Flesherton Advance, 18 Apr 1923, p. 4

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April 18, 1923 THE FLESHEBTON ADVANCE THE AHv H.THUKSTOX OUR 1-ORESTS A movement is under way to get our county councils to go in for a compaign of reforestation of arid and non-productive areas within the county, and the question will he brought up at the June session. In past years thi* country has given little heed to the vast dest- ruction of our torest growth and great quantities ol timber have been ruthlessly destroyed with nothought for the morrow. Now we are be- ginning to feel the pinch in enhan- ced prices for everything into which timber enters. Our acreages have been sold to timber companies who take out the marketable stuff and leave the refuse as food for forest fires. Lately we believe restric- tions have been placed on the operators with regard to caring for this refuse. The government has gone exten- sively into raising- seedlings for the reached full maturity are allowed 10 purpose of reforestation andsupplies be cut. The smallest limb or sti.-U these free to any person who will is carefully salvaged so that nothing 'inrroH pi an t and care for them. Mr. John may be lost, and reforestation h:is _^_^ Weber of the Kimberley Valley was been in vogue there for generations, a pioneer patriot here in this te- ; We are fully convinced that it spect, and Dr. Jamieson of Durham time our governments put soir.e has followed suit. A vast number . kind of a crimp on the lumber corn- of farmers in this county own a' panics, who strip the ground o few acres each of wast 3 land that' everything big enough for a saw to would be better under forest growth. ! bite. It is painful to witness I he These acreages should be planted destruction of baby limber now out to young trees. Tho.e who being worked up in our northen have maple covered areas should mills. This means utter destruc tion to our forest growth. It time that a standard of .size was i SEETHING INDIGNATION protect them in every way, and young plantations created. The white pine i.s a slow grower, re- for the cutting of timber . quiring from 50 to 100 years to ________ _ reach marketable si/e, while the maple will grow to a useful diam- eter in 40 or 50 years, and those An exciting time in the Legislal who plant maples in early life can u ' e on Wednesday of last \viek has be sure of reaping the advantage preciptated an election, to 1 themselves. It will be a matter of > n J llne - Mr - Casslcman, only a few years until all the maple '^r Duudas, charged that Premier o held M. r. in this district will be eaten up by the factories and sawmill. It would be well to think of the future. Kurope understands by severe experience the value ot our forest growth, and only trees WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON, ^kvvw^iv^.^wv^wviwy^Vi^wwvy^ Suits That are Well-made T he Kl esherton Tailor Shop ia the place to get suits that fire well made- Every suit guaranteed to fit Thcro is a largo sel- oction of new spring Drury had been flirting with the Reformers with a view to form- ing d Reform- 1'. F. O. coalition. The government Whip, Andrew Hicks of South Huron, it-signed his th'it have P O!> ''' on aru ^ ih'ew in his lot with Mr. Cassclman. Mr. Dairy was """*""""" charged by these men with being a I traitor to the t'.F.O. cause. Mr. Hicks, in his withdrawal, said, ' I now find it impossible to honorably follow my esteemed leader, Hon. I: . C. Drury, Premier of Ontario, any further,' 1 And his reasons : " Premier Drury has hid unds advisement certain definite plans for a fusion of the U.F.O. parts with a portion of the Liberal party Conferences have been held at difT erent times between Premier Drur\ and Liberal politicians, and th Premier chose to carry on these negotiations without the consent o knowledge of his followers. 1 ' Mr. Cassleman's charges were that the L'.F.O. Government hac been placed in power to practice economy and better the condition of the farming community. This had not been done. The above are serious charges and would not b< made without distinct knowledge ol their correctness, This wave of indignation is likely to have far-reachingconsequences how far, even the principal* con- curned remain in ignorance. 8uimner suitings to choose from ; let us show I hern to you Prices that can't 1m beaten. French Dry Cleaning If your suit or coat is soiled hand it to us for dry cleaning. It will look as good as over. Try it. T. C. BLAKELEY - Merchant Tailor A fellow townsman remarked _thc other day that if the weather keep* on as it has been for tlie past fw I weeks the 12th of Julj would have 1 to bt postponed for a month. It is clearly seen that the chp i.- nn Orangeman. o o o o U'e should suggest to Mr. Drury, I afi u last minute consideration, th..' < he appoint a commission to find oui before election tune whether he did joiu force* BANK 2 HAMILTON Fifty- first ANNUAL STA TEMENT TO FEBRUARY 28th, 1923 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Ralanca at credit of Profit and Loss Account, 2th February, 1922 $ il,S90.C Profit* for twalva month-* ended 28th Febru- ary, 1923, after deducting charge* of man- agement, interest accrued on deposits, rebate on current discounts, and making provi.ion for bad and doubtful debt* 797.S98.29 * I.OU.4M.M Disposed of * followi: - Quarterly Dtridamls, No.. 132. 133. 1M end 135 at rat* ot 11% pr annum To Pension Fund, Annual Assessment Provision for DoaninWn Government Tuas Including Tax on Bank Not. Circulation Reserved for Contingencies Balance of PreBta carried forward 21.W1.33 tt.CM.07 2M,tM.M 7S.7M.5f $ M14.4M.M TO THE PUBLIC: GENERAL STATEMENT 2Jth February, 1*23 LIABILITIES Notee of the Bank in Circulation _ _ ~ - Deposits not bearing interest _ $13,e42.7 Deposits bearing interest, including Intereet accrued to date of statement __ 4S,l44,ll.91 $ 4,7 F 5S7.W Balance* due to other Banks in Canada Balances due to Banks and Banking Correspondsnt* In the United Kined Balances due to Banks and Banking Correspondents slsewber* than in Canada and the Unites! Hi njdom Acceptances under Letters of Credit - ~ - TO THE SHAREHOLDERS! Capital Stock paid in Reserve Fund . Balance of Profits carried forv/ard Dividend No. 13S payable) 1st March, 1*23 . Former Dividends unpaid ASSETS Geld and Currant Coin Cold in Central Cold Dominion Government Notes Note, of other Banks . . Cheques on other Bank* Balances due by other Bank* in Cansrfe Balances due by Banks and Banking O 4ents in Ov. Knit .d Kingdom Balaicei due by Banks and Bo/iking Correspondents elsewnere thaui in Canada and the United Kingdom. Dominion and ProrinciaJ Government Securities, not exceeding market value Canadian Municipal Securities, and British. Forekfn and Colonial Public Seeuritisi other than Canadian Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks, not exceeding market value Call and Short Loans (ne>t eiceedin ( thirty days) in Canada, on Bonds, Debenture* and Stocks 7.M5.3M.M H.MC.374.7* S8.S05.M 453.15 413.025.73 1*5,9*7.07 S4 .3*3,983. 03 Sr9sM.MO.0 4,*60.000.aO 7C.79a.SI 15,00*.00 ws.oo 174.471. C30.il $ 929.9I7.M 7,MMeUi 47C.5S4.00 2,C*0.392.C4 SUfUM 39,040.05 392.045.52 I2.7Se.UM7 MUKetJl 3.017.3C3.91 Lean, to Cities, Towns. Municipalities, and School Districts .............................................................................. 3.210,947.74 Other Current Loans and Discount, in Canada (lees rebate of interest) ...................................................................... 3,SOO,17.CC Real Estate other than Bank Premises Overdue Debts, estimated loss provided for ........ ............. Bank Premises, at not more than cost. Use amounts written off ...................... Deposit with the Mini.ter of Finance for the purposes of the Circulation Fund. Liabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit as per contra Other Assets not included in the foregoing; ..................................................................... C*l,t.*7 3tO,IOC.S4 J. 3^0, 795-37 19S.tC7.07 4T7,lCt.41 $74.471. 30.<1 JOHN S, HF.NURIE. President. J. P. BELL. Csenrsl Manager. AUDITORS' REPORT uf lub-aections 19 and 20 uf section 5< of tbe Bsak Act. 151 X w* report In aecordanr-* with the pru . LS to the ' ' mit follows:- Wo bsvi- audited vhv above Hbn.-n Shwt and compared it with the booki aad vourben >t Brad OflJos and with Ih* certified return* from the K.-mchm Wv have obtained all the informative aad explanations cbat w have riui-cd. and x - of the opinion that the transaction* i the Baak which nan conar uider our notice have Lron ithuj the uowtrs uf tbe Bank. We have checked it. cash, and verified the iecur)ti<* representing tin inveotnrats . f the Bank, at it* Chief Offer and principal Branch** at a date other than that o( tbe verification st the Csjef OOct 01 the 28th o( Februtry. 19^3, and found that they wrrt in agrecnwiit with the rntriea in the books of the Bsak relating thereto. In our upiniun the Haisooe She*, is properly drawn up ao as to exhibit a true aad correct view of the state of the affairs yf tbe Bank according tu the be*t uf our information and the explanations givea tw ue, and as tthuwn by tlie beoks of the Bnk. IliuniUoa. Uth March. 19Z3. C. S. STOTT. F C.A. ol f. S. 3.-oit ft Co. E. S. RKA.D. r.A. uf (Jror-i A. Tourhe * Co. Audi tore with the Liberal, as Mr. Cassleman AUCTION SALES Fari savs he did nd which he savs he didn't. We want to know whether, to hung our harps on the did didn't branch of the political apple Auction s;iles couducU'd in business* or like HI tin;, 'L me ui .-xlni MiMiicy for the tree . o o o Proprivtur and Auctiunear aa well M better serried to the buying ^public. Fourteen year' tuccesr ful experience 150 aores biui; lot* 134x135 Con. 1 N T<&S U., alto lot 13S Con. 1 S W T A S R. On these pieai'M are one modern tulid brick huo 28x92, ooe bauk biro 50itij with itabliog, one barn iu conducting ihe various clage of saltn ' o.) ... lpl.OMIO.lD . portion to r,der tb. j 3 *'* W OD I"*"' "!>"* "bed 24i40; 1 he maple syrup season this yeut . lP ^-t io service, and n lout; nnd varied "'" "' 120 crs broke and iu good ttate has been an absolute failure thus! t<x >' t ' r ' BUCe in th * reirin R and ' II ' U 8 ' j of cultivation, jeuiaiuder nwmpy picture ^ ' Thi. f.rn or did not, threMten to The New Superior Chevrolet $1235.00; $795.00 $1025.00 Tlio New Superior Chevrolet Sedan ropre- swnts the most sensational value in comfortable, economical transportation ever ollerctl to the ( 'itntuiian public. This New Superior Touring has all the ap- pwirancos of a car selling for very much more money and its performance and riding qualities *till further strengthen this unusual valuo. The Utility Coupe is the world's lowest pric- ed quality closed car and fills with complete satisfaction the demand for such a type of car a demand which has never^been adequately met. All the points of the Touring ear apply with cquid force to the New Superior Two-Passen- ger Roadster. In addition, duo to reduced passenger capacity, its mileage costs are lower. $780.00 Thcae are pricen delivered D. McTavish & Son FLEHERTON far. One farmer with 700 tapped has only nnde 50 gallon*. A lotijj list of latinfied eostomeis M Still, the manufacturers should not our -tronnwt ricominendtien. get discouraged because the sea-! t*I ^'ui^t^r^riJ'*^ son may linger a! >ng until the first " " " ALllfclM, (apply to J. W- Davis, Mtrkdale R R 4, ol May. At least there is no dan-; Licensed Auctioneer jawbone SOrlS, or writ* theowoer, W. M. ger ol buds J interfering with the D*tes mede at The Advance uc.. D.vii, N. 8 Mwir Av , Toronto. flow for a few days. Old Uoreak' a> a asaaa 9 ....a..ea...>>....>..BiaaBB.a a a^^ has still got things well in hand, judging by the ueather of the past week. o n o o Hon. F. C. H'ggs is becoming a little more caul ious as the day of election approaches. The other day when a deleg ition waited on him for the purpose of securing what is known as the Blue Water Highway, he said he wanted more information as to the comntercial value of such a highway . Had he taken surh caution in (he past there would have been much less criti- cism, but he has been handing out everything asked for this long time, with a few feet and embellshments added, and his announcement must have come as a distinct shock to the 75 gentlemen who wanted to secure this lob-sided inducement for i auto travellers. Auction Sales John Ulack, lot 15, cou. 4, Osprey, will hold itn extensive auction sale of fniia Block, implement*) <nul furnituro on Tuouluy, Ai il 24th. 800 advt. I! v. F. U Fowler niU ho!d BII auoii >n of liuuiolvild furnituro this Saturday it', i ' l 21-t. J C Whi'.i-, l.,t 75, con. L' S An f inn , will lid : a,n i.u.'ii,,n tn\a i.l ,.M 1 iiii,,Y-ii,.|i: ,, ; , Thuro .' .\ , v.o.- I.I;IM K Ittlng .actioue r. To the Medical Pro- fession of - - From time to time jou have occasion to prescribe WHOLEWHEAT DIET for certain of your patients - - - WE BELIEVE IT IS IM- PORTANT THAT THEY GET EXACTLY THAT ! Browns' 100 p.c. Pure Wholewheat Community Bread is made from genuine 100 percent. Pure Wholewheat Flour, with a liberal quantity of other ingredients to make it thoroughly p-ilutable. F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON - ' Phone 7 :

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