Flesherton Advance, 9 May 1923, p. 1

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Vol. 43 No. Flesherton, Ontario, May 9, 1923 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors Eugenia Correspondence Mrs. J. Latimer Passes Away In Toronto Mrs I.-i i.i.t r, whose death was au- nounced lasl week, had been in failing health fur the past few months and had gone to the city to receive medical treatment, when pneumonia was con- Farewell To Pastor On Wednesday of last week fter the regular prajer meeting the congregation f the Presbyterian church spent it .- .. i.ii time together previous to their pastor s removal from among as Duricg the ourse of the evening Mr and Mrs Fow- ler were presented with a n ce'y framed traded and after a few hours' illness she address accompanied by ;i passed away to the great beyoni The reiuaini were brought home ou Tuesday evening train, the funeral taliirg place fri.ni her late home on Wednesday art r- noon t ' Salem cemetery, when a targe number of friend* and neighbors were present lo pay their last respects to one who has l ways been a friend in Jneed, a gnod neighbor. Mrs La'imer WAS a coil eistent member of the Methodist church and since union here has a! way* attended purse On was rilled, Sunday morning the church when the last of many profitable mes- sages was given by the pastoi . whose p'ace will tru y be hard to fi 1 and whose remora! has caused a g-eat void in the hearts of not on'y the immediate mom bevs of the congregation but the com- munity as a who'e. Henry Willitnu, Thos McKe, Alex Carruthets and A'ex Cameron will ac- company Mr Fowler to Presbytery this service when health would permit Revj TuesJay, when Mr Cameron will present Fowler took charge of the service "both 1 a letter io, connection with Mr Fow'er's at hous and grave, speaking very im-| work whi'e here, signed by members and pressively. Besides her husband there adherents of t'e church, and which will re left to uiourn the Ks* of a devoted | gj to show in a SUM I way our ,-tpprecia* mother, Mrs Frzell (CUra) of B 'gnor, tiou of services rendered by the pastor Weley of Bsrrie and Pearl at hoie j and go jd wurk we'.l done . It is t he There are a'so three brothers and five wish of everyone that ;it s juie later date is ers surviving Mrs Latiuier's miidenj we tuny bo ab'e to have Mr Fowler with name was SophrooU Sounder*. The U s ag-iiu, and as he leaves he carries with him the best wishes of the entire com munity fur suejess in 'whatever iin- of p-ill bearers were Messrs Friwu, Oiji- stead, -Suth iliiul. McLaughlm, Hamill and S uiiri. i - The rlorrtl tribates were beautiful in- deed, being a cross from ih* fitm ly, a wreath from brothers and sist rs. wreath from Heh<rt>i high school teachers nnd pupilt). wreath from the c nmuiuity. spray from Clara, rpray from Mrs Jam iesmi and daughter, spray from Mr J H Jamieson, cpry from Mrs Ylunsluw and Mr- Large. Those attending the funeral from a distance were : Mrs J H Jamie- ion, Toronto : Mr aud Mis Frizell, Bog- uor . Mr and Mrs Dun'op, Griorsvil'.e ; Mr Mill Mr-i Alex Johnson .tnd Kir Petch, Griersvi le : S Saunders, brother, and her sisters and their husbands ; Mr and Mrs (.)' instead, Walters Ful's work he underciikes Arbor Day Observed A L '! Day was a busy one at the SCULO: as usua 1 , when the interior nf the schixji VMS to ishud, flower beds made and after a'l the work was comp'eted the chi ihi-ii enjoyed lefreshiuent* t the hands of some of the mothers and tc.i.'h v , ..tier which the u.-ua' h.i f ho iday was granted. Will Walker has purc'ias -1 a new cur M. Marks is visiting itt present with Mr i Mr and Mrs Sherwood. and Mrs Haiuiil, Mr and Mrs \lcl.iu.h- lit), Mr and Mrs W Suther and. wi'h friends at Wyebridge Mr:itid Mrs Ern Morgan vi.-ited with friends t Kimber'ey the past week. Edgur Sprott of Fleahurtoa high school spent the week eud at F 1'ed in ^. . .' Miss Ketta Latimer and Ern Proctor Miss Jean Wright spent the week end .. , , , visited menus 'U Kimuerley recently, 'h friends at Wyebridge uud L uiva.e J E Large of Westoti apent the week end with his family here. , Thomas Howard :. is removed hie A Tuohy aud fami y of Me iford spent f allli y t<1 O wen Sound, where the boys a day recent y nfc the homo of A Hoy. | have , ocuroa pos i t j tl|18 for t h e summer. Mr J Latimer, Wes'oy, Peurl and Mrs ; \v t . ;m , sorry to report Mr Wu'lington J Jamieson spent Jhe week eud with the tjmlmm not so well auain but hope soon former's daughter, Mrs Frize'.l.iit Bogno" to hear of his con.p'ete recovery Stores will bo closed on Tuesday and' Geo aii'l Card Gruh un aud Miss Jean Friday t-veuiugs during the summer spent ; few days at Thorubury recen 1 y mouths, couiineuciug this week. 'the guests of Mr aud Mrs Tims llugg.-ud Thefurme:* of our community are! Miss Dell Wilson of I'rUoo, Eirl Grii- l)usy with theiuseeding and another week hum of Eppiug and Roy McMillan of fine weather will see completed. it pretty we 1 f Maikda'e, wio guests ut Mrs Wilson's the pa>t week Feversham Overdoing Taxation BORN On Friday, May 4, to Mr and Mm Wui Monachal', bill line, Osi>r?y, a iltutchter. ll\u!i Davids >n ct ih.' Collinnwoid C C 1, sp-i't the week eud wiih Jlr and Mr* A J Ciuroii. Thrw Davidson, wife and family, Hugh citizens of Manitoba pays an income tux D*vidon of Toronto, were c^llri* over' to the Dominion, another to the muni- the week end. i cipality, and still another to the province. The ladies' Orange Lodge intend hold> ' ln ^d'tion he pays a sales tax. a tariff tax, excise t.ivs, stamp taxes taxeF, and a tax on receipts. The question arises, where is all taxation going to end? Not all the f* j t TL. T provinces have income taxes ; but what Card of Thanks guJhintec is! there that they will not icsort to them ? None whatever. Ot We desire to thank our neiuhbnra aiul the contrary, the era of squandcrmania ini; * garden parly Fndy, June 1st. How about a little Radi > fora change; goes all right eh ! (From the Ottawa Journal) Manitoba has introduced a provincial ' income tax. Jt provides for a tax rang- ' ing from one per cent, on taxable in- comes of 81,000 to seven per cent, on incomes of S13, 000 and over. Thus, the cheque friends for tots of kindness and * thy durlua tb illneas and death ' our dear wife and mother, v ' Jonathan Lttimer nd of SPRING TERM OPENS April 3rd, at the OWEN SOUND Individual iWruetioot in all bu3i- ness subjects. Catl^jU4 free. C. A. FLEMING. F.QA , Principal since 1&S1 . Q. D. FLEMING, Secretary would seem to make it imperative that heavier taxes are to come. As it is, taxation in Canada is as heavy as in any country in the world. Statisfics show Britain's taxation to be heavier per capita. But* the British figures lump local taxation with national taxation, while Canadian figures cover the fedcia levy alone- If municipal and provincia tolls were i.icluded, we venture the as serf ion that they would reveal the Can- adian citizens carrying as heavy a bur- den as his Brother brother. Something has got to be done. Other, wise this country will become so paraly- zed by tazation that capital will flee from it as from a plague, industry will wither, immigration will fall off, and the Dom- inion's prosperity will be retarded for generations to come. PORTLAW Too Late Last Week Mr I H Watson received lately the sad news from Deseronto of the death of his eldest brother, Mr James E Wat- son, and attended the funeral, which took place a week ago Sunday. The deceased was born in V'aughan township and came with his parents when two years of age to th s neighborhood, where he grew to manhood and continued to reside for a number of years He aft- erwards engaged in shoernaking at Des- eronto where he Conducted a business. In early life he responded to the cali of a higher lite and united with the Baptist church of which he was a faithful mem* ber. His wife and a family of four, and besides his brother here, his brother William, of the West, and a sister, Mrs Beattieof Osprey, survive. To all the relatives we extend sincere sympathy. Mrs Robert Hill continues i- a weak state. A trained nurse is in attendance and all hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs David Jamieson anj two children left to join her husband in their new home in Toronto last week. Mr Thomas Fletcher bought last week from Mr Richard Allen 29 head of young cattle. Mrs J VV Bates of Toronto is visiting with her mother here. The League elected officers at their aat meeting' as follows : President, Robert Taylor ; Vice Presidents, Con- servation E Cornfield, Missionaiy Roy White, Social and Literary Miss Eliza- jeth Thompson,*t*ti2cnship T R Mc- Kenzte ; Organist, Miss Vina Watson ; Sec Treas, Miss Iva McNally. Rev \lr \VakefielJ conducted service n the morning and cven'ng last SunJay Breaching two ab'e sermons. After the evening service a number of appoint- ments were made to the Trustee Board and the Sunday school was reorganized tvith Mrs Thomas Taylor again as Superintendent and the same teachers and officers as last term. Dept. Of Agriculture Hie Department of Agriculture, Mark- dale, has just received the following communication from the Industrial and Development Council of Cunadian Mo-it Packers ; -" As a matter of much urg- ancy this Council has to issue a special warning to farmers to have all their male lambs intended for market docked anU castrated this spring without ail. The conditions described devel- oped recently with great rapliity." For the past two years the Provincial Department of Agriculture, Markdaic. in connection with the Dominion De- partment of Agriculture, Ottawa, have Occn insisting upon farmers to castrate their lambs. The necessity has arisen because of the decreasing demands for Canadian Iamb on Canadian markets due to injifferent quality of this meat which was soM. Sheep raisers \xho have the welfare of their industry at heart will recognize in the rcvjuest the first murmurings for the saic of mutton on the graded basis we wcuM therefore in sounding this warning make an ap- peal to all the farmers to get busy and have all Iambs prof crly looKcJ after this spring. In your own interest ue believe it would pay you financially every time. Regarding the marketing of these lambs which are properly looked after the Department of Agriculture, .Maik- dalc, will undertake to have special Salesmen on the Toronto Stock Yards tor their carload or part of carload winch are shipped to Toronto. \\'c arc here to help you in ull matters pertaining to this kinj. We would request earnestly that you make use of that availab'e service, which is rendered free of charge. The Wool Market Thcfol'owing is a clipping from the Canadian farmer. It is worth reading. " The wool market hasUitiirn a decided upward swing^)f late aiul prospects ap- pear brighter than has been the case for the past several years. This Ad- Aanccd price is all the more gratifying when an analysis of the situation shows that the demand is in no way rlcticious but is the result of the age old law of supply anj demand. The position of the wool market today is sound, prcek are far advanced from the depressed law of the past few years and considerably better than the ruling prices just prior to the World War in 1914. Consump- tion is ahead of production and as long as that situation remains true, the market for wool continues to the good." CEYLON Miss Margo Oge of Owen Souni', who ha* been viiiting her aunt, Mr< R:>yden Gtbeoo, I.H returned hum . Mrs HcWillmniM and littie son, Char- ley, spent i he [-.- eek visiting her aister m Pi of on. Mr and Mrs Ed*ard Sargent, sr, who hi vi- been visiuog their ion, James, hare for week have returned to their hvme in Owen Sound. Mra Kessiok of Toronto is MS;:.:., her daughter, Mrs R ydcn G.bsoo. Archie McMul en spent the week end at his home her, returning to Owt'ii Sound Monday. Mra Dixrer and eon, SJervyn, and Mrs Scnbia of Collingwcod motored over the ti rut of fie week and vUired hir sis'er, Mrs Ferguson, *ho is ill, tut who, we ra glad to reuort, is improvirg. Tne Youo Ptf^p'e heli tbeir m.'ciin! Frid*y evening when very pU-i^iiig program was given with J C McMullen in i he chair. The program cor.s stud of :t "I etch l>y K Whir ,k.T, * huurirous reading by Lollie Whiitaker. a sulo by L> L. i a McDonald, duel i y V, . ^. -i. and Jeauecie McL^od, na lecitition liy Binoche Geooe. A' ti:e close the Blue*, who tucceeded in jetc n.; the most mem- bers to join, were Created 67 the Rid* to an all day sucker each Every b i'y is elcjoie to thae mejiines. ab'l Th.t'iiuleau <>f Miriitialu the wetk end with her cumins, Stewart and Hnzel McLeod. ROCK MILLS Hev. Mr V, se (.reached a fine eeruiou on SuuJiy even ug. and ii'fo delighted the and ene with a beautifully rendered solo. Mrs Lev. lVi> has been laid up with a bd cold. \Ve hope tu ae* her out soon. Ned Croft, wife and sun, viaiitd with relatives at Fevernham Thos Belts anJ. wifu \ isiud with f ri-i;ii - ut Protun. Mnrall Belts spent the ... k end at hit home here. Arhor Day was observed uu Friday at ihe school, aud the childreu mule a nroi prvvcuieiit i n the gruuuds by clebuing tb 'Ui up nod pUuiiDg fluwer> etc. and the work ws oouip'eted by noon, nh.'n ouie of the older <>HKS i>alhei>.d and pce- p:red lunch. There were :ibi '.: X> pres- ent, and all had a good time. The afternoon vans tp. nt playing baseball. At the close, the lencluT, Mis McL-an, treated everybody to plenty delici(<U8 honiein'ide oanJy Tn i H.'it- s the iirst to t. ii-h seed- ing aruund here, eu<i a gieat n my t.f the turners will titiish m a few il^y-. U i ( Liu^'.im, aud sun, An. v suet! with the f.i.ns-'i s in hir at K. vi-r^h.ioi. Sir>h White visi'ed der t'undiiy at her homo heie. vVes Smi h retuiueJ te IK >;<;dits ut ihe N L? Coilegt-, nen Sound, fier !>MMtiu<it home with the seetim^ for a VANDELELR Mr y Heiu|.'lii)l aiul f uni'y . ; > y.u visited lejoiu'y w th J W, ring Ld family, Mrs Will Buch titan and l.Ule SOD, Noftnu, have tine tu t! eir ii<-w home at K'i5 p u House, Mu>kuka, after C"U(j!e ot week.H with frunds lieie. W U Oriham and ife and Miga Eva I! r,i t of Mirkdiile visited with the formoi'n parents, Mr and MiB.I T L>ra- hani Mrs Jon BucliHii in hs goii" to U >b> ea>^con to visit with friends. Am 08 Smith, wife and little fan of Meaford .s^ent a dity wnh S l>>!brt and wile. Mrs Will Johnston pent a week with her parents, Mr and Mm Wiley of Owen Sound. Mr Butt of iu-rii Souud occupied the pulpil in thd church here . oo 8*od*f afteinocu owing 10 illovis of the pator, R Ok*. 12th of July In Flesherton Two Georgetown summoned to cuuit 1922 marker* auto owners were recently fur uting Fiepaiat'on* are going right ahead to i make this coming Twtlfih of July a gala ' day in the bittory of Fleiherton. There j is to be something doing all day and a ' tii- 1 cla9 concert will be given at nigh:. ! A number of lodges have already tigoifitxl their intention of coming to PUthertpti and no douVt there will be a score vr more in the parade. APRIL THE DIAMOND MONTH Those contemplating the purchase of a dia-j mond will do well to j take a look at the large selection which would ! b'e our pleasure to show ! you. Our prices compare with any of the large dia- mond houses of the city. W, A. Armstrong JEWELER and OPTICIAN Flesherton, Ont. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Direct c and iJinbalmer, Phone Hillcrest 261 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance Seeds Seeds Seeds Our Seeds have just arrived. Now is the time to buy. Don't wait until you need them. We have the very best No. I seed all government tested consisting of : Rennie's Timothy, Mammoth Clover, Red Clover, Alsike and Alfalfa. We also handle Rennie's Garden and field seeds. All at the lowest prices. Be sure and see our seeds before you buy. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Secda, Groceriea and Confectionery Flesherton, Ontario F. FINDER FLESHERTON BAKERY Our quality of Bread is the best to be found anywhere. BREAD DELIVERED Bread and Buns delivered anywhere in the town. Phone,us your order. PHONE 8 Patronize your home industry. .i REPAIRING as usual THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTAR IO **> *** !*!!*!?? ** *}*"" StttSU tt?'*"!!}!;?!!!!?! 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