Flesherton Advance, 14 Mar 1923, p. 5

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March 14, 1923 FLESHERTON ADVANCE Banking by Mail MANY and varied are the type* of men who conduct their banking with The Standard through the post Busy men who live far away from any bank find that our plan of banking by mail saves them making special trip* to town, and is satisfactory in every way and quite irapU. We pay interest at current rates on such account*. Write or call for full particulars. THE STANDARD BANK Or CANADA. IfLESHERTON BRANCH, C. T. BATTY, Manager. Branches alu> at Williamiforcj and Holland Centre. 361 ANADIAN P/VCIFI C. P. R. Time Table. Iralnn lea?e Flesherton Station as allows : Going South Going North i Do -i. in 11.52 a.m. 4.30 p.m. -30p- n>. Tbe mails are osea at Fteshorton t follows : For th* north at 10.40 a.m. and 4 T.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at !. 8 o'clock. For morning train south mad clone at 9 p. m. the previous ev. Local Chaff Oiren Every page a loc*l page. Miss Elda Karatedt visited in Sound the past few days. Order your t?ras seed this week from i A. E H*w, Ceylon. Mis Aleda Mitchell is visiting friends in Toronto. Postmaster Trimble is "n the job again. Miss Mamie Nuhn in assisting him. A few of tnoso army blankets still left 2 50 each- -A. E. Haw, Ceylon. Rav. F> w'er attended Prosbytery in rangeville lait week. M*. H. LeG*rd of Toronto visited his diughter, Mr. Kd Boat, during the past week. Mr. Austin Shaekleford has been lid up for the past two weeks nut was out On Sunday for tlie drat. M ,. Rise Mallart of England is tre guttt of her sister, Mrs. Frtd Finder, a-.d will remain indnttmtely. | A enowplough off the trok near ChaUworlh caused tho morning train from Owen Sound to be three hours late on Monday. Miss Lotiis Stuart of Burks Fll, a former popular stuiei.t of Flesherton high school, oalhd on friends here th'H wuek and renewed old acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. B >yd and family IK re visitors in town lust week prior to stau ing for their new home in North Be t'eford, Sask. Now th*t the hockey season is prac- tically <>rer the married and sinftlo nicu should lock horns. Married men; tret out your crew ! Mr. George Chapman lisa sold his fiu on the est back line to Mr Fred UCSN sell and is holding an auclion sale en - Optical Co. Comprehensive Eye Examination Glassen deeigued and especially made and ground for indmdual ual requirement. Branch at Meaford Johnaton'a Drug Store in charge of Dr. A. G. MoCooib. Those adjacent to Meaford are a- sured of our efficient optical H. J&. Caplor Optical Co. OWEN SOUND and MEAFORD Established 1892 The Carnival Tho postponed carnival held in the I rink here Friday evening last was not as { we4! nt'ended as it deserved, but thi* is I sjenc rlly lh caso with postponed events. The second event is never H satisfactory as thti :':r.-t. In thiH cage there was a good lot of maskers and as a 'Cjinio event it may V:e cUhHed as mu a success. The judges were Mestrs. 1' it * and Sloven- son, managers of tbe Standard and Montreal banks. Following is a l.-t of jiri/.'j winners : Historical or National Costume Lady, Mabel Gilchrmr, Helen Weltor. ; gent, VV. A. Hawken, W. Harrison ; boy, timory Fisher, Htrold Best. Fancy Coturoe Lady, Miss Hidmtf, Mrs. U.iwken : enr. W. Miller, H. Beits; i^irl or Loy, Marie l'*ttoo. Comic Costume Fat couple, Mrs. Muuahaw and Mr. Miller, Mrs. deCud- more and W. A. Hawken ; Clown, Wes I Armstrong, Wm Miller ; U.F.O , Harry Down, Dtve Colgau ; hobo, Bert Spirkp, | M. McDonald : negro, Gertie Smith, j Gordon McLean. Races Gent, Herb Belts, Ry Ounce; lady's, Mrs. BUkeloy, MnWf Giluhrist; j boy's, Jack Nuhn, Ken Mckee ; girl's, | Mxrie l'i- r. ii. Edna MuCaKum. 1 BfSt Dreswed Couple -Mr. and Mis, i Uuwken. A Flesherton Boy Mayor Of Cobalt ^ Cobalt, March !. Dr. E. F. Arm- strong, prominent looil denliar, who tui.k the 159 B*ttliou of the C. E. F. over- ess, was toiky elected Mayor of Cobalt iy acclamation. He tilfa the cliAir acatrd l>y Tiylor P'pe, whn wan recont- y unneHte.1 l>y a decision of DuUeicb] ml.: Hurtmau, who lielii ihut Mr. Pipe j mid nut ijuftlify 8 resident of the own. kittle interest was taken in to-' lay's pflbceediuijH, Dr. Armstrong's . a'ectinn having been regarded as a fore- aoue conclusion- "^' I Ex- Warden J. Boydy Leaves Grey County Grey County loses one of its most prominent (.citizens in the removal of John Boyd, ex-Warden of Grey County "rom his home in Markdale to North Satleford, Sask. An informal gathering was held in Markdale on Monday evening of last week when a handaomeclub bag was presented to Mr. Boyd, alone with other tokens of esteem to the members of the family. Before moving to Marl dale a few years ago Mr, Boyd was a valued resident of Hleshcrton anil con ducted a* genera! store under the rirm nameJ. & \V. Boyd. It was largely through Mr. Uoyd's efforts that Flesher ton was incorporated into a village an he was its. first Reeve, holding tha office until he moved his business t< Markdale. While residing here Mr Boyd was always striving to advance th interests of the village, and it is wit keen regret that the people of thi district say an revoir to Mr. Boyd an family. The Advance, along with hi host of friends, wish him continual prosperity and success in the new home in the West. Thomas Atkinson W. I. Meeting The Women's Iu-titute held their r> gulur uireliiijj at. :\ia Iioinu of Mrs. Uke <: Wedneadty of last week, whea the Ceylon branch -.if Centre Grey W I met, with Kleshiron branch After the bus- iness meeting tl)<j Ceyl in Udifs provided the program, which was of unuiuat interest. MtiiclitHies Archie Stewart, Archir Sinclair and D O McLaughlin gvi! very inturast-.ni; papers, after which little Mtm Naucy ,Ino Fowler give two red'ni<8 in her unutl pl>s;ng ut-inner. A duct by Mrs, Fowler and Mrs. Henry was fol'owed by cohiumuuv singing. Lunch 'AH . . -1 uud ik hearty vote o* thanks w .-is h-.,d. ir,l the visiting ladies lot 'he spli'iiiiid program. The meelinu closed with the singing of Cul .S,-i\v the King. Mr. Thomas Atkinson, a respected ' resident of this district, passed away on Saturday last after a brief illness of heart ] trouble, at the age of 62 years, at hia home on the Collmgwood gravel. The deceased gentleman was born near Tor- onto. About 40 years ago he married a daughter ol the latejLeonaW Belts who survives him, but who for /some years has been an invalid from rheumatism. Besides the widow he leaves a family of one daughter and two sons Ada at home. Carl living near Proton Station and Lome at home. There arc three brothers and one sisterMrs. John Davis of Gore Buy, Joseph at Durham and James and Wm. |ohn at Toronto. The funeral tocrtt place on Monday afternooa to Salem cemetery. Mr. Atkinson was a frugal, hard-work- ing man all his life and was respected by hia neighbors- Much sympathy is extended the bereaved family, IN MEMORIAM In living memory of our dear son and brother, Walir J. Thompson, who de- parted this iife March 15th, 1022. In the graveyard softly sleeping where fl livers gentry wave, Liei the one we lovtd so de-iHy, in hia lonely, aiietit grave. Days it sidnpK.s still comu o'er us, tears in s.lence often rtow, Mcmoiy keeps him uvur near us, us it j did one year ago. In tbe silmt f-rava wo hiid him 'til tl:e morn whe-i Christ appears. There wibh joy we hopo to greet him, i fir beyond this vilo of tears. Father, Mother und Sinters Administrator's Sale in Flesherton The Sap Time This is Sap Season time : Ten quart Sap Pails, Sap Spouts and Auger Bits. FIELD SEEDS Common Red Clover, Mammoth Clover, Alsike Clover, Alfalfa, Timothy seeds, Garden Seeds. NEW WALLPAPER Ne\v Wallpaper, ready trimmed, new patterns and designs. F. G. RARSTEDT FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Rabbits Are Numerous It id only a f<;w years ago since the ftrit ooltnn til ralib't migrated to this distract. But the wutd ho scut buck home was that this was a goodly Tuesday of uoxt. week. March 20: h. See ' because today the country i infested the Patrick's bills. The Youug People's Society of Methodist church hold St. social Monday evt;niui{ when a tt-iie was spent pUylug KHiiie*. A r^ular Irish tin wi8 served at the close. Mr. U. Uuiclts informs The Advance that a deor passed his houee ou Friday lust which WJIH being ctnsed by dogs with the littlo grey rrc:chc I > n:jh an extent that i hey are beconvu;; surious menace, and if it ki-rfps ot> there wiU have to be whoUsale extermination in nonte way. The animals have even invailed villuj'QU d any morning their tucks may be seen around back yirds, wlitre tliuy have been Nkirnmhiog during the iii<>ht. b'leher:on lecnn to le overrun DoRh<wo been chasing a iiumUr <;f deer | with thorn, Mid we hate to think what is in this vicioity daring th past winter. | likely to become of our uardens doting t .v- ' Mr. K' aar Sprott gavo n report of the i ,. i ly fund of tender boys couference held at Oiangeville re- she ouruing tjunimer, as they are extreme- truck. cenily, at tie Methodist Horvics on Sun- day evening. Ilia report was lijtencd to with keen interest. We bnlieve Ednar would m*ke a Rood newspaper reporter. Thu Advance h,i pleasuie in courtu- lit in- Dt. E. V. Arinstrouu on his elco lion by acclamation to the Mayor's olmir at Cobalt, as uote'3 in a despatch copied elsewhere. Tha Dr. has made good in every way in tha northern mining town. The weather baa been stormy the, pat w.n'k, bub still the air has a small of luring. Old Sol is beginning tn (?oi a traogliug hold. He undcrstndH ju- Retrenchment Necewary jitsu in tho spring but seam* to forget it in the fall. A re pmt was circulated Tuidy i ;rniin; to tbe D'ect that our genial auctioneer, Mr. D. Mol'hail, h-id psaed i j the Grout Buyund, bm *o are gld to know it wsa only a rumour. Although Mr MoPhail has been ill ho is ; - >."'y Improving. Mr. John Johnston of Duudalk tiled of eaacer in the head at his hone ihfro on Saturday last. The cleceanod gentlerann wan a broiher-iu-Uw of Mr. Win. Hendeiscn of Flashertou. He le-wee a widw hul no family. Mr. Jolinsrou was 71 yeers '< nyo. Inlermuiit on Tuecday IH Mount Zion cemetery. Mios Aleda Mltchall returnsd last week after eyeniling the past ten we-.-ks with hoc siHlev, Mrs. G. GfoUUbecottgfe of lro(jU'>i Falls. Sho w:is aecoiiij"tni'.'d homa byhei >.ister tor an intended visit at the [ureiitnl nomo, Mrs. 9oldsbulough rfaatained an injmy a shi-rt time age whils> skUog and ban bee,o luffarija^ wi,h . torn lig imon'.^ in (>n limb. At the last meeting of Orangevillc presbytery a not veVy encouraging re- , port was giver, by Rev. James Lindsay of Erin on the financial condition of the church. He '.said the church, owing to overdrafts, requires retrenchment, Rev. James Lindsay of Erin gave a most concise report on the financial con- dition of the church, which owing to over- drafts requires retrenchment. Present indications are that 70 churches will he without ministerial supply, over 3O mission stations withdrawn from usual prcachinp services, while the foreign missionaries will be compelled to forego the usual respite from work during the hot spell. Departments at head office have been consolidated, effecting great savings. The matter will be brought directly before the congregation in a short time. Flesherton High School 3 Gexnetry P Tjtimer 97', E Sprot > 94, M Mnir !)r, E Ferris 7, 8 FimUaj 74, L> Niohol 74, E McLean 73. A Wc- Liwn 71, J McLoid 70, M Wbitukor <!,9, L Car^oe 69, A Dow of?, AKin* 53, It MoJjooJ 51, P McM-isi-cr 41. Card o 1 : Thanks We desire to thank our many friends anU neighbors for their great kindness and sympathy with us in the loss of our loving husband Hopper. :vnJ tot-her, \Vm. C. - Wife and 1'amily 1NMEMORIAM In memory of my dear comrade, Ptc. John Sharp, who was killed March 14th. 1918, ir Petite Vimy, while in discharge of his duties. Somewhere out in Flanders there is a lo::cly spot That will linger in my memory, for it cannot 3e forgot ; A soldier boy is lyinRi for that is where he died, When the battle raged in fury, at the turning of the tide. -H J. LcGard.. HENDERSON'S STORE Cream -:- BRING ALONG YOUR CREAM WE ARE PAYING THE Cans supplied PRICE Mrs. R. H. Henderson FEVERSHAM, - ONT. An Auction Sale will held on Friday, March 23, 1923 to dispose of the office fixtures ami supplies of R. J. SPROL'LIi, deceased, at his late premises, consisting of : Tables, dishes, letter press, hand sleigh, stovea, large sale, chairs, bedsteads, dresser ; also buyyy, cart and quantity of hay ; 6 shares Osprey Milling Co. stock ; lot 5, 6, 8 and pt. 2, 12 ft. strip ; 1 V shape strip Block A and lot 1 ;md .' Peter St v in the Village of Flesherton. TK RMS- -Cash. Sale to comjnence at 2 o'clock . D. McFhail, VV. A. Armstrong. Auctioneer . Administrator. Full Line of Hardware For All Purposes WAV Nails, Glass and Other Materials Now is the time to buy PUMPS, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS. WASHING MACHINES, PAILS and GRANITE WARE. D. McKlLLOP Flesherton, - Ontario IN MEMORIAM In memory of Walter Thompson, who departed this life March loth, l9'J3. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and tiue ; There is not a Jay, dear husband, That \ve do not think of you- No one knows the silent heart ache ; Only those who have lost can tell Of the grief that is borne in silence For the one we loved so well. Sadly missed -Wife and Children Galb is tryinur to keep its 228 employees at work l>y dividing into tiro civic them ', k FIXTURE W * t7.< Millinery Department Ready for Spring Business / IT o We are pleased to annnouce that Miss Sandiland is again in charge of this department this season. Easter comes early this year, but you will find a very attractive display of trimmed and ready-to-wear Millinery ready for inspection now. ISO Sold in FleeKeiton by W. J. Stewart &Son Sold in Ceylon by Miss Miliio Cook. New Wall Papers This week the new Wall Papers for 1923 are in stock. The designs and colorings are more beautiful than ever and the prices are very reason- able. I o provide additional space we are selling a number of last season's pattrns at half price or less. Come in and look them over. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON -- ONTARIO

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