Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1923, p. 1

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*..**. <tww /tatyerton Vol. 43 No. 46 Flesherton, Ontario, April 1 I, 1923 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors CEYLON There paused away early Sunday nr'niog, April 8 h, Miss Kithlean Mc- Donald, after only a week'i illrjesa from ham f liiure e m-td from the effects of tha flu. She was bom in Glenelg tii tie yv i r 1874 and was therefore 48 years old. She spent all her life in theae part;, miking her home with her brother Sindy tad family. She was of a (jaiefe acd kindly dispri':ticn, She leaves to mourn, her mother, two sittcri Mrs J. Cummin* cf Oshawa and Mrs Maior of Toronto ; and her brother, Sandy. The remains were takn to Piieille Tuesday afternoon and laid beside her fathar, who predeceased her 12 yeara ago, and a brother and sinter, who died in ni'inry Rev Mr Fowler conduoted the servie at the houie and assisted at the crave with Rev Mr Jones of Pricerilie. The casket 8th Line, Artemesia Another ex-resident of this, locality answered the last roll call on Thursday, April 5th, in the person of Mrs Wm Sai- geon of Collingwood. Her sudden death was a creat shock to h:r many friends and acquaintances here. Her maiden name wag Miss Rebecca Jane Hawkins. She was born on the 8th line where (he spent her girlhood days. She married Wm. Saigeon of Osprey township, and they moved to Mamtoui-.n Island where they spent the first twelve years of their married life. They next moved to Eu- genia then to Collingwood twp. where they farmed until 1908, when they moved nto Collingwood where they now reside. About ore and a half years ago Mrs. Saigeon had the misfortune to fall and as a result her hip bone was broken. Despite the doctor's aid and loving care she never regained her health again and wascjvered with be.utiful flower*. Much jwasunable to walk duringthcremaindcrof sympathy is extended the soirowing ones jher days. From that time onward she Mr Major of Toronto attended the [was gradually sinking and never com- plained, bearing her sufferings with great patience until she passed to her "Home Beyond.'' Her age was (54 yrs. Besides her loving husband, she leaves to mourn her loss four daughters and two sons viz -Eva(Mrs. D. McArthur) Hurry Mathewgm of Toronto spent > of Ravenna, Annie (Mrs. Cameron) of funeral of his sister-in law, Mias Kith- leeo McDonald, on Tuesday. Miss McPhail, M.P., returned 5Ion- diy to Ottawa afttr spendii g Easter at her home here. few days of tha pist week with his father Mrs J Cummins of Oshawa M visiting her brother. Sandy McDunald, who is ill. Juan Muir and Mart'n Murphy have Edmonton, Alta, Jennie(Mrs. A Fau'k- ner) Toronto ; .May, Mrs M. Mc.Master, Toronto; Phillip, Toronto, and Robt. in Northern Ontario, three brothers^ and She is survived by two sisters viz, Samuel, on the 8th line near r'ever- rjturned from visitins; friecdi at Calednn | s ham, Wm. on the Collingwood gravel Mrs Hoyden Gibaon and daughter, I Road, near Eugenia, .and Joseph on, the Helm, wliu spent Easter vacation with Owen Suund friend*?, returatd home on Saturday. May Sluii-, who sp.-nt Ewt r holid-ijs under the parental roof, has retun.id to her school duties at Peterborough. old Hawkins homestead on the 8th line ncar'Eugenia, Mrs. Jos. Sherwood in Eugenia and Mrs. Hvh. Ooupe, Saugcen Jet She was Mct'.'.odist in religion, j Interment took place to Collingwood ! Cemetery, there to await the glorious 1 resurrection. The Methodist Pastor H. Stone had the miafurtune to fail ofliciuted at the house and grave. There on Friday last and injure his ley. Tl e ' wcre many fl ora [ tributes from the fam- ductor was called. Ho was taken lo ily and other friends. We exter.d our Owen Sound to have an x ray tiamiue. sympathy to the family and relatives in tion ia order to asceitam '.he niture of their sad bereavement. the injury. James McMullen had wood bee on Mondiy. James Piltison of Toronto viiUd with friends here this week. Mrs Knoz is visiting friend* in I' - ronto. * Card o c Thanks There is one consolation when we successful, think that | "There is no link death Cdinot sever. Love and remembrance last forever." Building operations will be in full swing this summer 0:1 our line. .Messrs Chds Hanly and Wilfred McGce are erecting sheds, while Mr J Parsons is building u large barn. We are pleased to report .Mrs Oliver Turner, who has been confined to her Mr. F. W. Duncan and s ; ster, Mrs. bed for some tune, with heart and nerve I E. S. Penny, desire to convey their trouble, abic to tc up again. Mrs Tur- emcore uratitude to their many frient's ncr was critically ill and was attended for aympathy aud kind help in theft . b >' Dr Gu y and nursc Graham - recent bereavement. Edwin Purvis has gone to the city secure a position. to A HIGH GRADE SCHOOL LLIOTT Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Open all year. Demand for our graduates during the last six- teen months more th.U double our supp'y. Enter now, write for full particulars. W. J. ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL SPRING TERVi OPENS April 3rd, at thn OWEN SOUND Individual instructions in -ill ness subjects. CaUlogua free. C. A. FLEMING, F.O.A., Principal since 1881 . O. D. FLKMING, Secretary. PROTON STATION Visitors home over the holiday wtre Misses Mildred, C aruaud Mabel IJmiiie, .Gc.(tie Lyi-;.--. Jeau McCannel; Jack Hiuley, Edwiu tnd BIUCB Cide, all cf Toronto ; EJibh Consley, Reditkville ; Ruth Stewart, L< uiu.ugtun ; Emily Acb- eic'ii, Sudbury ; Maij :u- Acheson. Shel- burue ; Mary McCannel and Roberta Ache. on.'Dundiilk. i Archio Noilson, Toronto, renewed ac- ciuaintaiices in our ' u- -j last week. Mary Wyville, accompanied by Clarke KjiLiit Ilia holidays with friends in To- ronto. Dell Mclutyre ol 1'. - . . spout a few I days at the home of R i . Achaeou. A. Coo'j'e of Toronto speat the wetk end with MH.I Hitnnuh Roome, who is visiting her uiuilu-r hen;. Fred Hodgins visited friends in Oireu Sound. An eight yer old Durh-un boy walked from Dmhrn to Mount Forts*. THE Flesherton Insurance Agency Insurance effected in the soundest of tariff and non-tariff Canadian companies FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, GUARANTEE BONDS, Etc. Your enquiries will have our prompt attention. W. A. Armstrong, S. E. deCudmore, PROPRIETOR. AGENT. 'Phones : 13 and 25r3 office KIMBERLEY Jamea Mager of Markdale is renewing old acquaintances and is the guest rf Mr Wickens. The upper sawmill has sUrtad wi'.h a ! i 'i'! gang of men. A number of young nu-n of the vicln- j iiy have gone to Puwassan, among them , K ish R ii- and Allan Fergueun. Mrs Ktnnelh G ertnel and babe, of j thePuwvr House, spent Minday the' guest* of Mra Earl Dillon. J A Stuart and E irer Ellis made a business trip to Toronto last week. Fern Stuart, accompanied by Blanche Hammond, spent the werk enJ wild Mrs R Chard, Flesheiton. M;-s McMulIeo, MCH Jenkinx and dauzhier Mary returned to Toronto aftar a waek'a . i-i' with Mra S^uiit and Mr* Hnminond. Born (Jii April 9 h, to Mr and Mra John Hi..-, a daughter. Mr and M:. P .ewes are in Coliing- wood with their daughter, M p - C"l, who is i'l. Miijs Fluml of Thornbury is vinitifig her brother. EnZcl and Myrtle returned home with hui. The regular in :eting of lh<) I" F O was held in. Mood>y a' the home tf S S Hurritt. Toronto Line North Miss !.:..! Lever relunud lo her school at MoarcfielJ aft ;r f-p.-udiutf her Easter victtion *' I c- lu'inu here. CUM Stewart und daughter, Bessie, spent couple ol d.>yn with !' . .iMitm frie ids recently. Mis \V .1 Lever f Owvn Sound visited the p i.-t iv. ek with her daughter, Mra Kred Bio*n. , It i'',eit Riclurdai n spent the week red with liis v.-ti-r .11 i i.v t .i; ^ mi 1 Mrs Albert 8tew.irt bpant part of the pmt wet-It with her parents at Feversliam. Kred Ilus-itll and family moved last week to the farm which they bought recently from .Mr Clupmto. Mr nnd Mrs Ru'te'l wer ^D id llei^hllol8 whum wo *re suriy to lose hut wish thmi hwalth and prosperity in their new homo. Miss Ivn McN'jlly cf Por-.law vtaited her cousin, Mrs G Wickctm, receut'y. ROCK MILLS Su^ar umkiuR U the oidar of the day, ita a number tapptd Us week. William Hawkins received the sad news bat week of the doatk of bin filter, Mrs Ssigeou, at Collmgwood. We x- tenj our sympathy to the bereaytd relative* here. Little Kuby Akilt has been rwy ill anJ under the doctor's care. W h ,i soon lo hear of her recovery . Mr* Herb B ts and two children re- turned to iheir h ir.-> ou F riday after spending lh EaUr holidays with her grandparents. S i 1 . .'. *r and - : -. In line. Erni White lias been jutined hit bed fur H a..- uma. We hope he will recover BOOM. K in Kjbertson is assiatira Walter A - at , rr- -lit. Quite a number fcum here attended Sam Croft'* wuud bee and dance list week aud aM ipenk a j illy evening Geo Margrave and wife, W J Ch-trd and -:|.j attended a euchre pirly at CBCII M .--.-. ou Friday n ght. Lottie 1; i.iu-r . viaited recently with her sister, Mis Calvin B.jyco. We are pleed to lepurt Harold Fuber improving .f < i- a severe attack of flu. Victoria Corners Lower School Exams. New regulations urc announced in re- gard to the lower school examinations in the high schools to take effect this year. Pupils in attendance at any collegiate institute, high school or continuation school will be granted !owcr school standing for entrance into normal schools on the report of their principals. In onier to be entitled to credit in any subject a pupil in a collegiate institute, high school or continuation school shall have completed the prescribed course of stu'ly in that subject and shall have passed comprehensive tests conducted by the teacher of the subject, with a standing at least SO per cent, of the aggregate marks assigned to the subject in all the tests of the school year. We are pleased toagtiu oui.irat.iVe 'our debaters on their succ.a*. L.-t Monday evening a number of ii-ukii.le friends arrived ua the 435 train. Mr U u Aclieson biou^ht them to the home of Mr Will Murliu, wberu i ur !c.i{iie served th. in with supp?r, after which Mies Ada Aciieoop and Rus*;ll F*ttersou debated on the affirmative with Mitt I-'. . :.! 11- and Mias > . irj. I Uaikdale I ou the uvgUive. Our debitors iimi | their poiutx so intelligently that our inott j e 11 .; ' wish fur th-ir wu'fitri' i.- th it ihey i Duver b co- i' rich and N..V.- to strive | ax--in>-t such temptation. K -c.lv-. d that j R chess lead lo 1111 re ten idntiun than Poveriy. They- must M i-dly have chinijuil iheir minds lincu tlu evening that they so ably convinced Dundalk of the noiiiuive uf this oUlfinem . Vet we are pr< ud to liave young peopld among us who i i? iKjblu in nded enonqh to nee two sides to a (question, we arc t >ld tli.it too often .list ia what hinder* tiue great* ntjsj in m-iiiy pec pie. Th*y tin see on'y ouu aiclf, ai:d that covers the \isioo lo vory one else's view. MiiH Mry McOaunel, who h>a juat retnvned from Victoria Memorial Hospi- tal, Toronto, spent a few days j;h Mrs Lsckhatt Air Service For Toronto A few Jays ago a fifty-two foot mono- plane hove in sight near Toronto and landed at LeasiJe, with its five pas- sengers. It hud just down from Detroit in about three hours :md it is supposed to be the inauguration of an air craft service between Detroit and Toronto. '1 he plane is owned by the International Airways, Ltd. and the company thinks the time has come to develop a passenger and freight air service be- tween Chicago ana Ottawa. It is pro- posed to begin this service between .May 1st and 15th. They declare that they can sicure speed at 150 miles an hour, and the passenger fare will be but ten per crt. higher than railway and Pul- lman charges Machines are being built with a kind of sedau body which will be ab! to carry twelve passengers or 4,000 pounds of freight. It does seem strange that in Canada so far we have not been able to utilize the aeroplane for com- mercial purposes to any appreciab'c extent. Whether it is due to imperfect development of the aeroplane cr to our constitutional preference for terra flrma we cannot say, but until the monoplanes start with their twelve passengers we hall be slow to credit it as a possibility. We pre"sunie, however, that when once the airship has achieved popularity, it* extraordinary speed possibilities- will make it a great favorite for those .who like to travel fast Christian Guardian. A Miraculous Escape That a horse hitched to a cu.ici in a wild runaway could plunge rij,'it into another cutter occupied by a man, a woman mid their baby girl, pnas clar over the outHt and leave the thiee par- sons practically unhurt, seems more like liction than I'act ; yet that is ; ist what happened to Rev. Mr. Goacns, his wife and little daughter.- They were driving along the road :i short distance south of town, when, without a word or a sound of warning -bang ! they weio thrown clear ot their cutter and into the ditch' A runaway horse hitelieJ in a cutter came up behind and without swerving to right or left went tlear o v cr. Fortun- ately Mr. Cosen's cutter w:is over- turned and all three occupants thrown clear of the road On picku.;^ them- selves up the parents saw their little daughter, covered with wraps, of course, lying like an inaminatc bundle in the ditch. She was so quiet U.at they thought that th worst had happened, but when the mother picked her up, she just said: " Mamma did you get your two legs broken off ?" Such an unex- pected question relieved the tcntion of the situation and to the surprinc of :ill it was found no on* was seriously injured. It was an experience, however, which or.e would not care to venture on the chance of coming through unhurt Lveknow Sentinel. APRIL THE DIAMOND MONTH Those contemplating the purchase of a dia- mond will do well to take a look at the large selection which would be our pleasure to show you. Our prices compare with any of the large dia- mond houses of the city. W. A. Armstrong JEWELER and OPTICIAN Flesherton, Ont. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS DSUAL Funeral Direct) '} and ."rnbalraer, Phone Hillcrest 261 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance Seeds Seeds Seeds Our Seeds have just arrived. Now is the time to buy. DonX wait until you need them. We ha e the very best No. 1 seed all government tested consisting of : Rennie's Timothy, Mammoth Clover, Red Clover, Alsike and Alfalfa. We also handle Rennie's Garden and field seeds. All at the lowest prices. Be sure and see our seeds before you buy. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seed*, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, Ontario BREAD BREAD BREAD Try Finder's Bread, there's none better Buy your Groceries from us. A full line and fresh. PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, - Flesherton Armed with revolvers and weaijng muks, two meu entertd the Post Otli:e at Fesserton about uiue o'clock an Mon- day night, March 26-h. They ordered the youug irl in charge to keep quiet aud then gathered up all the money they tould find and alao 'lie postal notes. The actual money c-nly amounted to $45.00 and tba postal notes, which can- uo' be negotiated without detection, to IMO. REPAIRING as usual THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO

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