Flesherton Advance, 18 Apr 1923, p. 5

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April 18, 1923 THE FLESHEBTON ADVANCE To Everywoman Missionary Anniversary HAS BEEN AWARDED THE DEGREE OF B. D. j^ ANY women lack savings accounts, i *** their surplus too trifling to bank. Small amounts, accumulated gradually, are your strength in an emergency. Standard Service welcomes small as well as large accounts. THE STANDARD BANK Or CANADA. 371 FLESHERTON BRANCH, - C. T. BATTY, Manager. Branche alao at Willuunaford and Holland Centre. Rov. F.G. Fowler Wai SueccMful In Securing Degree from Mani- toba College CANADIAN PACIF C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station Trains jllowa : Going South .- 05 a. m. 4.80p.m. The mails are School Report Flesherton High School FORM 1 Latin F MoPadden 100, M Stioiou Going North 11.52 a.m. 9.30p. m. oaea at Flesherton ta family," while Mrs. W. A. Armstrong anked and answered questions on Chrii- tian Stew%rdiihip. Mm. C. Blakely sang " A Perfect Day " very sweetly. Mrs, (Rev.) Fowler gave a reading in her own charming style entitled " Abaolutiun,'' and further .delighted her audience by singing " Ha will not let me fall." The President expreiwed her regret that Mrs. Fowler and family were so ,97, O Finder 96, R Cameron 96, R Smith \*o* to leave the villoge and fell thai 93. H Gibson 93, 8 McDonald 91. H j 8h *s voicing the sentiment of eitrj ' Blaokburn 90. M Watson 88, H Alla 8ber of the Auxiliary. J Lewis 88, L Boyd 86, ' Tha thankoffcrins amounted to 82, The Bister Uunkoffering meeting of tha Merhodidt Woroan'a Missionary So- ! ie'y wan hald in the church on Thursday ' last. A large number was present from Ilia Bxutiti Circle and the Presbyterian j Ai.nliary. Greeting ware brought j Rev. F. G. Fowler, who is about to fr..ir tha former by Mra. J, Latimer nd ( sever his connection with his congrega- irum the latter by Mrs. A. Tarnbull. ( tion here, has just received word that j Mrs. 11. Down read a leaflet entitled ! the degree of Bachelor of Divinity had j " An Eisier message," and Mrs. Wn. bcen conferred upon him by Manitoba; Miller " A thankoffering box in one" ' College. Winnipeg, at their annual Con- 1 vocation on April took as his subject Fowler a.; S o'clock. For morning train south ( ouul close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. Local Chaff Mrs. F. Vandueeii is in Toronto for a aouple of weeks. Mr. W. A Armitroug was in Toronto n business last week. The last skit ins; of Ihb season was held n Wednesday night U-t, April llth. Mrs. Geo. Goldsboreugh is visiting in Turooto thi week - Mrs Howard McCauley of Duudal* is visiting her parents here. ..o IIA,I>- i> Try an Advance "Smll Advt. It will pay you ; others have been satisfied, Form 1 G Bright, D Robinson. B wbyuotyuu? _ . .... _ _ , T _ English, J \\inieri, Deadiuan, I Ring, The movie show intended for Ust week ; H Stephen, A Long, U Ross. N Steph- was held Monday night, when a good 8n9( Q Morrison, M Campbell, N Mc- 88, L Lever 88 VThiatlethwaite84, T Wilaon 82, K FmdUy 79, I Lockhart 79, M McDonald 75, W White 74. M Duckett 69, P Lrga 69 il Richardson 62, T McDonald 27, Y McDonald arjd M Walters absent;. FORM 2 Luiu E Karris, U6, M Soott 90, E Ueutl-.Hin 92, H Inksler *2, U Fisher 71, S Bhckburn 66. FORM 3 Algebra P Latimer 97. E Oliver 9, E McLean 89, S Findlay 88, V Roberts 87, E Sprok 7L, D Nichol 04, M Moir ST, H McLeod 5, M Wkittaker 53, V Ma- Matter 47, A Dow 37, 1 Hincks S3, S Witters 30, L Cargoe 35, R WhltUker 0, J McLeod absent. Fcneh S* Whituker 75, U 75, P Latiiuer 55, Edgar Sprolt 50. FEVKUSHAM CON. SCHOOL The tbankoffcring amounted to over 172, which i slightly less than last year. A lunch was served ic the close of iha meeting to about 60 ladies. Death of frank Gerow Mesers. Georga Mitchall and B. Welton attended the funeral . i Mr. Frank Gerow at Brougham on Monday. Tha deceased gentlasaon was cousin of Mrs. Weiton and was about 48 years of age. Thrae years ago ae had a bad ab> tack of the flu and never fully recovered his health. Frank waa a member of hj Hiuh Falls Hunt Club for many yean and his general companionship will be very svlly missed by the other member* of the club. He was also a cousin of Mr. P. Munshaw. 4th. Mr. " Religious tion," and received Brat class standing HI the fifteen examinations required. The thesis which is the major require- ; ment for this degree was entitled " The I Life of St. Paul, told to Juniors. | Mr. Fowler is an honor graduate in J Arts of McGiil University, Montreal, and , holds a Specialist Certificate in History from that institution. He is also a graduate uf the Presbyterian College, Montreal, of the class of 1918. After hit graduation from the university he accepted the Principalship of the Dan- villc Academy, Quebec. Later he re- turned to complete his theological j course. He has also bcen closely con- nected with the Y.M.C.A. work. Dur- ; ing his theological course he taught . the night school of the Central Y.M.C. A. and also Mathematics in the Prepar- , atory classes of the Affiliated Theolog- | ical Collegas in Montreal. Mr. Fowler; eame to Flsherton three years ago. He < intends continuing the course in Relig ioua Education in the neat future. Hardware Department Just arrived a large consignment of Paints, Oils and Glass. PAINTS 100 p.c. pure Martin Senour Paint. Floor Paint, Wood Lac Stain Carriage Paint, Auto Enamel in all colours Auto Varnish, Aluminum Paint White, Grey aud Ivory Enamel for Furniture. Auto Top Dressing Raw, Boiled and Turpentine Oil Furniture Varnish, Marble and Floor Varnisli WINDOW SHADES "'- liiven and Cream shades. WALLPAPER A special order book of wallpaper, besides a large supply in stock. EGGS : Cash 27.-., Trade 28c. F. G. RARSTEDT FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO BORN BUCHANAN in ArtenitmU on Mnn. diy, April 2 h, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan, a sun. THOS. DELASEY, Barrister, Solic- itor, NuUry Public. Office Artley Block, Mark-dale, Out. 'Ben Hur" Here on Monday A HIGH GRADE SCHOOL crowd ws iu attendance. Mrs. W. i.i. Duncan, who has beeo visiting her lister, Mr*. Jo. Duncan, has returned to her home in Toronto. Mm. .W W, Miller entertained a number of young married women of the lawu to a U Saturday afteinoou in honor of Mrs. Oeo. QoltUborounh. Kjown. Form 2 B Hawkios, A M uri.i u, J Beatty, Hawton, A Henderson, J Fletcher, R Miu Nickawa Coming Tha Tux is Square of ihe Methoiisjt church ar buldme a conoert iu the ohuroh nxt M i: ! iy evening, A| i,l 23, when Cpt. Rev. A. D. Robb will gi bia dramitic recital of Ben Hur- Every bod; ha* hoard of this book and to hear it _;" iu a dramatic way will be a treat that no oue should miss. A bio; rowd is expected to (ill the seating capacity of the eburch. fonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Open all year. Demand for our graduates during the laat six* teen month* more that double nur supply. Enter now, write for full particulars. W. J. ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL HENDERSON'S STORE Cream -:- BRING ALONG YOUR CREAM WE ARE PAYING THE Cans supplied PRICE Mrs. R. H. Henderson FEVERSHAM, - ONT. Mr. D. McKillop is fatting up appartf xuuU above hi* hardware itore for Mr. Jobn Fawcetk, who eipeeti to move in in a couple of weeks. Town Received Rebate The local Hydro Com. has recuired notice of a credit cf $740.00 from head- quarters ia Toronto. Sooie time CRO wa were given to understand that Iha rebate on account of overcharge would amount to about $1500, bue on second thought this was cut as near the middle as possible. It is fortuaite that rt ceuta was added otherwise we might be sui- plcious that they simply lumped it. Anyway, we are lucky to get as much a w did. Mus Frances Niukawa, (be talented . ! Indian gitl reoiter and singer, has been ; engaged by tha Methodist ehoir for I concert here on Wednesday, May >h. j Tim will be ona of the raiest treat* wa \ havd bad in Fleshecton for scuie time. The Birchday tea of fche W. I , which i g , t |, , England and Canada her tone j was to have been held this Friday ei h ls t, eeu something of a triumphal march. ; Ing in the high school, has been post- j g|j e WM born at York Factory OB Hud poned indaoaitely. , 8on EHy, and educated at XaUon House, j Mrs. Ouldsborougb's Infmut son was biueii on the forehead by a dog Tuesday, 'It required three stitches to cloae the wound. BoiersoD Bellamy hl(>d Henry Ford to reach a new production record reototly when be bought one of Heury'i oats from H. Down <& Sons, who have dis- posed of qtiite a nuiaber this year. Mr. Jas. Fisher i taking up his resi- dence in the Baptist parsonage aud Mr. Bodd'a Stewart of the west back line will move to (h home vacated by Mr. Pishar. A littl* thought given by people to toad mkti and uot take heavy lomds when tbs frost is coming out; of tba> (louad, will help ko kep the roid a good oue. If that rule was adhered to uiain tioaaoe would not sost su much . Tha Hick Company have had Mr. Btllerby drilling for some time. He iulahed the contrast on Thursday last aud at a dsplb of 1(0 feet aeouted a spleu- 4id flow of water, which will be sufficient for all requirements. Tfee Ontario Motor League has issued a new road nap for Ontario, which also oirtiUins a big amount of iulotmatioD regarding dUtancei, cuitouisaud licensee, ate. The good roadi are traced In red nd two degtess of common roads in h* vy and light blak . The price is 50c. The Advance is informed that there is mysterious mortality among young -pigs in this district which has probably swept away hundreds of baby purki o > this epring. Many farmers have lost their wholn litters a few hours after birth. Mrs. Frank VanDusen and two Jiughtois, of Toronto, Grace and Ruth, arrived last wek to take up their resi- dence with Mrs. Van Ddsen Sr., and will remain for tha summer. Both of tha yoHDg ladies are attending high school here. Dundilk had a coetly fire on Friday last, when the general store of Morgan % Oo. was gutted and near by properties suffered some damage. The bnildirg was A mass of flames inside when the fire was that discovered. Tlic 1 ... is about fin, 000, partially insured. Mr. Andrew Gilcbrist niul fmrly moved into i h house purchased frcin W. W. Trimble somo time ago on To- ronto Sttest. Mr. Trimble- has fitted up rooms in Tho*. 'JUy ton's blrck, tut Mi. Trimble has beeu unnbh to bo moved up -it the present. :: :*;:*:>:>: Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men's and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Cleaning Repairing Pressing All at lowest possible prices H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, x - Ontario Full Line of Hardware For All Purposes .V.V.V.%V Nails, Glass and Other Materials Now is the time to buy .V.V.W.V PUMPS, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS. WASHING MACHINES, PAILS and GRANITE WARE. D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario Prepare for Housecleaning Buy Sherwiu Williams Paints and Varnish "Docotint" that excellent and easily applied wall tinting that won't rub oft. StOTepipe riaamel and Allumiuum Paint. Old Dutch Enamel. Paint and Kalsomine brushes for every purpose and to suit every purae. Don't miss our brush bargain advertised elsewhere. A. E. HAW General Store Cash cream station. CEYLON Store closes Tucs. and Fri. Averting THE Flesherton Insurance Agency Insurance effected in the soundest of tariff and non-tariff Canadian companies FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, GUARANTEE BONDS, Etc. Your enquiries will have our prompt attention. W. A. Armstrong, S. E. deCudmore, PROPRIETOR. AGENT. 'Phones : 13 and 2.1 r!> u SPRING MILLINERY New trimmings, Flowers and shapes arriving this week. Something entirely new in trimmed millinery every day. Floor Coverings FLOOR OIL CLOTHS Yard, yard aud a half and -2 yards wide in the new season's designs, 5Sc. per square yard. LINOLEUMS- 4 yds. wide, good variety of new patterns at .$3.75 per sq. yd. CONGOLEUM SQUARES New Spring patterns, 9x12 $!8, 9xJ(H $15.75, 9 x9 $18.25. 9x 7^ $11.75. New Draperies to Brighten Your Home Chintz and Cretonnes, Bungalow Nets, Plain Marquisettes, Madras Muslius, Art Sateens, Furniture Damasks, Curtain Scrim. Curtain Poles, Laoe Curtains. Brandram- Henderson Prepared Paints China Lac Floor Varnish Floor Paints Porch Paints Linoleum Varnish Turpentine Raw and Boiled Oils Paint Brushes House Cleaning Time We are ready with every- thing you need at this busy season. Wall Papers Our selection of New Papers for Spring is larger and bettef than ever and the prices are quite moderate. There are a few room lots of last season's patterns selling at a substantial reduction- some at half price. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO

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