Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1923, p. 4

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April II, !1)2 THE PLESHEKTON ADVANCE when it's cooked by live steam in an SMP Savoy Cooker is better for you and tattles better, too! The inner boiler i* pit'iced with little hole* around the top, through which the steam penetrates. The live steam does the cooking. No need for tirrinjf. No scorch- ing. No trouble to clean, as there is no burnt or dried meal to scrape off. The Savoy Cooker is one of the most useful utensil* made. Aak for Try th<- dl>h in this AH* p ' : oat* teal p o r r i J t f. treirnt rt-rf. at'lim- d ojit'-r*. rorn, .'."- ' rhl. i rigoat. trrwm- "d ri(K>. nl a boat of othn. Thiv* flnuhet: Ptarl War*, two coat* of pearly >.- . i::.n..-l iiuid* and out. Diamond Ware, thre. roaU. light ''I'" 1 >nd whitr outaidr. while lininic. I'rv.ijl War*. thrr coat*, purr whiU iniirte and out. with Rural Blue edging. ""SHEET METAL PRODUCTS Cot^S? MOMTftEAi. TORONTO WINNIPEG VAMCOIMIP 158 THE Flesherton Advance W. H.THUltSTON !<lilTOB A GRADED LICENSE I The Durham Review points out the injustice of making automobile owners, who CJIM only use their cars a few months ot the year, pay as much fora license as the man who can use it for the whole twelve months, and suggests that the fet- drop a dollar a month for the first four months of the year at least, or tax on gasoline. This is certain- ly along the right line. The latter suggestion, however, would not be ! satisfactory, because gasoline is ex- tensively uved by others than car 1 owners. The graded scale v/ould b* the proper thing and is quite practicable. The Department ol Highways already recogni/c-s the principal by cutting the price in two lor a few months .it the tail end ol th year. A grading as suggested is th* correct thing, and a reform along this line should be granted. Sold in Fleshcrton by F. H. W. Hickling, ' W. Duncan, D. McKillop WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER MRS. MALAPROP A local exchange announces in a ,di*play heading, " Shrapnel suc- Icessfally distracted.'" Now what kind of a sergical operation coulil that have been ? We can under- stand a man being distracted while carrying around a dose of shrapnel, especially if it was of the bootleg brand, Jmt for an ordinary inanimate piece of metal shrapnel to brcome distracted is a new one on us. Our '* devil " declares that ''extracted was meant, but we don't know. WA.GON pcrhapt she poor editor had distrac- tion of the brain when he wrote out the headings. JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENl AGENT. FLESHERTON Suits That are Well-made The Kle&her.ton Tailor -Shop is the place to get suits that are well mado Every mit guaranteed to lit There is a large sel- ec.t.ion of new spring ami summer suitings to choose from ; Id I us show : li'-m to yon Prices that can't liij beaten, French Dry Cleaning If your suit <>r coat is soiled hand it to us for dry cleaning. It will look ;is good as over. Try it. T. C. BLAKELEY - Merchant Tailor THAT IS OUR AIM A friend ot. ours in one of the Department* at Ottawa writes '' I think you are improving your journal right along. It is one of tbe newsiest papers that comes under mv eve.'' The Cash System in stores wns tried out in Flesherton a few years ago, but was not|adhered tojjto the letter and so it fell through. By having a cash system a lot of ex- pense would be eliminated and cheaper goods would be the result. One item of expense to be set aside would be the sending ou,t 'of state- ments of Accounts every few months. A few weeks ago we sent out sev- eral hundred dollars' worth of subscription accounts, at a cost of three dollars for postage alone, each one not ;t large amount, but the aggregate loomed large to us. If a little more thought was enter- tained by subscriber* renewing every year a big expense account would be kept down for this office If you, dear reader, received one ot our accounts please attend to it at once and send ut the money. 1t will be a relief to you to know your subscription ; s dated ahead and a relief to us to have the money. \V need quite a large sum within the next month or so. oooo In a letter to the Durham Chron- icle of last issue a writer who signs himself " Another old Grit U.F.O." says that he voted against the Conservative government in the election of 1919, and further states he was sincere about it and hoped that better conditions on the farm would be the result, He was badly disappointed by the result and says that never again will he vote that way. We wonder if there would have been any difference in con- ditions if any other " party " had been in power the past few years. Of course Biggs h:is spent immense sums on road building and made taxes higher but that has nothing to do with the prices the farmer has received. Just what is at the bot- tom of the low prices seems to be a conundrum which is unsolvable and dissatisfaction -.nil reigns. . EDITORIAL NOTES \Ve wish to thank those who re- sponds to our subscription notices at'.cl tlicir promptness in replying is iippi'c.iated. There is still some seven hundred dollars owing us from those who have not responded. Think of il ! And ue need the money. o o o o The Karl of Carnarvon, discoverer ol the tomb' of Tutankhamen, died in Kgypt the resuli of a bite from an insect. Rumor has il that the insect was the spirit of King Ti ' asking vengeance for the disturb- ance ol an Egyptian King'. This will be- a good spiritualist. argument for a The New Superior Chevrolet $1235.00 $795. CO $1025. C The New Superior Chevrolet Sedan repre- sents the most sensational value in comfortable, economical transportation ever o He red to the Canadian public This New Superior Touring has all the ap- IM urances of a car selling lor very nnidi more money and its performance and riding qualities .still further strengthen this unusual value. The Utility Coupe is the world's lowest pric od quality closed car and fills with complete satisfaction the demand for such a type of car h demand whiih has never been adequately n e i . All the points of the Touring car apply with equal force to the New Superior Two-Passen- ger Roadster. In addition, duo to reduced ger capacity, its hiileage costs are lower. J730.O3 . Thec arc pri.ni delivered D. McTavish & Son FLEHERTON f What Is our Answer? Kin;;.i Hot, tli in C'eveUud JWUH inlurvie WL-I! by n reporter wliu Bikwli " I) . you think tliu wuild ,- neUiri: btttttir !" Will) ki-en and r. udy wil bio il itlivd '.-nk the answer, " Well, I ni I IT.: ull I CKU do tn '. .ike il lieittr. j \Vhnl iirt- you doiiij; >' Tliu PieUyteriim I fur i '* i.ot q'li-m inn for uunspipvr ! (jurtrrii alum*, ni.r prcrtchem. nor lay i-iMilriM in nur ct;iirchr. I' in (jumlii'ii f citiiiont In eiory p'.-iS' n R In' fitceii the '.en\ ren'ity if I fi* The Value of Advertising ( Farmers arc the least appreciative of the value of advertising of au> pro- ducer:*. Whenever a paper is consulted, column after column of advertisements will he found. Some of the most widily- rcad city dailies plai - this section on the front page. Advertising p:iys. Hut fanners never tell what they h:.v for sulo. Quite f c^ucntly neighbors require what other:, have a surplus of. Kight now scvcr.il inquiries have hern received at the Department oftices at Murkclalc for Seed Uarlty, Oats, Mammoth Clover i Home Grown Alfalfn, etc. Advice canr.ot be B' VCI1 where theie can be secured- Have you any for sale ? The lack of advc! using is seen in the selling of exports., Kvcry nation I us stencils attached t all their expoits showing the place from which the mat- erial originated. C:inadu h;u largely forgotten such action, consequently her products are not so well known because not advertising. SUM Maid Raisins and Sun-Kist Or- anges arc known nil over the world because the farmers of California adver- tise. \Vliy is it Canadi.in Turme^s will not tell the good qualities of their produce through the newspapers? Ball Club Annual Meeting The aii'iuitl n Ruling of I ha Kleiherlnu lii.rlull Glut) i I ho hiild i>f. thu .-ili.-,. of S. K deCudmore on Thwiidny evening of this week at 7 o'nli ck pin. ihnp. I. 't ovorybody who in iiueroitied in th(< well ii" of ilia olul) attend and hlp thinyN alonj. Somainiiiortanttiusiuf.ii hits to In- trtiuacUd mill a full atiendiinco is r. H'II-^'IM) A M|I oial invitation ia o\i . i;.l cd to in.' ml.iMH n! the Ceylon cluk. , Division Court Wat Held At*.h<) i'i i. o-i r n t !, i, i iicio ( .n Kii'liv lust ii DiiixU'k inn rlr, nt had Mtrn diMMK^init hint fnnn nholmlo housi'9 fg-te>;lii' si'vcnl l.utdreJ ilol- liiin. H>J i!id not |')io.r !u dtfi'iiil Ilicm. Aliln iii;li i liiri^.- t u nl rr ni CIM-S were liosril iliry tlul ii'.i t U,i> uji nu.li time anil 1 1" 1 lit' ni'".' "''' i - "!!H'Uti J in iliu f.i en on. I SPRING FURNITURE While you are attending to your . Spring house cleaning think about that old furniture you have wanted to replace. Our furniture prices are within reach of every one. Don't delay any longer ; buy now. We have a large and complete assortment which includes Dining Room, Bedroom, Living Room, Parlor and Kitchen Furniture. FLOWERS TO ORDER Flowers from the famous Dale Conservatories, Brampton, supplied for Weddings, Funerals or Social Events of any kind. Room Moulding Order your Room Moulding from us. Use it for your pictures wheu you clean tbe rooms this year. W. H. BUNT FUNERAL DIRECTOR and FURNITURE DEALER FLESHERTON, - ONT. Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men's and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Cleaning - Kepairing . Pressing All at lowest possible prices H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario Prepare for Housecleaning Jiuy Shenviu Williams Paints and Varnish "Docotint" that excellent and easily applied wall tinting that won't rub oft. Stovepipe rTnamel and Alhuniniun Paint. Old Dutch Enamel. I'.iir.t and Kalsumine brushes for every purpose and to suit every purse. Don't miss our brush bargain advertised elsewhere. A. E. HAW General Store Caah cream station. CEYLON Store closea Tuea. and Fri. evening GENUINE 100 p.c. PURE WHOLESOME BREAD Nothing added - - nothing taken from the Wheat Berry ! Possibly it is not goner- all) known that most - - SO CALLED WHOLE WHEAT BREAD in reality is not genuine, la practically all casus a proportion of certain Elements Es? sential to Health have been removed from the Hour even the so called wholewheat floU". Browns' 100 p.c. Pure Wholewheat Community Loaf Is a loal umrketnd at the request of a prom- inent medical man, desirous of having the genuine article for his patients. Wrapped lo ensure cleanliness, F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON - ' Phone 7 I I

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