Flesherton Advance, 14 Mar 1923, p. 8

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March 14, THE FIESHEKTON ADVANCE I ~J Small Advertisements Chopping done on I u -.! .y, ThuJsday, nd Saturday Graham Ihos. Kuuenta Fur Sale Golden Vine Peas for seud. W J Magee, Eugenia 'I 'hone For Sale Three -- to (arrow March l:v 11 D. MoLou K hry, Markdale, K R. No 4. For Sale Mammoth clover Mid barley eed, also about 300 buahelH feud o.kts Kred Smith, U U 2, Meshertou. Kur Sale Grade cow due to calve round (be list of March. J. K. J<unie- on, Eugenia. Fur Site A h p. gasoline cuijine, guaranteed in good tunning condition. D. McT*.-ib & Sou, Klesherton. Ev*ry day in every way Empire wall pper leadt the way for ijuality, culouro, and pricen : Afjont H. (J. Carrington, Kledierton. Kor SaU 200 busheU U*der oat the only live graineu oat in Ctnad*. Grown from Harris MoP*yden reiterBd cfj. $1 per Luvhel. App ! y lo Colin A. Madman, U R II. Prio? ville, Ont ' #. H HAWKINS, Licensed auctioneer for the county of Grey. Terms moderate. A!) arrangements can ho made at The Advance office or by addressing m at Eugenia Vour pitroug<) oolicited. FI.I Si.u Rubber tiru buv^y with wooden -},i,k. - and auto ami, almost a> flood AS new. Apply to Hy Wood, Markdale, orfJaniD! \Voud on the Sinclair Urin near For S.le ;1000 feet of hemlock inch lumber, quantity of pUrik end Hcantl : n^ ; 6 valley raftorR 26 ft. long ; H!HO good log bouhe suitable for uutside buildmi; J. Stewart, Proton Station Phone 32 r!2. Wanted District Representative for Fleaherlon ana surrounding territory to represent the Old Ucliublc Fonthil! Nur- series. A splendid opening for the right man For full information apply to Stone & Wellington, Toronto. Fur Sale Driving inaro (J yBm old ; <pan of i i.-liiinjh .'! i.od 4 ; >r old, black ar.d well matched ; Hereford cow due in I- :..:, ; Brood now due in March ; youn^' sow* ; iul)bcr luvd I u^iy nearly uw ; will Hell by caxh or ix in'.nitliH credit. W. J. Alcox, Muikdale U.K. No. 5, Phone a :i r 2 1. House and lot for Sale Honieand Lot For Sale The prop iMty known >i- thu Ashdown residence at Ci-ylon, nn right roomed dwelling, good r, 1. ii-, stiibli-, etc. ; at/out an acre of I mil, would maku a maid homo for H rutiri'd /en! nun For terniH and fur- ther iMi'ie-ii ,i i apply to W. .1. Itella r ny, Flenherton. 1 Mayft Building Lot For Sale I am ' llei in,; my building i ' Tor- ontii Kireet, thu buildiiiL'N on which wuie burned in lh loci'rit fire, f<ir ral m mi HUristive price. (jm>l lu*im-sh or r^xi- il> i. locitinn. Andruw Uilohrist. F*lealr&ei*tion $*- Tonsorial V- Parlors We Aim to Give Kntlro bistiiifactlon LAUNDUY Hasket closes Monday night, delivery Fuoay ev ni DYKINO- We *r i'< 1,1- for Parker's Dy Works Clothe* leaned and dyd. fenthers rejuvenated ITFSHER- -PROPRIKTOK Notice I am prepared to do cutl'im sawing usual, lath, lumber and shingles.- Ed. Sargent, Ceylon. Honey For cijughs nnd colds use clover honey only l^o. per pound W. S. IiiMter. Farm For Sale .'>() acrea, c'ose to town, all seeded, well watered ; house, burn and orchard. Emy terms. Apply to ISFebtf J.J. HUOWN. Klesherton Farm For Sale or Rent L.lsl55-15C, N.W.T. & S'.R, Arte nicnU, ,ir iiuiiin 110 acres. V0eleired, liificu under hardwood bush ; w 1 wittered, frume barn oO x C>0 ; good drive .shed, frame house, half mile from public school, one mile from high echool. KODDIE STEWART, 15 H a Proton Station P.O. BOAR for SERVICE Purelirivi Ttunworth I'mr for servioe op lot 167, 8 W T and S K , Artemeflia,. T'.Tin 11.50. Sows not returned will bo charged same aa thoe in pit;. Fob 15 -T.J.STINSON' Prop Boar for Service Purebred li<)i<i*lired Yorkshire Bo-tr for service on lot 31, Itt con. Mouth O.D. R, Arltmesia. Ternm tl.50. Sows not returned will be charted same as those in pit;, J. J. MKAUS, Pricerillp. Boar For Service Pure bted !:;. i .1 Yorkxhire lioar for Hervice Vineyard Pamuu.s 77i*'" on loflCT, S. W. T. t%S. H., Arreuimia. Ternm $1.50. Sows nut ruturned will be charged Name ts thu*e in pig. W.4,22 T. J. STINSON Farm for Sale l"'i .' ii south !. i t ," . con. 'J, I-. ,|i! i i- -n, 7"i HCIVS cleared . Apply tu -KKIOU SMITH, niK Inio K K 2, Floshcrton. BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES AKTHllli i Dlnil No. XVI , A .V .A A M, luuem Iu H" MiHotilc liull. Arm i t3<iti u HlooU Fl'intiertOD, ovrv Kriilny on or hefora t)ie full moon. ( '. .1. llfllfiinv W. M.; A. 1'. Ht'lluny, Hi-crntury DENTISTRY in fc. C MUKHAV I.. D. H , 'teutal Miirgeou ' ..:.- null' of Toronto UDlTOHtTMd tuy i.'olloou or Dental HuriioonB oi Ontulo, iu itduililuieterad tor teeth eXtructlon ti<re Hi I ?fii(lrli4:tt 'loionto Htl't-Ht. t'Umiinrtor . LEGAL Li CAH. 4 HKNHY narrlBtfM. liuliHiori-, f)0.-I. II. I.uc, K. l\; W. L). iJnnry, A. nil-'-.-. Marhclalo l.uou Mlnck, I'l. >i , . Htnurli oiHre0 at Oundalk anil IMirlinr. KHIIIT. ft TKLKOHI). llan Inter, Hollcl. ' tor*, Ao. UfllciM, (lrT x Hruco Illnuk, i..-".-i Hound. Htanilard Hank 'Klorher- ,'>n,(riatur(!ayi). W. H. WrlRlit, W. P. I'olfortt HusiNHflg CABDS ,'i/. KAl'I'TIMU, I !,,-. coimtiai uiu ami tit A lift irnil T tOl ot Urf ao>d Hltuooa. a irjf>hj TertDi 'iut (cr rtaioa fflc, or ( . i. i by addrvMlOR m a liam. Out. . kit. A. TUK.1HUIJL. n v *-" fiomtlm KanHltr >t Toiniito. oiTik> uitutt, 'r.'lc|*lnine M . LI..I. u.- .lJrUTeiitlDy BMbwdton HI ook. Pun ABOUT SWEET CLOVE Hints Regarding the Cutting, Cur- ing and Siloing. Should Be Cut Before Blooming In Filling the Silo Tramp Well Souio Farmers KecoiunieiiU the Use of Salt Old Dobbin Steals a March on the Tractor. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) Sweet clover should be cut for hay In the green sappy state just before blooming. If out for hay, great care should be taken to properly cure it. It would seem that the best method Is to coll It in tho field and dry It thoroughly before drawing it to the barn. Wet, damp or poorly-cured hay provides ideal conditions for the development of mould. As sweet clover hay is difficult to cure under the heat conditions a very good meanii of preserving It would seem to be in the form of silage. The experience of the last year, howevur, has revealed the fact that certain precautions are necessary In making silage if it is to come out of the silo green, succulent, and free from mould: When to Cut for Silage. Sweet clover for silage should be cut at the same time as for hay, i.e., just before blooming. The binder should be followed as closely as pos- sible with the waggons and the a wee I clover put into the silo at once. It should not be left lying on tho ground for even a day, especially dur- hie hot, dry weather. The knives of the cutting box should be set to cut the sweot clover ag flue ag possible If for any reason the feed seems dry a stream of wator should be run Into the cutting box, for It Is essential to have the sweet clover well moistened so that It can be well packed In the silo. Clover Should lie Carefully Trumped. One of the most important Hteps in the making of good silage Is to be ', surf that It is spread evenly and tramped thoroughly in the silo. Seventy-live per cnt. of the failures in making first-class silage lam year were due to insufficient packing. At least two meu-T-preferably more lire necessary to properly tramp tweet clover In tho silo. Great can- should be taken to see that it is particularly well tramped around the '!>.?-. X'vlect to properly paek the Dilate wan quite apparent throughout the country this sprint, and It waa m>t always in ratio to the number of men In the silo. One farmer said In- had two men In his allo while it \vafi i --in.- iill-'il last summer, and he ^could not explain why one half of his Mhn:>- was rotten from the top to tin- bottom, and that on the opposite slili- fror.i the blower pipe. The. condition was ea.slly explained, howev.r, win n it was realized that the two men had Blond on either side of where the cut food v>as blown in. unit had simply forked it over to tin- other side and did not bother tramping at all. Ue- cunsu sweet clover has a hollow stem ;m<l has not the weight that cut corn linn it reqnlri'H to be packed mm'' (irmly to prevent the development of mould. Some Farmers IteconimcMid tho I < of Suit. The use of suit either in curing tlf\? hay or in the silo Is strongly re- commended by some farmers, and If the sweet i-lover Is not being handled under the most favorable conditions it would probably help In curing of the fodder. In conclusion, it may be well to mini up thu four important stp that must be followed if the iweot clover ii going to be i-ir.ii ,...--t In the hwut poaslble manner. (1) It uhould be cut before blos- soming. (2) It should not bo allowed lo lie in the Held after being cut. (S) It nhould not b uut fin*. (4 It iihould be tramped well. Ontario Agricultural Collega, Uuelph. A Fine Kettle . This In fin* kettle, not only for i .,uii. but for bolt- ing ment or U'W- in-;, cookiiv - - Ulilm or pn*(>rv- Jiiff. Be Hire each utenail ym l>nv carries tl- *V trade mark. There's nothing lik piping hot, (lelicioua soup to start thu hearty meal. Hero is a lino pot that will do a lot to help yim make (rood soup the SMI' I'liiiiiiolivl Ware Ix>ndon Kettle. Even nftor ITin ijrcasieat or atiekieat oookinj; SMI' Knnnii'lcil Wnro cloan* i easily as china dish. Ask for Throe linithn: Pearl Ware, two (-nnt.i of pcnrly grey nnu'l Inilcln nml out. niamnnil Wnro. Ihrrt roiiu. iluht M an<t whit* aulild*, whlti linlnc. Cryital War*, thrcn Hti. pine wliiti- iiisiilu and out. wilti liuyiil Uliii- oltrlnj. <"<SHf.tr METAL Pf>ooucrs.-coT""? HOHTR6AL TOKOMTO WINNIPEG ir,7 Sold in Fltthertort by F. H. W. HICKLING and F. W. DIINCVN Old K.il.iim Stel MI, nil on Tractor. "Tractor manufacturers and Iwrsft breeders associations may urge the relative merlin of tractors and horsea an sources of farm power with all UIH pMxjueace of which they aro flhp- able/' declare** 0. A. Pond, In charge of the. cost accounting section at Minnesota University Farm, "but the runner who has both available keeps his eye HteiKUasily on the reltxtivo prices of kerosene itnd oats and ad- Justs hiii power supply accordingly." Recently summarized dala collect- ed ibOWWJ but 298 hours of use per tractor in 1821 us compared with 415 hours tho year previous, a decrease of 1!8 per cent. The use. of liorso lab- or, on the other hand, increased an average of 610 hours per farm dur- ing I he. mime period. Tho fuel .--that tractor l''iol declined only U9 per cent. In price while, horao feod decreased 55 per cent, partly ex-' pluiii.H tint chain;*. In (lit* Orchard. The follago of stone triiitH cherry, plum, and poach, is on wholo quite tender, and the arne sprays should he employed with tion. Arsenal^ of lead in least ly to do harm, though more than applications, especially to peach, cause flhothollng, dropping of le and burning ul' fruit. Tho caro of (ho home orchard vides' fo,' spare lime <'0imriu;>l prolitable nroiilMtlmi for tlin.- i njoy i-in^i i Iliads grow. ua the cau- like- two may ave:'., pro- i.i-,i v l u . liii|ioi-t.iii! In ClilcluMi \ !. Tho health of our famil., u ; 'Ki'ry upon the kind . j;i\-'ii them and lj>- li i.i jiiHt as liiipo.'tiiiit i in III- eliirl.cii yard. i 1 . ; I i -I of feed and E'.-t> tluil U ia iiu tainted in ixny way. Will Artemesia Township Commence Reforestation? Letter Frem Department of Agricul- ture Will Supply Trees Council Minutes This Council met jt the Town Hill, Fleeherton, on thu 3rd iubt., the members a'l present with the Reeve presiding. Minutes read and udop'id. A claim from Mrs H Hill was presented oertihtd \>y W. J. lio*?*, a valuator. Latter fr mi A(jriciil:ur,ul Department re- Kardinp relorfilmtoii, . YeoomnieLdicK that the Council purcliHHu Dot lent than five nor more than Un acres on some prominent road in thu township. The d'pnrlintnt would plant .the tiecs ai.d the timber to b tho property of iha cor- poration. No action was taken at this mealing, W G Morgan wrote the Council in reference lo opining certain itreets in Eugenia. Thi was laid on the table. Bylaw No 6, p\ oioting R C McKnight tjwiikhi|i Engineer ai;d No 7 appointing uvereer." fence viewtr.s and pound- k>:epei WIMU'< introduced >nd pssed in the us'ial form. A lettei'fium [l he'. Hydro > n :,,-.. n re service at Ciylon WHB read. Mircer Willi m on That W J 1; w. -. name be udJed to the list of shsfp valueis foi 1W2H. Carried. Carruthers Uogirth That VV Magee be pnid 81-20 for gravel used by uverster 0:1 road iu 1 '.''_"_' Mercer \Villiamson-Tb -it Mrs 8 Hill bo p-iid 8-W for two s-heep killed by dagc, certitifd by Mr. |:.-, -. valuator. Carried. Hoi-arth Criii!heig That Go B?e- croft be refuu'ed J2 for dog tux for 1922 his dng h*vinjj been] killed before Ooutt of I: .- i i. Carried. Cairuthen- UeL'riri--fhiit in refer- ence to the Irtter frtm Hjdro ConuuiiiK- i"ii ro Mrs Cellirson'if Hydro i-ervice at Ceylon this Cuuucil is wf the opinion tlut the contract was executed in ijnod faith and not objected to.; in reasonable time. The Council th i }..- (ht thu coniract should lfnd. --Carried. Mrs. James Madden Another of tin* piuiieus if Oi-piey hau pitsed nway.ia the pertou ( f Mrs. James Midil---u .f the th line. The deceatiul was b.n-ii in Winklow. Iieland, and when very yuun K cin:e out lo Canada. Several yuan) after liu maii:ed Juntu Madd.ii of OHprey, on oh.uo tfaim th^y hewtrt out n h-jiiie, wheru ehu lived until her dtaih. lloi;l,u.-hand ptcctded her some ixtieu y u ,is hijii.^tshe u* < f .. kind hearte-i and huspitablo (iifjoiitun hut has Uvn in in'b'eihn,! h f,, r JtM! . she iinuvivul ly fixi-lnldn-r- A!H. Cu'lt- ' iiu of Toronto, Mrs, M. nun of C.jllirij;- I wood, Mr. McXul'y ,,f Uulldl,,, Mis. O'liiien cf Klu:mie,_.S J( .k., D,d x e and Kdd, who lu-e on the h, nifsu-ad, te.iiile five siai.dchiMuii. The funeial took place on Wedue.-d ij of last week to the olttia- hen 11. C. cuno'eiy, ,,f hii-h O'luith (.ho s a d.-vottd ineiiil er. Uev. kUi. i Cal iiliHii t ,f Duiidulk otmducted e funeral tnvicci. Tho pallbeaier* were Uvi.ige Hurke, tiuy Knitlii g. I'ote itiift.*, Mi, i!, Mm | in, James burns and Thumas Uemioge. Tho Kjnipalhy^uf l| u . ci.jnii unity i ui'endi'd lo lt, bm eared f.nuily. W.M.S. Election of Officers At tho meeliu({ (.f th01\V,.ini>u'i Miss- ionary Society which wa held in tl.e parsonnKe last Thmvdity the foliowipg otHcerg were, elected : 1'res., Mrs. W. H TluiiBUn ; IstlVice KriB, Mm. H. Down ; 2nd V co.il'rcf., M ., Win. Wilcuek ; Ktc. Sec., MIP. IloDaiid; Cor. Sec, Mrp. \V. Miller; Treas., Mis. Cai^oo ; Sup', of Chrmtian JSttwnrd(.|>ip, Mrs. W, Armstrong; Stranger'!; Sec , Mrs Mitol.ull ; Supt. of Mission BanJ, Mis. K. U. i\!uriny. Will Be Out of College W. A. Heard, of Toronto Medical College, who has recently undergone an operation for adenoids and tonsils, is re- covering nicely. He will not be able to continue his studies in medicine for this year on account of loss of time during his illness, but will, as soon as hie health permits, take a position in a continuation school. Bill should make good as a High School teacher, as his record has been good, both in High School and col- lege.' He is also a good athlete, being the winner of the gold medal at the High Schooi Meet in Durham last year. -Markdale Standard [Will at one time attended the Flesh- crton high school. J Farm For Sale 150 acres t':iu .- 134x135 ' n. 1 NET&3 R., also lot 135 Con. 1 SWTA-.SU On these premiss ar* one modern el>d brick !i"ii- 28x32, one bauk barn oOiftJ with ttabliog, <<nn barn 36x 59 on posts, implement ehed '24x40; | about 120 acres broke nd iu good state ' of cultivatiou, renmit.der swampy (laaturt ! with never failing sprint!. This farm U ri uitrii on the provincial road aud -!..-. | tu hiqh school nod railroads, and will j be [ utcJ riuht for quick sale. Immedi- u- p-.NKi-sii n. Fur fuiiher particular* i apply to J. W DavU, Markdale R R 4, j Phone 30rl3, or write the owner, W. M. D-ivis, No. 2 Muir Ave , Toronto. '-=--=- J ~ The house they chos< was furnished with The house with the hardwood floors has an appeai to the modern housekeeper which cannot be denied. You owe it to yourself and to your family to see that your honse is fully equipped with "Beaver Brand.'' If you wish to hy it your- self ycu may do so. The work pre- sents no unusual difficulties, but if you prefer, ycu may employ the ser- ricea of an experienced floor layer, bat be sure that he lays "Beaver Brand'' for you. if you decide to do the work yourself, be sure to write us for a copy of our booklet giving instructions on the laying of hard- wood floors. W. I. Henry & Son Planing Mills FLESHERTON, ONT. Father Time put another over on Miss liva House, daughter of Mr. Free- man House last week. She retired on Wednesday evening, saying to herself that she would he u year o'der on the morrow, but in the morning the calen- dar swore it was not her birthday, whether she won a ji-ar ckler or not. Can you bent it 'f Asa mutter of fact she has to wait till Leap year comes ai;ain before she will have an excuse for the cake with the candles on. That's what \ve call n scurvy trick, throwing an odd day in for extra measure every four years, and then (jiving it to people for a birthday - Mcaford Minor I.-V.-VA-V. -<>-l'JW l-Vl'Vl'V_-V<VnFUVAV*V. . -,-^ ^r >... I | The Drudgery : I of Wash Day 11 u a thing of the past Ij v 1 < i you put in a 1 900 Electric or Gasoline Power j| Washer, or Hand Power Gravity l| and Wringer, all kept for sale by II * S. HEMPHILL CEYLON Agent for Beatty Hay Carrier goods, Steel Stalls and Stan- chions and Stable Fittings, Pumps, Churns, Brantford Wind Mills and Gasoline En- gines. Pump repairing is promptly attended to. A call is solicited. / ] 3S7JR A men GUAM*; SCHOOL ELLIOTT. iin.l Clmrlos Strccl.fl, Toronto Opi'ii all yoir. Dmimiul for miv Ijraila I'i's iln- '!': : h,. I i,. i MX, t.-i'll 111 IV'l.-- liter c lh-il doul ',- 111 ii|'|i'y. 1'jiivr iv w. w ntu f.'l fll 1 [III lU-'l! ll-. W, J. F.I.UTrT. l'KIM'11-M. SPECIALS \ White flannelette Night gowns, special quality wide variety i>< styles and sizes, priced at $1.00 each. Silk and Pongee Blouses made in smart styles, Uvular ^J.i")0 for ......... ....................... $1 69. A. nuiuber of out ot -date furs iu brown or black just the tiling to trim your next winter coat or. make a spring set. To i-lertr at ........ ' ........... $1.50 each. A. E. HAW General Store Cash cream station. - CEYLON Store closes Tuea. and Frl. evening

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