. i i"\- Internaiionul 1J, lioJHtpom-r 4-ppino nd pump jack, Motfal r>ii;gt', heating btuvo, a number of oi<d riipi N, Standard crenm xeparator, > clmrii, washing machine ni>;*rly IH-W, kiti-lifii cupboard, kitchen loungi-, ix kltoHcn clmiri, extension tulilr, iron ulstenl. sit bed rriiigs, two mattrus- .'., forks, lues atiii^hi>\e!s. Terms Fowl and ^rain cnsh ; SIIIIH of live dollars aiifl under, CHH!) ; over that A Gift That Lasts Give tint Boy or Girl of yours a i;ik that last; a life tim and pays dividends daily 1\ course .u the oun' 12 months credit will be givun approved j"int notes or 5 per cenr, off lor i-a^h in lit'U or noi"H. vi- ,..i'' .1 my i u a uud am moving after th> s:!f, . Kishor Win. Kait^inj; 1'roprintor Auctiomor s Shorthand., Farmers,' courses- alo Preparatory course for thosu who missed the tint crnnce public school. New term opens January 2nd C. A. FLEMING. F.C.A , Principal since liWI . G. D. FLKMING, Secretary WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AOENT. FLESHERTON. Outstanding Values in SKATES and Skating Supplies HOCKEY STICKS and PUCKS Stable, Shovels and Forks Ranges and Heaters Simmon's Cross-cut Saws "Gold Medal" Axes Axe Handles, Files, etc. FRANK W. DUNCAN Flesherton - - 'Phone 24 r 1 \ \