Vol. 43 No. 47 Flesherton, Ontario, April 18, 1923 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors mmmmmmmmuammmmmmmmmmmmmmmxiKmsmmmits'smmmmsmmmmxmmmmmmmm m m Eugenia Correspondence Mrs Bell Died In California Mr Henry Williams received word the pin week from Miss Mariun Bell of Loa Angeles, California, that her mother, Mil James Bell, had passed on from (bit world on March 5'h. Mrs Bell his been a j) uicut sufferer for years froro spinal trouble, and although better at times, ihe has been afflicted for a number of years. Though of a reserved nature. Mrs Bell was a kind, food ueiqhbor, and dearly loved by all who kuew her. Mrs Bell came with her husband a numlci of years ago and settled on the farm now occupied by Mi Charles Turner, where her husband died, after which the disposed of tho farm to Mr Turner and moved into this villtge, where she i- sided until some 12 or 13 >ars agn.wben she went to live with her daughter, Marion, at Winnipeg, and later to Social Service Worker la the Suciel Events in the Globe of r cent date it was stated that Miss Jean Wright, oar energetic schoolmarm, was one of the guests at the Red Cross Re- c -j.it.' n held in the Social Service build- ing. Miss Wright attended some of the meetings of the National Council of Education while in Toronto during 1 Easter week and had the pleasure of listening to addresses ijiven by Sir Baden and Ldy Powell. Sir Michael Sadler is one of the directors of the Red Gross. Miss Wright is getting in some tine work here at tha school. PORTLAW The tnaplea have not been making a faat " run " lately, they had cmmht cold in their limbs. Mrs Robert Hill's frit m!- are sorry to hear that she is not regaining her health as f isi as *' all hopa for. Mia J W Bites returned to her home CEYLON Mrs Archie McPhatter of Oen Sound Seems as though j j s v M.I in- her sister, Mrs George Boyce who is very ill. Mrs W Beaton -ji :; f the week end with h- -. parents, Mr and Mrs D Harrow a* Owen Sounl Mixs Ruby Su.ue of Toronto spent the Former Eugenia Girl The sJ oews of the death in Toronto t Jtssie Armstrong, daughter cf Mrt>. "'*! Wallace Armstrong, ws received heie Jessie spent cuys here, g''iK with her Angeles, where she died. Mrs Bel! wsa ths , week wilh regret a faithful member of the Presbyterian! (, er schou j church and though away for so maryj mother , Toronto several years sgo who has the deepest syuiuathy of the com- munity In her nre.il loss ye.ir her contribution v .,< alnays eu joyed when there was any special ex- pense to meet, and her demise will be mourued by many warm friends here t Eugenia. Her memory will be cherislud by those who knew aud lored her best. She leaves to mourn her loss oue daugh- ter, Marion, cf Loa Angeles, and to whom our deepest sympathy is extended in the loss of a devoted in- i her. There were two sons Will, who predeceased his mother sonic, je irs ago, nud Robert, who made the supreme sacrifice in ,the great war. Winter still hit gj on and though Apiil is more than h il 1 goue sleigha Ivive I" i running this week. Here's hoping w.- may get a p'eivtant surprise some day soon and wake up to enj >y n really warm fuimhiuy day. [I'art of Eugenia could u>>t be ;>ut lu type this week but will appear next Ed Advance,] llsy Genne, Edffiu Purvi and Ken not li Luye have :aken positives in the city. W* are pleased to see so miny of t '!- nh-i wiTe "n ihe sick list .t>k- to te out aaiin Marjory Park, MM I'ar- I iimr.t ami U )ualas Morgui. 51 IN Adam Smith attended the funeral of h-.-r friend, Mis Duncan, at Flesher- tn l..st Tuetday. .Vlr Duncan WHS * nihter <>f Mr Clm.'e" Turner of this [>!.ice, an. I lived here foi a number of years in her early urirrifii life anJ ws* highly renpecteii by ill thuse with wlunir she oinio in coutHct. The news of her death came us a shock to the . n :iuuity Our deepest sympathy i.- extended to ilia l>ure*vi<l friends and in their sorrow. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McDontld and family with to i!, ink their friends an.) neighbors for their kindness and sympi- thy shown them through their rtc.-ut sickness and bereavement. SPUING TERM OPKXM April 3rd, at tho OWEN SOl'Nn Individual instructions in nil u-: ness subjects. C-iUloguu fret'. C. A. FLEMING. K.C.A , Principal since 1881 . G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. 8th Line, Artemesia In reporting the death of Mrs. \Vni. Saigeon.of Colltngwood last week, we statc-.l that there were three brothers instead of four, having omitted the name of Mr. Thos. Hawkins of Kimherlcy. \Ve are sorry tills error occurred, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gcno* have mov- ed into J. I\ Jamicson's house on this line. We wish them much happiness and success. Fred JatnicsorTs line housi' had a narrow escape from fire one day recently. As Mr. Janiicson was away Mr, Thee, Fcviuiek's help was secured and the flumes were extinguished. Cardo c Thanks Mrs. Aruistri'iij and fuu.i'y wish to thank friends and ne'ghbors Inr their kuiduees :id sympathy also the II >ral tributes during tht-.r sad t>revt?ment r SPRING j FURNITURE While you are attending to your Spring house cleaning think about that old furniture you have wanted to replace. Our furniture prices are within reach of every one. Don't delay any longer ; buy now. ^ We have a large and complete assortment which includes Dining Room, Bedroom, Living Room, Parlor and Kitchen Furniture. FLOWERS TO ORDER Flowers from the famous Dale Conservatories, Brampton, supplied for Weddings, Funerals or Social Events of any kind. Room Moulding Order your Room Moulding from us. Uao it fjr year pictures when yon clean the rooms this year. W. H. BUNT FUNERAL DIRECTOR and FURNITURE DEALER FLESHERTON, - ONT. in Torouto after visiting her mother and | week end nith brothers here. Rev Mr Wakc6ell ( r,Hch,l n able missionary sermon on Sunday last. The Epworth League is planning fur a social eveuing on Thursday night. Miss Florence Wh : .te, who is teaching at Feve-shaui, spent Eister holidays in Toronto. Mr and Mrs Albert Thompson spent some days with the Utter's brother at Mclnty re, who is ill. Another little girl i nlii ens the home of Mr and Mrs Lewis Bill. Miss Mabel Wilson is home for Some time from Stugeen .(unction. We are sorry to report- Miss Annie Wilson nn the s : ck list. Th m i- Fletcher lost two very tine c iws lately. Miss L>zzie Blakey has been quite il' tht- put three weeks W e all houe that ,l.c !iuy soon be. well again. ROCK MILLS Mnxwull, cousin, Walter ain w.th ...f O.ven H full Sound Fred O.-boii.e is visiting at prei-oi.t with his sister, Mrs Walter Russi-ll Calvin Boyou htd the misfortune to gut his hand badly cut in thj mil last week and it took five slucli- .3 ty clo/e the wound . Mil'ou Ke no.? uf Owen S.jund isspend- ins? a few weeks wilh hu sisler, Mrs S^m Phil ips. H'.bt L-iughlin is busy cuttiui; ivond with h'.s buzz siw. John Porteou- 1 , C NtWell and L-wis PcdUrmch h,id *-- iun been recently. Edith K'jbertsi n, < f th punt week wi;h htr Akitt, wife rtnd family The mill his sUrted J' Ring .f men. ,lns Prk is h Te it^Hin as snwyer. Saminie Fi>hor had a wood bee last r^ 11 : >y nod yuve a uirty in thu Thuro .i * Urge crowd present nixl hid A g'i'jd time. U 'In Ak i 1 1 clurrcd tion.a after \ i-i in; wilh hi i diugh'er iu Toronto. VANDELEUR Mr irid Mis Frank D.ivis went to Col- lingwood "!! dty Ust week to svu the UUer's sister, who i seriously ill. Mrs Dtv.s it rcni.ii;iin; f.<r a week. Harold Uicharusiiii nf \f esherton vis* ited his grandparents, Mr aud Mrs 1'rit- ch'trd, recently. Mrs S II liuchanaii in visiting her 'lh.-rrWisSmc.Uir, OHOU S,.ud The Women's I'isiitiitc will hi>H their m<. uthly meuting ;kt the h -im> .if Mrs H D McLuughiy i n Teursdiy, April 19. bur mother here am her fvh T wh.> is in the hos- p:il at Owen Souud. Mr. Stone's macy friends will be pleased ;<> laaru that he is douiK as well as could be expected. Mrs H ilcLenti of Priceville id vi-itiug her friend, Mrs D D McLiuchlao. Mrs .1 Ciiiiiinit s, who has been visit ing her mother, returced Saturday to her home .it Oahatv.i. Born Tu Mr Hiid Mr John McDou- 1>), liiujhter, April 'Jh. Cu tions. Mis A Hun-, 'n is spending a few dtys at M Ferstusun c. Wo are sorry t"> report Mrs FurguHon nut 1111 H"Vir^ as fast at her iimiy friend" wuld wi-hfor. Wilson McMu leu li id a . 1 bie on \Iondy .!': :i: "?i Mr J liaz'tjii icft the pist week to work on the hydro i:er W.sti.n. Il wss dvcidid Suiid.y slier evei ini{ service that Sundiiy, Apiil 2H;h, church service wuuia bo clmiiitd buck to 'j p m. On Friday evening last a into: mi- was held iu (he cluuc i r,> crgun;/, i a Young Peop'u's Society. VVe trust all w U uike ptit aud ;:. -i. it . success. all Victoria Corners FEVERSHAM Sugar null tig is the ixder of tha day .Mrs Win Davids"ii Jr in at present in tlie G and M ili.s-p'tal, Coiliniiwood, but hope M see her home ahrtly. Mr Uuruld Osbi'rne hd < vi-ry sue cessful sale rn Saturday U-;. ^M.-Ti H E rii'iinhury, T.ireice Moore and Bert C um left on Miui'Ky last for Detroit for the >uiuni i- M.-.s Uosie McGirr re'i v ltd .'n d iy !.M to la>r schoul *t 1' - : Cail' Mil Clnii Th"ijipsou >d Mrs llud*"U Sr rcc-jved ttie s i.l IILW week thit their C' u*in, Mr Win Sijei)D, huii pasted away iu Collini>o>id. Metsjrs BreiniuT and W Whitenak have taken "ver the l r everhrti Ga:a4.e wheru -ill rr.'ikeo or crM will l>e locke after ibis couiii g summer, (if Hiuurer ever o 'me*.) Jas McKeozio was a ileVg i o 1o ronto last eek. A goid intvtinp rporttd. Mon- John S llf-t Reforestation Miss Velroa VVni^eti of Bdihtl visited Mrs. Curl Atkinson a few d*ys U.st week. TUP Bpworth Lrnjue hold their next daliarn nn April 2:! d, " Uesolveil that Capital punishment shou'id bo Inistiono attiiiivilive, B-.-thol Tlu place of debate m^t yet decided. The winter seeun to have forgotten to leave us this year. PROTON STATION Mr own end Mr. Calo ia visitin-; iu Tor n.t'j. Mr McNilly has purchased from Ruthnfurd the lt-t adjoininu his property. Roberta Achesou spent ihe week with friends in C.>rbettfi>. Mrs Scnmiun'.r, Duuditlk, is s'nying wiih Mrs aud Miss Pnrk, Mr Hti.i Mis Vause hive returned from loronlo Mr< Vausu is much improved tn health exoept for bad cold. Mr and Mrs lUies aud baby, Maij-irio, visited in Orangevhllo. At the June session of trsc CJrcy County Council the matter of Bounty re- forestation is to be considi-i-d more seriously. The special ref.;cstatien committee with Deputy Kccve G. A. Bothwcll of Sydcnli.'im as its chairman, will have a concrete proposition to place before the council at that timr. Lust Saturday Mr. Botlnvcll. .Mr. (as. K. Kennan, chairman of the refores- tation committee of ihe Owen sound Board of trade, .Mr. Arthur H. Richard- son of the Ontario Dcpartme.it of Lands and Forests, aad Mr. 'I'. Stewart Cooper, agricultural representative for Grey County, ht-lJ u conference at Owen Sound. All four men were most enthusi- astic in the matter, .Mi-. Richardson tolJ of t :cc pl.u.s for reforestation : One by individual farmers, one of township' councils, and one by county councils Spc:ii,mg of the latter, Mr. Richardson described the work which had been done in Sirr.coc county. In that county, there is a large amount of lanJ suitable for the work, and the council secured a piece of land 1,000 acres in area in one block. This was turned over to the department and last Spring the work ofjplantmg began. A foreman was put in charge of the work. He lives in a house at the reforestation area. It is expected that the whole 1,000 acres will be planted in five years. L'jst year 60 acres were planted anJ it is hoped that '200 will be planted this year. Scotch. Norway anJ White Pine seed- lings, one foot high, are secured from the government nurseries at St. William, Norfolk county. This nursery turned out fourteen million trees last year. The cost of planting the trees varies Those hj h'liled th- mini's return n few weukg ago us. I he sure forerunuer ' trom ten to fifteen Collars per ac'c. of mild weather hive toen doomed to disappointment and Kl-rVre.it has more than likc'ly bd mviy rc^re'.M for hie buldaoss aud temcilly. A complete report on the matter, with sugii cst ' ons f r a 1 -''' "! " s to be present- ed by the county council committee. Owen Sound Sun-Times. APRIL THE DIAMOND MONTH Those contemplating the purchase of a dia- mond will do well to take a look at the large selection which would be our pleasure to show you. Our prices compare ! with any of the large dia- mond houses of the city. W. A. Armstrong JEWELER and OPTICIAN Flesherton, Ont. Bates Burial Co. BUSISE88 AS USUAL Funeral Direct) 3 and mbalnwr Phone Hillcrest 261 124 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance Seeds Seeds Seeds Our Seeds ha -e just arrived. Now is the time to buy. Don't wait until you need them. We he ve the very best No. 1 seed all government tested consisting of : Rennie's Timothy, Mammoth Clover, Red Clover, Alsike and Alfalfa. We also handle Rennie's Garden and field seeds. All at the lowest prices. Be sure and see our seeds before you buy. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario BREAD BREAD BREAD Try Finder's Bread, there's none better Buy your Groceries from us. A full line and fresh. PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, - Flesherton REPAIRING as usual -* * THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO I